Home TV Not love at first sight
《Not love at first sight》“step by step”Intro
The actor playing role in《Not love at first sight》is“Cao Jinghao
Cao Jinghao

Among the business giants like the Yuyu Group, the name of Prince Bu Yijian has gradually emerged in recent years.With his overly narcissistic character and self-proclaimed perfection attitude, he became the center of attention.However, after he became the general manager of the company, people began to discover that this young leader had real abilities that transcended his family background.

Bu Yijian's narcissism is not groundless. He does have outstanding talents and outstanding abilities.However, he never showed any arrogance in his work.On the contrary, he knows people well, respects every employee, and is even willing to compete fairly with his secretary Zhong Qing.This open and inclusive leadership style has earned him widespread respect and support within the team.

Bu Yijian showed extraordinary wisdom in management.He is never dictatorial, but listens to employees' suggestions with an open mind and encourages team members to express their opinions.This democratic management method not only improves the cohesion of the team, but also makes the company's decision-making more scientific and reasonable.

In terms of investment, Bu Yijian's vision is even more unique.He is not limited to traditional investment areas, but is willing to support small companies that are heavily in debt.This forward-looking investment strategy not only allows Yuyu Group to obtain generous returns, but also creates more job opportunities for the society.

Although Bu Yijian shows a competitive side on the surface, there is a lingering shadow of childhood behind him.These shadows did not defeat him, but instead inspired him to work harder to prove himself and surpass himself.It is this indomitable spirit that makes Yiyijian stand out in the business world and become the new star of the Yuyu Group.