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《General History of China》 Summ

《General History of China》 is the largest historical feature film in China to date. It depicts China based on the historical experience and lessons of the rise and fall of chaos in past dynasties, the formation of a unified multi-ethnic country, and the splendid splendor of Chinese civilization.The territory contains grand historical scenes from the origin of ancient mankind to the fall of the Qing Dynasty.

《General History of China》Episode 1 Details

Chinese Road

This is a magical land with majestic and splendid mountains and rivers, nurturing infinite vitality and giving birth to a great country - China.This is a vast land with a long and glorious ancient civilization, carrying rich history and culture, and shaping a great nation - the Chinese nation.

《General History of China》Episode 2 Details

Chinese ancestors

Yellow Emperor (2717 BC - 2599 BC): The leader of the ancient Chinese tribal alliance and the co-leader of the Chinese nation in ancient China.The head of the Five Emperors[1-2].He is revered as the first ancestor of Chinese humanity.It is said that he was the son of Shaodian and Fu Bao. His original surname was Gongsun, but he later changed his surname to Ji, so he was called Ji Xuanyuan.

《General History of China》Episode 3 Details

Origin of agriculture

The Yellow River Basin has become a good habitat for human beings.At that time, the Fen River Valley was wide and flat, with green grass and continuous forests. Ostriches, wild horses, primitive cattle, elephants and deer were galloping on the riverbank meadows; schools of fish were roaming in the rapid rivers, including herrings and fish up to 1 year in length.The catfish, which are as large as a meter, are clearly visible on the lakeside and in the water.....

《General History of China》Episode 4 Details

Origin of civilization

As the emblem symbol of Chinese civilization, the dragon is indispensable.The shape of the dragon can be traced back to the Hongshan Culture in Northeast China during the Neolithic Age, and is likely to have evolved from the earliest jade jue shape more than 8,000 years ago.

《General History of China》Episode 5 Details

The era of states

The evolution of political entities after ancient China entered civilized society should be more standardly described as: three stages and three forms: states - kingdoms - empires. The earliest country in ancient China (or it can be called the initial country) was a small country with few people.A republic-style state, the further development of a stateDevelopment is the kingdom. After the kingdom, through professional......

《General History of China》Episode 6 Details

Searching for the Xia Dynasty

There are many records about the Xia Dynasty in traditional Chinese literature, but because they were all written relatively late, no recognized direct evidence of the existence of the Xia Dynasty has been found. For example, the writings of the same period of the Xia Dynasty serve as self-evidence. Therefore, modern historiographySome people in the world have always questioned the authenticity of the existence of the Xia Dynasty.

《General History of China》Episode 7 Details

The Rise and Fall of the Yin and Shang Dynasties

The Shang Dynasty replaced the Xia Dynasty and became the new Central Plains Dynasty. It ruled from northern Henan, southern Hebei, and eastern Shandong, with Bo as its capital at first.In the middle of the Shang Dynasty, Pan Geng moved the capital to Yin, which is today's Anyang, Henan Province, so the Shang Dynasty was also called the Yin Dynasty.

《General History of China》Episode 8 Details

Shang Dynasty Civilization

The progress of agriculture and handicrafts in the Shang Dynasty promoted the development of commodity exchange, and many merchants led ox carts and took boats to engage in long-distance trafficking.In the late Shang Dynasty, traders specializing in various transactions appeared in the cities. Lu Shang once slaughtered cattle as a business in Chaoge and sold rice in Mengjin.

《General History of China》Episode 9 Details

King Wu defeated Shang

According to the unearthed inscriptions of Li Gui of the Western Zhou Dynasty, when King Wu recruited merchants, only Jiazi Dynasty, Suiding and Kehunsu had merchants.% King Wu defeated Zhou and destroyed Shang overnight. On the morning of Jiazi day when the stars were in the sky, he captured Chaoge.The inscription of Li Gui in the Western Zhou Dynasty clarified the specific date of King Wu's defeat of Zhou, and confirmed the correct record in ancient books that the kingdom of Zhou was destroyed in one day of battle.

《General History of China》Episode 10 Details

Regent Zhou Gong

The Duke of Zhou was named Dan, the son of King Wen, the younger brother of King Wu, and a statesman in the early Zhou Dynasty.King Wu died two years after the Shang Dynasty was destroyed. "The whole world rebelled upon hearing the death of King Wu."In order to deal with the crisis, the Duke of Zhou appointed King Wu's young son Chan as King of Zhou Cheng, and also regent himself, which caused the rebellion of Guan Cai, and the son of Zhou also took the opportunity to join forces to restore the country.Duke Zhou then marched eastward, and for three years he quelled the rebellion of the Three Supervisors, completely conquered the Yin people, and consolidated the rule of the Zhou Dynasty.

《General History of China》Episode 11 Details

The decline of the Zhou royal family

The last emperor of Zhou——King Zhou NanKing Nan of Zhou, named Ji Yan (BC? ~ 256 BC).Prince Zhou Shen.King Shenliang succeeded to the throne after his death.He died of illness after reigning for 59 years.He was buried on the north bank of Qianshui (now Long County, Shaanxi Province), and one theory is that he was buried in Yueyang (now Yueyang County, Hunan Province).During the reign of King Ji Yan of Zhou Nan, the Qin State began to attack left and right, attacking Chu in the south and the three Jin Dynasties (Han, Zhao, Wei) in the east, and expanded to the Central Plains.​

After the Chu State destroyed the Yue State in 306 BC, it occupied almost the entire southern China and became the country with the largest land, the largest population, and the largest military force among the Seven Warring States Periods. It had favorable conditions to conquer the six kingdoms and unify China.However, due to the failure of Wu Qi's reform, the strength of the old aristocracy hindered the development of the Chu State and became the target of Qin's attack.In order to resist Qin, Chu and Qi formed an alliance.The Qin State tried to break up the Qi-Chu alliance so that they could defeat each other. In 313 BC, the Qin State sent its strategist Zhang Yi to Chu and told King Huai of Chu that if the Chu State and Qi broke off diplomatic relations, the King of Qin would like to do business in (today's Zhechuan Neixiang area in Hunan Province).The land of 600 miles is dedicated to Chu.

《General History of China》Episode 12 Details

Spring and Autumn Hegemony

After the death of King You of Zhou in the Western Zhou Dynasty, his son King Ping of Zhou came to the throne.As Haojing suffered war damage and was threatened by the Quanrong, in 770 BC (the first year of King Ping of Zhou), King Ping moved the capital from Haojing to Luoyi (today's Luoyang, Henan).At this point, the Western Zhou Dynasty ended and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was established.From this year to 476 BC (the 44th year of King Jing of Zhou Dynasty), it was the Spring and Autumn Period.The Spring and Autumn Period is named after the chronicle of the Lu State - Spring and Autumn Period - written by Confucius. This history book begins in 722 BC (the first year of Lu Yin) and ends in 481 BC (the fourteenth year of Lu Aigong). It is the same as the Spring and Autumn Period.The upper and lower period limits are roughly the same.

《General History of China》Episode 13 Details


Confucius (September 28, 551 BC - April 11, 478 BC), whose surname was Kong, whose given name was Qiu, and whose courtesy name was Zhongni, was born in Liyi, Song Dynasty (now Xiayi County, Shangqiu, Henan).Zou Yi of the State of Lu (now Qufu City, Jining, Shandong Province) is a famous great thinker and educator in China.Confucius created the culture of private lectures and was the founder of Confucianism.

《General History of China》Episode 14 Details

Reforms in various countries

There were three waves of reform during the Warring States Period: the first was the reform of Li Kui of Wei and the reform of Wu Qi of Chu; the second was the reform of King Wei of Qi, the reform of Han Shen Buhu, and the reform of Shang Yang of Qin; and the third was the reform of King Wuling of Zhao.Hu Fu's riding and shooting and King Zhao's reforms.These reform measures all involve the four basic aspects of economy, politics, military, and culture.

《General History of China》Episode 15 Details

Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period

After the protracted wars for hegemony during the Spring and Autumn Period, the number of vassal states within the Zhou Dynasty was greatly reduced. The Zhou royal family was nominally the common ruler of the world, but in fact it was virtually destroyed. The vassal states attacked each other and wars continued.After the three kingdoms were divided into the Jin Dynasty, Zhao, Wei, and Han were among the powerful states, and the Tian family replaced Qi. The pattern of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period was formally formed. The seven kingdoms are: Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, and Wei.country, Qin country.

《General History of China》Episode 16 Details

Hundreds of schools of thought

The Hundred Schools of Scholars is a general term for various academic schools in the Spring and Autumn Period, Warring States Period, Qin and Han Dynasties. According to the records of Hanshu Yiwenzhi, there are 189 named schools with 4324 works.Later books such as Sui Shu·Jing Ji Zhi—Si Ku Quanshu General Catalog—recorded that there were hundreds of schools of thought, and there were actually thousands of them.However, there are only a few dozen of them that are widely spread, influential and most famous.In summary, only 12 schools were developed.

Among the hundreds of schools of thought, the most widely circulated ones are Legalists, Taoists, Mohists, Confucians, Yin-Yangists, famous scholars, miscellaneous scholars, farmers, novelists, strategists, military strategists, and doctors.The Han people created splendid culture and art in ancient times with distinctive characteristics.The Han people have a written history of more than 5,000 years and are extremely rich in cultural classics.During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the achievements of various ideological and academic schools reflected the ancient Greek civilization of the same period; the three major philosophical systems represented by Confucius, Laozi, and Mozi formed a prosperous situation in which a hundred schools of thought contended.After many twists and turns, Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius came to full power during the Song Dynasty; at the same time, it affected other ethnic minorities to varying degrees, and even affected countries adjacent to China.

《General History of China》Episode 17 Details

The rise of Qin

During the period of Qin Xiaogong, the foreign counselor Shang Yang was used to carry out reforms. The Qin State adopted the diplomatic strategy of distant diplomacy and close attack, and gradually became stronger. By the time of Qin Shihuang, it had the material foundation to unify the six countries.

《General History of China》Episode 18 Details

Qin Shihuang unified China

Qin Shihuang followed the trend of history and unified China by destroying the six kingdoms, ending the long-term separation and fighting among the princes, which was in line with the wishes of the people. He established an autocratic and centralized system of monarchy, unified writing, currency, weights and measures, etc., which consolidated unification and promotedThe economic and cultural exchanges between various ethnic groups in various regions had a profound impact on later generations; through the war of unification, he expanded the territory and made the Qin Dynasty the first unified centralized feudal state in the history of our country.

《General History of China》Episode 19 Details

Chu-Han War

The Chu-Han War, also known as the Chu-Han War, the Chu-Han Struggle for Hegemony, the Chu-Han Struggle, the Chu-Han War, etc., took place from August of the first year of the Han Dynasty (206 BC) to December of the fifth year of the Han Dynasty (about 202 BC).At the beginning of the year), Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, and Liu Bang, the king of Han, fought for power in a large-scale war.

《General History of China》Episode 20 Details

Counties and states in parallel

As early as the Chu-Han War, in order to divide Xiang Yu's camp and strengthen his own power, Liu Bang once made Han Xin, Yingbu, etc. kings. These people were called "different surnames" because they were not Liu surnames.Because the kings with different surnames were not direct descendants of Liu Bang and were dominant in one party, they were all exterminated one after another within a few years after the enfeoffment.

《General History of China》Episode 21 Details

The rule of Wenjing

Due to the Peasant War at the end of the Qin Dynasty and the four-year conflict between Chu and Han, social unrest and severe economic damage caused social and economic poverty in the early Western Han Dynasty.It is recorded in the history books that the people were unable to produce on the fields, there was famine everywhere, cannibalism occurred, and more than half of the people died.

At that time, even the emperor could not ride in a carriage drawn by four horses of the same color, and the generals and ministers could only ride in an ox-cart.Faced with this situation, Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, adopted a loose policy of recuperation to govern the world, demobilized soldiers and returned home, exempted them from corvee service, focused on agriculture and suppressed commerce, and restored the dilapidated social economy.Stabilizing the feudal ruling order and restoring and developing the social economy of the autocratic monarchy have become top priorities to consolidate rule.

《General History of China》Episode 22 Details

Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ascended the throne when he was 16 years old. In order to consolidate the imperial power, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty established the Central Dynasty, established provincial governors in local areas, and created the imperial examination system to select talents.Adopting Zhufuyan's suggestion, he issued an order of grace to resolve the kingdom's power and return the power of salt, iron and coinage to the central government.

《General History of China》Episode 23 Details

Classics of the Two Han Dynasties

Confucian classics refers to the ancient Chinese science of studying Confucian classics and elucidating their meaning.In his later years, Confucius compiled and organized some traditional documents, forming the 《Poetry》,《Shu》,《Li》,《Yi》,《Yue》,《Spring and Autumn》-The Six Classics, these six classics are recognized as treasures.After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty came to the throne, he implemented the proposal of deposing all schools of thought and respecting Confucianism alone, which made Confucianism flourish and develop day by day.Confucian classics in the Han Dynasty were divided into ancient classics and modern classics. In the process of studying, scholars formed two schools of thought. Later, they argued with each other, penetrated and integrated each other, and initially realized the unification of classics.The Han Dynasty was the most prosperous and prosperous period for the development of Confucian classics. During this process, Confucian scholars made the thoughts of Confucian classics deeply penetrate into ordinary people through the process of elaborating and developing Confucian classics.

《General History of China》Episode 24 Details

Zhaoxuan politics

During the reign of Emperor Zhao and Xuan, they worked hard to implement the policies since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. They focused on rectifying the administration of officials, appointing talents, and promoting the emergence of talented officials in large numbers.He also attaches great importance to the administration of officials and believes that the way to govern the country should be "hegemonic", "kingly" and "miscellaneous" governance, and opposes full-time Confucianism.In order to maintain the normal operation of the law, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty set up a censor to review the severity of the sentencing of court officials.

《General History of China》Episode 25 Details

Wang Mang's restructuring

Wang Mang's restructuring, also known as Wang Mang's New Deal, was a series of new measures taken by the new emperor Wang Mang to alleviate the increasing social conflicts in the late Western Han Dynasty.Including land reform, currency reform, commercial reform and official and county name reform.

《General History of China》Episode 26 Details

Guangwu Zhongxing

During his thirty-three-year reign, Emperor Guangwu took a series of measures to restore and develop the economy.Politically, centralization of power was strengthened, and meritorious officials were given generous titles and salaries, but they were prohibited from intervening in politics.Exclude the Three Dukes, increase the power of the ministers who were originally in charge of documents at the emperor's left and right, put the national government and economic affairs office under the emperor's control, abolish the local captains who control the army, demobilize the local army, abolish the service system, streamline administration, reduce officials, and eliminate mergersMore than 400 counties; to liberate productivity economically, an edict was issued to free slaves, stipulating that those who kill slaves shall not be reduced from crime, and those who burn slaves shall be punished according to law, and slaves who are not burned will be treated as common people, and the law that shoots and injures slaves shall be punished with death..

The lighter land tax system of the Western Han Dynasty was restored, and one tax per thirty was implemented.Organize troops to colonize land.The prisoners were released as common people and used to farm in border counties.Orders were given to farmland and household registration checks, and the feudal state's control over land and labor was strengthened.Culturally, Confucianism was also promoted and integrity was respected. The Eastern Han Dynasty was also praised by later historians as the era with the most beautiful culture and the most prosperous Confucianism in Chinese history (Sima Guang and Liang Qichao said).

《General History of China》Episode 27 Details

silk road

“Silk Road” refers to the ancient overland commercial trade route that started in ancient China and connected Asia, Africa and Europe.The Silk Road in the narrow sense generally refers to the land Silk Road.Broadly speaking, it is divided into the land Silk Road and the maritime Silk Road.

《General History of China》Episode 28 Details

Qing Dynasty Discussion and Party Supervision

The internal struggles of the ruling group in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.During the reign of Emperor Huan, the eunuchs were in power and the politics were dark.In order to save the rule of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the officials who were oppressed by the eunuchs united with the imperial students to criticize the eunuch group, criticize the characters, judge the state affairs, and put huge political pressure on the eunuchs from the public opinion. People at the time called it "Qingyi%".The eunuchs then falsely accused Li Ying, Chen Fan, the leaders of the Qing Yi faction, and other disciples of being friends and slandering the court.In the eighth year of Yanxi (166), Emperor Huan issued an edict to arrest more than 200 people including Li Ying, and called them "Party members".

《General History of China》Episode 29 Details

Yellow Turban Rebellion

The Yellow Turban Disaster was a peasant war in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. It was also one of the largest religiously organized civil uprisings in Chinese history. It began in the seventh year of Emperor Guanghe of the Han Dynasty (AD 184). At that time, there was corruption in the court and fighting between eunuchs and relatives.Not only did the border wars continue, the country became increasingly weak, and due to the severe drought across the country, grains were not collected and taxes were not reduced. The desperate poor farmers, under the orders of the Julu people to raise their horns, rose up one after another. They wore yellow scarves on their heads and shouted %天天The slogan "He is dead, Huang Tiandang is established, he is aged in Jiazi, and the world is prosperous" launched a fierce attack on the bureaucratic landlords, and had a huge impact on the rule of the Eastern Han Dynasty. In order to quell the rebellion, various places supported their own troops, although they eventually revoltedIt ended in failure, but the situation of warlord separatism and the existence of the Eastern Han Dynasty in name only was irreversible, which ultimately led to the formation of the Three Kingdoms situation.

《General History of China》Episode 30 Details

Three Kingdoms

The collapse of the Eastern Han Dynasty ushered in the drama of the Three Kingdoms.The Battle of Guandu laid the foundation for Cao Cao's unification of the Yellow River Basin. The Battle of Chibi established the preliminary pattern of the Three Kingdoms' tripartite confrontation. The Battle of Yiling was the final shape of this pattern.The three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu stood in a powerful position. How could Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan and others stand out?

《General History of China》Episode 31 Details

Zhuge Liang governs Shu

At the beginning of the rule of Shu, improving the tense relationship with Soochow became a top priority. Zhuge Liang sent Deng Zhi as an envoy to Soochow. He used emotion and reason to successfully persuade Sun Quan to sever the vassal relationship with the Cao Wei regime and instead become an ally with Shu Han..In 229 AD, Sun Quan proclaimed himself emperor. Zhuge Liang considered the overall situation, assessed the situation, and said...

《General History of China》Episode 32 Details

Unification of the Western Jin Dynasty

The Sima family rose to the occasion, ended the situation of the three kingdoms, and established the unified Western Jin Dynasty.But the Western Jin Dynasty did not create a truly peaceful and prosperous age. After a short period of revelry, the Rebellion of the Eight Kings and the Rebellion of the Five Husbands broke out one after another. The unification of the Western Jin Dynasty only lasted less than 40 years, and China once again fell into the Great Disintegration...

《General History of China》Episode 33 Details

Wei and Jin style

The political struggles during the Wei and Jin Dynasties were extremely complex. In order to avoid large-scale political purges, some intellectuals pretended to be crazy and escaped from the world, entering the pure land of bamboo forests to hide their talents and bide their time.Its representative figures are the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest. Although the seven sages have different origins and aspirations, they all choose to drink in the Bamboo Forest to avoid political risks. Drinking...
《General History of China》Episode 34 Details

clan politics

In the history of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Wang Dao and Xie An families, with their literary, military and romantic talents, ruled the world together with the imperial power.The Eastern Jin Dynasty was the product of the balance of power among the four major families, the Wang family of Langya, the Yu family of Yingchuan, the Huan family of Qiaojun, and the Xie family of Chenjun. The powerful families restrained each other, which limited the autocratic imperial power to some extent and inspired the Wei and Jin Dynasties...

《General History of China》Episode 35 Details

Emperor Wu of Liang ruled the country

Xiao Yan, Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty, rose up in the late years of the Southern Qi Dynasty. He overcame obstacles in the troubled times and destroyed the mediocre regime of the Southern Qi Dynasty. He finally returned to his throne and ascended the throne as emperor.During his time in power, he worked diligently to reform bad governance and promote civilized governance.Respecting Confucianism, advocating rituals and music, and developing Buddhism, after twenty years of hard work, Emperor Wu of Liang finally brought Nanliang to prosperity...

《General History of China》Episode 36 Details

Reforms of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty

During the Five Hus and Sixteen Kingdoms era, wars continued among the ethnic minority separatist forces in the north. The Xianbei ethnic regime that emerged from the turmoil finally unified the north and established the first relatively stable ethnic minority regime in the Central Plains.Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty played a great role in this great change.This episode tells the story of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty as a...

《General History of China》Episode 37 Details

Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou Dynasty

During the reign of Yu Wenyong, he killed the powerful minister Yu Wenhu and got rid of Xianbei's old customs.Rectifying the administration of officials made the Northern Zhou Dynasty political clear, the people's lives stable, and the country strong.Yu Wenyong lived a simple life and was able to care about the sufferings of the people in a timely manner.In 575, Yu Wenyong launched a large-scale attack on the Northern Qi Dynasty and destroyed the Northern Qi Dynasty a year and a half later.578 years,...

《General History of China》Episode 38 Details

The rise and fall of the Chen Dynasty

In October of the second year of Taiping (AD 557), Chen Baxian was promoted to the title of King Chen, with Kuaiji, Linhai, Yongjia, and Jian'an in Yangzhou, Jinling and Xinyi in southern Xuzhou, and Xunyang, Yuzhang, Ancheng, and Luling in Jiangzhou.Wait for twenty counties to establish Chen State.

《General History of China》Episode 39 Details

Wei and Jin Buddhism

Buddhism bloomed in the land of China in its splendid early history.From the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the reunification of the Sui Dynasty, the time spanned 360 years. This dark medieval period, with regime changes and mountains and rivers falling apart, was a golden period for the development of cultural thought.It is under such a general environment that Buddhism, a foreign religion, has gained deep popularity in China...

《General History of China》Episode 40 Details


The Yang Jian family came from six towns in the north during the Northern Wei Dynasty.The six towns assembled the main military force of the Northern Wei Dynasty to resist Rouran. As Emperor Xiaowen of Wei moved the capital to Luoyang, the military generals of the six towns were far away from the political core and their status began to decline.In the harsh natural and social environment, the soldiers in the six towns established a military group based on blood and geographical relationships...

《General History of China》Episode 41 Details

Emperor Yang's merits and demerits

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty inherited a series of systems initiated by his father, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, and continued to consolidate the centralized state.In the local political system, it is stipulated that local officials have a term of office and cannot be re-elected after the expiration of the term. This is to firmly control the power of appointing local officials and prevent local officials and local powerful people from colluding with each other.At the same time, counties and redundant personnel will be abolished to streamline...

《General History of China》Episode 42 Details

The rule of Zhenguan

In 626 AD, the Xuanwu Gate Incident occurred. Li Shimin killed his brother and forced his father to become the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.He learned from the lessons of the fall of the Sui Dynasty, recruited talents, was good at accepting advice, emphasized the rule of law, paid attention to agriculture, developed the population, stabilized the border areas, and brought barbarians to the dynasty. People of all ethnic groups lived and worked in peace and contentment and lived in harmony. The Tang Dynasty...

《General History of China》Episode 43 Details

Wu Zetian

Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in Chinese history, inherited the rule of Zhenguan and ushered in the prosperous Kaiyuan era. She forged a unique history with extraordinary political courage and promoted the development of society.And in the turbulent waves of history, she broke through the world, the court, and men with her rare courage and wisdom.

《General History of China》Episode 44 Details

Kaiyuan prosperous age

In 173 AD, Li Longji smashed Princess Taiping's palace coup conspiracy and became the sixth emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Xuanzong.After that, he recruited talents, eradicated chaos, reorganized the dynasty, and developed culture. After 30 years of careful governance, the Tang Dynasty ushered in the second peaceful and prosperous age since the Zhenguan Reign...

《General History of China》Episode 45 Details

Anshi Rebellion

After 30 years of hard work by Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty achieved economic prosperity, social harmony, border stability, and cultural prosperity, and the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty emerged.However, it prospered but then declined. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty became lax in his later years, loyal ministers were expelled and treacherous ministers took over, which finally led to a great national disaster - the Anshi Rebellion.After this war, Tang...

《General History of China》Episode 46 Details

Dilemma in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty

The corruption of eunuchs is also shocking. Eunuchs were originally people who were spared from punishment, but some great eunuchs competed to marry wives and concubines, adopt adopted sons, and establish eunuch families that were passed down from generation to generation.In order to find backers, the civil and military officials of the imperial court bribed the eunuchs one after another. In order to obtain the position of Jiedushi, some generals of the Forbidden Army did not hesitate to borrow money from wealthy households at very high interest rates to bribe the eunuchs., at that time, the folk joke called him "Debt Handsome%".

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Chang'an, the world city

During the Tang Dynasty, Tubo invaded Chang'an and destroyed Chang'an's water conservancy system. Since then, Chang'an has lost its qualification as the capital.

《General History of China》Episode 48 Details

The rise and fall of Tubo

In 763 AD, after experiencing the An-Shi Rebellion, another major event that could be described as a great shame and humiliation occurred in the Tang Empire.In October of this year, the Tubo general Dazalugong (Chinese name Ma Chongying) led his army to march straight into Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Empire.The then emperor Tang Daizong fled in panicShaanzhou.Tubo then appointed Li Chenghong, King of Guangwu, the nephew of Princess Jincheng who had entered Tubo to marry as a puppet emperor. After staying for fifteen days, he led his troops to retreat westward.It was not until December that Emperor Daizong of the Tang Dynasty returned to Chang'an.

《General History of China》Episode 49 Details


Dunhuang is one of the famous historical and cultural cities in China. It was called Shazhou in ancient times and is located at the westernmost end of the Hexi Corridor.Its long history has given birth to a splendid ancient culture. The cultural relics everywhere, numerous classics and documents, exquisite grotto art, and mysterious mountains and rivers... make this ancient city still full of splendor.“The world's art treasure house”Mogao Grottoes,“The world's largest desert spring”Crescent Moon Spring,“White as jade”Yumen Pass,“Desert Geological Museum”Yadan Geopark, etc., all show the vast desert style and mysterious atmosphere of Dunhuang to the world.

《General History of China》Episode 50 Details

Tang Dynasty’s Foreign Relations

During the Tang Dynasty, China had extensive and close political, economic, and cultural ties with many countries in Asia and Africa. This not only expanded the horizons of the Chinese people, but also enriched the economic and cultural life of the Chinese people.China during the Tang Dynasty was the most advanced, civilized and developed country in the world at that time. It made a great contribution to the development of world economy and culture and occupied an important place in the history of human civilization...

《General History of China》Episode 51 Details

Tang Dynasty Religion

The rulers of the Sui and Tang Dynasties attached great importance to the role of religion in consolidating feudal rule.During the reign of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, the religious policy of giving equal emphasis to Buddhism and Taoism was pursued. In the eighth year of Wude (625), Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty determined the order of Taoism first, Confucianism second, and Buddhism last. Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty once again ordered Taoism first, Buddhism second;During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong, Taoism reached its peak, but at the same time Confucius was named King Wenxuan; Wu Zetian once favored Buddhism, which brought Buddhism to its peak.

《General History of China》Episode 52 Details

Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms

In 581 AD, Yang Jian, the former minister of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, usurped the Zhou Dynasty and established the Sui Dynasty, which finally ended the Northern and Southern Dynasties that lasted for more than 160 years.In the early days of the Sui Dynasty, as Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty worked hard to govern, the country gradually got rid of poverty and weakness.However, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, who succeeded to the throne, increasingly embarked on the path of luxury and corruption in his later years. In the end, in the mist and rain in the south of the Yangtze River, he single-handedly pushed the great Sui Dynasty into the abyss of eternal destruction.

《General History of China》Episode 53 Details

Song Taizu

Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin (March 21, 927 - November 14, 976), courtesy name Yuanlang, was a military strategist and martial artist from the Five Dynasties to the early Northern Song Dynasty, and the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty.His ancestral home is Zhuojun.His father is Zhao Hongyin and his mother is Du Shi.Zhao Kuangyin defected to Guo Wei during the reign of Emperor Yin of the Later Han Dynasty. Later, Guo Wei abolished the Han Dynasty and established the Zhou Dynasty. He was appointed as the leader of the East and West Troops and began to enter the official career.Later, he conquered the Southern Tang Dynasty and made many achievements.

《General History of China》Episode 54 Details

Alliance of Chanyuan

In the autumn of 1004 (the first year of Jingde, Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty), Empress Dowager Xiao of Liao and Shengzong of Liao personally led an army southward and penetrated deep into the Song Dynasty.Some ministers advocated fleeing south to avoid the enemy. Song Zhenzong also wanted to flee south. Because of the urging of Prime Minister Kou Zhun, he went to Chanzhou to supervise the war.The Song army defended the town behind the Liao army, and shot Liao general Xiao Talan (一zuolin) at the foot of Chanzhou City.

《General History of China》Episode 55 Details

Rule the world with the scholar-bureaucrats

In a nutshell, the political structure of the Song Dynasty was that the emperor and the scholar-bureaucrats jointly ruled the world. This is the key to understanding and understanding the bureaucratic political system of the Song Dynasty.The imperial power, the power of the prime minister, and the power of remonstration formed the triangle in the central government of the Song Dynasty. The three restricted each other and relied on each other, forming a "co-governance" structure.

《General History of China》Episode 56 Details

Wang Anshi's Reform

Wang Anshi's reform was aimed at developing production, enriching the country and strengthening the army, and rescuing the political crisis of the Song Dynasty. It centered on financial management and army rectification, and involved all aspects of politics, economy, military, society, and culture. It was the second reform in ancient Chinese history after Shang Yang's reform.Another massive movement for social change.

《General History of China》Episode 57 Details

Jingkang Difficulty

《General History of China》There are 100 episodes in total, each episode is 45 minutes long. During the creation process, opinions from all walks of life were widely listened to. Based on rich historical data, it fully absorbed the research results of contemporary archeology and history.The evolution of the times is connected vertically, and problem analysis is carried out horizontally. It reviews the development path of ancient Chinese history with a rigorous scientific attitude and a broad vision, displays the splendor and splendor of Chinese civilization, and allows the world to understand the complete history of the development of the Chinese nation, systematically and comprehensively.Tell the history of Chinese civilization.

The film takes the historical experience of the rise and fall of fighting chaos in the past dynasties and the splendid civilization created on the basis of a unified multi-ethnic country as the main creative line. It is based on rich historical data and fully absorbs the latest results of contemporary archaeology and historical research.The evolution of the times is connected vertically, and problem analysis is used to expand horizontally. It reviews the development path of ancient Chinese history with a rigorous scientific attitude and a broad vision, and displays the brilliance and splendor of Chinese civilization.The entire film is guided by Marxist historical materialism, and it grasps, sees and thinks about the history of our nation from the height of the 21st century.

《General History of China》Episode 58 Details

War between Song and Jin Dynasties

Song Huizong became emperor by accident, without any mental preparation or necessary experience.When he was still in the feudal residence, he was not very interested in Confucian classics and historical records, which were the main subjects of the prince's family. Instead, he had a strong interest in pen and ink painting, Cuju, riding and shooting, etc. He knew everything about cockfighting and lackeys.Gao Qiu, the footman of the consort Wang Shen, also became Zhao Ji's trusted servant because of his outstanding Cuju skills.

《General History of China》Episode 59 Details


After the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty, the Sima family's power moved eastward and settled in the southeast, which was called the Eastern Jin Dynasty in history.The rule of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was almost consistent with that of the Sixteen Kingdoms.

《General History of China》Episode 60 Details

Tokyo Menghua

《Tokyo Menghualu》 described almost everything from the scope of the capital to the palace buildings, from the official offices to the neighborhoods in the city, from food and daily life to the seasons, from singing, dancing and music to wedding and funeral customs., you can not only understand the folk customs and fashion at that time, but also feel the developed economy and prosperous urban life of the Song Dynasty.

《General History of China》Episode 61 Details

Song Dynasty Neo-Confucianism

In order to stabilize the political situation of the new dynasty, the rulers of the early Song Dynasty still adopted a realistic attitude in politics. The system design continued the inertia of preventing fraud since the Five Dynasties and reached the level of exhaustiveness and meticulousness.Especially after Song Taizong's external aggressiveness suffered repeated setbacks, his attention turned internally.

《General History of China》Episode 62 Details

Song Dynasty Culture

During the long feudal era of China, the Song Dynasty was a period of high cultural prosperity, with great progress made in science and technology, philosophy, education, literature, art, history, etc.

《General History of China》Episode 63 Details

The rise of Khitan

The Khitan people are an ancient and powerful nation in the history of our country. They appeared in the middle of the 4th century. After the middle of the 14th century (that is, until the Ming Dynasty), the word Khitan disappeared from history for about 1,000 years.His influence and contribution in the history of the motherland make him one of the few nationalities in our country.

《General History of China》Episode 64 Details

The founding of the Western Liao Dynasty

Xiliao (1124~1218) was a country established by the ancient Khitan people.Also known as the Black Khitan, Hara Khitan, and the Second Khitan Dynasty.Yelu Dashi, the founder of Western Liao Dynasty, was the eighth-generation grandson of Yelu Abaoji, the founding monarch of Liao Dynasty. He was named Chongde.The founding monarch of Western Liao, Yelu Dashi, was named “Liao” to indicate that he inherited the Liao Dynasty. Because it was different from the previous Daliao built by Yelu Abaoji, it was called Western Liao.

《General History of China》Episode 65 Details

Wan Yan Aguda

Wanyan Aguda (August 1, 1068 - September 19, 1123), whose Han name was Min, was of the Jurchen tribe. He was the son of Wanyan Gailibo and Nalan, the founding emperor of the Jin Dynasty, and an outstanding politician and military strategist., which laid the foundation for the Jin Dynasty to destroy the Liao Dynasty and unify the north.

《General History of China》Episode 66 Details

The rise and fall of the Jin Dynasty

During the Jin Dynasty, with the deepening of feudalization, the social economy achieved certain development.In addition to the advantages of animal husbandry, its agriculture, handicrafts and commerce also made progress.The culture of the Jin Dynasty was deeply influenced by Han culture and achieved corresponding achievements, among which drama was more prominent and produced famous writers such as Yuan Haowen.

《General History of China》Episode 67 Details

Liao and Jin Culture

The Liao and Jin dynasties, respectively established by the Khitan and Jurchen tribes, had many similarities in their cultural development.The common or close natural environment, the level of productivity development, the degree of civilization, the role of the laws of social development and the acceptance of Chinese.

《General History of China》Episode 68 Details

The rise and fall of Xixia

In the twelfth year of Xia Qing's reign (AD 1205), Mongolia showed powerful force to Xixia for the first time.In March, Genghis Khan used Xixia to accept the Mongolian enemies, led his troops to attack Lijili Village (i.e. Yingli County), and sent troops to Gua and Sha states to plunder.The Xixia ruling class was helpless against the sudden attack of the Mongolian army and had no choice but to let it ravage them.

《General History of China》Episode 69 Details

Rise of Mongolia

The Rise of Mongolia The Mongols originated from a tribe in the Wangjian River (today's Erguna River) basin in ancient times. They first appeared in the "Old Tang Book" under the name "Mengwu Shiwei".After the collapse of the Uighur Khanate in 840 AD, most of the tribe moved westward, and the river gradually merged with the Turkic-speaking residents who remained on the Mongolian plateau.The language developed into Mongolian writing under the influence of Turkic languages, and the economic life was also influenced by Turkic languages, transitioning from nomadic to predominantly nomadic.

《General History of China》Episode 70 Details

Kublai Khan

Kublai Khan was the second son of Tolei, the youngest son of Genghis Khan (the most beloved grandson of Genghis Khan Temujin), and the younger brother of Meng Ge, Emperor Xianzong of the Yuan Dynasty. He had devoted himself to military rule since he was a child. When Meng Ge became the Great Khan, he was ordered toMonan Han region.After Meng Ge died of illness at the foot of Diaoyu Mountain on the way to Sichuan, Kublai Khan became the new Great Khan and began his glorious life as the founder of the Yuan Empire and the first Mongolian emperor in the Central Plains.

《General History of China》Episode 71 Details

Touring both places

The implementation of this system not only maximizes the spatial conditions for normal agricultural production in Dadu, but also realizes rotational grazing of livestock between Dadu and Shangdu, providing the greatest guarantee for the summer growth and winter survival of livestock.The two-capital patrol system maximized the economic benefits of agriculture and animal husbandry on the premise of maintaining and strengthening the military strength of the metropolitan areas.

《General History of China》Episode 72 Details

Great Yuan Emperor Master Pasiba

Pasiba has vast supernatural powers and boundless magical power.He cut off his own body and limbs in front of Kublai Khan, his wife Chabi Kedun and all the ministers, proving that he was protected by the five Buddhas, which convinced Kublai Khan, his wife and all the ministers that he had proved his merits and virtues.

When Kublai Khan was suspected and tested by Mongke Khan, Phag Siba offered fire sacrifices to Kublai Khan to pray for blessings and peace.It is said that Pasiba's method can call the wind and rain, and protect Kublai Khan's thousands of troops, making them invincible and invincible in battles such as Liupan Mountain.Although Pasiba did not directly participate in Kublai Khan's war to destroy the Southern Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty's heavenly soldiers flew across the Yangtze River and became unified, thanks to the secret help of the emperor's division.

《General History of China》Episode 73 Details

Maritime Silk Road

The Maritime Silk Road refers to the maritime passage for economic and cultural exchanges between ancient China and other parts of the world.More than 2,000 years ago, a Maritime Silk Road starting from ports such as Xuwen Port and Hepu Port in China established a global trade network.

《General History of China》Episode 74 Details

Marco Polo and China

Marco Polo, based on his own account - Marco Polo's Travels - (The following descriptions of his personal experiences are all from - Marco Polo's Travels -, his description of his experiences in China, there is still some controversy in Chinese and Western historical circles, and neither side of the dispute has sufficient evidence to prove that he has been to China or has not been to China in the future.

Marco Polo was a traveler and businessman in Venice in the 13th century. When he was 17 years old, he followed his father and uncle to the East along the overland Silk Road, passing through the Mesopotamia, the Iranian Plateau, and the Pamir Plateau. It took four years and arrived in the Yuan Dynasty in 1275.Dadu (now Beijing).He claimed to have traveled in China for 17 years and served as an official in the Yuan Dynasty. He visited many places in China at that time, including Yunnan and the southeastern coastal areas.

《General History of China》Episode 75 Details

Emperor Yuan Shun

The eleventh emperor of the Yuan Dynasty and the fifteenth khan of the Mongol Empire.The eldest son of Yuan Ming Zong and the eldest brother of Yuan Ning Zong.His biological mother is Meladi, a saint.He was born in the Chagatai Khanate on April 17, the seventh year of Yanyou (1320). In the second year of Tianli (1329), Yuan Mingzong returned to the Yuan Dynasty after succeeding to the throne. Soon after, Yuan Wenzong poisoned Yuan Mingzong, and he wasHuan Tie Muer was exiled to Qingdao in Korea and Jingjiang in Guangxi (now Guilin).After Yuan Wenzong and Yuan Ningzong died one after another, Tuo Huan Tie Mu'er was welcomed back by the Queen Mother Buda Shili, and he was located in Shangdu on the eighth day of June in the fourth year of Zhishun (1333).

《General History of China》Episode 76 Details

Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang

Zhu Yuanzhang (1328-June 24, 1398), Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, was named Guorui, his original name was Chongba, and he was later named Xingzong. He was a native of Zhongli, Haozhou (now Fengyang, Anhui), and was the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

《General History of China》Episode 77 Details

Yongle moved the capital

Ming Dynasty Emperor Chengzu moved the capital to Beijing. It refers to Emperor Chengzu Zhu Di moving the capital of the Ming Dynasty from Nanjing to Beijing. It is an event of great significance in Chinese history. Its impact on Chinese politics, economy, and culture has continued to modern times.Moving the capital to Beijing will help control the political situation across the country, and at the same time help fight against the southern invasion of the northern Mongols, and also help manage the northeastern region.

《General History of China》Episode 78 Details

Zheng He's voyages to the West

Zheng He's voyages to the West were the largest in ancient China, with the most ships (more than 240 ships), the most sailors, and the longest voyage. It was more than half a century earlier than European countries and was a direct reflection of the power of the Ming Dynasty.Zheng He's navigation far surpassed that of Portuguese, Spanish and other navigators nearly a century later, such as Magellan, Columbus, Vasco da Gama and others. He can be called the pioneer of the Age of Discovery and the only Oriental., and proposed the theory of sea power five hundred years earlier than Mahan., it is even said that Zheng He was the first to discover America, Australia, and Antarctica.

《General History of China》Episode 79 Details

cabinet system

Although the parliamentary cabinet system combines legislative power with executive power, which reduces the chance of conflict between the cabinet and Congress, and has better party discipline and party organization than the presidential system, most democratic countries around the world also implement the parliamentary cabinet system.However, the parliamentary cabinet system itself may not necessarily ensure good governance efficiency of the government, nor may it prevent the occurrence of dictatorship and power abuse.

《General History of China》Episode 80 Details

Tumu Fort Incident

In June of the 14th year of Zhengtong (1449), the Oara leader also marched into the Ming Dynasty. Instigated by the eunuch Wang Zhen, Emperor Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty established the two-year-old prince Zhu Jianshen as the crown prince, despite the dissuasion of the officials.Zhu Qiyu, the younger brother of the emperor's mother, stayed behind and personally led the army to the expedition.All military and political affairs were left to Wang Zhen's discretion. The marching route changed frequently and the soldiers were exhausted.Kuang Ye, Minister of War, repeatedly requested to enter Juyongguan to ensure safety, but Wang Zhen refused.

《General History of China》Episode 81 Details

Wang Yangming's Psychology

The main body of Wang Yangming's philosophy is "Mind Ontology", which means that what you see, hear, feel, think, and everything in your mind constitutes your entire world.Apart from this, there is no other world for you.In other words, another so-called objective world does not mean anything to you.

《General History of China》Episode 82 Details

Maritime borders and mutual markets

When people mention the maritime frontiers and foreign trade of the Ming Dynasty, people will immediately think of the following words: Japanese pirates, Zheng He, sea ban, Qi Jiguang.The real history is far more vivid than these words.On the blue coastline, all the characteristics of this dynasty are truly displayed, whether they are advantages or disadvantages.

《General History of China》Episode 83 Details

Zhang Juzheng's reforms

During the Wanli period, Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, carried out reforms in politics, economy, national defense and other aspects in order to save the Ming Dynasty and ease social conflicts.In order to maintain the long-term rule of the Ming Dynasty, some powerful figures within the ruling class believed that politics must be reformed and a way to save themselves was sought.Under such a situation, Zhang Juzheng's reform measures were implemented.

《General History of China》Episode 84 Details

Jesuits come to China

The missionary mission of the Jesuits to China in the late Ming Dynasty enabled China and the West to have deeper cultural exchanges, which was a major event in the history of cultural exchanges between China and the West. As a young religious order that had just been established, the Jesuits were able to become a Catholic religious order at that time.The most successful missionaries in China are closely connected with the connotation of the order itself. This article will try to analyze the background of the Jesuits' missionary mission in China from two aspects: the European background and the Jesuits' own situation.

《General History of China》Episode 85 Details

Jiangnan Town

Years of wars in the north have left much of it deserted. The land in the south is more fertile and has a suitable climate, making it suitable for farming, especially for two crops.Desertification in the north had already begun to become serious in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The south had a large population and a developed water network. Especially with the opening of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, it was more convenient for the south to transport supplies to the capital.The Ming Dynasty partially opened up the maritime ban, while the Qing Dynasty had ports such as Guangzhou. In other words, the policy was relatively open.

《General History of China》Episode 86 Details

Silver Capital

In the second half of the 16th century, there was a rapid and intensive transformation in England from the relatively static state of the Middle Ages to a freer and more fluid state based on money, markets, and commercial exchange.Coincidentally, such a great change was also taking place in Ming Dynasty China in the second half of the 16th century.Silver breaks people's psychological balance in the natural economic environment.After exchange with currency as the core intervenes in all social relations, it affects people's social concepts.

《General History of China》Episode 87 Details

Emperor Chongzhen

After Emperor Chongzhen succeeded to the throne, he vigorously eradicated eunuchs, was diligent in political affairs, lived frugally, and issued six edicts for sins against himself. He was a young and promising emperor.It is a pity that he was suspicious by nature and could not save the declining Ming Dynasty.During his reign, a peasant uprising broke out, and the Houjin regime was eyeing him outside the country. He was already in a situation of internal and external troubles.In 1644, when Li Zicheng's army conquered Beijing, he hanged himself in Meishan at the age of 34 and reigned for 17 years.

《General History of China》Episode 88 Details

Taking over the Central Plains

The Manchus are one of the earliest recorded residents in the Northeast. Their ancestors were the Sushen people. As early as the Western Zhou Dynasty, they took the initiative to pay tribute to the central dynasty. The Emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty also affectionately called the area where the Sushen people were located the Northern Territory of this dynasty.%.The descendants of the Sushen people were called Yilou people in the Han Dynasty.During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Yilou people were called Wuji people and developed into seven major tribes.During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Wuji people were called the Mohe people and were still one of the seven major tribes.

《General History of China》Episode 89 Details

The stability of the dynasty

When Emperor Xianzong first came to the throne, he relied on Li Xian and other cabinet ministers to redefine rights and wrongs in order to seize the throne. In exchange for the support of the courtiers and the stability of the political situation.But not long after, Xianzong became idle in political affairs, studied Taoism, had sex in the palace, ignored government affairs for a long time, and did not summon ministers.Concubine Wan Gui, the eunuchs, cabinet ministers, etc. kept the situation calm while doing nothing.

《General History of China》Episode 90 Details

Recover TW

Zheng Chenggong was a famous general who fought against the Qing Dynasty in the 17th century. Emperor Menglong gave him the Ming Dynasty surname Zhu, giving him the name Chenggong.In 1624 (the fourth year of Ming Dynasty), the Dutch colonialists invaded China.Zheng Chenggong was determined to drive away the invading army.

《General History of China》Episode 91 Details

The great cause of unification

The unification of China ended the melee between feudal lords during the Warring States Period and ushered in a new era of unification of the Chinese nation and state. This was Qin Shihuang's major historical contribution.Qin Shihuang implemented a policy of focusing on agriculture and suppressing commerce, which restored and developed agricultural production. He took measures that were conducive to national unification and political power consolidation, and established a centralized political power structure. This was the outstanding feature of a politician in the feudal era.

However, in order to stabilize his rule, he burned books and harassed Confucians, implemented ideological and cultural autocracy, was superstitious to Legalism, imposed severe punishments for minor crimes, formulated harsh criminal laws, and used unlimited civilian and material resources, which exceeded the limits of what people at the time could tolerate.It shows that Qin Shihuang was another tyrant who was self-reliant, autocratic and tyrannical. Qin Shihuang's tyranny led to Qin's rapid demise.

《General History of China》Episode 92 Details

Military Aircraft Department

The Military Machinery Department was signed by an official from the Qing Dynasty, and was also known as the Military Machinery Room and the Prime Minister's Office.It was the central power organ of the Qing Dynasty. It was established in the seventh year of Yongzheng (1729) to mobilize troops in the northwest.Emperor Yongzheng set up a military machine room inside the Longzong Gate because his cabinet was outside the Taihe Gate, and he set up a military machine room inside the Longzong Gate. He selected those who kept secrets in the cabinet to be in charge of writing, so that they could deal with urgent military affairs and assist the emperor in handling government affairs.In the tenth year of Yongzheng's reign (1732), it was renamed the Military Aircraft Management Department.There are military aircraft ministers, military aircraft Zhang Jing, etc., all of whom are part-time.During the reign of Emperor Qianlong, the Military Aircraft Department was reestablished and became the central authority of the Qing Dynasty until the end of the Qing Dynasty.

《General History of China》Episode 93 Details

Divide into acres

Sharing Ding into Mu, also known as "Ding Ding Ru Mu", also known as "Ding Ding Ru Mu" or "Di Ding He Yi", was first created in the Ming Dynasty. It was a tax system in which the Qing government merged the Ding Yin that had been passed down through the ages into the land tax collection.It was widely practiced during the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong years of the Qing Dynasty.

《General History of China》Episode 94 Details

Literary governance and literary prison

Literary prison refers to the imprisonment of rulers who persecute intellectuals. There are records of literary prison in all dynasties in China, and there are similar incidents in North Korea, Japan and other countries.

《General History of China》Episode 95 Details

Passive self-improvement

After China and Japan were opened by the gunboats of Western powers, they both chose the path of learning from the West, resulting in China's Westernization Movement and Japan's Meiji Restoration. However, these two movements had completely opposite endings.

《General History of China》Episode 96 Details

opium war

The First Opium War (First Opium War), often called the First Anglo-Chinese War or the Trade War, was a war launched by Britain against China from 1840 to 1842. It is also an important part of the modern history of China.the beginning of.

《General History of China》Episode 97 Details

Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1851-1864) (where the characters “天” are long at the top and short at the bottom; “国” is within the character “王”), it was later renamed the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom successively.It was a peasant regime created by a peasant uprising in the late Qing Dynasty. It was also the largest peasant war in the history of the Qing Dynasty.

《General History of China》Episode 98 Details

Sino-Japanese War

The Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War was a war in which Japan invaded China and Korea at the end of the 19th century.According to the Chinese zodiac calendar, 1894, when the war broke out, was the year of Sino-Japanese War, so it was called the Sino-Japanese War. Japan called it the Sino-Japanese War, and Western countries called it the First Sino-Japanese War.

《General History of China》Episode 99 Details

Restoration and Revolution

At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, as the aggression of foreign powers intensified, the natural economy of Chinese society further disintegrated, objectively providing conditions for the development of national capitalism. As the crisis of the Chinese nation further deepened, the bourgeois reform that entered the political stageThe political faction and the revolutionary faction respectively launched campaigns to save the nation from extinction.

《General History of China》Episode 100 Details

end of empire

The Western powers used their strong ships and artillery to force the Qing Dynasty to cede territory and pay compensation, lose power and humiliate the country. China suffered a strange disaster, and China suffered a major change that had not been seen in three thousand years.The Sino-Japanese War was an important turning point in the decline and fall of the Qing Empire, and the Revolution of 1911 announced the end of the Chinese empire.