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《Blossoms in Adversity》Episode 35 Synopsis

Episode 35

Blossoms in Adversity Episode 35 Synopsis: Huazhi and Gu Yanxi are able to see the bright moon while performing a show

Episode 35

Chen Qing told Gu Yanxi the information he found. Gambling houses would send money to Qixing Tower every day. The owners behind all the gambling houses in Jinyang City were Yue Wealth God. He might also be cheating money from the Hao Yue Immortal Envoy.guise.Hua Zhi saw through the little trick of the Haoyue Immortal. She presented a bag of money with a note. After seeing it, the Hao Yue Immortal called her to the screen. Hua Zhi exposed her deceptive trick and asked her to bring the previous person to the door.The money of the elder brother who asked for medicine will be returned.In public, the Immortal Envoy Haoyue didn't say much, so she did as Hua Zhi asked.When Huazhi returned, someone followed and attacked Huazhi with a knife. Fortunately, Gu Yanxi grabbed Huazhi in time and saved her.

Huazhi offended the Haoyue Immortal, and the ladies began to distance themselves from Huazhi, and some even avoided seeing her.When I went to a shop on the street to look at the goods, the shop owner heard that Huazhi belonged to the Hua family and wouldn't even do business with her. Bao Xia went to inquire about it and learned that Qixinglou had sent a message to merchants all over the city not to do business with Huazhi.do business.When she was at a loss, someone sent a note to Huazhi, telling her that it was the God of Wealth in the Qixing Tower who was enshrining the Haoyue Immortal behind her back to deceive the people and take the opportunity to make money.After learning the mystery behind this, Hua Zhi came up with a plan. She pretended to be an immortal envoy from Penglai and allowed people to watch the sky for free, and used children's songs to build momentum for her identity as an immortal envoy.After Gu Yanxi learned about it, she decided to pay a visit to Huazhi, the immortal envoy of Penglai, and show off to the White Wolf with empty gloves.Hua Rong was pregnant. Jiang Zhengzhi shed tears excitedly and thoughtfully went shopping with her to eat. On the street, Hua Rong met Gu Yanxi by chance and introduced him to Jiang Zhengzhi.

Gu Yanxi paid a visit to the Immortal Envoy of Penglai and said that she would build a Bafeng Pavilion in Jinyang to worship her, and gave her three hundred taels of gold as a gift.After carrying the box into the house, Hua Zhi saw a box of stones. After understanding the other party's intention, Hua Zhi decided to work together to act.Sure enough, as soon as they left Qingfeng Pavilion, Zeng Ming ran over, holding an invitation and saying that he wanted to see Penglai Immortal Envoy and Gu Yanxi.After entering the Seven Star Tower, Gu Yan Xiping retreated from Chen Qing and Li Hou, went upstairs with Hua Zhi, and entered the room on the roof of the Seven Star Tower together.There is an armillary sphere and a star observatory inside. The so-called prediction of celestial phenomena is false but the celestial phenomena is true.Gu Yanxi noticed that Shopkeeper Yue did not seem to be someone who could understand the phenomena of the sea and the sky. When Hua Zhi stepped forward to look at the star observation platform, she accidentally found incense. She gave Gu Yanxi a look. Gu Yanxi understood immediately, but in order not to alert the snake, she stillWith the shopkeeper Yue, he pretended to be a snake.After Shopkeeper Yue figured out Huazhi's purpose of coming to Jinyang, he told Huazhi that he could give Huazhi a gold name tag so that Huazhi could buy goods without any hindrance, provided that she stopped pretending to be a fairy.Shopkeeper Yue turned to ask Gu Yanxi what he wanted. Gu Yanxi mentioned the nursery rhyme of the imperial capital. Shopkeeper Yue's expression changed when he heard it. After ensuring that Hua Zhi left safely, Gu Yanxi asked Shopkeeper Yue to invite the person behind the scenes, the Immortal Envoy of Haoyue.Finally showed up.

Now that both parties have made it clear, Gu Yanxi questioned the nursery rhymes in the imperial capital. The Haoyue Immortal Envoy said that the matter had nothing to do with her and that he had found the wrong person.Gu Yanxi wanted to take her back, and the Immortal Envoy of Haoyue was well prepared and ambushed a large number of killers to surround Gu Yanxi.After Gu Yanxi defeated everyone, he sent a signal to the window, and Chen Qing rushed in with others.After wiping out all of Haoyue Immortal Envoy's men, Gu Yanxi grabbed her by the neck.

Gu Yanxi brought the Haoyue Immortal Envoy to the Yamen and revealed his identity as the Chief of Qisu. He put the Haoyue Immortal Envoy into the prefectural prison and reminded the Yamen to watch him carefully.Zeng Ming asked Huazhi to keep a locked box for one day and one night.Immortal Envoy Haoyue guessed the identity of Gu Yanxi's eldest son and said that Qixing Tower was willing to devote all its financial resources to help Gu Yanxi, and he could also pledge his own body to it. Who knew that Gu Yanxi would not listen to her at all.Gu Yanxi told the Haoyue Immortal Envoy that even if the Seven Star Tower was a piece of the Jinyang sky, he would turn the sky over.