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《Game of Thrones Season 7》 Summ

Daenerys Targaryen, the Mother of Dragons, finally embarked on a journey to the West with her alliance of Unsullied, Dothraki and part of the Iron Islands' army, as well as three extremely threatening dragons.Stroll's journey.The newly appointed Hand of the King, Tyrion Lannister, fights alongside her, facing the unknowns and challenges ahead together.

At the same time, in the far north, Jon Snow was resurrected by Melisandre, the priest of the Lord of Light, after experiencing the test of life and death.He completely defeated Ramsay Bolton in the “Battle of the Bastards”, consolidating his position in the North.After returning to Winterfell, as the King of the North, he shoulders the important responsibility of protecting this land and its people.

However, the situation in Westeros remains volatile.Cersei Lannister of King's Landing succeeded in occupying the Iron Throne after burning the High Sparrow and other enemies.However, her victory did not bring peace and tranquility, but instead intensified the struggle for power and internal strife.

What's even more serious is that the Night King in the north is gradually becoming the deadliest threat to Westeros.He leads an army of dead men, preparing to destroy the Great Wall of Despair in the north and invade south.The power of this legion is extremely powerful, enough to break the status quo and destroy the small fruits of struggle between humans.

In this struggle for power, Daenerys, Jon, Cersei and others are all striving for their own status and interests.However, they must face the reality that the Night King's threat is far more deadly than their fight.If they cannot unite to fight this common enemy, then the future of Westeros will be dark.

In this world full of variables and unknowns, everyone is fighting for their own beliefs and ideals.However, they must realize that only by working together can they defeat the enemies that threaten all of Westeros.In this ever-changing struggle, who will be the final winner?Who will lead Westeros to peace and prosperity?All this will be gradually revealed in the coming days.

《Game of Thrones Season 7》Episode 1 Details


Winter in the north is always extremely long, with snowflakes falling and cold winds blowing, as if even the air is filled with a chilling atmosphere.In this forgotten land, the honor and blood feud of the Stark family have never been forgotten.Today, Jon Snow, the King of the North, is standing in the wind and snow, his eyes are firm and profound, and his heart is full of plans and decisions for the future.

At the Red Wedding, the Stark family suffered heavy losses, and that bloody massacre became an eternal pain in the hearts of the people of the North.In order to take revenge, Arya disguised herself as Walder Frey, the head of the Frey family, summoned all members of the Frey family, and made them drink poisonous wine in the name of celebrating their victory.When the poison took hold, she tore off her mask, revealed her true face, and asked the waitress present to convey the oath of the Northlanders: “The North will never forget, and winter has arrived at the Frey family.”This scene is not only the settlement of the blood feud of the Stark family, but also a demonstration of the strong will of the people of the North.

At the same time, Jon, the King of the North, is also intensively deploying the defense of the North.He knew that the war with the army of the dead was imminent, and dragonglass, as a precious resource that could kill the White Walkers, was worth more than gold.Therefore, he ordered all the maesters in the north to scrutinize any records about dragonglass, and organized the mining and manufacturing of dragonglass weapons.In addition, he also required everyone in the north from ten to sixty years old to participate in training, practice spears, guns, and bows to prepare for the upcoming war.


However, Jon encountered opposition from his vassals in his decision to strengthen defense.Due to the lack of defenders on the Great Wall for hundreds of years, once the Great Wall is breached, the final two castles of Hearth City and Cahor City cannot be saved, and may be taken away by the Night King.The two castles belonged to the rebel Umber family and the Karstark family respectively. The vassals raised objections and believed that the rebel castles should be destroyed.Faced with this dilemma, Jon insisted on following the instructions of his ancestors and leaving the castle to their descendants.He knew very well that the Amber family, the Karstark family, and the Stark family had fought together for centuries and kept their promises from generation to generation, and they could not be deprived of their ancestral castle just because of a momentary rebellion.Eventually, he left the castle to Ned Umber and Aerye Karstark, after making them swear allegiance in front of everyone.

However, the crisis in the North goes far beyond that.The Queen of the South, Cersei Lannister, is also watching. She sent a message to Jon, asking him to go to King's Landing and surrender, otherwise he will be treated as a traitor and punished.Faced with this threat, Sansa reminds Jon to become wiser than his father and not to only care about the Night King in the north and forget Cersei in the south.However, Jon insists that the Night King is a far greater threat than Cersei. After all, it is winter, and Cersei in the south can't do anything to them.

Meanwhile, Daenerys Targaryen is also taking action.She appoints Tyrion as Hand of the Queen and is sailing across the Narrow Sea to regain her father's throne.This move left Cersei restless and forced her to seek new allies to fight Daenerys.She invited Euron Greyjoy, the new king of the Iron Islands, to help her fight against Daenerys' fleet.However, Jaime reminds Cersei that Euron is a vengeful man and will probably strike back at them if given the chance.

In this series of events, everyone is fighting for their own interests and beliefs.The revenge and rebirth of the North is not only a settlement of the blood feud of the Stark family, but also a decision on the fate of the entire Westeros continent.Winter has arrived, how the people of the North will face future challenges and opportunities, and how Jon will lead the North to new glory, all these have become the focus of people's attention.

《Game of Thrones Season 7》Episode 2 Details

The storm is born

On a stormy night with thunder and lightning, Daenerys and Tyrion plotted their future plans under the flickering candlelight.However, a question about loyalty and betrayal broke the silent and tense atmosphere.Daenerys' eyes were like cold blades, directed towards Varys.She knew Varys' history - he had served her father, helped Robert against his father, and now claimed loyalty to her brother.To Daenerys, such a change seemed too easy, and she couldn't help but doubt Varys's loyalty.

Daenerys confronts Varys about the details of sending a message to Essos ordering her murder.Varys's response was cautious and sincere, and he tried to explain his actions, but Daenerys didn't believe him easily.At this time, Tyrion intervened and defended Varys with unique wisdom and insight, pointing out that Varys's behavior was actually a manifestation of loyalty to his servants.After Tyrion's persuasion, Daenerys softened her attitude, but she still asked Varys to swear an oath never to do anything behind his back.Varys solemnly vows to be burned alive if he betrays Daenerys.

This conversation reveals the cruelty and complexity of the power struggle.In Game of Thrones, everyone is plotting for their own benefit, and loyalty and betrayal are often just a matter of thoughts.Daenerys and Tyrion are important players in this game, and every decision they make is related to the future.

The storm is born

At the same time, Melisandre, a red priest from Asshai, brought Stannis's prophecy, claiming that the promised prince or princess would soon bring the dawn.Melisandre believes that Daenerys is the key figure in this prophecy, and her arrival will bring hope and change to the land.This prophecy made Daenerys' position more stable and improved her status in Tyrion's heart.

When Tyrion heard Melisandre mention Jon Snow, he introduced the King in the North to Daenerys.He praises Jon as a trustworthy person, and if Jon can become their ally, then their power will be even stronger.So, Daenerys decided to invite Jon to Dragonstone to discuss important matters.

However, Jon was hesitant when he received the invitation.Sansa and the others fear it's a trap and try to prevent Jon from going.But Jon firmly believed in Tyrion's sincerity, and he decided to go to Dragonstone in person to meet Daenerys.This decision was full of risks and unknowns, but Jon resolutely embarked on this challenging road for the future of the North and the peace of the entire kingdom.

At the same time, Theon and Yara's fleet encountered Euron's armada while escorting Ellaria Sand and her family back to Sunspear.In this fierce battle, Theon's fleet was wiped out, two of Ellaria's daughters were killed, and Yara, Ellaria, and one of her daughters were captured.Although Theon jumped into the sea to escape, the result of this battle was undoubtedly a tragic defeat for them.

《Game of Thrones Season 7》Episode 3 Details

queen's justice

Under the sky of Dragonstone, Jon Snow and Davos came to meet Daenerys Targaryen with a heavy mission.On this trip, they were not only to discuss plans together, but also to seek a strong ally to fight against the approaching army of death.However, this meeting was far more complicated and difficult than they imagined.

Jon and Davos arrived at Dragonstone. After the weapons were confiscated, they hurried to Daenerys' location.On the way, a giant dragon flew across the sky. Its power made Jon's heart beat faster, and he deeply realized the power and majesty of the Dragon Mother.However, his trip was not to surrender, but to seek cooperation.

Jon was surprised by Melisandre's absence, and the strength and confidence she once had seemed to have disappeared.This strengthened Jon's belief. He understood that in this coming war, no one could survive alone, and everyone must fight to survive.

Daenerys receives Jon as a queen, convinced that she was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms.However, Jon refuses to surrender to her.He insisted that their relationship should be an alliance based on common interests rather than one-sided vassalage.He reminded Daenerys that her father had committed heinous crimes against his family, but that was no obstacle to their cooperation.

queen's justice

Negotiations between the two reached an impasse, with Daenerys insisting that Jon surrender to her, while Jon insisted on talking about their real enemy - the army of the dead led by the White Walkers and the Night King.He knew that only by joining forces to fight against this common enemy could they survive.

At this moment, Daenerys learned that her allies had been attacked, which forced her to temporarily put aside her dispute with Jon to deal with more pressing matters.Jon and Davos were arranged to stay temporarily on Dragonstone, waiting for Daenerys' decision.

During his time on Dragonstone, Jon felt deeply depressed and helpless.He felt as if he had become an unwelcome visitor, and even began to doubt the wisdom of his decision.However, Tyrion's appearance brings him a glimmer of hope.As his friend and advisor, Tyrion explains Daenerys' ideas and stance to Jon and encourages him to stick with it.

Eventually, with Tyrion's help, Jon succeeded in convincing Daenerys to agree to his request to mine dragonglass on Dragonstone.This is an important victory for Jon, as dragonglass is their only weapon against the White Walkers and the Night King.Although Daenerys did not completely believe Jon's statement about the existence of the Death Army, she decided to give Jon some support and help.

Although this meeting was full of contradictions and conflicts, it also laid the foundation for the cooperation between Jon and Daenerys.They realize that only by joining forces to fight a common enemy can they survive in a world full of danger and uncertainty.

At the same time, many important events were taking place in other parts of the Seven Kingdoms.Euron brings back Ellaria and her daughter in an attempt to fulfill his promise to Cersei.However, Cersei treated Ellaria and her daughter in a more cruel way, which made Jaime feel angry and helpless.In the North, Bran was finally reunited with Sansa, and their reunion was full of joy and anticipation.With Samwell's help, Jorah's condition also improved, and he was ready to get back on the road to help Daenerys.

《Game of Thrones Season 7》Episode 4 Details


In the ever-changing Seven Kingdoms, a thrilling contest was staged in front of King's Landing.Jaime and Bronn returned with a victorious army and rich booty, but their joy did not last long.Although the gold of Highgarden has been used to pay off the debts of the Lannister family in the Iron Bank, the smoke of war has not yet dissipated.Tychu Nestos, the emissary of the Iron Bank, coldly stated that money is their only belief, and once gold is obtained, they will provide support for the war.

At this time, Cersei was sitting on the throne of the palace, looking at the messenger in front of her, with a proud smile on her lips.She imagined the seven kingdoms that would soon be unified by her, and her heart was filled with ambition and desire.However, she didn't know that under the calm surface, there were undercurrents and dangers.

In the distant Winterfell, Littlefinger is showing favor to Bran who has returned from the Great Wall, trying to repair the relationship with the Stark family.He handed over the dagger used by the assassin when he tried to kill Bran, but he didn't know that Bran was no longer the helpless boy back then. He was now a three-eyed crow with the ability to predict.When Littlefinger inadvertently mentioned the phrase “chaos is a ladder” that he had said many years ago, Bran's eyes flashed with a hint of meaning, and Littlefinger was shocked and left in a hurry.

Meanwhile, Meera decides to say goodbye to her former companion as she escorts Bran home.She asked Bran if all the hard work and sacrifices along the way paid off, but Bran's answer was cold and heartless, which disappointed Meera.She left in tears, filled with disappointment and confusion about Bran.


On Dragonstone, the confrontation between Jon and Daenerys reached its climax.Jon tries to show Daenerys the history of humans and the children of the forest fighting the White Walkers together, hoping that she will put aside her pride and ally with him.However, Daenerys insisted that the North surrender to her, otherwise there would be no discussion.Jon reluctantly left, but met a disgraced Theon on the road.Theon knew he was wrong, and he obeyed Jon's warning.

At this time, the battlefield in front of King's Landing has become the focus of a life and death battle.Daenerys leads her dragons and Dothraki troops straight towards Jaime's army.Although Jaime and Bronn's armies were exhausted, they still quickly formed their formations to face the powerful enemy.Jaime's confidence begins to waver as Daenerys's dragons and Dothraki armies come into view.The appearance of the dragon surprised Jaime and Bronn even more, and they realized that this battle would be extremely difficult.

However, at this critical moment of life and death, Bronn made a surprising choice.He gave up the gold and silver treasures on the battlefield and chose friendship and loyalty.He took out the dragon-slaying giant crossbow invented by Coburn and risked his life to attack the dragon.After a fierce battle, Daenerys's dragon was finally shot down.

Daenerys was horrified and tried to wake the dragon, but the dragon was injured by an arrow and could not fly again.Seeing this, Jaime thought the time had come, picked up his spear and charged towards the dragon.However, at this moment, the giant dragon suddenly woke up and opened its bloody mouth.James was devastated and prepared to die with the dragon.At the critical moment, Bronn arrived in time, threw James off his horse, and the two of them rolled into the deep water next to them.

《Game of Thrones Season 7》Episode 5 Details

east watch by the sea

Tyrion stood on the ruins after the war, looking solemnly at the land that was once full of smoke and roar.The smoke of war has not yet cleared, and the air is still filled with the smell of blood and dust.At the same time, Jaime was rescued from the other side with the help of Bronn. He was concerned about Daenerys' situation and was eager to report to Cersei.

Daenerys, the queen full of ambition and determination, requires all prisoners of war to surrender to her, otherwise they will face the threat of death.She insists that she is not the devil Cersei calls her, but the savior of the continent.However, Landao and his son refused to bow to her. They stuck to their beliefs and loyalty and were unwilling to change their stance easily.Daenerys could not tolerate such resistance, and she ordered the execution of Randyll and his son, showing her ruthless side.

Tyrion tried to intercede for Randyll and his son, but Daenerys was adamant and would not allow anyone to question her authority.In the end, Landao and his son were reduced to ashes in the dragon's flames, and their persistence and faith also disappeared.The scene is harrowing and raises deep questions about the way Daenerys rules.

Meanwhile, Jon and Daenerys meet at Dragonstone.Jon was surprised and disturbed by the dragon's presence, but he mustered up the courage to reach out and touch it.Daenerys asks Jon what he thinks of dragons, and Jon confesses that he feels suffocating fear and beauty.This contradictory emotion also reflects Jon's inner struggle and confusion.

east watch by the sea

Jorah returns to Dragonstone, and his appearance brings new hope and possibility to the land.However, a greater crisis is approaching.Bran sees the army of the dead through the raven's vision and realizes that this is an inevitable disaster.He hurriedly sent a message to Jon and Daenerys, hoping that they could join forces to fight this evil force.

Jon decided to return to the north and lead his people to resist the army of the dead.He asks Daenerys for help, but is refused.Daenerys fears that if she leaves, Cersei will seize the opportunity to claim her territory.Tyrion proposed a compromise plan. He suggested giving the corpses of the Army of the Dead to Cersei to prove the existence and threat of this force.This might convince Cersei to agree to a truce, thus buying more time to fight against the Army of the Dead.

Jorah volunteered to go to the North to find the bodies of the army of the dead. His bravery and loyalty were admirable.Jon also decided to seek the help of the free people to jointly resist this evil force.However, the city lords in the North expressed dissatisfaction with Jon's departure, and they even began to consider supporting Sansa as the new King of the North.Although Sansa rejected the proposal of the city lords on the surface, she seemed to be wavering in her heart.

Under Bronn's arrangement, Jaime and Tyrion finally met.Despite Jaime's hostility to Tyrion, Tyrion attempts to convince him of the existence and threat of the Army of the Dead.At the same time, Cersei also learned of Tyrion's intentions, and she decided to use this opportunity to reach a truce agreement with Jaime.However, her real purpose is to protect herself and James' children, and to ensure that her power and status are not threatened.

《Game of Thrones Season 7》Episode 6 Details

Beyond the Great Wall

In the world of Game of Thrones, the feud between Arya and Sansa always runs through the entire storyline.The two of them, like two saplings swaying in the wind and rain, experienced the rise and fall of the family, betrayal and revenge, and finally embarked on different paths.

Arya takes Sansa's note and angrily asks her why she betrayed their father and betrayed him to Joffrey to be guillotined.Sansa's explanation seemed weak. She claimed that she was young and ignorant at the time and was deceived by the Lannister family.However, Arya did not accept this explanation, and the anger in her heart could not be calmed.Sansa retorted, accusing Arya of not stepping forward to save her father when he was killed.The dispute between the two becomes more and more intense, and both are haunted by the shadows of their past.

At the same time, Daenerys and Tyrion are also discussing what to do after inheriting the throne.Daenerys is worried about her inability to have children, and Tyrion is worried about the dangers that may arise at any time.The conversation between the two not only revealed the cruelty and ruthlessness of power, but also hinted at the various challenges they may face in the future.

Beyond the Great Wall

Jon and his party were attacked by a bear during their journey. They fought hard and finally killed the ferocious beast with fire.However, a bigger crisis is quietly approaching.They discovered a small group of ghouls, and in a fierce battle, successfully subdued one.However, this subdued corpse caused a greater disaster. It roared and summoned all the White Walkers.Jon and others were in a desperate situation, and they could only fight with all their strength against the army of zombies.

The conversation between Sansa and Littlefinger reveals the complexity and dangers of palace politics.Littlefinger advises Sansa to find Brienne to mediate her conflicts with Arya if necessary.However, Sansa's heart is full of contradictions and struggles. She wants to protect her position but also doesn't want to completely break with Arya.Ultimately, she decided to send Brienne to King's Landing to deal with the threat from Cersei.

After receiving the messenger crow, Daenerys decided to ride the dragon to rescue Jon and others.Her bravery and determination are admirable, but also cause for concern for her safety.Tyrion's dissuasion failed to change her decision, and she firmly embarked on the road to rescue.

Under siege by the army of corpses, Jon and others were in dire straits.However, just when they thought they were certain to die, Daenerys arrived with three giant dragons. The three dragons breathed fire and wiped out the large number of corpses.This battle is thrilling and makes people feel the power of power and the fragility of life.

However, the joy of victory did not last long.The leader of the White Walkers, the Night King, shot the dragon Viserion with an ice spear. Viserion let out a miserable cry and then fell to the ice.Daenerys watched helplessly as her dragon fell into the ice, and her heartache was beyond words.In order to let everyone leave, Jon decided to stay alone, but he accidentally fell into the glacier with the corpse.

Sansa was filled with fear and uneasiness after learning that Arya had become a Faceless One.She discovers Arya's hidden human skin mask and plays a lying game with it.However, this game exposed the rifts and conflicts between the two.Sansa feels threatened by Arya, who is furious at Sansa's betrayal.Eventually, Arya gives the dagger to Sansa and leaves the room.

At the end of the story, Daenerys stayed until Jon woke up, and she told Jon that she would fight alongside him against the night ghosts.Jon is grateful for Daenerys' life-saving grace and sincerely surrenders to her.The White Walkers pulled Viserion's body out of the glacier, and the Night King gently touched him with his hand. Viserion then woke up, his eyes glowing with cold blue light.This scene heralds a greater crisis to come, and the grudges between Arya and Sansa will continue to develop in future stories.

《Game of Thrones Season 7》Episode 7 Details

dragon and wolf

In the majestic final chapter of Game of Thrones, Tyrion and Jon carried a heavy mission and sailed to King's Landing to find a way to negotiate peace with Cersei.However, this is not a smooth channel, because behind the negotiations, there is deep conspiracy and uneasiness.

Cersei's calculations are shrewd. She has already ordered that if the situation changes, Daenerys will be killed first, and then every member of the negotiating team will be sent to death in turn.This cold determination reflects Cersei's desire for power and deep hostility towards her enemies.As Cersei's representative, Bronn came to greet the negotiating team. His appearance was both a courtesy and a surveillance.And Brienne's unexpected appearance in the queue made people feel inexplicably nervous and uneasy.

Arriving at the meeting point, Sandor's White Walker carriage takes center stage.He refused anyone to touch the White Walkers and insisted on bringing them into the venue himself.This mysterious move not only adds to the tense atmosphere of the negotiations, but also indicates the coming conflicts and dangers.

On the negotiation floor, the appearance of Cersei, Jaime and Euron made the atmosphere even more tense.They looked at each other for a long time with Tyrion, Jon and others, as if they were fighting with their eyes, testing each other's bottom line.Daenerys appeared with her dragons in such a huge formation that Cersei had to admit her power.However, Cersei is not willing to accept the truce proposal easily, believing that it is just a delaying measure for Daenerys to wait for the opportunity to launch an attack.

dragon and wolf

Jon tries to explain the threat of the White Walkers to Cersei, knowing that this is a war between the living and the dead, and that the presence of the White Walkers will turn all corpses into their own kind.To prove this, Thoros appeared with a cage containing the White Walkers on his back, took a deep breath, and released the White Walkers.The ferocity and terror of the White Walkers frightened everyone present.Sandor used the chain to pull the White Walker back in time and split it in half.However, what is shocking is that the split White Walker did not die, it was still roaring.Using fire and dragonglass weapons, Jon demonstrated how to destroy the White Walkers, an act that shocked everyone present.

After seeing Jon's demonstration, Euron asked if the White Walkers could swim.After learning that the White Walkers could not move through water, he announced his withdrawal from the war and returned to the Iron Islands to wait out the winter.Cersei did not express too much regret for Euron's departure. She was more concerned about how to preserve her power and status in this war.

When Cersei offers a truce, Jon firmly refuses.He promised not to end the state of war between the North and King's Landing, knowing that doing so would violate his own principles.Cersei therefore declared that the peace talks had failed, and the situation reached a deadlock.However, Tyrion did not give up. He went to negotiate with Cersei alone, and finally succeeded in convincing her to temporarily put down her hostility and fight together against the coming night ghost army.

However, the dawn of peace did not last long.Theon is confused by Jon's admission of surrender to Daenerys in front of Cersei, and Jon explains that it's for the greater good.After receiving Jon's forgiveness, Theon decided to regain his strength and persuade his men who wanted to leave.However, his efforts were not understood by everyone and he was even ridiculed and abused.But Theon did not give up. He proved his determination and courage with his actions.

Meanwhile, Sansa publicly accuses Littlefinger of treason and murder in the Great Hall.Littlefinger always thought his plan was flawless, but little did he know that Sansa and her siblings had teamed up to expose his crimes.Under the accusations of everyone, Littlefinger finally admitted his crime and was killed by Arya with the dagger he gave him.

When Jaime was arranging the army for the northern expedition, he had a fierce dispute with Cersei.Cersei refuses to send troops to support Daenerys in her fight against the White Walkers. She only cares about her own power and status.Jaime tries to convince her, but Cersei is unmoved.In the end, Jaime decided to disobey Cersei's orders and insist on going north to fight alongside Daenerys and others.

At the end of the story, thousands of legions of the dead suddenly appear, and the Night King rides the ice dragon Viserion to destroy the Great Wall.This sudden disaster left everyone shocked and helpless.However, it was in this desperate situation that Jon, Daenerys and others showed firm faith and determination.They know that only by uniting can we defeat this unprecedented disaster.