Home TV Full Bloom
《Full Bloom》Episode 30 Synopsis

Episode 30

Fu Jiaming was very patient with Fang Taichu, telling her stories and teaching her how to play the piano. Fang Taichu soon fell in love with Fu Jiaming, and Huang Yimei saw it all.When Su Gengsheng was on a business trip, Su's mother took the opportunity to ask Huang Zhenhua for a gift of 200,000 yuan. Huang Zhenhua usually spent money lavishly and had never saved that much money. He had no choice but to borrow money from Zhou Shihui without telling Su Gengsheng. Zhou Shihui agreed to lend him the money and asked out of curiosity.Huang Zhenhua couldn't tell the purpose of the money he borrowed, so he tried his best to find excuses to cover it up.Fang Taichu was sad because of the death of the little rabbit Taotao. Fu Jiaming accompanied Fang Taichu to bury the rabbit and bought chocolates to make Fang Taichu happy.Huang Zhenhua borrowed 200,000 yuan from Zhou Shihui to give Su's mother, and Su's mother was satisfied and left. Before leaving, she told Huang Zhenhua not to tell Su Gengsheng about this. Huang Zhenhua felt awkward, but he agreed.Fang Taichu wrote a song for the dead little rabbit. Fu Jiaming sang the song with her in the bar. Fu Jiaming also invited Huang Yimei to dance on stage. Huang Yimei played an impromptu song, which won the applause and cheers of the customers present.Voice.After the performance, Huang Yimei drove Fang Taichu home, and Fu Jiaming escorted them on a motorcycle. Huang Yimei became fond of Fu Jiaming, and Fu Jiaming also gradually fell in love with her.After meeting Fu Jiaming, Huang Yimei's mood suddenly brightened. Su Gengsheng saw that she was in love, so Huang Yimei had to admit that she liked Fu Jiaming. Su Gengsheng wanted to enhance the relationship between Huang Yimei and Fu Jiaming. He and Huang Zhenhua discussed a team building with Huang Zhenhua, and they also speciallyIt was explained that family members would need to be brought along, and Huang Zhenhua thought it was feasible.Fu Jiaming invited Fu Jiaming to participate in team building, but Fu Jiaming didn't want to go. When he learned that Huang Yimei and Fang Taichu were also going, he agreed without saying a word.Huang Zhenhua asked Huang Yimei to take Fang Taichu to participate in the team building. Huang Yimei did not want to get involved in the matter and asked Huang Zhenhua to tell Fu Jiaming that Fu Jiaming would also go. She agreed to take Fang Taichu to participate.Fu Jiaming arrived at the agreed place early. Huang Yimei drove Fang Taichu to the suburbs. Fu Jiaming did not take the bus prepared by the company, but got into Huang Yimei's car. Zhou Shihui witnessed Fu Jiaming getting on the bus and felt sour. Fu Jiaming prepared a lot for Fang Taichu.Fang Taichu loved the snacks and toys so much that he even put stickers on Fu Jiaming and Huang Yimei's faces.Fang Taichu fell asleep soon. Fu Jiaming casually asked about Huang Yimei's ex-husband. Huang Yimei answered truthfully that Fang Xiewen was good, but they were not suitable.Huang Yimei drove to the outskirts, and the company bus arrived soon after. Everyone set up tents and barbecued. Fu Jiaming also caught insects in the woods and roasted them to eat. Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng didn't dare to eat them, but Huang Yimei bravely ate them.Fu Jiaming played bumper cars with Fang Taichu and Huang Yimei. They talked and laughed and were very happy. Zhou Shihui saw that Huang Zhenhua took advantage of the team building to create opportunities for Huang Yimei and Fu Jiaming, and was very dissatisfied with Huang Zhenhua.Zhou Shihui overheard the argument between Huang Zhenhua and Zhou Shihui. Zhou Shihui casually mentioned Huang Zhenhua's borrowing money. Su Gengsheng heard their conversation and confronted Huang Zhenhua bitterly. Huang Zhenhua admitted that he had borrowed 200,000 from Zhou Shihui to give to Su's mother.Gengsheng was very angry, complaining that Huang Zhenhua should not have kept it from her, and ignored Huang Zhenhua out of anger. No matter how many explanations Huang Zhenhua had, it was of no avail. Huang Zhenhua wanted to take care of Fang Taichu, who was sleeping soundly, so he did not chase her.Late at night, Fu Jiaming took Huang Yimei to go boating. Huang Yimei slipped and fell into Fu Jiaming's arms. The two looked at each other and couldn't help kissing passionately. Finally, they lay on the boat and wandered in the river. Huang Yimei and Fu Jiaming had the same goals. They fell in love.We had a lot of fun talking and had endless love stories to say.The more Su Gengsheng thought about it, the angrier she became. She booked a flight early in the morning to go back to her hometown to argue with her mother. Huang Zhenhua called her to apologize, and only then did he know that she had returned to her hometown.After that camping trip, Huang Yimei and Fu Jiaming began to fall in love. They wanted to be together every day. Fu Jiamin wanted to tell Huang Yimei about Fu Jiaming's congenital heart disease. Mimi persuaded him not to spoil the fun, not to mention Fu Jiaming is recovering well now.Fu Jiaming taught Huang Yimei how to play drums, and Huang Yimei soon mastered the essentials. Fu Jiaming took Huang Yimei for a ride on a motorcycle. Huang Yimei hugged his waist tightly, feeling unprecedented happiness and sweetness.Fu Jiaming took Huang Yimei and Fang Taichu to camp. Fang Taichu ran and followed Fu Jiaming to listen to the radio. Huang Yimei sat under the tree and read leisurely. Fu Jiaming asked Fang Taichu for his opinion. He wanted to be Huang Yimei's boyfriend, and Fang Taichu liked him very much.Su Gengsheng went back to his hometown to settle the score with his mother and forced her to take out the 200,000 yuan, but the money had long been taken away by his stepfather.Su's mother lied about the money that Huang Zhenhua took the initiative to give him, and also brought up the story that Su Gengsheng was sexually assaulted as a child.

Episode 30