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《Blossoms in Adversity》Episode 23 Synopsis

Episode 23

Blossoms in Adversity Episode 23 Plot Introduction: Huazhi kisses Gu Yanxi

Episode 23

Hua Zhi wants to help Hua Xian reconcile with Li, and Gu Yanxi visits King Xian Gu Yangong to help Hua Zhi.

When Fu Yin was hearing Hua Xian's divorce case, Gu Yangong appeared at the trial. Hua Xian provided physical evidence such as a self-narrative, a dowry list, and an injury report. Yang Qi screamed that he was wronged. Gu Yangong turned around and asked Fu Yin about the verdict. Fu Yin felt that based onDaqing Law should not be pursued.Hua Zhi said that Hua Xian and his wife had lost the righteousness of husband and wife and should be divorced and ordered to pay an additional compensation of 200 yuan. Fu Yin felt that the fine was inappropriate, so Hua Zhi cited precedents for Gu Yangong's reference. Gu Yangong made a judgment on the spot, allowing Hua Xian and his wife to marry.Li, Yang Qi paid two hundred coins within one month and gave him a hundred sticks.Gu Yangong said that Gu Yanxi owed him a favor this time. Gu Yanxi said that he was a free man. Gu Yangong laughed and said that Gu Yanxi was good at leading troops in wars. Although the world was at peace now, he never knew when he would have the opportunity.

Ling Wang Gu Yanxuan was knocked unconscious while sleeping, and that person also set fire to his room.Gu Yanxi happened to go home and saw a sea of ​​fire.Hua Zhi held a banquet to celebrate Hua Xian's escape from suffering and Wu Yuniang's safe birth of their daughter. After a few glasses of wine, Hua Zhi was slightly tipsy. She came to the training ground to admire the moonlight and miss Gu Yanxi. Gu Yanxi hugged Hua Zhi from behind and recalledThe moonlight during the Lantern Festival that year.Hua Zhi sensed that Gu Yanxi had something on his mind, and Gu Yanxi was honest with her. Prince Ling's mansion was on fire, along with its owner.Hua Zhi looked at Gu Yanxi and said that he missed the good wine made by Fu Dong. Would you like to try it? After saying this, Hua Zhi kissed him.

After listening to Chang Qing's report, Gu Chengtao breathed a deep sigh of relief and said that after twenty years, the scar was finally healed, and the hurdle in Gu Yanxi's heart could also be overcome.

Hua Mansion held a baby shower for Wu Yuniang's daughter. Hua Zhi and Gu Yanxi also arrived, and Gu Yanxi also gave her a gift.Huazhi told Wu Yuniang that she also bought eighteen jars of stone frozen spring and buried them in the bamboo forest in Zihuangju as a gift to Wu Yuniang's daughter.Wu Yuniang is so demure, but Hua Pingyang, the fourth master of the Hua family, is the most bohemian in the family. Huazhi is curious about the acquaintance of the two, and Wu Yuniang smiles and talks to Huazhi about their past.Wu Yuniang was good at singing. Once when she was singing in the garden, she was heard by Hua Pingyang who was passing by. Hua Pingyang admired her very much, so she waited outside the Wu Mansion every day and used a kite to send messages. Wu Yuniang saw that he was so persistent, so shefulfilled his wish.Hua Pingyang knows music very well and uses kites to convey comments on each piece of music. Wu Yuniang is very happy to meet her close friend.Later, Hua Pingyang went there every day, using the kite as his signal.After half a year of not knowing each other's appearance, Wu Yuniang married into the Hua family.

The Hua family brothers were building dams and walls in Sanbai City in the North, and their lives were miserable. Fortunately, they took care of each other and managed to survive.Qin Ergui and his second wife Qi Huilan are getting along better and better, and Bai Li is also much happier.The business of Huajia shop is booming, and the cash box is getting fuller and fuller.

After Nianqiu calculated the family's accounts three times, Hua Zhi told everyone that the family's money had now saved 500,000 yuan. According to the Daqing Law, it was enough to forgive the crime of exile, but 500,000 yuan could only redeem one person.Hua Zhi thinks Hua Yizheng should be redeemed first, and everyone has no objection.Gu Yanxi has not returned to Huafu for several days. He is busy arresting Zhaoguo spies. According to the intelligence obtained, General Wu Yongwu, who is guarding the Northland, is suspected of collaborating with the enemy. Gu Yanxi implores Gu Chengtao to allow him to go to the Northland to investigate.