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《Game of Thrones Season 7》Episode 1 Synopsis


Winter in the north is always extremely long, with snowflakes falling and cold winds blowing, as if even the air is filled with a chilling atmosphere.In this forgotten land, the honor and blood feud of the Stark family have never been forgotten.Today, Jon Snow, the King of the North, is standing in the wind and snow, his eyes are firm and profound, and his heart is full of plans and decisions for the future.

At the Red Wedding, the Stark family suffered heavy losses, and that bloody massacre became an eternal pain in the hearts of the people of the North.In order to take revenge, Arya disguised herself as Walder Frey, the head of the Frey family, summoned all members of the Frey family, and made them drink poisonous wine in the name of celebrating their victory.When the poison took hold, she tore off her mask, revealed her true face, and asked the waitress present to convey the oath of the Northlanders: “The North will never forget, and winter has arrived at the Frey family.”This scene is not only the settlement of the blood feud of the Stark family, but also a demonstration of the strong will of the people of the North.

At the same time, Jon, the King of the North, is also intensively deploying the defense of the North.He knew that the war with the army of the dead was imminent, and dragonglass, as a precious resource that could kill the White Walkers, was worth more than gold.Therefore, he ordered all the maesters in the north to scrutinize any records about dragonglass, and organized the mining and manufacturing of dragonglass weapons.In addition, he also required everyone in the north from ten to sixty years old to participate in training, practice spears, guns, and bows to prepare for the upcoming war.

However, Jon encountered opposition from his vassals in his decision to strengthen defense.Due to the lack of defenders on the Great Wall for hundreds of years, once the Great Wall is breached, the final two castles of Hearth City and Cahor City cannot be saved, and may be taken away by the Night King.The two castles belonged to the rebel Umber family and the Karstark family respectively. The vassals raised objections and believed that the rebel castles should be destroyed.Faced with this dilemma, Jon insisted on following the instructions of his ancestors and leaving the castle to their descendants.He knew very well that the Amber family, the Karstark family, and the Stark family had fought together for centuries and kept their promises from generation to generation, and they could not be deprived of their ancestral castle just because of a momentary rebellion.Eventually, he left the castle to Ned Umber and Aerye Karstark, after making them swear allegiance in front of everyone.

However, the crisis in the North goes far beyond that.The Queen of the South, Cersei Lannister, is also watching. She sent a message to Jon, asking him to go to King's Landing and surrender, otherwise he will be treated as a traitor and punished.Faced with this threat, Sansa reminds Jon to become wiser than his father and not to only care about the Night King in the north and forget Cersei in the south.However, Jon insists that the Night King is a far greater threat than Cersei. After all, it is winter, and Cersei in the south can't do anything to them.

Meanwhile, Daenerys Targaryen is also taking action.She appoints Tyrion as Hand of the Queen and is sailing across the Narrow Sea to regain her father's throne.This move left Cersei restless and forced her to seek new allies to fight Daenerys.She invited Euron Greyjoy, the new king of the Iron Islands, to help her fight against Daenerys' fleet.However, Jaime reminds Cersei that Euron is a vengeful man and will probably strike back at them if given the chance.

In this series of events, everyone is fighting for their own interests and beliefs.The revenge and rebirth of the North is not only a settlement of the blood feud of the Stark family, but also a decision on the fate of the entire Westeros continent.Winter has arrived, how the people of the North will face future challenges and opportunities, and how Jon will lead the North to new glory, all these have become the focus of people's attention.