Home TV Full Bloom
《Full Bloom》Episode 14 Synopsis

Episode 14

Huang Zhenhua took advantage of a business trip to Europe to go to Zhuang Guodong and tell him about Huang Yimei's current situation. Huang Zhenhua couldn't bear to see the two people they loved becoming strangers, so he persuaded Zhuang Guodong to transfer back to Beijing to work and start over with Huang Yimei. Zhuang Guodong was unwilling to give up his current situation.After everything, he worked hard to get the position of marketing manager and wanted to stay at the headquarters. Huang Zhenhua felt sorry for them, but he had no choice.Huang Zhenhua did not go to Beijing when he returned from a business trip, but rushed directly to Shanghai to find Huang Yimei. The male classmates all mistakenly thought that Huang Zhenhua was Huang Yimei's boyfriend and were hostile to him. Huang Zhenhua couldn't wait to tell Huang Yimei about Zhuang Guodong's situation. Huang Yimei didn't want to hear it. She had completely given up.Huang Zhenhua no longer forced this relationship. He talked about Su Gengsheng casually and told many interesting stories about Su Gengsheng. Huang Yimei could tell at a glance that he liked Su Gengsheng. Huang Zhenhua admitted that he had a crush on Su Gengsheng.Huang Yimei bought two tickets for the art exhibition at a high price, and wanted to invite Huang Zhenhua to go to the art exhibition. Huang Zhenhua had already booked a flight back to Beijing, and Huang Yimei had no close classmates. She invited Yingzi, a waiter at the beer house, to go to the art exhibition. They all thought it was too expensive.Go, Fang Xiewen bought the ticket from Huang Yimei and wanted to see the art exhibition with her.Huang Yimei came to the exhibition hall early and heard Zhuang Guodong calling her in a trance. She saw Zhuang Guodong running towards her from a distance. Huang Yimei's heart was moved. She looked around and couldn't find Zhuang Guodong, then she realized that she was hallucinating. Fang Xiewen hurriedlyAfter arriving, Huang Yimei went in to see the art exhibition with him as if nothing was wrong.It was the first time for Fang Xiewen to see an art exhibition. Huang Yimei introduced him to the meaning of each work, and Fang Xiewen wrote them down one by one in his notebook.Huang Yimei accidentally saw the Fudan University LOGO on the written test book used by Fang Xiewen, and realized that the two of them were alumni. Huang Yimei always thought that they were just colleagues in the beer hall. Fang Xiewen fell in love with Huang Yimei at first sight on the day of orientation.The beer house was also to get close to Huang Yimei. He was embarrassed to tell Huang Yimei his true thoughts.Su Gengsheng received a call from her mother again. She felt disgusted. Every time her mother called, she asked for money. This time she wanted to sell the house to help her current husband pay off his debts. Su Gengsheng firmly disagreed. The house was left by her father during his lifetime.Yes, mother has no right to sell it.Ever since they saw the art exhibition that day, Huang Yimei and Fang Xiewen became good friends. They went to the library to study together and worked in a beer hall together. Their lives were simple and fulfilling. Huang Yimei often wrote to Su Gengsheng to report on her life and studies.Condition.Huang Yimei adopted a stray cat, but pets were not allowed in the dormitory, so she had to put the kitten in the backyard of the beer house. Fang Xiewen lied that he was renting a house outside and offered to help Huang Yimei raise the kitten. He asked the store manager for leaveGo find a house.Fang Xiewen looked at several houses at once, but the landlords did not agree to keep pets. Fang Xiewen came to see the last two-story house. The landlord did not object to him keeping cats, but he had to rent both the upstairs and downstairs., Fang Xiewen didn’t have that much money, so he begged the landlord hard, and the landlord reluctantly agreed to rent the first floor downstairs to him, but the rent had to be deposited for one and six, and Fang Xiewen agreed wholeheartedly.Fang Xiewen bought a cage and brought the kittens to live in a rental house. Huang Yimei also wanted to rent a house to live in. Fang Xiewen was secretly happy. He went to the landlord overnight and rented the house upstairs as well. The landlord wantedThe rent was 1,500 yuan, so Fang Xiewen sold the bicycles at a reduced price to make up for the rent.Huang Zhenhua exercised with Su Gengsheng every night. Su Gengsheng missed the appointment tonight, so Huang Zhenhua went for a run alone. But he was worried about Su Gengsheng, so he called Su Gengsheng and found out that she had decided to return to his hometown at the last minute.There was no news from Su Gengsheng for several days. Huang Zhenhua was worried and immediately packed his luggage and rushed to Su Gengsheng's hometown of Anhui.Su Gengsheng's stepfather injured someone, and the injured's family came to the house every day to ask for money. His mother forced Su Gengsheng to pay for the injured, and also asked Su Gengsheng to pay the tuition of his younger brother Xiaojie, otherwise Xiaojie would drop out of school. Su Gengsheng flatly refused..Fang Xiewen asked Huang Yimei to rent the house upstairs, and Huang Yimei only asked Huang Yimei to pay 800 yuan in rent, which Huang Yimei naturally wanted.Su Gengsheng called Xiaojie out for dinner and promised to pay for his education as long as he told the truth. When his stepfather sexually assaulted Su Gengsheng, Xiaojie happened to see that scene. Su Gengsheng hoped that the lady would appear in court to testify.Later, Su Gengsheng bought the house in his hometown and let his mother and Xiaojie live in it.As soon as Huang Zhenhua arrived in Anhui, he sent a message to Su Gengsheng and told Su Gengsheng his address.Su Gengsheng had taken care of the family affairs. She was upset and drank a lot of wine alone. She came to the hotel to find Huang Zhenhua under the influence of alcohol. She hugged Huang Zhenhua tightly as soon as she entered the door. Huang Zhenhua completely fell into her gentle place, and the two of themPersonal intimacy occurred.When Huang Zhenhua woke up, he found that Su Gengsheng had left. He called Su Gengsheng and found out that Su Gengsheng had taken the train back to Beijing and asked Huang Zhenhua to forget what happened last night.Huang Yimei packed her luggage early in the morning and prepared to move. Fang Xiewen came to help. The classmates thought they were in love.

Episode 14