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《Black Books Season 2》 Summ

Bernard, the owner of Blake's Bookstore, is unique among London shopkeepers, and his behavior is so bizarre that it is jaw-dropping.And his clerk Manny has become the most tolerant representative in London. He endures Bernard's crazy actions day after day. His life is full of endless oppression, and even taking a vacation has become an unattainable luxury.

Fran, as their friend and the female owner of the gift shop next door, has a keen interest in collecting sundries.She often visited the bookstore and bought a piano on a whim to practice in the bookstore.Although she was severely criticized by her tutor for this, she unexpectedly discovered Manny's musical talent.Manny's performance at the piano is getting better and better, which is impressive.

At the same time, Bernard also developed a crush on a female customer and hoped to show his charm in front of her.So, he and Fran coincidentally set their sights on Manny, whose piano skills were improving by leaps and bounds.They hope to use Manny's musical talent to attract the attention of female customers and give the bookstore a new lease of life.

However, Manny felt very helpless about this arrangement.He longed for a vacation to get away from the constraints of the bookstore and relax himself.But neither Bernard nor Fran was willing to let him go, making him feel like he was going crazy.

《Black Books Season 2》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Manny once suggested that Fran should have a hobby, so Fran decided to learn piano.She went to the store, purchased a piano, and placed it in Bernard's bookstore.Bernard thought Fran was just joking at first, but Fran said seriously that in order to learn the piano, she hired a teacher specially.This surprised Bernard.Manny, on the other hand, chose to immerse himself in his favorite books. Whenever a customer expressed interest in a certain book, he would refuse takeout because these books were exactly what he loved.One day, a young woman named Kate selected a book and planned to buy it, but Manny refused her request.Bernard saw Kate's outstanding appearance and decided to give her the book for free.Meanwhile, Fran's piano studies are not going well and her teacher, Joseph, is disappointed in her and thinks she lacks talent.

Bernard makes a bet with Manny to see if he can successfully date Kate, and Kate happily accepts Bernard's invitation.When Manny returned home and saw Fran's piano, he played it casually and unexpectedly performed exceptionally well.Bernard and Fran saw this and asked Manny for help.When Kate comes to the bookstore again, Bernard pretends to be playing the piano to attract her, but it is actually Manny who is secretly helping her.Fran used the same strategy to please her teacher, which resulted in Joseph praising her and thinking she was a genius.However, a few days later, when Joseph came to the bookstore with his elders and Kate, Fran and Bernard asked Manny for help again while playing the piano.Eventually, Manny can no longer hide his existence and the truth comes out.Kate becomes suspicious of Bernard, and Joseph calls Fran a fool.

《Black Books Season 2》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

The sun is scorching and the temperature is soaring. Everyone is troubled by the hot weather and feels extremely irritable.The ice cream that Manny bought with good intentions was ignored, not even Bernard and Fran were interested.Bernard reluctantly said that throughout the summer, whenever he saw a beautiful woman, he couldn't help but have wild thoughts, which made him afraid to look at women.In order to cope with the scorching heat, he even put the books in the bookstore into the refrigerator for sale.

Fran's situation was even worse. She complained that her home was as hot as a steamer and she couldn't sleep at all.She even fell asleep while lying on the sofa in Blake's bookstore, snoring so loudly that it scared Bernard's customers away.In desperation, Bernard had to drive Fran out.

When Fran returned home to sleep, she still felt uneasy, as if something was always disturbing her.One night, she suddenly noticed that the walls seemed to be moving, which terrified her.So she approached her landlord and suspected that her next-door neighbor had moved her wall.In order to clarify the misunderstanding, the landlord confronted the girl next door, but the girl firmly denied it.However, Fran was convinced that the wall must have been moved.

In order to solve this problem, Fran approached Bernard and asked him to be his lawyer.Bernard agreed without hesitation. He went to the landlord's house and threatened that the landlord would either move the wall back to its original position or face prosecution.Then, he came to Fran's neighbor's house and found a beautiful girl living there.Bernard had a lively chat with her and even helped her move a large section of the wall.The girl was very grateful for this and felt that the house became much more spacious.However, although Bernard was attentive to the girl and showed his kindness by sending flowers, she showed no interest in him.

Seeing this, Fran decided to take matters into his own hands to solve the house problem.She approached the landlord and pretended to induce him to admit that he had moved the wall.The landlord was indeed fooled and tried to take advantage of Fran, but she was cleverly exploited.Eventually the landlord had to move the wall back into place and the girl next door was so angry that she moved out.Fran was finally able to sleep peacefully, and the farce caused by the hot weather was successfully resolved.

《Black Books Season 2》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Fran was struggling to find a job. She didn't know what her interests were or where to start looking for the right position.Meanwhile, Manny gets a call from an old friend, Gus.Gass plans to hold a book club and hopes to get the support and cooperation of Black Bookstore.Manny readily agreed to Gus's request and mentioned Fran's job search in passing during the call.Gus said he had a friend who had a job for Fran and suggested that Fran apply directly.

Fran came to the office of her new job full of expectations, but her boss was busy on the phone and just gave her a meal coupon in a hurry and continued to be immersed in his own phone call.Without any concrete work arrangements, Fran felt a little lost and confused.She found an empty seat and sat down, dazed, not knowing what to do next.

Gass made a request to Manny, hoping that he could teach a man to read some specific articles for use in the book club.Bernard and Manny readily accepted the task, but when they met the man, they found that he did not even know basic words, which made them feel a little troubled.

In Fran's new work environment, she encounters the so-called “Acne Guy” and “Fat Girl”.She once found them annoying, but over time, she came to realize that they were not what she first thought.When Fran was frustrated that her job wasn't going well, her boss suddenly asked her to submit a report on Thursday.Although Fran didn't actually complete any work, she worked hard to prepare a report and give a brief presentation before the deadline.Surprisingly, her report was well received.

However, after returning to the bookstore, Fran was still in a low mood.She vents her dissatisfaction to Manny, which happens to be caught by Gus.After learning about the situation, Gass decided to fire Fran.Although Fran was shocked by the news, she received heartfelt goodbyes from “Acne Man” and “Fat Girl” as she left.At this moment, Fran realized that they weren't really that annoying, and it moved her a little.

This experience made Fran understand something: we cannot judge a person or thing based solely on appearance or first impression.Sometimes, we need to take the time to get to know their inner being in order to discover their true value and beauty.At the same time, this job search experience also made Fran realize that he needs to be more clear about his interests and goals when choosing a career in order to find a job that truly suits him.

《Black Books Season 2》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Bernard became more and more free-wheeling in running the bookstore.One day, a customer walked into the bookstore and the book he selected originally cost three pounds.When the customer was about to pay, Bernard tore out the last few pages of the book and sold it to the customer for only 2.5 pounds.Although the customer was surprised, he left satisfied with the book.Soon, the customer came to the bookstore again, hoping to buy the remaining parts.Bernard took the opportunity to raise the price to 15 pounds. The customer thought it was too expensive, so he raised the price to 25 pounds and successfully sold the remaining pages to the customer.Manny witnessed all this and lamented that business was getting harder and harder, and suggested that Bernard change his business strategy.

As a result, Black Bookstore underwent a major renovation and added a new information desk and soft sofas.Customers can consult and pay at the information desk, or read comfortably on the sofa.However, the softness of the sofa is too high, and customers sink into it as soon as they sit down.

Meanwhile, Fran decides to search for her loved ones in the hope of escaping her loneliness.She finally found her only relative, who lived around the corner.Fran, who was full of joy, went to meet him, but encountered an unexpected treatment.The family took turns kissing Fran's cheeks and chin until her jaw couldn't bear it.At the dinner table, Fran was forced to abide by various strange rules, such as not being able to hold a cup with his right hand, being responsible for driving the family to distant places in a car, and even having to carry pig trotters.Fran was devastated by it all.

To get away from the family, Fran hired Bernard and Manny to help with the cooking.She hoped the meal would scare them away and cause them to disown her.However, Bernard and Manny wasted all the ingredients in the cooking process.Faced with this sudden change, Fran had no choice but to burn her car, hoping that this would make the family give up the idea of ​​letting her send them away.

《Black Books Season 2》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

The quarrel between Manny and Bernard intensifies.Bernard accused Manny of being idle all day long and not doing serious work.Manny countered that it was his job to stock the goods, sell books, make breakfast and clean the room.Bernard didn't want to listen to Manny's excuse anymore and left angrily.In order to imitate Bernard, Manny began to sell books in an extremely weird way-he gave customers money and treated them to bread.This approach is consistent with Bernard's style.

However, Manny didn't stop there.He began to cook seriously, carefully preparing every ingredient, and invited Fran and Bernard to taste it together.He also felt that Bernard's clothes were too dirty and urged him to take them off and wash them.Every day, Manny devotes himself to cooking delicious food, and Bernard also tries to join in, but is criticized by Manny for making a mess in the kitchen.

Everyone began to doubt Manny's mental state, thought he was behaving abnormally, and even decided to take him to see a psychiatrist.However, even after seeing a psychiatrist, Manny's behavior did not change.Fran and Bernard start to think Manny is really crazy.

Meanwhile, Fran decided to take up yoga in search of inner peace.The yoga teacher told her that to learn yoga, she must quit drinking and smoking, and not eat meat in order to stay in shape.Fran promised, but failed to follow the rules.After persisting for a while, she felt that nothing had changed.When the teacher asked her if she ate meat, she lied and ate only a little bit of chicken, but then gorged herself on meat.Fran felt that this depressing life could not continue, so he returned to his original lifestyle of smoking and drinking, and became even crazier.Now, everyone thinks Fran is the real madman.

《Black Books Season 2》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

A customer walked into the bookstore, sat down unceremoniously on a stool, and asked Bernard to help him find books.However, Bernard responded with the same arrogance, telling customers to find it themselves.Manny was trying to provide customers with instructions on how to sort the books, but a sudden loud noise scared the customers away.This constant noise made everyone in the bookstore feel irritated and uneasy, and business became depressed as a result.

In this case, Fran suggested that everyone take a trip to relax.At first, Bernard refused, but in the end he was moved by Manny and Fran's enthusiasm and agreed to go together.

However, Manny and Fran disagree when it comes to choosing a travel destination.Manny yearns for adventure in the jungle, while Fran prefers the romance of the beach.After some arguing, they finally decide to go to an island located between a jungle and a beach.

While preparing for his trip, Bernard discovered that his passport was missing.He rummaged through the entire bookstore and finally found it on his seat.Meanwhile, Fran packed a ton of items for the trip, including dozens of pairs of shoes.Manny and Bernard saw this and couldn't help but throw her shoes out.

Before departure, the three secretly discussed how to save travel expenses and discussed many options.After a lot of twists and turns, they finally embarked on their journey.However, after the trip, Bernard said he never wanted to go out again.Not only did he lose his keys, he was forced to wear Fran's clothes and skirt, and finally had to climb into the bookstore through the window.

After returning to the bookstore, the three were surprised to find that a new bookstore had opened next door and became their competitor.Faced with this sudden change, the three of them felt at a loss.