Home TV In Blossom
《In Blossom》 Summ

In the sinful city of Heyang, Pan Yue, a man who throws money into cars, marries Yang Caiwei, who is despised by everyone. On the wedding day, Yang Caiwei is killed, and the suspected murderer turns out to be Pan Yue.“Resurrection” Yang Caiwei returns “fiercely” under the guise of “evil woman” Shangguan Zhi's identity, determined to reveal Pan Yue's true face.In the process of fighting against the evil forces, the four major clans, and investigating old cases, the two hearts got closer again. Yang Caiwei discovered that the real culprit who killed her was someone else, and Pan Yue had loved her deeply from the beginning to the end.Everything is about to come to fruition, but the person behind the scenes has once again set up a trap to push the two of them to eternal destruction.

《In Blossom》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

In Blossom Episode 1 Plot Introduction: Yang Caiwei encountered a tragedy

Today, Princess Changle Liu Qing celebrated the festival with a painting to meet friends. Liu Qing was sitting in the pavilion, and the next princes painted her. Among them, the most lifelike painting was Pan Hui, the second son of Pan Tingwei. Everyone praised his penmanship.Astonishingly talented, when he was about to announce that Pan Hui was the winner today, a carriage slowly drove up.The richest man in the capital, Shangguan Lan, was driving. Everyone was very curious about the identity of the person in the carriage. It turned out to be the eldest son of Pan Tingwei's family and Pan Hui's eldest brother, Pan Yue. He had just been promoted to censor last month and was now one of the most romantic people in the capital.figure.Pan Yue saluted Liu Qing and said that he was late, but he was still willing to continue painting in the limited time.

Liu Qing was full of praise after seeing Pan Yue's paintings, and he has become a well-deserved leader in painting today.The Pan family intended for Pan Hui and Liu Qing to marry, but today Pan Yue interfered. Pan Hui was so angry that he went to complain to his father Pan Jin when he returned home that day.Pan Yue took it calmly. All he wanted was the whereabouts of a person.Pan Jin decided to tell Pan Yue the whereabouts of that person, but from today on, Pan Yue has nothing to do with the Pan family.The woman Pan Yue had been thinking about for ten years was named Yang Caiwei, and she was a corpse collector in Yizhuang.

Yang Caiwei specializes in finding a final resting place for people who have died but no one has collected their bodies. However, in life, everyone avoids her for fear of bad luck. She is disliked because of the long scar on her face, and even children scold her.It's ugly.Yang Caiwei's master is Lao Jiangtou, the county's former widower. For many years, he has been obsessed with determining the cause of death and finding the murderer.Yang Caiwei was called to collect the bodies from Li's house in the east of the city. Yang Caiwei hurried over but saw that the house was dark and there were more than a dozen corpses lying in the yard. Yang Caiwei thought it was a murder case, but she didn't expect that they all committed suicide.Yang Caiwei saw that the deceased here all committed suicide in pain. What exactly made them suffer so much?

Heyang has always had the legend of a haunted shop owner, and the county government originally wanted to base it on this, but the owner of the family is the owner of Yinyu Tower, so even if the ghost is seeking his life, he must find the ghost who is claiming his life.Yang Caiwei was hiding in the corner when she suddenly heard the sound of a rattle, which scared the county government.Yang Caiwei said that they committed suicide, but the county government, which was eager to close the case, arrested her and used it as a scapegoat. They wanted to force her to sign a bond. Yang Caiwei refused and tortured her. She was just the apprentice of a madman, and no one would care about her life or death..But at this moment, Pan Yue appeared in front of the dying Yang Caiwei like a god, rescued her, and took her back to his home.Yang Caiwei recognized Pan Yue as her childhood friend, but she didn't dare to recognize him. She could even throw away the jade pendant Pan Yue took out.After Yang Caiwei denied her identity, she left the medicine money and left. However, Yang Caiwei did not want to stand by and watch the tragedy of the Li family, so she went to Li's house in the east of the city when the night was dark and the wind was high.

Yang Caiwei discovered that they were indeed poisoned, but what kind of poison could force them to commit suicide at the same time? Yang Caiwei checked the food and found that it was not poisonous. At this time, a figure approached, and Yang Caiwei hid underneath.The person who came was Pan Yue. He wanted to help Yang Caiwei investigate the case, but after she cut open the belly of the deceased's body, Pan Yue couldn't help but run out.Yang Caiwei discovered beef in her belly, which was not on the table.The sound of the peddler's drum sounded again. There are rumors in Heyang that the sound of the peddler's drum is a sign of death. However, Pan Yue split the wooden beams on the house and found that it was just a hamster causing trouble.This mechanism was obviously man-made, because soon a group of men in black broke in and wanted to kill them. Pan Yue protected Yang Caiwei and left Li's house.Pan Yue advised Yang Caiwei to pack her things and leave quickly, but she was unwilling to leave in the name of a murderer.Pan Yue is willing to protect her, but there is one condition, which is to let her find the jade pendant she threw away.

Yang Caiwei spent the whole night groping in the pond and finally found it, and Pan Yue took her to investigate the case.Pan Yue, who came from the capital, aroused discussion among the people, and Yang Caiwei, who was sitting next to her, also became the target of public criticism. Yang Caiwei thought that she should not sit with someone like him, but Pan Yue said that beauty, ugliness, rank and rank are not based on the rules.Judge by appearance, this is what Yang Caiwei said herself when she was a child.

《In Blossom》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

In Blossom Episode 2 plot introduction: Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue visit the ghost market

Pan Yue brought Yang Caiwei to Li's house. When the people in Yinyu Tower saw this, they raised their knives and wanted to kill Yang Caiwei, but with Pan Yue standing in front of them, they did not dare to take action.Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei pretended to be mysterious, saying that the murderer was at the scene and among these people.Sun Zhen, the master of the lobby of Yinyu Tower, arrived, and Pan Yue revealed his true purpose. He wanted to investigate the massacre of the Li family, so Sun Zhen simply let him go.Yang Caiwei performed an autopsy again and found that there was no beef in the stomach of one of the deceased.However, Yang Caiwei also determined the cause of their death. The murderer put Xia Zhongcao into the beef, and everyone in the Li family ate it one after another. After entering their stomachs, they felt the pain of burning all their internal organs. They could not bear the pain and torture and gradually lost their minds and chose to commit suicide.The murderer hid a salesman's drum and a mouse in the beams of the house, and used rumors to fake the murder scene as a ghost seeking his life. Pan Yue originally suspected that the murderer was an enemy of Yinyu Tower, but the person who assassinated him last night had the order of Yinyu Tower.card, and the person in Yinyu Tower who has an interest dispute with Hall Master Li is Master Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiangzhu retorted emotionally after hearing this. Yang Caiwei said that the poison of Xia Zhongcao in her hands turns black when it comes in contact with water, so she asked Chen Xiangzhu to try it on the spot.Chen Xiangzhu put his hands into the water in public, but they did not turn black when exposed to the water. Yang Caiwei asked Chen Xiangzhu where the scratches on his arms came from.It turns out that "it turns black when it touches water" was a lie. Yang Caiwei had always been looking for people with scratches on their arms. When she examined the body just now, she found that there was no beef in the stomach of a maid, but there was blood in her fingernails.Thinking about it, Master Chen Xiang bribed the maid to do it, but later he wanted to kill someone to silence her. The maid struggled to death and was strangled to death by Master Chen Xiang.When Chen Xiangzhu saw that her murder was revealed, she became furious and wanted to attack her, but was killed by Pan Yue's men.

When the Li family mourned, Yang Caiwei was very melancholy and lamented. She had seen many corpses that died in mass graves. They were beautiful in life, but miserable in death. Yang Caiwei thought that if she knew which day she would die, she would find a paradise and bury herself there..Yang Caiwei pointed to a peach blossom forest at the foot of the mountain and said that it was good there.Pan Yue smiled, she still liked peach blossoms as before.Yang Caiwei agreed, then paused. Pan Yue told her not to pretend anymore. He had already investigated clearly. Ten years ago, Yang Caiwei's father was convicted and exiled. He encountered robbers on the road and robbed his property. Both his parents died. Yang Caiwei lived in Heyang and was adopted by Lao Jiangtou..After Lao Jiangtou's madness became more and more serious, Yang Caiwei became a corpse collector to support him to this day.Pan Yue came to find her to let her become the real Yang Caiwei. His second condition was to marry Yang Caiwei.

Shangguan Zhi, the daughter of the Shangguan family, was fond of Pan Yue, but her excessive pursuit of slim beauty damaged her roots, but she was willing to endure anything for Pan Yue.Pan Yue had been missing for two days. Shangguan Zhi was anxious and ran to Shangguan Lan to help inquire about his whereabouts.Shangguan Lan received the news that Pan Yue was going to marry Yang Caiwei. When Shangguan Zhi saw it, he was so angry that he tore up the letter and went back to the room angrily.After Yang Caiwei's parents died, she ran to the Pan family for help, but was blocked by the servants. Pan Yue even asked someone to talk to her. Now that she is the daughter of a guilty minister and has nothing to do with the Pan family anymore, Shangguan Zhi left sadly., it was clearly Pan Yue who was eager to get rid of everything ten years ago, why would he bring up the engagement again now?

Yang Caiwei was invited by Pan Yue to a house. He said he wanted to get married here. Yang Caiwei repeatedly refused and even wanted to break off the engagement. To him, Pan Yue was just an old friend from childhood, and there was no affection between them.Pan Yue disagreed. Five days later would be the wedding date they agreed on back then. Before then, he would definitely let Yang Caiwei nod.Lao Jiangtou's madness became more and more severe. Yang Caiwei decided to go to the ghost market to find a medicine for him. On the way, she met Pan Yue who lied about being on the way.The ghost market has a ban on nobles and officials, so Pan Yue specially dressed up before entering.There are many things in the ghost market that cannot be bought outside. Yang Caiwei is very familiar with this place and lives very comfortably.Yang Caiwei stopped in front of a blind stall owner and asked Pan Yue to help him.Pan Yue threw some silver. Although the stall owner was blind, he was good at touching bones. He could tell by touching them that they were all rare and beautiful bones.The stall owner drew a picture for the two of them, and lamented that one has a scar on his face and the other has a wound in his heart. They were a match made in heaven, but now it's a pity to see them.

Bai Xiaosheng is Yang Caiwei's friend and leads them to find the spirit snake hunter.The two of them were in the ghost market. Shangguan Zhi had already arrived at Pan Yue's house. Seeing the festive decoration here, she felt even more angry.What Yang Caiwei wanted to buy was a fairy-spotted spiritual snake, and she asked for fifty guan. Yang Caiwei couldn't get it out, so she refused Pan Yue's money.Pan Yue's identity was exposed, and the people in the ghost market wanted to drive him away and let the fairy-spotted spirit snake go. Seeing that Yang Caiwei was anxious, Pan Yue jumped into the water with a knife to look for it.After a while, there was no movement in the water, and Yang Caiwei's heart trembled, but Pan Yue suddenly emerged from the water, holding the spirit snake in his hand.Yang Caiwei was moved, but she once again drew a clear line with him. Pan Yue quickly explained that he did not know that Yang Caiwei had come to see him. That was also what his father meant. He had been asking about Yang Caiwei over the years, and he thought that fulfilling the engagement was to treat her.to make up for it, but ignored her thoughts.However, Pan Yue sincerely wants to protect Yang Caiwei, and Pan Yue will be waiting for her on the wedding day.

When Pan Yue got home, she heard the sound of Shangguan Zhi throwing things. She asked Pan Yue if she really wanted to marry that ugly guy?So who is she?Shangguan Zhi was even willing to be a concubine. She suffered a lot for her perfect body, but her persistent appearance was never what Pan Yue liked. To him, Shangguan Zhi was just Shangguan Lan's sister.

Yang Caiwei put on the wedding dress sent by Pan Yue and awkwardly inserted a hairpin for herself.At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door, and there was a coffin in front of the door.Shangguan Zhi in the sedan tied up Yang Caiwei. She had paid so much for Pan Yue, but in the end he wanted to marry the ugly Yang Caiwei!Yang Caiwei recognized Shangguan Zhi, but she didn't expect that the fat girl who followed them when they were children would turn out like this.Yang Caiwei begged her to let her go, but Shangguan Zhi decided to change faces with her and replace her as Mrs. Pan. Yang Caiwei wanted to commit suicide in her place, and even the coffin was ready.Yang Caiwei quietly untied the rope behind her, held Shangguan Zhi hostage with a knife, and escaped.

Five days later, Pan Yue got married.The auspicious time has almost passed, but Pan Yue is still looking forward to it.Yang Caiwei came over in wedding clothes and said that she had figured it out. Appearance and status were not important. She was happy with Pan Yue.The two completed the wedding ceremony together, but Yang Caiwei had a faint scar on her chin.

《In Blossom》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

In Blossom Episode 3 plot introduction: Shangguan Zhi falls from the building

When Yang Caiwei woke up again, her whole body was sore. She was at the bottom of the cliff, next to Shangguan Zhi's men who kidnapped her yesterday.Yang Caiwei realized that her face had turned into Shangguan Zhi's face, so she changed her face to go to the wedding!Yang Caiwei was anxious to stop all this. She picked up her own jade pendant on the way and stumbled forward.On their wedding night, Shangguan Zhi sat in the wedding room with Yang Caiwei's face swollen. Although this body was extremely disgusting to her, she was willing to endure it for Pan Yue.

When Shangguan Lan was having a wedding banquet, she received a note sent by Shangguan Zhi in advance. It said that she had lost her loved one and was hopeless. After reading it, Shangguan Lan immediately sent an order to find her sister.Yang Caiwei limped to Pan's house, only to find that the wedding was over. Through the window, she saw a man and a woman arguing in the wedding room. Then Pan Yue left the room, and then she saw her body falling from the stairs.fell off.Yang Caiwei ran away in shock, and she subconsciously hid the jade pendant in a tree hole on the roadside, and then she felt weak.

In her sleep, Yang Caiwei dreamed that Pan Yue killed her personally, and when she woke up again, it was already a month later in Shangguan Mansion.Shangguan Lan asked her concernedly if she was feeling better, and Yang Caiwei quickly looked at her face in the mirror.Yang Caiwei panicked again and quickly claimed that she was not Shangguan Zhi, and then begged Shangguan Lan to leave her alone.Yang Caiwei couldn't calm down in her heart. If Shangguan Zhi hadn't forcibly changed faces with her, she was the one who died. What on earth happened that night!The truth is still unknown. Yang Caiwei cannot expose her identity easily, but she must leave here as soon as possible.

At night, the maid helped Yang Caiwei wash up. Yang Caiwei learned that Pan Yue had returned to Beijing a month ago.Shangguan Zhi's temper was obviously very bad, and they were very afraid of Yang Caiwei's actions.The maid said that the county government later concluded that there was nothing abnormal about the body, and Pan Yue was buried in a hurry. Yang Caiwei became more convinced that he was hiding evidence.Shangguan Zhi used to drink placenta every day. Yang Caiwei was so frightened that she quickly asked people to evacuate her. But if she continued to act like this, there was no guarantee that she would be exposed at some point. And Old Jiang Tou, if he knew that he was dead, he would be very sad..The next day, Yang Caiwei was in a hurry to find Lao Jiangtou. Shangguan Lan suddenly became concerned about her situation and wanted to take her back to Beijing to recuperate. Yang Caiwei could not refuse and had to get on the carriage.On the way, Yang Caiwei excused herself as having a stomachache, got out of the car, ditched the maid and returned to Yizhuang.But the place where she and Lao Jiangtou lived was deserted and was in a mess. Looking at the student records on the ground, Yang Caiwei guessed that her master had also been killed.

The county magistrate took office today. Yang Caiwei saw the people of Heyang welcoming him on the street, but she did not expect that the new county magistrate was actually Pan Yue.Pan Yue was impeached a month ago because Shangguan Zhi jumped off a building, but it was heard that he had fallen in love with the princess, so he was sent to Heyang as the county magistrate to make a false name. When he returned to the capital in a few years, he would be the new consort.Yang Caiwei was filled with doubts. Could it be that he married her just to cling to the imperial court?

When Shangguan Lan took the maids to find Yang Caiwei, she was crying alone. She insisted on staying here, and Shangguan Lan agreed.Yang Caiwei pretended to be Shangguan Zhi, which she had no choice about. She would let the real murderer be brought to justice and the real Shangguan Zhi rest in peace.After understanding Shangguan Zhi's preferences, Yang Caiwei quickly played her uniquely.Yang Caiwei found Bai Xiaosheng, quietly told her her identity, asked her to help her find out the information, and asked the maid to give her ten times the price.

Pan Yue came to Heyang because he had something to do, but he didn't tell Shangguan Lan.Yang Caiwei came to the two of them at this time, saying that she had figured out a lot of things after escaping from death, and wanted to solemnly apologize to Pan Yue, and even wrote a blood letter to remember her aspirations.I also hope he gives himself a chance.Yang Caiwei was sure that no matter how hard-hearted he was, he should be moved by it, but Pan Yue exposed her on the spot.Yang Caiwei didn't give up, and chased Pan Yue out to ask if Pan Yue was avoiding her so much just to marry the princess. It was a pity that Yang Caiwei died. He was a person who looked charming on the surface but was actually a rotten person!Pan Yue was angered by her and warned her to go back to the capital immediately and not to challenge his patience.Yang Caiwei was hit on the head by a falling lantern. Seeing this, Shangguan Lan came to Pan Yue angrily to argue.After Yang Caiwei left, Pan Yue saw the purse she dropped and mistakenly identified Yang Caiwei's murderer as the current Shangguan Zhi.

《In Blossom》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

In Blossom episode 4 plot introduction: Yang Caiwei gets Pan Yue drunk

Shangguan Lan returned to Beijing early in the morning, leaving Yang Caiwei a large amount of money and a maid hired overnight.These good things made Yang Caiwei feel guilty. How should she explain the truth to Shangguan Lan in the future.Shangguan Lan vacated the house and moved to the county government office. She told Pan Yue that she was going to sleep on the street. Pan Yue agreed, but in his mind he wanted to force her to leave.Pan Yue, who will only take office tomorrow, went to the county government office today. The government officials who were gambling were shocked when they saw this. One of them was the one who beat Yang Caiwei in the first place.He told Pan Yue that there was a Protector's Office in Heyang, and the case was not important at all. What was beneficial to the four major families was the truth.Pan Yue ignored his words and asked someone to take him down as a warning to others.Yang Caiwei was watching a show, but was sent to beat someone by Pan Yue. Yang Caiwei carried the board and beat the board with all her might.Pan Yue killed the chicken to scare the monkeys, and asked Yang Caiwei to come to him tomorrow.

Ling'er helped Yang Caiwei decorate the bedroom, and next to her was Pan Yue's room. She thought Pan Yue had taken the bait. In order to attract Pan Yue's attention, Ling'er helped Yang Caiwei find a set of clothes that were fully patched.When Pan Yue asked her what happened to her during her wedding, Yang Caiwei made up a few words casually, and Pan Yue asked her to assist the bookkeeper and not to leave her side without permission unless there was something wrong.Yang Caiwei followed Pan Yue, but she felt like she was being watched.

Yang Caiwei followed Pan Yue on an inspection tour, and suddenly a woman stopped the carriage in the street and insulted Pan Yue, a dog official, in public.Later, a man in gorgeous clothes came to apologize, but the woman did not restrain herself and continued to curse. Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue saw the wound under the woman's sleeve and realized that she did this deliberately to ask for help. Yang Caiwei asked Pan Yue to punish her severely.Pan Yue did not help, but guided Sun Wancai to take full responsibility for his wife's words and deeds. When the woman spoke arrogantly again, Yang Caiwei took up the law and Sun Wancai took the punishment for his wife.Someone beside him reminded Pan Yue that he was from the four major families, but Pan Yue still arrested him.This behavior was praised by the people.

When Pan Yue first arrived in Heyang, many people gave him gifts, and then Pan Yue hosted a banquet for many friends.Yang Caiwei was anxious to investigate Pan Yue's crime and went to the archives to look for the file on Shangguan Zhi's death, but was told that Pan Yue had taken the file away that day.Yang Caiwei went to Pan Yue's room again. She thought she was hiding well, but in fact, he had discovered her a long time ago.

Gu Yong, the master of Jishan Hall, Cai Sheng, the master of Life and Death Square, and Qing Di, the master of Baihua Palace, discussed important matters together, except that the people from Yinyu Tower were missing.Sun Wancai was arrested, and they decided to show their friends some color.In order to get the key, Yang Caiwei went out alone. After realizing that she was being followed by Pan Yue's men, she hid and let others entangle him to escape.Yang Caiwei asked Bai Xiaosheng to get a jar of strong wine for her. Bai Xiaosheng also brought news that she had heard about Lao Jiangtou.Back at the county government office, Yang Caiwei found that people from the four major families came to give gifts to friends. She listened for a while, but then she heard Pan Yue asking for a price to let Sun Wancai go.

Yang Caiwei hosted a banquet for the county government officials and asked them to get closer to Pan Yue.Ling'er took the opportunity to make Aze a glass of wine. After drinking for three rounds, everyone fell asleep. Yang Caiwei secretly got up and sent Pan Yue back to his room, taking the opportunity to get the key from him.Opening Pan Yue's box, Yang Caiwei found that there was a portrait of herself and Lao Jiangtou inside, as well as the case file. It said that there were water stains next to the body, and they didn't know where they came from.After Yang Caiwei left, Pan Yue, who pretended to be drunk, woke up.It is very strange why there are water stains next to the body.The next day, Pan Yue asked Yang Caiwei out and talked about how she sent him back to his room last night.Yang Caiwei didn't understand where he was taking her. Pan Yue said that he had found the robber who injured her a month ago and asked her to identify him.Yang Caiwei's theory was that she encountered a robber while driving out that day, but now it is not very valid in the face of various evidences.

《In Blossom》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

In Blossom Episode 5 Plot Introduction: Yang Caiwei stalks Pan Yue

Pan Yue was too lazy to continue acting and asked Yang Caiwei what happened that day.After realizing that Pan Yue might have found out that Shangguan Zhi had kidnapped her, Yang Caiwei immediately admitted it, but she ran away.Pan Yue did not give up, because he found Shangguan Zhi's purse on Yang Caiwei's body. Pan Yue, who did not know about the face change, thought that Shangguan Zhi had killed Yang Caiwei, but he did not know that the real Yang Caiwei was standing in front of him.Yang Caiwei forced herself to calm down, but Pan Yue pressed harder. If she didn't tell the truth today, he would not let Yang Caiwei leave alive.Pan Yue wanted her to pay for her life, and Yang Caiwei was about to jump off the cliff in anger. After being stopped by Pan Yue, the two came to the edge of the cliff.Yang Caiwei pointed at the corpse and said that they were her henchmen. She wanted them to look at Yang Caiwei and intimidate her, but unexpectedly a group of robbers followed, took away everything and pushed them to the bottom of the pit.After she was rescued by Yang Caiwei and heard their story, she no longer had any obsession.Yang Caiwei spoke her inner thoughts through Shangguan Zhi. When she went to Pan's house to find Pan Yue, she was turned away. She was bullied and ridiculed because of the scar on her face. She thought that it would be the end of the world for the two to live apart, but she never expected that tenPan Yue came to find her years later. It was all a misunderstanding. She really wanted to marry Pan Yue.

Zhuo Lanjiang, the young master of Yinyu Tower, returned to Heyang and informed the other three of the four major families that they wanted Pan Yue to be disgraced and get out of Heyang.Late at night, Yang Caiwei quietly followed Bai Xiaosheng to find Lao Jiangtou, and saw her master Yang Caiwei crying with tears streaming down her face.On the wedding day, someone came to kill Lao Jiangtou. He didn't see his face clearly, but he saw that the man was wearing the groom's wedding clothes.Lao Jiangtou also brought Yang Caiwei autopsy tools and told her to pay attention to safety.Yang Caiwei found her jade pendant and decided to find Yang Caiwei's identity as soon as possible.

Early the next morning, someone came to report the crime, and it was Yinyulou who reported the crime.Agent Liu panicked, Sun Zhen sued Pan Yue for killing his wife, and Yang Caiwei wanted to take the opportunity to add firewood to the fire.Pan Yue's expression did not change at all, and he promised to give everyone an answer within seven days.Yang Caiwei couldn't guess Pan Yue's thoughts and suggested a public inspection of Yang Caiwei's body, but Pan Yue said that he had his own arrangements and was confident.Yang Caiwei kept a close eye on Pan Yue and accidentally discovered that he had burned a letter mentioning Baihua Palace.Yang Caiwei sneaked into Baihua Palace as a prostitute and came to the box where Pan Yue was.Qingdi told Pan Yue that he would probably end badly if he faced Zhuolanjiang. Three years ago, Jinshui Tower was destroyed by Yinyu Tower.The Qing Emperor asked Pan Yue to meet him for the purpose of forming an alliance with him. If he wanted to make great achievements, what could be more prestigious than taking over the four major clans.Qing Emperor was unwilling to be in the last position and had long disliked the other three families, so Pan Yue agreed.Yang Caiwei witnessed this scene and silently cursed in her heart.However, his heart was in turmoil and his hands were in turmoil. Qin made a harsh sound in his hand, so Pan Yue took the opportunity to take her away.

In the carriage, Yang Caiwei lowered her head with guilt. Pan Yue warned her not to continue messing around. Since Shangguan Lan kept her, he would protect her.Yang Caiwei promised, but didn't take any action at all, but Pan Yue stopped her when she left.Yang Caiwei accidentally heard rumors about who would win between Pan Yue and Zhuo Lanjiang. Yang Caiwei pretended to be mysterious and went to the gambling house to place bets on Zhuo Lanjiang. She also spread the news that Zhuo Lanjiang had found the burial place of Mrs. Pan.Yang Caiwei wanted Pan Yue to lead her to find the body.After leaving the gambling house, Yang Caiwei met A Jiang by chance.A Jiang was the person she rescued from the mass grave. She asked A Jiang to come back alive to see her, but when he came back, Yang Caiwei disappeared.He and Bai Xiaosheng were Yang Caiwei's only friends in Heyang. Seeing A Jiang being driven away drunk, Yang Caiwei hurriedly stepped forward, determined to find out the truth and end everything.

Pan Yue was going out for a trip, so Yang Caiwei asked someone to find pollen from courgette flowers and sprinkle it on the horse, and followed the trail at night.Pan Yue came to a peach blossom forest, the place where she had said she would be buried.After Pan Yue left, Yang Caiwei discovered the memorial tablet he had set up and her well-preserved body.

《In Blossom》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

In Blossom Episode 6 Plot Introduction: Yang Caiwei suspects Pan Yue is the murderer

Yang Caiwei saw that her body was well preserved in the crystal ice coffin. While she felt sorry for Shangguan Zhi who died for her, she quickly took out the tools to conduct an autopsy. She only checked it over and found no wounds, and finally found a scalp.There was a slight injury on his head, and then Yang Caiwei pulled out a silver needle from his head.Yang Caiwei speculated that Pan Yue might have killed her on their wedding night.Pan Yue returned at this time, and Yang Caiwei quickly put away her things.Pan Yue came here to wait and see, but he didn't expect that it was her who was waiting. Yang Caiwei said that she wanted to help investigate the case. Although Pan Yue repeatedly emphasized that her death was an accident, Yang Caiwei believed that if it was an accident, he would not have wronged her.There must be something else going on here.Yang Caiwei did not tell Pan Yue what she found, and privately speculated on what Pan Yue wanted to do so much to preserve the body.

The princess sent a letter to correspond with Pan Yue, and Yang Caiwei became increasingly dissatisfied with him.Yang Caiwei spent her own money to treat everyone to dinner, but in fact it was to get clues about the Jinzhen murder.Yang Caiwei found out about a gold shop and went there specially dressed up.Ajiang woke up and found that he had the same orchid knot tied on his arm as Yang Caiwei, and immediately went to find someone.

Yang Caiwei went to the gold shop to look for clues, but Pan Yue chased after her calmly. Yang Caiwei had to pretend to choose jewelry. Pan Yue picked up a unique crabapple hairpin and tied it on Yang Caiwei's head. This move scared Yang Caiwei to a cold sweat.Pan Yue knew that Yang Caiwei came here to find clues about the golden hairpin, so she had to take out the evidence.Yang Caiwei decided to check all the gold shops in Heyang and asked Pan Yue to wait in the restaurant first.Ajiang found the waiter at the restaurant yesterday and asked who sent him back yesterday. He learned that it was a young lady who came to the capital.

Yang Caiwei posted a notice offering a huge reward, and soon the gold shop came to the two of them with their top-grade products. By chance, they learned about Liulang, the best goldsmith in Heyang. Coincidentally, Liulang passed away last month..Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei went to Yang Liulang's home. There was only a mother-in-law with bad eyesight left in her house. Yang Caiwei helped her repair the lamp left by Liu Lang and asked about the scene on the day Liu Lang died.The time of Liulang's death was the day before Pan Yue's wedding. Her mother-in-law said that Liulang had received a large amount of money and never came back after going out.This incident was too strange. Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue came to Liulang's tomb. The mother-in-law seemed a little hostile to Pan Yue.Pan Yue went back to find Wu Zuo, and Yang Caiwei silently comforted her sad mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law quietly told her that Liulang's new customer had come to the house. Although her eyes were bad, her ears could hear clearly his voice and Pan Yue's voice.Exactly the same.Yang Caiwei was shocked and hurriedly dug up the grave to examine the body, but Pan Yue came back halfway through the digging.Yang Caiwei's subconscious fear was seen by Pan Yue. Yang Caiwei simply made it clear that she suspected Pan Yue was the murderer of his wife!Pan Yue said that if he was the murderer, it would be impossible to preserve her body. He hired a widower from the capital, but he was poisoned as soon as he arrived in Heyang yesterday.

Rokuro's grave was dug up and a large amount of silver was found in the body of the deceased during the autopsy. It was speculated that he was forced to swallow silver and died.Rokuro was unwilling to die, and before he died, he left evidence pointing to the murderer, which was the bargaining chip of the Life and Death Workshop.Ajiang found Yang Caiwei, but how could a young lady from the capital help him and tie the orchid knot that only Yang Caiwei could do?

《In Blossom》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

In Blossom episode 7 plot introduction: The person behind the scenes wants to use a knife to kill people

Two months ago, after Yang Caiwei's death, Pan Yue's hair turned gray overnight, and he returned to Pan's house to question his father, what did he know?Ten years ago, Yang's father was still a court captain, and Pan's father was his deputy. One day, Yang's father received a letter of report, reporting that there was a hidden rebel force in the court, and the clues pointed directly to Heyang.So Yang's father went to Heyang for a secret investigation. After returning to Beijing, he was framed and sent to live in exile. Pan's father pretended not to know about the matter until he took over as Tingwei, and never let Pan Yue search for Yang Caiwei.After all, if Pan Yue hadn't found Yang Caiwei, she wouldn't have died. It was him who killed Yang Caiwei, and Pan Yue was extremely sad.

After learning that Pan Yue had gone to the Life and Death Workshop, the mastermind behind all this decided to kill someone with a borrowed knife and let Pan Yue die in Heyang.Pan Yue went to Life and Death Square alone, only to find that Yang Caiwei was already here.Pan Yue asked her to go back as soon as possible. He couldn't protect her if something happened.However, Yang Caiwei relied on Pan Yue and depended on him for life and death.Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei held a man and a woman hostage, put on their clothes and prepared to enter the infield.Yang Caiwei handed over Mrs. Chen's name card, and the two of them entered smoothly and saw a place where chips could be exchanged.

Yang Caiwei pretended to be Mrs. Chen, while Pan Yue pretended to be the young boy next to her. The two came to the private room, and soon someone beat the gongs and drums, and soon six beauties entered the stage. This competition was about to begin.It's to see who will win when fighting a wolf.Yang Caiwei gritted her teeth and cursed, but the evil wolf was already released in the audience.Yang Caiwei felt hot all over for some reason, and became a little hot and excited like everyone else here. Pan Yue noticed her abnormality and hurriedly reminded her of the purpose of coming here.Yang Caiwei took half a chip to exchange it, and Pan Yue also blended into the crowd and sang along with her.After achieving the goal, in order to avoid unnecessary complications, Pan Yue immediately pulled Yang Caiwei away from here.However, Yang Caiwei had hallucinations again, as if she saw many butterflies, and said that she was not Shangguan Zhi.Pan Yue was startled and soon discovered that there was something wrong with the tea.

Pan Yue gave Yang Caiwei the antidote. After she woke up, she thought that she had kissed Pan Yue just now and hid in the room to sober up, but was chased by someone.The other party found the chips in Yang Caiwei's hand and pressed her repeatedly, but she accidentally fell into the wolf fighting arena. Pan Yue was scratched on the back by a wolf in order to save her. After killing the wolf, Pan Yue took Yang Caiwei and that person away..Pan Yue recognized that he had entered the wedding room disguised as a musician a month ago, and entered the wedding room in the dark night wearing wedding clothes. He was the one who killed Yang Caiwei.His reaction showed that Pan Yue's guess was correct. Pan Yue wanted to kill him in anger, but Yang Caiwei stopped him in time.Pan Yue guessed that he was ordered to kill Yang Caiwei, but he did not explain, and then committed suicide by taking poison.

The two of them didn't know that after they left, someone borrowed a knife to kill someone and used Pan Yue's wolf-killing dagger to kill the owner's concubine.Zhuo Lanjiang discovered that they had been framed and tipped off the two of them to leave, but Yang Caiwei insisted on staying to dissect the body.Seeing Yang Caiwei inspecting the body, Pan Yue suddenly remembered how she looked before, but it was clearly Shangguan Zhi's death in front of him.Yang Caiwei found a Water Ripple token on the deceased. Could it be that Shangguan Zhi's death and the death of his parents were all related to the Water Ripple organization?The box has been surrounded, and the two people who fired arrows from Life and Death Square have nowhere to hide. Yang Caiwei was hit by an arrow in the abdomen.

《In Blossom》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

In Blossom episode 8 plot introduction: Yang Caiwei lets go of the past

Pan Yue was very worried when she saw that Yang Caiwei was hit by an arrow, but fortunately it was a false alarm. She had the token in her belly and was not injured.Pan Yue opened his mouth to talk to Cai Sheng. He guessed that someone borrowed a knife to kill someone, so he wanted to bet that Cai Sheng was not one of them.Cai Sheng said that he would bet his life on Cai Sheng. If he lost, he would give his life to Cai Sheng, but if he won, he would ask the Life and Death House not to use human life as a bet.After placing the bet, Pan Yue took out the map of Life and Death Square and told Yang Caiwei to escape quietly.An hour later, Cai Sheng sent people to kill Pan Yue, but Pan Yue defeated them one by one without anyone doing anything.After Cai Sheng learned that Yang Caiwei was missing, he quietly ordered to find her. Pan Yue panicked.

Yang Caiwei was carefully looking for evidence. Pan Yue came to help in time. The two came to the place where Five Stone Powder was refined. Cai Sheng quickly opened the door.However, Pan Yue made some tinkering and made explosives. After detonating them, Pan Yue jumped off the boat with Yang Caiwei.Cai Sheng didn't chase anymore. The rules of Life and Death Square were that if you win, you win. He was willing to admit defeat.Pan Yue was really not the murderer, but Yang Caiwei misunderstood him, which made Yang Caiwei feel a little guilty.But, what kind of person is Pan Yue?Yang Caiwei always felt that she couldn't see Pan Yue clearly, but Pan Yue also felt that she was very different from before.Now looking at Shangguan Zhi in front of him, Pan Yue saw Yang Caiwei's appearance instead.Yang Caiwei doesn't know whether she should trust Pan Yue. Can she tell him her identity?

The person behind the scenes decided to use the county government's spy to monitor Pan Yue's every move.The next day, when Yang Caiwei woke up, she only felt sore all over. Ten years ago, her parents were killed by the Water Ripple Organization because they received a report. Ten years later, they wanted to avoid future troubles but accidentally killed Shangguan Zhi. From this point of view, was she?Can I not hide my identity?The wound on Pan Yue's back was festering. Yang Caiwei thought that there was Shengjisan in Shangguan Zhi's rouge and hurriedly went to Pan Yue's room.Pan Yue was naked from the waist up and thought it was Aze so he asked him to help her apply the medicine. Yang Caiwei helped her apply the medicine silently without saying a word.When Pan Yue realized that the person coming was Yang Caiwei, he quickly put on his shirt, but was so frightened that he fell down. Yang Caiwei wanted to tell him her identity.But soon Aze came to report that it was a letter from the princess.Yang Caiwei left in despair, and overheard A Ze and Ling Er saying that Pan Yue was engaged to be married, and he had broken with the Pan family in order to fulfill the engagement.Yang Caiwei was shocked and didn't want to put her friend in a dilemma, so she simply buried the jade pendant so that she could die easier.

Pan Yue dreamed about Shangguan Zhi in his dream. Because he always regarded Yang Caiwei and Shangguan Zhi as the same person, Pan Yue was a little absent-minded.Pan Yue overheard the dispute between Ling Er and A Ze, and mistakenly thought that she was deliberately imitating Yang Caiwei, causing him to have the illusion.Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue both figured out something and felt suddenly brighter.Yang Caiwei asked around about the Shui Ripple Gang, and Pan Yue was also looking for clues.Ajiang was confused when he found out that Yang Caiwei and Bai Xiaosheng were together. He went to Bai Xiaosheng privately and asked about the news about Shangguan Zhi. Bai Xiaosheng said that Yang Caiwei taught her the orchid knot. She also tied the orchid knot for Ajiang that day and helped Yang Caiwei.cover.

The seven-day appointment between Pan Yue and Yin Yulou was coming soon. Everyone in the county government was very worried and wanted to run away immediately.The four major clans arrived soon. Yinyulou wanted Pan Yue to give an explanation, but Pan Yue calmly asked someone to bring the murderer.This man was Chen Xiangzhu's subordinate. He said that he killed Yang Caiwei because she killed Chen Xiangzhu.At this time, Zhuo Lanjiang, the young master of Yinyu Tower, arrived, and Yang Caiwei was shocked. A Jiang was actually the young master of Yinyu Tower?

《In Blossom》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

In Blossom episode 9 plot introduction: Zhuo Lanjiang comes to propose marriage

Ajiang is Zhuo Lanjiang, the legendary young master of Yinyu Tower.Zhuo Lanjiang repeatedly asked if he had killed Yang Caiwei. He knew very well that this person's shortcomings had been taken advantage of.Upon seeing this, Qingdi hurriedly stepped forward and expressed that she was worried that the matter would become a big deal and their four major clans would also be affected. She was thinking about the four major clans.Zhuo Lanjiang ignored it and said that he had some private matters to talk to Pan Yue.Yang Caiwei had saved her life, and Zhuo Lanjiang asked Pan Yue to explain to him how he could relieve the hatred in his heart without killing him personally.Seeing that she couldn't control herself, Yang Caiwei quickly ran to stop him and said the same words as before.As expected, Zhuo Lanjiang recognized Yang Caiwei, so he put away his sword without making a move, and the seven-day appointment was over.

The four major clans left. Yang Caiwei was worried that Pan Yue would find her troublesome because of the commotion just now, so she simply took the initiative and said that it was her responsibility.However, Pan Yue still scolded her and would throw her back to Shangguan's house if she was put in danger again.Pan Yue secretly made people think highly of Yang Caiwei, but openly contradicted the young master of Yinyu Tower. He couldn't let anything happen to Yang Caiwei.The money for shopping in the kitchen ran away, and everyone was hungry when it was time to eat. Ling'er was afraid that Yang Caiwei would be hungry, so she quickly cooked a table of dishes for everyone to eat.Today is the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, the day Yang Caiwei made an appointment to get drunk with Zhuo Lanjiang every month. Yang Caiwei thought that he might have been waiting for her in the restaurant, so she slipped out quietly.

Zhuo Lanjiang was already at the restaurant. They were friends drinking together. At that time, Yang Caiwei didn't know Zhuo Lanjiang's identity, so she guessed that he might have come to Heyang to work in a miserable life. Zhuo Lanjiang laughed loudly when he heard this, but Yang Caiwei hadOne sentence is correct, the world is dangerous, and he really has no one to rely on.People from the four major clans were making trouble, and Zhuo Lanjiang could only deal with it first. Instead, he asked the waiter to keep the wine, and someone would come to drink it soon.Zhuo Lanjiang went to meet with people from the four major clans. They were worried that Pan Yue would embarrass the four major clans. Zhuo Lanjiang said that he would go to guard the county government office tomorrow, but was ridiculed by Qing Emperor and Yang Caiwei's flirtations, making the hero sad and the beauty pass.

Pan Yue guessed that the murderer behind the scenes was a member of the four major clans, and finally focused on Jishan Hall.Yang Caiwei was not idle for a moment, and the two met again on the way to investigate the case.In the archives room, the two checked the files together, which reminded Yang Caiwei of the scene with him when he was a child.At that time, the two of them went to steal the moon cakes in the palace. Suddenly the emperor came. In order to protect each other, the two stood up and said that they ate the moon cakes themselves. The emperor laughed and gave them a marriage, and they married Pan Yangzhi.Zhuo Lanjiang asked someone to prepare some things for him. He wanted to ensure that Yang Caiwei could never disappear from his world.

Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue found a lantern festival case, which was an unsolved case in Heyang. Pan Yue asked someone to find the person who originally handled the case for questioning.Zhuo Lanjiang came to the county government office carrying many gifts. He did not come to see Pan Yue, but to propose marriage to Yang Caiwei.Yang Caiwei was dumbfounded. Pan Yue was watching the fun, so Yang Caiwei could only say that they should get along first.Zhuo Lanjiang hoped to help Yang Caiwei find the mastermind behind the scenes. The two played charades in front of Pan Yue. Before leaving, they also hoped that Yang Caiwei would consider her sincerity again.

The summer solstice is half a month away. In the past, Heyang would hold a lantern festival, but due to an old case five years ago, the lantern festival was canceled. Pan Yue will re-investigate the lantern festival case and give everyone an explanation.One person dies every year at the lantern festival, and three people died in the third year of the lantern festival. The people felt that this was not caused by human intervention, but was caused by the bloodthirsty evil dragon.Pan Yue did not believe this ridiculous statement and ordered a thorough investigation.Yang Caiwei went to find the daughter of the first deceased. Zhuo Lanjiang specially sent a carriage to see her off. In the car, Yang Caiwei told him about her face-changing with Shangguan Zhi.

《In Blossom》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

In Blossom episode 10 plot introduction: Pan Yue was blocked from investigating the case

Yang Caiwei asked Zhuo Lanjiang why he had been pretending to be a gangster for three years without telling her. Zhuo Lanjiang was a little helpless. Three years ago, his father was plotted against him and he had to rush back to take over Yinyu Tower. In order to keep Yinyu Tower, he became a ruthless young man.Lord, until she met Yang Caiwei when she was injured, and she saved her. Although she regarded Zhuo Lanjiang as a little gangster who liked to fight, they also became good friends who talked about everything, and they could talk to each other unscrupulously.Depressed, Yang Caiwei is his most important good friend.

Zhuo Lanjiang and Yang Caiwei came to find the daughter of the deceased. As a result, the hall master of Yinyu Street had cleared out all the people, and even brought a group of people to welcome her. They even called Yang Caiwei Mrs. Yinyulou.Hall Master Zhao knew that Zhuo Lanjiang was coming to investigate the case, so he arrested all the vendors on this street. Zhuo Lanjiang was speechless and quickly asked him to let them go.Yang Caiwei found the third girl selling ice drinks, followed by a timid sister.Yang Caiwei wanted to ask about Uncle Qiang's murder, hoping that she could recall the details at that time, but the third girl said there was nothing unusual.When asked about Uncle Qiang's body, the third girl said there was no body at all. Some animal carcasses appeared in front of his father's grave with the same wounds as Uncle Qiang's. The third girl reported it to the county government but ignored it at all. Later, the county government ordered people to dig out the body.sacrifice.

At the same time, Pan Yue was also investigating the case. He found the deceased Tian Hua's associates at the time, and Tian Hua's good friends. He learned that Tian Hua was usually grumpy and not kind, so everyone thought his death was retribution.When something went wrong, there must be a monster. Yang Caiwei and Zhuo Lanjiang felt strange. Bai Xiaosheng suddenly came over to find Yang Caiwei, and the three of them went to drink together.

Pan Yue went to the place where the murder occurred. It was very remote and the deceased would never come here.At this time, a monster suddenly appeared in the river. The people on the boat were frightened and shouted. Pan Yue chased the monster to no avail.Bai Xiaosheng felt that Zhuo Lanjiang was not a good person, and reminded Yang Caiwei to be careful about him. At night, Yang Caiwei had not come back. Pan Yue was a little dissatisfied when he saw this, and did not send anyone to look for him, but he could not restrain himself from looking for him.Aze told Pan Yue that Yang Caiwei went to the river after nightfall, and then someone found a body by the river, which was exactly the same as the way of death in the Lantern Festival case.Pan Yue hurriedly went to find Yang Caiwei, but saw her and Zhuo Lanjiang coming back laughing and joking, and Pan Yue's face became very ugly.

Ling'er specifically told Yang Caiwei that just now Pan Yue wanted to gather everyone to find her, but the injury on Pan Yue's shoulder split again because of Yang Caiwei.The story of the evil dragon spread again, and when Yang Caiwei discovered that Pan Yue's shoulder injury had worsened, she quickly grabbed a pen and paper to help write.The common people were worried that Pan Yue's investigation of the case would offend the evil dragon, so they came to kneel and beg him not to continue the investigation.Chen San's autopsy results were not credible. After seeing it, Yang Caiwei concluded that the body was forged by someone. It seemed that someone couldn't help it.People in the county government office also began to pray to God and worship Buddha because they were afraid of the evil dragon, and even begged Pan Yue not to continue the investigation. Pan Yue then pretended to be mysterious and said that he would let God make the decision.Pan Yue asked Yang Caiwei to bring one hundred copper coins. If all one hundred copper coins were facing up, the case would be investigated.After hearing this, Yang Caiwei threw the copper coins down and found that they were all facing up. It was God's will.

Everyone speculates on the murderer's motive for committing the crime. Maybe the summer solstice has special meaning for the murderer.Aze helped Ling'er go to the kitchen to help. There were many people eating today, and the two of them were a little busier, but Ling'er's eyes towards Aze were different from before.During the meal, Yang Caiwei saw that Pan Yue couldn't pick up vegetables because of his shoulder injury, so she picked up a lot of vegetables and fed them to him. Everyone felt that the relationship between the two was different from before.

《In Blossom》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

In Blossom Episode 11 Plot Introduction: Yang Caiwei’s Autopsy

A few days ago, the third girl was upset with everyone because she tied up a vendor. Zhuo Lanjiang went to the third girl to apologize. Seeing that she couldn't sell her iced drinks, he packed all the iced drinks and brought them to the county government for everyone.Da Da Ya Festival.Zhuo Lanjiang also specially prepared a portion for Yang Caiwei, adding a little more honey.Yang Caiwei quickly brought a bowl of ice drink to Pan Yue. Upon seeing this, Zhuo Lanjiang was very dissatisfied and choked with Pan Yue.Zhuo Lanjiang said that Pan Yue wanted to re-investigate the Lantern Festival case, and Yinyulou was willing to help. Pan Yue disagreed, but Zhuo Lanjiang only informed him that he would take care of the matter.When Zhuo Lanjiang was leaving, Yang Caiwei went to see him off.

Pan Yue asked the three girls how their business was lately and learned that there had been no business since the Lantern Festival case, so they also expected Pan Yue to find out the truth as soon as possible.Pan Yue asked the third girl again about her relationship with her father. The third girl replied that it was just an ordinary father-daughter relationship, no different from other people’s relationships. However, Pan Yue discovered that she had completely crossed out Uncle Qiang’s name on the stall. How hateful it was.Why is this the case?Miss Su admitted it, and her younger sister Shuangshuang hurriedly stopped her. It turned out that the third girl was a foreigner who lived in Heyang and was adopted by Uncle Qiang. In fact, it was just to make her do hard work. Uncle Qiang liked to drink and would beat her every time after drinking.Shuangshuang, so Shuangshuang prefers her sister to her father.

After the three girls left, Pan Yue seemed to have found the common ground between the cases. These deceased people had violent bullies during their lifetimes, and there was another case involving Mr. Ba who forced a beggar to beg.Pan Yue ordered to find those little beggars, and Zhuo Lanjiang also summoned Yinyu Tower to thoroughly investigate the Lantern Festival case.Pan Yue found some beggars under Ba Ye and also learned the location of Ba Ye's body.Yang Caiwei followed them to the mass grave, but she was very familiar with this situation, and her behavior was very abnormal, which made Pan Yue suspicious again.Yang Caiwei had undergone so many changes in a short period of time, and Pan Yue felt even more strange.The rain stopped and the carriage was being repaired on the road. Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue got out of the car and took a walk. Yang Caiwei grabbed a handful of the bitter-then-sweet fruit and gave some to Pan Yue.The two turned around and saw the rainbow. Pan Yue felt a little emotional. It had been a long time since he had taken a good look at the scenery like this.

Yang Caiwei went to check on Master Ba's body late at night. Although he was not a good person, he didn't deserve to die.Yang Caiwei ran to scare Chen San and reminded him of the clues about the body.The next day, Chen San ran to Pan Yue and said that the murder weapon was an alien weapon.Pan Yue asked Yang Caiwei to draw it, and then took her to the prison. Most of the people here were people from the martial arts world. Maybe some people had seen this kind of weapon.It turns out that this weapon is called the Blood Sword, and Pan Yue knows who wields the weapon: Gu Yong, the master of Jishan Hall.Pan Yue even got Gu Yong's purchase order and decided to meet him for a while. Zhuo Lanjiang also found Jishantang.

Pan Yue and Zhuo Lanjiang went to Jishan Hall by chance, and Yang Caiwei went to see the original Capt. Sun and learned that someone had taken the risk to steal the token.Zhuo Lanjiang and Pan Yue both dressed up and came to the Jishantang market together.

《In Blossom》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

In Blossom episode 12 plot introduction: Yang Caiwei and three people visited Ji Tzu Hall at night to investigate the case

Jishan Hall, Pan Yue and Zhuo Lanjiang were regarded as killers. Gu Yong wanted to spend money to get rid of Pan Yue. Pan Yue and Zhuo Lanjiang made a plan to bring up the lantern festival case. Later, Pan Yue saw Jishan Hall purchasing double copies before passing.The clothing list revealed that the employment in front of them was fake, so the two were surrounded.Seeing this situation, Pan Yue and Zhuo Lanjiang revealed each other's identities, so they saw the real hire.

Pan Yue saw the blood sword through Gu Yong, and then learned that Gu Yong had broken his hand tendon more than ten years ago and stopped using the sword. The only son who knew the blood sword, Gu Shan, had died five years ago.

Afterwards, Gu Yong stopped Pan Yue who was about to leave and pointed his sword at Pan Yue, but was blocked by Zhuo Lanjiang.When Pan Yue left, he met the crazy Mrs. Gu and heard Mrs. Gu say that Gu Yong was the murderer. Later, he learned that Mrs. Gu went crazy because of Gu Shan's death.

After returning to the county government, Pan Yue determined that the murderer killed with his right hand and Gu Yong's right hand was disabled, so he believed that Gu Yong was not the murderer.

Pan Yue was dissatisfied when he saw Yang Caiwei getting close to Zhuo Lanjiang. Aze suspected that Pan Yue was interested in Yang Caiwei.

In order to investigate the case, Yang Caiwei wanted to meet with Mrs. Gu. Zhuo Lanjiang agreed to help Yang Caiwei. Later, following Pan Yue's suggestion, he decided to drag Gu Yong and let Pan Yue take Yang Caiwei to meet with Mrs. Gu.

In the evening, after Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue detained Gu Yong in the Zhuolan River, they met with Mrs. Gu and found that Gu Yong had been feeding Mrs. Gu medicine and Mrs. Gu had been pretending to cook. Then Mrs. Gu went to the back garden but was raped.Drag it back.

In the back garden, Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue found a secret door here. After entering the tunnel, they were trapped inside. On the tunnel wall, they found many traces of the same wounds as those of the deceased in the Lantern Festival case, including broken chains.

On the other side, Zhuo Lanjiang and Gu Yong drank together and tried to test whether Jishantang had hidden secrets.

Yang Caiwei found bloody palm prints in the dungeon and learned that someone had been imprisoned here before.Pan Yue therefore recalled the situation when he was imprisoned in a dungeon by Pan's father and punished by Pan Yue after being insulted because of his status as a commoner in his childhood.Pan Yue was rescued by Yang Caiwei. In order to wake Pan Yue up, Yang Caiwei sang the nursery rhymes of that year.

《In Blossom》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

In Blossom episode 13 plot introduction: Pan Yue reopens the lantern festival to investigate the case

In the dungeon, Yang Caiwei used children's nursery rhymes to wake Pan Yue up.

On the other side, Zhuo Lanjiang and Gu Yong were stalling for time. Gu Yong gradually became impatient, and finally felt that the time was almost up and left.

Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue, who were about to leave the dungeon, noticed the movement and hid immediately. However, they saw Mrs. Gu coming to deliver food. From what Mrs. Gu said, they learned that Mrs. Gu was delivering food to Gu Shan, who had made a mistake.Gu Yong arrived later and found that the dungeon had been broken into by outsiders. He suspected that it was Pan Yue and wanted to put him to death.

Zhuo Lanjiang met Bai Xiaosheng, and when they quarreled, Bai Xiaosheng discovered that Zhuo Lanjiang was interested in Yang Caiwei, and decided to make a deal with Zhuo Lanjiang to get Zhuo Lanjiang's sword.

After Mrs. Gu left, Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue suspected that the person imprisoned here was Gu Shan. Gu Shan might also be the murderer of the Lantern Festival case, but they did not know why Gu Yong imprisoned Gu Shan here.

Just as Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue were about to leave, they found that the dungeon was locked and there was white smoke pouring in. They knew that Gu Yong wanted to kill them.

Because Yang Caiwei was delayed in coming, Zhuo Lanjiang and Bai Xiaosheng decided to go to the county government.

Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei were trapped in the dungeon and gradually lost their strength. Pan Yue felt guilty for coming to Heyang and causing Yang Caiwei's death. Yang Caiwei wanted to confess her identity but had no strength.Finally, Pan Yue found the air outlet and broke it with his fist, then left with the unconscious Yang Caiwei.

Pan Yue took Yang Caiwei back to the county government office. He couldn't help but think of Yang Caiwei's rescue in the dungeon. He recalled that two months ago, in order to investigate the death of Yang's father, the princess went to the dungeon to ask Pan Yue to cooperate in finding the murderer.

Pan Yue was devastated by Yang Caiwei's death, but now he couldn't help but care about Shangguan Zhi and blamed himself for a while.

Bai Xiaosheng, disguised as Zhuo Lanjiang, took Zhuo Lanjiang's sword to the ghost market to show off.

In order to investigate the lantern festival case and bring out Gu Shan, Pan Yue decided to reopen the lantern festival and create a case of violent bullying. For this reason, Zhuo Lanjiang decided to hold the lantern festival together with the county government.

In order to allow people to participate in the lantern festival, Yang Caiwei designed to induce Pan Yue to agree to the float parade.

Knowing that someone was using his own banner to flaunt the ghost market, Zhuo Lanjiang found Bai Xiaosheng, but unexpectedly a man in black appeared. Zhuo Lanjiang immediately took Bai Xiaosheng away.

《In Blossom》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

In Blossom episode 14 plot introduction: Yang Caiwei pretends to be a villain to lure the murderer

In order to lure out the murderer at the lantern festival, Yang Caiwei asked Aze to pretend to bully Ling'er. Seeing that the two of them couldn't perform, she went to Agent Liu and bribed him to agree to act.

Zhuo Lanjiang and Bai Xiaosheng were hunted by the Jinshui Gang, and the two determined that there was a traitor in Yinyu Tower through the note written by the killer.Since the former gang leader of Yinyu Tower was killed by Jin Shuilou, Yinyu Tower's men begged Zhuo Lanjiang to stay away temporarily.Bai Xiaosheng wanted to leave but was stopped. Zhuo Lanjiang believed that Bai Xiaosheng was willing to let him leave.

In recent days, Pan Yue has been deeply troubled by Yang Caiwei and often avoids Yang Caiwei.Although Yang Caiwei was confused, she felt that Pan Yue was preparing for the parade.

Worried about being hunted down, Bai Xiaosheng decided to stay with Zhuo Lanjiang to seek asylum, and brought up Zhuo Lanjiang's murder of the Jinshui Gang.Back then, the former gang leader was assassinated by the Jinshui Gang. Zhuo Lanjiang murdered the Jinshui Gang to avenge his father. The Jinshui Gang had been silent for many years, but suddenly appeared again on Yang Caiwei's wedding day.

The lantern festival was held as scheduled, and Pan Yue paraded on the street.

On the other side, Zhuo Lanjiang designed Bai Xiaosheng to escape, and after attracting the traitor in Yinyu Tower, he immediately returned to the Lantern Festival to look for Yang Caiwei.

The lantern festival ceremony was about to begin, but Agent Liu suddenly had a problem. Yang Caiwei had no choice but to go into battle personally, went to the bridge to cause trouble and bully others, and then left.

In the dark, Yang Caiwei was attacked, and Zhuo Lanjiang appeared in time to save Yang Caiwei and capture Gu Shan at the same time.

After catching the murderer, everyone went to enjoy the lanterns and play together. Pan Yue felt disgusted when he saw Yang Caiwei and Zhuo Lanjiang being intimate and left alone.

Yang Caiwei learned that Zhuo Lanjiang was going to confess to the person he admired today, and complained that Zhuo Lanjiang had someone he liked but didn't tell her.

《In Blossom》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

In Blossom episode 15 plot introduction: Gu Shan was killed

After Yang Caiwei and Bai Xiaosheng left Panyue Zhuolan River, they made wishes and released lanterns together.Bai Xiaosheng found that she fell in love with Zhuo Lanjiang, but Zhuo Lanjiang didn't like her.

Yang Caiwei and the two met the third girl and Shuangshuang who were selling ice drinks on the street. Yang Caiwei was very happy to see the three girls giving the little beggar ice drinks.

Bai Xiaosheng saw Yang Caiwei coming to the bridge mentioned by Zhuo Lanjiang, and knowing that Zhuo Lanjiang was interested in Yang Caiwei, he stopped following Yang Caiwei.Yang Caiwei was led away by Pan Yue's lamp on the way.Bai Xiaosheng looked at the lamp on Zhuolanjiang River after Yang Caiwei left, thinking that the woman on the lamp was Yang Caiwei.

Yang Caiwei suddenly suffered from abdominal pain while chasing the lantern.

Pan Yue met Gu Shan, and after testing, he found that Gu Shan was fake, and realized that Yang Caiwei was in danger.

Yang Caiwei was led to a dark place and witnessed the third girl killing the man in black with a bloody sword. Only then did she realize that the third girl was Gu Shan.Gu Shan wanted to kill Yang Caiwei because he saw her bullying others.

Worried about Yang Caiwei, Pan Yue searched for Yang Caiwei and asked Zhuo Lanjiang to search together.

Yang Caiwei and Gu Shan were together, deliberately delaying time.

On the other side, Pan Yue did not see the third girl at the ice drink stall. He recalled the wounds of the deceased and realized that the murderer used ice as the murder weapon.

Yang Caiwei was with Gu Shan, guessing that Gu Shan had asked her to pretend to be a man because Gu Yong wanted his son to inherit the family property.Gu Shan was imprisoned in a dungeon by Gu Yong for liking girls' things. After escaping, he helped Shuang Shuang kill the uncle who bullied her.Yang Caiwei wondered why Gu Shan took away Gu Yong's water ripple token. Gu Shan did not answer. Then Yang Caiwei planned to save herself. When she escaped, she was caught up by Gu Shan. Yang Caiwei was rescued by Pan Yue when she was unconscious.

Yang Caiwei woke up and found Zhuo Lanjiang's figure, and then learned from Ling'er that Pan Yue had never visited her after she fell into coma.

When Gu Yong learned that Gu Shan had been arrested, he was worried that Gu Shan would tell the secret of the water ripple token, and appeared on the way to escort Gu Shan to get rid of Gu Shan.Gu Yong threatened Gu Shan with Mrs. Gu, but Mrs. Gu suddenly woke up and hoped that Gu Shan would not be controlled by Gu Yong and then committed suicide.Gu Shan was angered by this and fought against Gu Yong. He was later killed by Gu Yong and handed the token to Yang Caiwei before he died.

Pan Yue failed to track the black shadow he saw. Zhuo Lanjiang investigated the Jinshui Gang and found that the Jinshui Gang was related to the prevention of water ripples.

《In Blossom》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

In Blossom episode 16 plot introduction: Yang Caiwei left the county government in anger

Zhuo Lanjiang believed that there must be spies in the gang and asked people to investigate secretly without alerting anyone.Yang Caiwei heard that something happened to Shuangshuang and hurried there. Pan Yue also came after hearing the news. It turned out that everyone thought that Shuangshuang was the murderer's sister and wanted to throw her out with the body of the third girl, but Pan Yue specially gave it to the third girl.A stick of incense was put on it, indicating that from today onwards this store would provide special ice drinks to the county government, and if there were any troublemakers again, they would be dealt with impartially.Everyone left one after another. Yang Caiwei looked at the bodies of the three girls and fell into sadness. Sometimes she really hoped that the murderers caught were heinous people.Pan Yue asked Yang Caiwei to accompany Shuangshuang and went back first. Shuangshuang kept crying, so Yang Caiwei taught her a nursery rhyme, and all the little beggars passing by also learned it.

Pan Yue went to prison to meet Gu Yong, who had been preventing them from investigating the case before.Pan Yue had a question, didn't he have any affection for the third girl?Gu Yong obviously did not repent. Pan Yue asked if Gu Yong was responsible for the death of Yang's family ten years ago. Gu Yong admitted it. Pan Yue asked if he had killed Yang Caiwei, but Gu Yong denied it.Gu Yong's token says four, which means there are three people above him. Who is that person?Gu Yong didn't say anything because he thought Pan Yue couldn't protect him.

The Shui Ripple Organization ordered Gu Yong to be killed.Gu Yong suddenly said that he wanted to see Pan Yue, but the condition was that he would take him away from Heyang and make him safe. He would not be willing to talk until he was in a safe place.Pan Yue decided to take Gu Yong to the capital and ask the princess to send someone to protect him.Pan Yue asked Gu Yong's fake stand-in to go to prison in his place. Just as he was about to take the real Gu Yong away, Gu Yong suddenly died of poison. Before he died, he uttered the word "Yang" and died.

Zhuo Lanjiang went to visit his father. His father always urged him to get married, saying that his temper would become less stubborn after getting married. Now Zhuo Lanjiang already has a girl he likes, and he will definitely bring her to visit one day.The instigator of Gu Yong's poisonous death was the ink pad used to press his fingerprints. Pan Yue believed that there must be an undercover agent lurking in the county government.Yang Caiwei accidentally discovered that it was Pan Yue who saved her that day, and hurriedly ran to ask. Pan Yue admitted calmly, but said that saving her was official business.Pan Yue asked Yang Caiwei to go to the capital. He did not want her to stay in Heyang. If what happened last time happened again, Pan Yue would not be able to protect her.Yang Caiwei was a little sad. To put it bluntly, he just wanted to drive her away.Zhuo Lanjiang rushed over and said that he would take Yang Caiwei away, and Yang Caiwei left the county government in anger.Before leaving, Aze came specially to give Ling'er some of her favorite fruits. Yang Caiwei was a little disappointed, thinking that it was Pan Yue who asked him to come.

Yang Caiwei did not go to Zhuo Lanjiang, but returned to the place where she originally lived, drinking with Zhuo Lanjiang because she was depressed.Yang Caiwei was so sad that she was almost broken. She knew clearly that Pan Yue had a princess, and her name and identity were fake. But the saddest thing was that she had no position to hate Pan Yue, and she couldn't even tell him that she was just living in someone else's body.thief.Aze and Pan Yue reported Yang Caiwei's situation, but Pan Yue drove him away unhappily.The new chef cooked a few dishes, but Pan Yue had no appetite for them and seemed to be in a bad mood.

Today is the day when the third girl was buried. Pan Yue came and saw Zhuo Lanjiang and Yang Caiwei.Yang Caiwei lowered her eyes to pay homage and ignored Pan Yue.Shuangshuang cried sadly in front of the third girl's grave. From then on, she no longer had a family.Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue passed by each other without even looking at each other.

《In Blossom》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

In Blossom episode 17 plot introduction: Zhuo Lanjiang’s true confession to Yang Caiwei

Yang Caiwei remembered that Shangguanlan also had several shops in Heyang, so she asked Ling'er to tell the shopkeeper to look for signs of water ripples.Someone came to report that Bai Xiaosheng had been detained at the dock, so Yang Caiwei hurried there. It turned out that Bai Xiaosheng's smuggled goods had been detained by people from Yinyulou. It was useless for Bai Xiaosheng to say that she and Zhuo Lanjiang were friends.Unexpectedly, Zhuo Lanjiang arrived the next second, but the hall master disagreed because outsiders broke the rules. Unexpectedly, Zhuo Lanjiang took Yang Caiwei's hand and said that she would be the young master's wife in the future, not an outsider.Bai Xiaosheng was rescued, but she was not happy to see Zhuo Lanjiang and Yang Caiwei kissing me. Zhuo Lanjiang planned to take them to drink together, but Bai Xiaosheng refused, saying only that he would go find Yang Caiwei later.Bai Xiaosheng has been acting strange recently, and Yang Caiwei asked Zhuo Lanjiang to stop being like this and stop calling her Young Madam.But Zhuo Lanjiang was serious. In fact, he used to think that he only regarded Yang Caiwei as a friend, but after finding out that she was missing, Zhuo Lanjiang understood his intentions. As long as Yang Caiwei was willing, he could marry Yang Caiwei at any time.Yang Caiwei categorically refused. She had always regarded Zhuo Lanjiang as a friend, so she could not give him unnecessary hope.

Pan Yue did not rule out the suspicion of the four major clans just because Gu Yong was dead. There must be the power of the Shui Ripple Organization among them.Aze advised him to go horseback riding for some relaxation, after all, it was not an option to be in such a hurry.Seeing that Pan Yue had some difficulties in investigating the case, Emperor Qing decided to give him a push.

The shopkeeper brought all the rippled objects, but these were not what Yang Caiwei wanted. They even found many dancers to please her, and Yang Caiwei was speechless.Pan Yue, who was passing by, heard the music playing in the mansion and suddenly became a little more angry. Aze tried his best to persuade him to go in and take a look, but he was rejected.Returning to the county government office, Pan Yue was told that there was a fire in the county government office, but it did not cause a major fire.Pan Yue soon realized that the fire was deliberately directed by someone.Pan Yue went to look for the dossier late at night, but after leaving Yang Caiwei, he realized that it was not easy to find the dossier quickly.Pan Yue found the will-o'-the-wisp case file, Heyang Xinzheng Academy, the back mountain was rumored to be haunted, and people often walked in and couldn't get out. A year ago, four students from Xinzheng Academy went to the back mountain ghost forest to compete for courage, but Shen Ci was mysteriousAfter disappearing, everyone believed that he was alive and could not see people, ghosts or corpses. Unexpectedly, Shen Ci suddenly appeared not long after, but his eyes could not see anything.Everyone thought that all this was over, but something strange happened next. The other three people became blind one after another. Rumor has it that it was caused by a ghost.One night, a scholar who got up late saw three people entering the forest with white eyes and falling into the cliff as if they were unconscious.After that, everyone went to look for people, but only saw their bodies. Chen Fu's father was the dean of the academy, and he arrested Shen Ci in anger, but Shen Ci said that their deaths had nothing to do with him.

Pan Yue went to prison to meet Shen Ci, and Capt. Liu kept telling Pan Yue how evil this person was.But Pan Yue was not afraid of Shen Ci and asked Capt. Liu to remove his shackles.Pan Yue hoped that Shen Ci would tell the truth about the water ripple pattern on the wall. Shen Ci said that he would tell him when he found out about the case.Yang Caiwei was bored at home and came here after talking about anything. After some probing, she found out that Zhuo Lanjiang was behind it.Pan Yue did not think that Shen Ci was someone who used witchcraft to harm his classmates. He was depressed, so he went out for a walk. Shuangshuang asked him why he didn't come with Yang Caiwei. He heard that she and Zhuo Lanjiang had been together.Pan Yue felt a little uncomfortable when he heard this and left without even taking any ice drink.Pan Yue heard Shuangshuang and the others singing familiar nursery rhymes. After repeated questioning, he learned that it was Yang Caiwei who taught them. Pan Yue suddenly understood something in his heart. Many similarities between Yang Caiwei and today's Shangguan Zhi seemed to be explained..

《In Blossom》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

In Blossom Episode 18 Plot Introduction: Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue make a secret visit to Xinzheng Academy

Pan Yue couldn't wait to rush to her house after discovering Yang Caiwei's identity. He held her shoulders and was speechless. However, he soon realized that she was now Shangguan Zhi. Once her identity was exposed, she might be in great danger..So Pan Yue resisted the urge to recognize each other and took two steps back. At this time, Zhuo Lanjiang came to chase away the guests. Pan Yue said that he had found a case related to the Water Ripple Organization, and he would tell Yang Caiwei if he made any progress.Late at night, Pan Yue repeatedly reviewed the situation, and Yang Caiwei turned into Shangguan Zhi. The one lying in the ice coffin was Shangguan Zhi. Shangguan Zhi was accidentally assassinated by the Shui Ripple organization. This was all because of the Shui Ripple organization. Pan YueSecretly determined to find out the Shui Ripple Organization and bring justice to Yang Caiwei and Shangguan Zhi.

Pan Yue came to the room where Yang Caiwei lived before, looked at the branches she had cut, and urged them to grow up quickly. After all, Yang Caiwei was coming back.Yang Caiwei was debating whether to go back to the county government office to live there, but she thought it would be very shameless to go back like this.Pan Yue had been fully dressed early in the morning waiting for Yang Caiwei to come back, and was worried that she would not come back.Unexpectedly, Yang Caiwei was still willing to return to the county government office in order to investigate the case. Everyone was very happy to see Yang Caiwei.When Pan Yue heard that Yang Caiwei was coming, he pretended to be serious, but in fact he was at a loss.Yang Caiwei called Pan Yue "sir", but such an unfamiliar title made him feel a little depressed.Yang Caiwei looked down at the file, and Pan Yue looked at the strand of her hair hanging down with excitement.Yang Caiwei devoted herself to the case, and Pan Yue's true feelings were also considered by her to be a mockery. After noticing that Pan Yue laughed from time to time, Yang Caiwei felt that he was possessed.

Pan Yue decided to go to Xinzheng Academy, and Yang Caiwei wanted to go with him after hearing about it.On the carriage, Pan Yue's attitude made Yang Caiwei even more uncomfortable.When they arrived at Xinzheng Academy, it was obvious that the dean had arranged everything well. Pan Yue dragged him away and gave Yang Caiwei a look to ask about Shen Ci, but everyone who heard his name panicked and ran away.There was a room covered with black cloth, which was Chen Fu's room. The dean said that his son had difficulty moving since he became blind, so he covered it with black cloth.Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei wanted to go in and take a look, but Dean Chen did not stop them.When leaving, Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue thought it was unusual, so they decided to go to the back mountain.

Zhuo Lanjiang found the person who escaped from the cell, but he had already been killed, and there was something abnormal in the right shoulder of the murderer.Zhuo Lanjiang carefully recalled Sun Zhen's strangeness, determined that he was the murderer, and tested him.Later, Zhuo Lanjiang asked someone to keep an eye on Sun Zhen to see what he was doing behind his back.Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei came to the eerie back mountain. In the past, Pan Yue used Shangguan Lan as a cover, but today he was uncharacteristically willing to take her on an adventure.Yang Caiwei was afraid of getting lost, so she took out a knife and marked it. Pan Yue deliberately said that her knife looked like Yang Caiwei's handmade knife. Yang Caiwei hurriedly hid the knife and said that he had made a mistake.The two walked around in the forest and returned to the same place, but Pan Yue was not afraid. This must be someone deliberately pretending to be a ghost.Yang Caiwei followed Pan Yue in fear, and suddenly heard a sound of water, and then Yang Caiwei was snatched away by vines that came out of nowhere.Pan Yue hurriedly stepped forward to save her, holding her in fear.Soon Pan Yue discovered the trap. The so-called ghost forest was just a trap.Yang Caiwei found a place where the soil was unusually fertile, and something might be buried underneath, so the two started to dig up the place, only to see a complete white skeleton with the emblem of Xinzheng Academy next to it.The two took the body back for autopsy, but the work was not credible. Yang Caiwei was thinking of finding an excuse to do the autopsy, and Pan Yue also wanted to give her a chance to do the autopsy. The two had a tacit understanding.It wasn't until Yang Caiwei's autopsy was successful that Pan Yue breathed a sigh of relief, silently stood guard outside the door, and even asked someone to cook a table of delicious dishes.Zhuo Lanjiang was afraid that Pan Yue would treat Yang Caiwei badly, so he also brought a table of dishes, but what Pan Yue had prepared was left out in the cold.

After dinner, Zhuo Lanjiang carefully escorted Yang Caiwei away, and Pan Yue felt even more depressed when he saw this.Zhuo Lanjiang asked with concern if Yang Caiwei had been embarrassed. Yang Caiwei quickly denied it, but thought he was acting weird today.Pan Yue, who saw things and missed people, was made jealous by Zhuo Lanjiang, but Zhuo Lanjiang also felt that Yang Caiwei already had Pan Yue in her heart.Bai Xiaosheng saw him drinking alone and went to buy glutinous rice balls for him, but met a hateful-looking gangster. Zhuo Lanjiang stepped forward and strangled his neck. Bai Xiaosheng was afraid that he would kill someone, so he just told the man to go away.Bai Xiaosheng's mood was very wrong, and Zhuo Lanjiang didn't ask anything.The internal salesperson talked about her life experience. She lost her father when she was very young. Her mother was a gambler. One day, her mother said she would take her to a cousin's house so that she would have no worries about food and clothing. Bai Xiaosheng was very happy at the time, but when she got there,You know, she has been sold by her mother for ten taels of silver.Later, Bai Xiaosheng escaped, started a small business by begging on the street, and got back her deed at ten times the price. The fact that her mother abandoned her so easily made Bai Xiaosheng even more convinced that money alone could not escape her.Zhuo Lanjiang listened quietly and gave her a candy to express comfort.

The next day, at Yang Caiwei's prompting, Wu Zuo said that he had found out that the deceased had had his teeth filled and that the teeth had been mixed with mercury.Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue followed the clues and went to the dental filling shop. After investigation, they found that the corpse was actually Shen Ci!But if this body is Shen Ci, then who is in the prison?

《In Blossom》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

In Blossom Episode 19 Plot Introduction: Yang Caiwei detects Pan Yue’s feelings

Yang Caiwei went to visit Shen Ci in prison alone. Shen Ci could identify people by their footsteps and heartbeats, and he took Yang Caiwei's questions calmly.Yang Caiwei believes that Shen Ci is different from Xinzheng students, and he is definitely not the real Shen Ci.Pan Yue is a trustworthy person, and Yang Caiwei hopes Shen Ci can cooperate with him.Pan Yue decided to go to Nanjun to find out the identity of the person in prison, so that he could be alone with Yang Caiwei.Pan Yue raised his head and talked about the matter with Yang Caiwei, but Yang Caiwei had no intention of going there at all. Thinking that the two of them would act separately, Pan Yue settled the matter alone.

Pan Yue checked everyone in the county government office, but no one had any suspicion. Pan Yue determined that the spy was hiding deep.The county government was spreading rumors that Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei were going on an outing, and they even booked a room at the inn.Pan Yue was also preparing carefully at this time, as if he were going on an outing.Pan Yue went for an unannounced visit in the name of an outing, saying nothing to arouse suspicion. However, Pan Yue also brought a lot of cakes and fruits, saying that he would act in a full set.Yang Caiwei remained silent and looked through the book she had brought. Pan Yue saw that her hands were tired and helped her pick up the book.

The Water Ripple Organization received news that Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei were going on an outing, but in fact they disappeared. They immediately sent people to investigate and bring in enough manpower to eliminate any further trouble.When she came to Nanjun, it was very lively. Yang Caiwei was stunned when she saw the candy man not far away. In her memory, she and Pan Yue played the candy man together.When Pan Yue saw this, he pulled her to buy one, and they played the candy man together like they did when they were children. Pan Yue still remembered the candy man from back then, and Yang Caiwei had been reading about it for several months.The two were about to sit down and eat when Zhuo Lanjiang came and complained that they didn't take him with them when they went out to play.

The local inn was short of rooms, so Pan Yue and Zhuo Lanjiang had no choice but to live together.After returning to the room, Pan Yue pointed his sword at Zhuo Lanjiang and asked him why he came.It turned out that Pan Yue discovered that Zhuo Lanjiang was ambushing many people, and Zhuo Lanjiang said that someone was going to intercept and kill them.Pan Yue asked Zhuo Lanjiang what the relationship was with the Water Ripple Organization, but Zhuo Lanjiang did not explain, only saying that he and that group of people were not together.When Sun Zhen heard that Zhuo Lanjiang was coming, he knew that he had noticed something.

It was raining heavily outside, and Yang Caiwei accidentally burned herself with tea. Zhuo Lanjiang and Pan Yue broke in, thinking something had happened to her.Pan Yue and Zhuo Lanjiang couldn't sleep, so they prepared a table of food and drinks. When talking about their fathers, their attitudes were different.Turning to Yang Caiwei again, the two of them immediately became at loggerheads. If they didn't fall in love with the same person, they might become very good friends.The two immediately became vigilant when they heard the sound of people and horses outside. A group of men in black came to rob them. Zhuo Lanjiang asked Pan Yue to protect Yang Caiwei and leave first.Pan Yue broke up with Yang Caiwei and wanted to get rid of them quickly to protect Yang Caiwei. At this time, Zhuo Lanjiang was also fighting fiercely with them.Yang Caiwei hid in a box in the yard, but someone was walking towards her. Yang Caiwei remembered the agreement made during the day and quickly read Pan Yue's name. Unexpectedly, he actually came.Zhuo Lanjiang took off the man's mask with his own hands, but he didn't expect that it was really Sun Zhen.Zhuo Lanjiang was disappointed, but Sun Zhen said that there were some things that he would rather not know.

The next day, Yang Caiwei had a fever.Zhuo Lanjiang searched for a whole day but couldn't find any trace of Sun Zhen, so he could only take people back to Heyang first.Pan Yue found a place to stay and asked Aze to go to the drug store to get medicine while he took care of Yang Caiwei.After keeping her company all night, Yang Caiwei woke up the next morning and found Pan Yue resting with his eyes closed. When she saw him waking up, she closed her eyes again.Pan Yue kissed Yang Caiwei on the forehead, leaving Yang Caiwei wondering all day.However, Yang Caiwei was also very depressed. Pan Yue now fell in love with Shangguan Zhi, not to mention that he was already the princess's consort.Seeing Yang Caiwei's cold attitude, Pan Yue deliberately handed her the princess's letter and told her that his engagement with the princess was actually a fake.

《In Blossom》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

In Blossom episode 20 plot introduction: Yang Caiwei learns the inside story of the will-o'-the-wisp case

When the princess was interested in Pan Yue, Pan Yue directly refused to say that she had an engagement. The princess didn't take it seriously at the time. As long as she said a word, the engagement between Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei would not count, not to mention that Yang Caiwei had been missing for ten years, but Pan Yue had been missing for ten years.Yue's determination was firm.Later, Pan Yue was imprisoned, and the princess decided to help him, saying that she would not marry him unless he was her husband. What Pan Yue did was to find out the truth and eliminate traitors for the country.Yang Caiwei breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't know that Pan Yue would be in such a dangerous situation after returning to Beijing.It's just that Pan Yue explained so much, maybe he was sincere towards Shangguan Zhi?Yang Caiwei was in a bad mood again.Next, Pan Yue's tenderness and tenderness toward her were overwhelmed by Yang Caiwei's jealousy, and he even had a bad temper.The three of them inquired about Shen Ci's home and heard that no one was there anymore and that the place was unlucky.

Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei went to Shen Ci's house to investigate. It was dilapidated and no one had lived there for a long time. Yang Caiwei found that the children's toys were all duplicates. Could it be that Shen Ci had brothers?After inquiring, I learned that Shen Ci does have a twin brother named Shen Yan, but he has been very weird since he was a child. He was blind since he was a child, has an eccentric personality, and can attract strange insects. Shen Yan has always lived alone in the woodshed and seldomDeal with people.But one day, Shen Yan's poisonous insects killed his parents. From then on, Shen Ci left Heyang and said that he would never come back again.Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei guessed that Shen Yan should have left here with Shen Ci, and after Shen Ci was killed, he took his identity and avenged his revenge.

Back at the county government office, Shen Yan did not deny his identity, but he said that what they suspected was not the truth. Shen Yan could also tell them what he knew about the Shui Ripple Organization, but his only request was to kill him.Chen Fu.Yang Caiwei focused on the case. Considering that she had been sleeping rough for the past two days, Pan Yue had people prepare a lot of dishes, but Yang Caiwei turned around and ran away because of his attitude.Pan Yue was very depressed about this. After thinking hard, he realized that it was not Yang Caiwei's intention to come to the wedding in the first place. It was also unknown that she regarded herself as her murderer. Did she really hate herself?

Zhuo Lanjiang sent a message saying that he would investigate the matter in Yinyu Tower and told Yang Caiwei not to worry.Zhuo Lanjiang discovered that there was a medicine in Sun Zhen's room that could regenerate human skin and flesh. He thought it was unusual, so he sent someone to ask Bai Xiaosheng to meet by the river.Bai Xiaosheng was very excited when she received the invitation, and she quickly closed the stall when the time came.Bai Xiaosheng returned home and dressed up carefully. She no longer pretended to be a man as before, but put on gentle women's clothes.Seeing this, Zhuo Lanjiang had a smile in his eyes, and asked her to help him keep an eye on the jade toad in the ghost market. He even consciously put his arm around Bai Xiaosheng's shoulders. When they realized something was wrong, they both felt very uncomfortable.Yang Caiwei found the record about the phantom worm, and quickly went with Pan Yue to undo Chen Fu's poison.While waiting, Yang Caiwei said she wanted to walk in front, which made Pan Yue even more depressed because she was so unwilling to be with him.

Yang Caiwei was knocked unconscious and locked up. When she woke up, she saw students from Xinzheng Academy.They, poor students, had been bullied and humiliated by Chen Fu and his group. He was protected by Dean Chen, so no one of them dared to say anything.Now that Yang Caiwei wants to save Chen Fu, they are afraid of going back to the days of being pigs and dogs.Back in Chen Fu's room, Yang Caiwei was hesitant, wondering whether she should save him or not.Yang Caiwei still administered the acupuncture, which brought Chen Fu back to consciousness. When he woke up, he said that Shen Ci had harmed him.Afterwards, Yang Caiwei told Pan Yue about the incident. She would never have thought that the person who had worked so hard to save him would be such a vicious person.Shen Ci was on trial today. Yang Caiwei persuaded the students to also testify, but they did not want to be involved.

Chen Fu sued Shen Yan in front of the court, but Shen Yan did not defend himself. Yang Caiwei stepped forward to testify against Chen Fu and brought a booklet written by Chen Fu himself, which recorded all Chen Fu's actions.There was no courage test at all. It was Chen Fu and the others who forcibly dragged Shen Ci away to the ghost forest. Unexpectedly, Shen Ci was strangled to death by vines.Chen Fu and his son naturally refused to admit it, but they did not expect that students from Xinzheng Academy came to testify one after another.Chen Fu thought that the person in front of him was Shen Ci, and thought that he would just have to pay some medical expenses at the worst, so he simply broke the jar. Unexpectedly, Pan Yue asked people to bring Shen Ci's body, and the Shen Ci they thought was his younger brother.Shen Ci took good care of this younger brother since he was a child, until he caused a huge disaster. Shen Ci left Heyang, and Shen Yan followed quietly, but he never expected that such a kind brother would be killed.So Shen Yan returned to the academy as Shen Ci and controlled them to blindly jump off the cliff.Chen Fu and his son were shocked. Pan Yue ordered Chen Fu to be exiled to the border area, and Shen Yanqiu was beheaded.Shen Yan was not dissatisfied. He killed someone and this was the price he had to pay.Everyone has to pay the price for their choices, and Shen Yan must bear the price if he chooses revenge.Pan Yue was hesitating whether he should let Yang Caiwei go after finding out everything, but how could he bear to let Yang Caiwei go like this.According to what Shen Yan said, Aze found Shen Ci's diary, which had water ripple patterns painted on it.

《In Blossom》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

In Blossom Episode 21 Plot Introduction: Zhuo Lanjiang discovers that his father is not dead

Through Shen Ci's notes, Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue learned that a year ago, Shen Ci's classmate Miao Zhuang discovered that Dean Chen went to Back Mountain and found ghost figures and water ripple patterns on the boat in Back Mountain.The next day, Miao Zhuang died mysteriously. Dean Chen did not agree to the autopsy and directly burned Miao Zhuang's body on the grounds that Miao Zhuang was infected with the epidemic.Because Shen Ci contradicted the dean at that time, Chen Fu and others began to bully Shen Ci.

Pan Yue suspected that Miao Zhuang had confessed because he discovered the secret. He recalled the sound of water he heard in the back mountain that day, so he returned to the back mountain with Yang Caiwei, and after searching, they found the entrance to the cave.

Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei found traces of human existence in the cave and found clues. They were about to leave but were discovered by Dean Chen. When the two were fleeing in the forest, they found a box and heard a cry for help.Pan Yue opened the box, and the phantom insect in the box bit Pan Yue.At this time, the man in black appeared and wanted to kill Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei. Yang Caiwei discovered that Pan Yue was blind and verbally directed Pan Yue to fight, but accidentally fell off the cliff.Pan Yue was so anxious that he jumped off the cliff together.

Under the cliff, Pan Yue searched hard for Yang Caiwei. Yang Caiwei found that Pan Yue already knew her identity and was very moved to know that Pan Yue liked her.

On the other side, after Bai Xiaosheng inquired about the jade toad, he and Zhuo Lanjiang followed the person who bought the jade toad to the mountain behind Yinyu Tower.Zhuo Lanjiang followed the man alone to the secret room of his father's tombstone, and found the figure of his dead father.

Pan Yue was with Yang Caiwei and didn't want to be separated from Yang Caiwei.

Zhuo Lanjiang learned from Zhuo's father that Zhuo's father was betrayed by his brother and turned into a black man. The Yang family was wiped out and the murder of Yang Caiwei was all done by Zhuo's father.Zhuo's father asked Zhuo Lanjiang to work for him, but Zhuo Lanjiang asked the man behind the scenes to no avail and drove him away.

In order to treat Pan Yue, Yang Caiwei administered acupuncture and successfully helped Pan Yue regain his vision.

Bai Xiaosheng had not seen Zhuo Lanjiang for many days, and asked Ah Fu to find out that Zhuo Lanjiang was busy.

Yang Caiwei suspected that illegal salt was piled up in the back of the academy. Pan Yue checked the academy, but unexpectedly Dean Chen was nowhere to be seen.

《In Blossom》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

In Blossom Episode 22 Plot Introduction: Zhuo Lanjiang leaves alone

Yang Caiwei saw Bai Xiaosheng and mentioned the disappearance of Zhuo Lanjiang and told Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue about the incident that day. The three of them went to the back of Yinyu Building to investigate and found that there were bags in the back of Yinyu Building that were the same as those in the back of the academy. They suspected that there was something wrong between the two places.relation.

Through analysis, Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei determined the organizational structure of Shui Ripple. Seeing Bai Xiaosheng trying to rescue Zhuo Lanjiang, they tried to dissuade him but were criticized. Bai Xiaosheng calmed down after explaining.

Zhuo's father wanted to kill Pan Yue and invited Pan Yue to the Yinyu Tower for a banquet in the name of Zhuo Lanjiang. Seeing that Bai Xiaosheng insisted on following, Yang Caiwei knew that Bai Xiaosheng was interested in Zhuo Lanjiang and persuaded Bai Xiaosheng to tell Zhuo Lanjiang.

On this day, Pan Yue went to the Yinyu Tower for a banquet alone, Yang Caiwei stole the keys alone, and Bai Xiaosheng also went to the kitchen.

Pan Yue saw Zhuo's father and confronted him.On the other side, Zhuo Lanjiang got the cell key through food.

Pan Yue believed that Zhuo's father was ordered to kill to protect Zhuo Lanjiang, and Zhuo's father wanted to die with Pan Yue.At the same time, Zhuo Lanjiang escaped from the cell and joined Yang Caiwei.

Pan Yue knew that Zhuo's father was being checked for protecting Zhuo Lanjiang, and thought that Zhuo Lanjiang would not want Zhuo's father to do that.The three of Zhuo Lanjiang were stopped by Sun Zhen outside the main hall, and they learned that Zhuo Lanjiang was working for Zhuo Lanjiang and the people behind the scenes.

Pan Yue persuaded Zhuo's father with the gold medal to avoid death. Zhuo's father saw Zhuo Lanjiang coming and promised not to be an enemy of the county government but did not name the person behind the scenes. He hoped that Pan Yue could protect Zhuo Lanjiang and then saved Pan Yue from the sea of ​​​​fire., to protect Zhuo Lanjiang from being retaliated against, he died alone in the sea of ​​fire.

Zhuo Lanjiang was deeply saddened after witnessing his father's death, and drank to drown his sorrows all day long.Pan Yue encouraged and persuaded Zhuo Lanjiang with Zhuo's father's painstaking efforts, and Zhuo Lanjiang just cheered up.Bai Xiaosheng made soup for Zhuo Lanjiang, and Zhuo Lanjiang drank it.

In front of Zhuo's father's tomb, Zhuo Lanjiang came to Yang Caiwei to apologize for what his father had done. Yang Caiwei did not bear any grudge against Zhuo's father who had died, and then persuaded Zhuo Lanjiang not to blame himself too much.

The next day, Yang Caiwei and Bai Xiaosheng did not see Zhuo Lanjiang when they came to attend their monthly appointment. Then they received something from Zhuo Lanjiang, and the two immediately went out to look for Zhuo Lanjiang.Bai Xiaosheng braved the rain to look for Zhuo Lanjiang and found that Zhuo Lanjiang had left by boat.Pan Yue comforted Yang Caiwei. Bai Xiaosheng knew the whereabouts of Zhuo Lanjiang and left a letter to leave.

In order to stabilize the people in the capital, Pan Yue sealed off Yinyu Tower.

Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei mentioned the word Yang that Gu Yong said when he died, and decided to use this as a clue.

《In Blossom》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

In Blossom Episode 23 Plot Introduction: Pan Yue leads out the traitor

In order to lure out the traitor in the county government, Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei set up a bureau, and handed over the Yinyu Building to the Chamber of Commerce. In order to thank everyone, he held a banquet for everyone. During the dinner, Pan Yue sent Yang Caiwei, who was pretending to be drunk, back to her room to wait and wait. Later, she successfully arrested the traitor, Agent Liu.People get stolen goods together.

Like Agent Liu, after Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei left, the old clerk who left under the pretext of being arrested asked Pan Yue to resign and return to his hometown. After Pan Yue agreed, he left the county government and went to the mountain behind Yinyu Tower alone., found the evidence left by Zhuo's father, but was caught by Aze.Only then did the old master realize that Pan Yue had deliberately set him up, and he chose to commit suicide by taking poison on the spot.

Pan Yue discovered the letter left by Zhuo's father through the old master's book. It was this letter that led to the Yang family tragedy. Now that Yang Caiwei saw the letter, she couldn't calm down.

After learning that Pan Yue had planned to catch the traitor, Mr. Liu, Capt. Liu admired him very much.

At Wangyue Bridge, when Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue were inquiring about the news, they heard the shopkeeper mention the Tianshi resurrection case nine years ago, in which Miss Shang was one of the eight deceased in the case.

Yang Caiwei's master, Lao Jiangtou, was responsible for the autopsy on the case of Tianshi's resurrection that day. Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei investigated the files and found that the eight women who died corresponded to the gossip, and the one who reported the news to Yang's father was Miss Shang.There are rumors that the murderer comes from Luoyunmen, which is respected by the people of Heyang. Among them, Xue Jianli, the headmaster of Luoyunmen, has a female disciple, Lu Erge. After the officers and soldiers searched Luoyunmen, they found a secret book that recorded killing and sacrificing people to become immortals, but in the firstLu Eige died before the individual died, so there was a saying that the Celestial Master was resurrected and killed people.

In order to understand the situation, Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue went to find Lao Jiangtou. Lao Jiangtou was very dissatisfied with Pan Yue and made things difficult for him. During this period, Yang Caiwei asked about the case, but Lao Jiangtou avoided answering.

Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue met in the courtyard late at night. The two drank and talked together. Yang Caiwei brought up the past with Lao Jiangtou.

Zhuo Lanjiang got clues about the person behind the scenes through Sun Zhen, and went to search alone but found nothing. Then he met Bai Xiaosheng and asked him to leave in the face of Bai Xiaosheng's confession.

Pan Yue knew that Lao Jiangtou had objections to him, and after sending Yang Caiwei away, he expressed his feelings for Yang Caiwei to Lao Jiangtou and promised to handle the princess' affairs well.

《In Blossom》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

In Blossom Episode 24 Plot Introduction: The case of the Celestial Master’s resurrection is solved

Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue learned from Lao Jiangtou that the eight deceased persons in the Tianshi Resurrection Case died in different circumstances. At that time, Lao Jiangtou performed an autopsy, but the county magistrate did not believe what Lao Jiangtou said in order to close the case early.

In the case of Tianshi's resurrection, Miss Shang was the last person to die, and her death was the most miserable.Lao Jiangtou suspected that Lu Aige was related to the Celestial Master's resurrection case, so he secretly went to Lu Aige's grave to see Lu Aige's body, but was discovered by Xue Jianli.

Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei suspected that Xue Jianli was related to the case, so they went to Luoyunmen to investigate and found that there were still many followers of Xue Jianli here.

In order to investigate the case, Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue pretended to be a couple and found an opportunity to meet Xue Jianli. Yang Caiwei discovered that there was a strange smell on Xue Jianli's body.

At night, when Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei were together, they accidentally discovered someone appearing in Luoyunmen where there were rules against going out at night.

Pan Yue visited Luoyunmen at night and found that there was a breathtaking fragrance of dream flowers in Xue Jianli's room, and there was someone chanting sutras in the secret room of Xue Jianli's room.

Zhuo Lanjiang, who was awakened by the nightmare, was helpless when he saw Bai Xiaosheng's figure.

In order to let Pan Yue enter Xue Jianli's room, Yang Caiwei lied to Xue Jianli that her sister was a victim of the Tianshi Resurrection case. Pan Yue took the opportunity to enter Xue Jianli's room and found Lu Aige's figure in the secret room, and then found her in the dark.Xue Jianli came to feed Lu Erge medicine, and Lu Erge instantly turned into a puppet.

Xue Jianli was lured away by the movement of water outside, and Pan Yue took the opportunity to take Lu Yige away.

On the way to escape, Lu Yige regained consciousness. Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei learned from Lu Yige that Lu Yige became Xue Jianli's apprentice when Lu Yige became a disciple of Luo Yunmen. The relationship between the two warmed up. Lu Yige confessed to Xue Jianli but was rejected.Later, Lu Yige helped Xue Jianli find a method of healing through murder and sacrifice. The two of them had agreed not to use this method. Unexpectedly, Xue Jianli imprisoned Lu Yige and faked his death. After the murder, he put all the blame on Lu Yige.

Yang Caiwei learned that Lu Yige wanted to leave anonymously and asked Ling'er to send him away.It wasn't until Lu Yige left that Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue remembered what Xue Jianli had told Lu Yige before and realized something was wrong.

Lu Yige kidnapped Ling'er and killed her as a sacrifice, but was stopped by Xue Jianli who suddenly appeared.Lu Yige killed and sacrificed for Xue Jianli. Now that he knew that Xue Jianli didn't like him and wanted to kill Xue Jianli, Xue Jianli took the initiative to die and admitted his feelings for Lu Yige before he died.

Although Xue Jianli was gone, Lu Yige still wanted to live forever. At this time, Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei arrived. Knowing that she could not escape death, she committed suicide by Xue Jianli's side.

Yang Caiwei learned that only four of the eight deceased were killed by Lu Yige, which meant that there were other murderers who imitated the crime.

Through the autopsy, Yang Caiwei found the copper coins in the mouth of the deceased and knew that this custom was done after the death of the Baihua Palace singer, so she suspected Baihua Palace.

At the Baihua Palace, Pan Yue brought Yang Caiwei to meet with the Qing Emperor. After questioning, he learned from the Qing Emperor that Shang, who was originally the singer of the Baihua Palace, was selected to the capital together with the Qing Emperor and others, and once picked up corrupt officials and enemies of the enemy.According to the evidence of correspondence, after several people returned to Heyang, Miss Shang wrote a report letter to Yang's father, which resulted in the Yang family being exterminated, and the three women who were traveling with them were also killed one after another.Worried about being seen as strange, Qingdi would still send singers to the capital every year.In order to investigate the case, Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei decided to go to the capital with Qingdi.

《In Blossom》Episode 25 Details

Episode 25

In Blossom episode 25 plot introduction: Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei return to Beijing

In order to investigate the case, Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei decided to return to the capital. After receiving the princess's request from the queen to return to the capital, everyone fulfilled it for Pan Yue.

Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei let go of each other's past, and Yang Caiwei found the jade pendant they had buried and matched it with Pan Yue's jade pendant.

When he went to Hongfu Restaurant to investigate, Zhuo Lanjiang found that Bai Xiaosheng was secretly following him. He drew a sword and threatened Bai Xiaosheng. When he left, he was accused by the people. Bai Xiaosheng helped Zhuo Lanjiang explain.

By going to the pawn shop to cause trouble, Zhuo Lanjiang met the brother his father said he was.The man learned that Zhuo Lanjiang wanted to see the person behind the scenes and asked Zhuo Lanjiang to kill someone.

After Yang Caiwei and Yang Caiwei returned to Beijing, Pan Yue was approached by officials to the palace, while Yang Caiwei was sent back to Shangguan's house.

In the Shangguan family, Yang Caiwei was very uncomfortable facing Shangguan Lan's care and was unfamiliar with everything in the house. Ling'er helped Yang Caiwei cover.Then Shangguan Lan learned that Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue were in love, and was happy to see her sister get what she wanted, which made Yang Caiwei feel even more guilty.

In the palace, Pan Yue met the queen and the princess. The queen ordered Pan Yue to marry the princess, and Pan Yue was forced to agree.

Pan's father believed that Pan Yue was about to marry the princess and had a bright future, and hoped that Pan Yue would not continue the investigation.

Yang Caiwei was helpless when she found Pan Yue's portrait in Shangguan Zhi's room. Later, she learned that Ling'er had long known that she was not Shangguan Zhi.Because of Yang Caiwei's kindness, Ling'er promised not to tell the truth, which made Yang Caiwei very grateful.

Yang Caiwei received an invitation from Pan Yue to go to Fengya Garden, where she met Shangguan Zhi's mortal enemy Sima Xuan. While the two were drinking tea, Yang Caiwei learned that Pan Yue and the princess were about to get married, and was ridiculed by Sima Xuan and others. Yang Caiwei immediately respondedLater, seeing that Sima Xuan wanted to deal with him, he designed a plan to make him suffer the consequences.

Yang Caiwei saw the princess who came and learned that it was the princess who asked her to meet Pan Yue. Later, she learned that the princess knew her true identity. The princess wanted to make a fake show with Pan Yue and forced Yang Caiwei to give up Pan Yue with poisoned wine..

《In Blossom》Episode 26 Details

Episode 26

In Blossom episode 26 plot introduction: Yang Caiwei practices dance hard

Yang Caiwei's trust in Pan Yue gave her the confidence to refute the princess, but she did not expect that the princess directly poisoned the wine and asked her to drink it and return to hell.Yang Caiwei took the wine glass and drank it in one gulp. This was the princess's test. The princess was a righteous person, how could she poison others.The princess smiled heartily. In fact, she had always been curious about what kind of person could be appreciated by Pan Yue. Now that she saw her, she began to envy Pan Yue for having her.

After receiving Yang Caiwei, the princess took her to see Pan Yue and took the opportunity to get rid of Mr. Sun from the Ministry of Etiquette. However, when the two got on the carriage together, they were seen by Bai Xiaosheng, which made her misunderstood.Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei hadn't seen each other for a day, as if it had been three autumns. The princess laughed and teased them. Pan Yue explained the singer to the princess, and the two wanted to find out the person behind the scenes as soon as possible.

Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei came to the place where Qing Emperor said and met with Qing Emperor.The dancers were dancing among the clouds, and the Qing Emperor arranged for Yun'er and Pan Yue to cooperate inside and outside.Yang Caiwei was worried that being with Pan Yue would be seen by others and cause others to misunderstand him, but Pan Yue took him to a place, which was the peach blossom forest they often went to when they were children. It was their secret base.Yang Caiwei carved their names on a tree. This is their peach blossom forest.Over the years, Pan Yue has been taking care of this peach blossom forest, always remembering the agreement he made with Yang Caiwei when he was a child.Speaking of Shangguan Lan, neither Yang Caiwei nor Pan Yue wanted to lie to him.When Pan Yue sent Yang Caiwei home, Shangguan Lan saw the intimate behavior of the two. Facing Shangguan Lan, Zhuan Yue and Pan Yue winked to let the other party speak first.Shangguan Lan couldn't bear it and asked Pan Yue why he was not involved with Yang Caiwei and had a sweet dream about the consort.Yang Caiwei quickly said that she had let go, but in Shangguanlan's eyes, she was giving up her own happiness in order to fulfill Pan Yue. Shangguanlan forced Pan Yue to give Yang Caiwei an explanation, and Pan Yue agreed to talk to the county before the 15th of next month.If the Lord breaks off the engagement, he will give Shangguan Lan a satisfactory explanation when the time comes.

Late at night, Zhuo Lanjiang killed the person designated by the other party, leaving only his young son.When Bai Xiaosheng saw that Zhuo Lanjiang had not returned home, he went out to look for him anxiously, only to find that Zhuo Lanjiang was drinking depressedly.Bai Xiaosheng also sat down and ordered a pot of wine. He had many things hidden in his heart. Bai Xiaosheng didn't want to ask, but just stayed with her silently.The two drank a lot of wine unknowingly. Zhuo Lanjiang carried Bai Xiaosheng back home. Bai Xiaosheng discovered the injury on his shoulder and quickly applied medicine to him.The two drank wine, and the close distance made each other's hearts beat faster. Zhuo Lanjiang kissed Bai Xiaosheng without any concealment. He only looked like a human being when she was by his side.Early the next morning, Zhuo Lanjiang woke up and saw Bai Xiaosheng beside him subconsciously getting up, but Bai Xiaosheng also pretended not to wake up.

Zhuo Lanjiang saw the man as soon as he left the room and said that the master had agreed to meet Zhuo Lanjiang and that a carriage would pick him up in three days.Bai Xiaosheng saw this scene and reminded Zhuo Lanjiang that he did not seem to be a kind person and should be careful.Zhuo Lanjiang hesitated and wanted to do things late, but Bai Xiaosheng said nonchalantly that it was okay if you love me, but then she threw herself into his arms. He was doing dangerous things, but Bai Xiaosheng would stay with him no matter what.

Wan's mother came to choose the dancer, but she rejected Yun'er. Qing Di was furious.The other dancers Qingdi couldn't believe it, so Yang Caiwei decided to do it herself. She had been collecting corpses in Yizhuang before. In order to scare away the tomb robbers, she thought of a way to float in the air. Yang Caiwei decided to use this method this time.Pan Yue was worried about her safety, but ultimately decided to respect Yang Caiwei's ideas.

In the next few days, Yang Caiwei stayed at Qingdi's place to practice dancing, and she fell dozens of times in just one night.Since Yun Shang's death, Qing Emperor has been unwilling to dance this dance again. The reason why he is willing to teach Yun'er is because of the similarity between her and Yun Shang's eyebrows.Yang Caiwei made up her mind to give them justice and worked harder and harder.

《In Blossom》Episode 27 Details

Episode 27

In Blossom episode 27 plot introduction: Yang Caiwei lost contact and Pan Yue was anxious

Three days later, Yang Caiwei was selected by Wan's mother, and then Yang Caiwei and other girls were taken away with their eyes covered with a black cloth.Pan Yue saw this and hurriedly followed.In the carriage, Yang Caiwei has been quietly leaving traces for Pan Yue and others to follow.Yang Caiwei was taken to Dill Courtyard. They collected all the girls' things on the grounds that they were not allowed to bring any personal belongings. Yang Caiwei could only leave the fragrant powder in the last place.Pan Yue followed him all the way to this house, but felt a little strange. It didn't look like a place where they would entertain dignitaries.

Yang Caiwei has been taken to a place, which is the Dill Courtyard. Wan's mother said that as long as they obey, they will enjoy endless glory and wealth. Except for Yang Caiwei, the other dancers are dazzled by the money.Pan Yue found a secret passage in the house, and Yang Caiwei was overjoyed to see the dancers wearing beautiful clothes. They all thought they would live a good life in the future. Yun'er must have been the same way back then. No one could have imagined that this place was a cannibal.The bone-spitting devil's cave.

Yang Caiwei wanted to explore the terrain, but was discovered by Wan's mother. Wan's mother warned her not to see what she should see or what she shouldn't see, otherwise she would live a miserable life like her blind and deaf mother-in-law.Soon, the dancers changed into clothes and were taken to meet the guests by Wan's mother. The place was very tightly guarded and Yang Caiwei could not convey the news to the outside world.Mother Wan said that the guests in this room were the most distinguished guests, and if something happened, she would not be able to protect them.The people in this room are Mr. He and the owner of Dill Courtyard, Zuo Yuanzhu. He is the manager of Dill Courtyard, but there is another mastermind behind it.Yang Caiwei carefully checked through the curtain, thinking that the purpose of coming to Dill Court was to collude with officials from the DPRK and China.Mr. He named Yang Caiwei to serve alone, and Wan's mother pushed her in without saying a word.

Pan Yue told the princess that he wanted to take action immediately. Although the princess was worried, she still agreed.Mr. He became lustful, so Yang Caiwei made a drinking order with him to stall for time, and then left on the pretext of warming the wine.Pan Yue was afraid that something might happen to Yang Caiwei, so he led officers and soldiers to search from house to house. Yang Caiwei secretly drugged Mr. He's wine. After drinking it, Mr. He started to drink like crazy. Yang Caiwei took advantage of the chaos and went to the master of Zuoyuan. She found the tokenWhat is engraved on it is not water ripples, but a corner of the ram's horn totem in front of you.Someone came in, and Yang Caiwei hid quickly. Yang Caiwei, who was hiding in the corner, heard him recite a few spells, but could not see the face of the person.Dill Court had realized that Yang Caiwei had a problem and quickly ordered a search and silence.Pan Yue discovered that there was something wrong with the swill truck and followed the clues to find the real hiding place of Dill Court.Pan Yue did not find Yang Caiwei in Dill Courtyard. Instead, he learned that a carriage had just left the backyard, but it was Pan's carriage.

Pan Yue returned to Pan's house with the sword to question Pan's father, but Pan's father already knew Yang Caiwei's identity. That day when he heard Pan Yue call her Yang Caiwei, he realized that the real Yang Caiwei was not dead at all, and was even pretending to be Shangguan Zhi.Pan's father took Yang Caiwei away because he was afraid of damaging the Pan family, but what Pan's father cared about was Pan Yue's engagement with the princess, which was a crime of deceiving the emperor.Pan Yue said that they had nothing to do with each other a few months ago, and that the crime of being a relative of the emperor and deceiving the emperor had nothing to do with him.Pan's father let Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue leave, and Yang Caiwei told Pan Yue about her hairstyle.The Water Ripple Organization learned that Pan’s father was also in Dill Courtyard today and suspected that he was related to tonight’s incident.

《In Blossom》Episode 28 Details

Episode 28

In Blossom Episode 28 Plot Introduction: Pan Yue’s Assassination

Bai Xiaosheng cooked a table of dishes for Zhuo Lanjiang and stewed a chicken for soup. She said that she would be able to tie Zhuo Lanjiang's stomach.Zhuo Lanjiang asked her why she liked him, and Bai Xiaosheng said that it was because he was good-looking. They all said that Pan Yue was good-looking, but in Bai Xiaosheng's eyes, Zhuo Lanjiang was the best. Maybe beauty is in the eye of the beholder.Zhuo Lanjiang smiled, but felt a little sad in his heart. Ever since Bai Xiaosheng came here, she washed and cooked all day, and there was nothing she wanted to go to. Zhuo Lanjiang planned to take her out for a walk. Bai Xiaosheng had no interest in it at first, but after hearing Zhuo LanjiangI could spend the whole day with myself and went to change clothes without saying a word.

Bai Xiaosheng took a fancy to a fifty-tael piece of jade, but didn't buy it because the price was too high.The two walked under the marriage tree. It was said that as long as they wrote their names on the sign, they could be together forever. Bai Xiaosheng lowered his head shyly, and Zhuo Lanjiang took the initiative to make a wish upon seeing this.The two hung the sign with their names under the marriage tree, and Bai Xiaosheng silently made a wish. She did not dare to ask for a lifetime of happiness, but only hoped that Zhuo Lanjiang would stay with him no matter how bumpy the future road was.But when Bai Xiaosheng opened her eyes, Zhuo Lanjiang had already secretly left.

Qingdi determined that the person who was chasing Yun Shang was Lord Zuoyuan, and begged Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei to help him no matter what.Bai Xiaosheng found Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei. Bai Xiaosheng said that Zhuo Lanjiang left again and she was really worried that he would be in danger.The spices that Yang Caiwei smelled at Bai Xiaosheng's home were exactly the same as those of the mastermind behind the scenes. Bai Xiaosheng said that she bought them from a shopkeeper of the Jiang tribe. Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei quickly went to see the shopkeeper and learned that the ram's horn pattern belonged to the Jiang tribe.mark.In this way, everything is connected in series. Our country has been at war with the Jiang tribe for many years, and many Jiang tribe people have moved to Luoxi to settle down. The people behind the scenes must be one of them. They use the ram's horn moiré as their emblem to cultivate their own power in the court..Officials from Luoxi had no chance of promotion. Maybe the man behind the scenes had secretly changed his place of origin. Pan Yue planned to ask Aze to investigate first before making the next step.

Mrs. Jia, the Taiwei's wife, is the sister of the princess and is busy preparing for the princess's marriage. Miss Sima came to complain and said that she saw Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei behaving intimately together, but Mrs. Jia scolded her not to quarrel behind her back.Zhuo Lanjiang was taken to meet the man behind the scenes. He said that Pan Yue forced his father to death and had an sworn hatred with him.Mrs. Jia hosted a banquet and invited Pan Yue. Although Pan Yue found it strange, he went anyway. The princess said that the incident happened suddenly and she only found out about it this morning.Mrs. Jia and Taiwei Jia prepared a family dinner. Mrs. Jia also wanted to ask about Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei, and warned her that she would only have the princess in her heart from now on.After dinner, Lieutenant Jia took Pan Yue to the yard to relax, and also told him some experiences of being a prince-in-law.Zhuo Lanjiang secretly lay beside the courtyard wall, waiting for an opportunity, suddenly flew towards Pan Yue and stabbed him before leaving.Yang Caiwei was very anxious when she learned the news of Pan Yue's assassination. Fortunately, Pan Yue's injury was not serious.

Yang Caiwei was worried and secretly went to the Taiwei Mansion to visit. Aze conveyed the news of Pan Yue's safety to her, but it was still difficult to bring her in.The princess helped Yang Caiwei meet Pan Yue. Pan Yue told her that it was Zhuo Lanjiang who assassinated her, but he did not kill him, so he probably went undercover with the person behind the scenes. At this time, Zhuo Lanjiang must be in a very difficult situation.Dangerous.Zhuo Lanjiang became a member of the Shui Ripple Organization. The place was tightly guarded and Mr. Chen has been hiding here.The person behind the scenes has not fully trusted Zhuo Lanjiang, and he is waiting for the opportunity to strike a fatal blow.

Pan Yue stayed in the Taiwei Mansion for a few days and then found an excuse to leave.

《In Blossom》Episode 29 Details

Episode 29

In Blossom Episode 29 Plot Introduction: Yang Caiwei was identified as the murderer

Aze went to the border to investigate the registers and learned that management was not strict before the 12th year of Jingchang. The registers were filled in by oneself. If there was an opportunity to change the household registration, it was before this time.Yang Caiwei took good care of Pan Yue and cooked ginseng soup for him every day. Pan Yue had to drink it every day even if it made his mouth taste bitter.Aze told Pan Yue the results of his investigation, as well as the news of the changes at the border.Mrs. Jia was very worried that an assassin would assassinate Pan Yue at the wedding. Jia Taiwei said that he would defend himself well. The Jiang tribe invaded, and the emperor asked Jia Taiwei to enter the palace now.

When Pan Hui and Mr. Sun were drinking together, they talked about Pan Yue's marriage to the princess. Pan Hui, who was unhappy, secretly told Mr. Sun that Shangguan Zhi was actually Yang Caiwei.The person behind the scenes learned that Yang Caiwei was still alive, and quickly asked someone to investigate. If it was true, Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue would go on the road together.The Holy One suspected that General Lu was a spy of the Jiang clan, so yesterday he summoned Captain Jia to the palace for discussion. Pan Yue felt strange that General Lu could not be a spy.Pan Yue went to the prison to visit General Lu, but Pan's father suddenly came out to stop him. Pan Yue said that this was the princess's instruction and would not implicate the Pan family. Pan's father said nothing, just gave him a bottle of medicine and left.

Pan Yue brought wine and food. General Lu was identified by the emperor as the culprit. At this time, he was disheartened. Pan Yue said that he knew that the real person behind the scenes might be a member of the Jiang clan who had changed his household registration like General Lu.After hearing this, General Lu was willing to talk to him.The princess secretly went to Taiwei's study to look for military registers. She said that a friend asked her to find someone, so Taiwei Jia found all the lists for more than ten years.General Lu told Pan Yue about the mutiny. He was removed from his post, and Xun Jian was the biggest beneficiary. However, General Lu determined that he was by no means the man behind the scenes, and he would never accept the appointment because of his old age.General Lu had the habit of rolling up his sleeves when eating. Because Luoxi people were not used to wide sleeves, he developed this habit. Pan Yue realized that Captain Jia had this habit, and it was him!At the same time, Taiwei Jia casually watched the princess flipping through the directory, and handed another one over. The princess opened it carefully, and saw Taiwei Jia's name.

Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei were shocked when the person behind the scenes turned out to be Captain Jia. Thinking of the dangerous situation the princess was in, they quickly split up.The princess discovered the truth and wanted to pretend to be stupid and leave, but Jia Taiwei would not let her leave. For this reason, he even threatened the princess with Mrs. Jia. Twelve years ago, Jia Taiwei personally killed their parents, soMarrying Mrs. Jia is also a conspiracy. For many years, he has been pretending to be a handsome husband. No one will doubt him if there is an accident.The princess was sad and scared, so she could only calm down for the sake of her sister, but Captain Jia asked her to kill someone.

Yang Caiwei found the princess, but she was standing in the corner coldly with a knife in her hand.Pan Yue went to the Taiwei Mansion to look for the princess. Taiwei Jia was smiling, and Pan Yue hurriedly made an excuse to leave.Miss Sima heard a noise in the room and went in to watch the excitement. What she saw was the princess lying on the ground, and Yang Caiwei with her hands full of blood beside her.Yang Caiwei was found to be the real culprit who killed the princess, and was imprisoned for questioning. On that day, Yang Caiwei entered the room and didn't understand what happened, but the princess looked at Master Zuoyuan who had been staring at her from behind.She had no choice but to commit suicide. Her sister was threatened and she had no choice but to apologize for putting Yang Caiwei in such a situation.

Pan Yue begged Pan's father to let him go to see Yang Caiwei. He had been kneeling in the rain all day. When Pan Hui saw this, he ran over and sarcastically humiliated him. Pan's father couldn't help scolding Pan Hui, but Pan Yue still knelt down as if he was heartbroken.Not moving.In prison, Yang Caiwei did not eat or drink, but just leaned against the wall in a daze.In fact, when Pan Yue was born, Pan's father liked him very much. It was his first child. He hoped that the child would be safe throughout his life.But soon there were rumors that Pan Yue didn't know where he came from and that he looked nothing like Pan Yue's father. Pan Yue's mother committed suicide because of the rumors. From then on, the relationship between father and son deteriorated until now.Pan's father finally relented. He came to Pan Yue with an umbrella and asked him to get up.

《In Blossom》Episode 30 Details

Episode 30

In Blossom Episode 30 Plot Introduction: Pan Yue rescues Yang Caiwei

Pan Yue let Pan Yue go visit Yang Caiwei. Seeing her skinny and weak appearance, Pan Yue felt very distressed. Yang Caiwei asked him how he got in. Pan Yue lied and said it was because the warden owed him a favor.Pan Yue brought some food to Yang Caiwei, but Yang Caiwei was not in the mood. The princess died in front of her, and she kept blaming herself for not saving the princess.Pan Yue comforted him by saying that the princess would never die in vain, and that person would have to pay the price sooner or later.Yang Caiwei believed that Pan Yue would definitely save her.When the time came, Pan Yue reluctantly let go of Yang Caiwei's hand and told her that she must wait for him.

Zhuo Lanjiang was still worried when he learned that Yang Caiwei was accused of murder.Jia Taiwei did not reveal Yang Caiwei's identity because he was worried about troubles in the future. He asked Pan Yue to tell him that if he dared to take risks, he would be executed on the spot.Zhuo Lanjiang's hatred for Captain Jia was even deeper, and he tried to attack him secretly many times without success.Zhuo Lanjiang said that he and Yang Caiwei fell in love and wanted to see her again during the public trial, but Jia Taiwei agreed.

For Yang Caiwei, Pan Yue found many people and connections in the hope that they could help, but none of them wanted to get involved in this matter.Shangguan Lan was worried, but Pan Yue told him that Shangguan Zhi was dead.Shangguan Lan was so angry that he punched him and threatened to vent his anger on his sister, but Pan Yue did not fight back because he owed Shangguan Lan.Shangguan Lan thought Pan Yue was unwilling to save Shangguan Zhi, so Pan Yue could only tell him that Shangguan Zhi had died on the day of his wedding.Shangguan Zhi kidnapped Yang Caiwei and changed faces with her but was accidentally killed. Yang Caiwei could only continue to live as Shangguan Zhi.Shangguan Lan's eyes were full of shock, but she was unwilling to believe the truth.

Shangguan Lan came to Shangguan Zhi's room. He knew that what Pan Yue said was true, and his heart felt like a knife.Lieutenant Jia tortured Yang Caiwei and deliberately angered Pan Yue. He asked Pan Yue to interrogate Yang Caiwei in person tomorrow to see if he could still be so plausible.Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei stayed up all night and came to the court hearing. Pan Yue asked Yang Caiwei if she was afraid, but Yang Caiwei was not because Pan Yue had a way, so she would trust him.Captain Jia and Mrs. Jia both came, and Zhuo Lanjiang also blended into the crowd.Pan Yue's face was ugly, especially after seeing the blood stains on Yang Caiwei's clothes.The father-in-law brought several questions about the queen, but Pan Yue could only ask them in public. Yang Caiwei repeatedly emphasized that the princess died by suicide, but no one believed it.Yang Caiwei proposed to open the coffin for an autopsy, but at this time a man said he was a witness.This person was Shangguan Lan. He and Ling Er identified that the person in front of them was not Shangguan Zhi, but Yang Caiwei. The real Shangguan Zhi had been killed by her long ago.Shangguan Lan stabbed Yang Caiwei in the stomach by questioning her, and Yang Caiwei took her last breath to convey the words to Mrs. Jia and the princess.Mrs. Jia refused to let Yang Caiwei die and quickly called the imperial doctor. She watched Yang Caiwei being taken away before Captain Jia realized that they were going to rob the prisoner.

All this is the plan of friends and Shangguan Lan.Eight hours ago, Pan Yue asked Aze to find a group of people with strong martial arts skills, but Shangguan Lan was already prepared. He knew that it was Taiwei Jia who killed Shangguan Zhi, so this revenge must be avenged.At this time, Yang Caiwei had woken up and was hiding in the yard where the singer was sent. Bai Xiaosheng and Ling'er took good care of her.Shangguan Lan left the capital to temporarily avoid the limelight, and Yang Caiwei felt even more guilty. They had already implicated too many people.

《In Blossom》Episode 31 Details

Episode 31

In Blossom episode 31 plot introduction: Zhuo Lanjiang was killed

Mrs. Jia kept thinking about what Yang Caiwei said, and she was distracted. Captain Jia also heard that sentence and knew that Mrs. Jia had doubts in her heart.When her parents were killed in Luoxi, Mrs. Jia's legs became disabled. Mrs. Jia and the princess always referred to themselves as Qixialing. These things had never been told to anyone. Mrs. Jia didn't know how Yang Caiwei knew about it. Mrs. JiaWei said it must be Pan Yue who made up the story to save Yang Caiwei.There was nothing unusual about Zhuo Lanjiang at the scene today, so Lieutenant Jia had no suspicion and ordered Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei to be killed on the spot when they encountered him.

Yang Caiwei had recovered a lot after a few days of cultivation. Bai Xiaosheng was afraid that Zhuo Lanjiang would come back to find her, so he went back to the small courtyard.Pan Yue said that he seemed to have met Zhuo Lanjiang that day, and the two of them felt more complicated.Qing Emperor came to visit Yang Caiwei. Yun Shang's letter had troubled the Yang family, and Qing Emperor also hoped to do something for Yang Caiwei.The imperial army searched nearby, and Qingdi asked Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei to leave first. She had her own way to deal with it.Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei were hiding everywhere to avoid the Forbidden Army. Zhuo Lanjiang suddenly appeared to help them hide. Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei advised Zhuo Lanjiang not to go his own way. Bai Xiaosheng was still waiting for him, but Zhuo Lanjiang had never thought about living since he came to the capital.go back.Zhuo Lanjiang quietly came outside the courtyard and watched Bai Xiaosheng praying for him sadly.

Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue returned to the yard and felt a little uncomfortable in their ankles. Qingdi said that this would happen after practicing Dance among the Clouds for a long time, and their ankles would become swollen.Yang Caiwei suddenly remembered that the four corpses had no such traces at all, so it seemed that Yun Shang was not dead at all. Jia Taiwei was just making trouble in order to make everyone think that Yun Shang was dead.Qingdi said that he and Yun Shang were sisters, and she would never do such a thing to deceive him. Yang Caiwei Quewen, did she really understand Yun Shang?Such a truth was too cruel. Yang Caiwei remembered that Qingdi had said that there was a man who admired Yun Shang when she saw her for the last time, and the man Yang Caiwei met when she went to Dill Court might be Yun Shang.The master of Zuoyuan admired Yun Shang, so Li Daitao came up with such a way. Yun Shang was the most powerful certification to bring down Jia Taiwei.

Zhuo Lanjiang came to see Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei, but he didn't know that the master of Zuoyuan had a woman he was close to.Zhuo Lanjiang will carefully search the account books, which is evidence to overthrow Jia Taiwei. The three of them agreed to take Bai Xiaosheng back to Heyang after the incident was completed.Aze followed Zuoyuanzhu for several days but found no one close to him. Yang Caiwei heard that Yun Shang likes to eat Nanjun preserves, but this thing is rare in the capital, so she got some that must be passed by Zuoyuanzhu.For sale, the owner of Zuoyuan bought some.After a trip to the medical clinic, Aze and Ling'er found that the candied fruit in his hand was gone, so they pretended to be a couple and entered the medical clinic to see a doctor.As expected, Aze met Yun Shang in the backyard. Yang Caiwei confessed her identity to her, but Yun Shang still pretended to be stupid. Until Qingdi appeared, Yun Shang could no longer pretend.In order to protect Yun Shang, Master Zuo Yuan killed the three girls who escaped with her and found a person to replace her. For so many years, Qing Emperor has been wanting to avenge her, but he did not expect that she was an accomplice!Yang Caiwei hopes that Yun Shang can help her fulfill her unfulfilled promise.Although Yun Shang agreed, she still hesitated, and Qingdi decided to guard her every step of the way.

Zhuo Lanjiang secretly went to Jia Taiwei's study to look for the account books, but was discovered on the spot by Jia Taiwei.Zhuo Lanjiang had no choice but to give it a try, but failed and was caught.Lieutenant Jia asked Zhuo Lanjiang to tell him the whereabouts of Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei in order to save his life, but Zhuo Lanjiang spat hard. He was just a dog of the Jiang clan, and he dared to call Zhuo's father brother. It was reallyjoke.When Jia Taiwei heard this, he was very angry and stabbed him in the abdomen several times without hurting his vital parts.Yun Shang secretly used the Ecstasy incense for Qing Emperor. She felt sorry for Qing Emperor, and she could only feel sorry for her to the end.As soon as Master Zuoyuan learned about Yun Shang's disappearance, she ran back by herself. They had to leave the capital as soon as possible, otherwise Jia Taiwei knew that they would definitely die.

Seeing Zhuo Lanjiang in such a mess, Lord Chen persuaded him to tell Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue, but Zhuo Lanjiang knew full well that he would be killed even if he told everything.There was no trace of the master of Zuoyuan in the afternoon, so Jia Taiwei quickly sent someone to look for him.Zhuo Lanjiang could not bear to speak, and Jia Taiwei was very pleased. Zhuo Lanjiang wanted to take the opportunity to kill him, but was killed by Jia Taiwei's men himself, and he died tragically.

Zuo Yuanzhu and Yun Shang were discovered on the way to escape. When Pan Yue arrived, he had been killed and the carriage had been burned clean.

《In Blossom》Episode 32 Details

Episode 32

In Blossom episode 32 finale plot introduction: Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei return to Heyang

On the day when Taiwei Jia took over as Chief Sima, Pan's father also came. He was suspended for investigation because of Pan Yue's incident. It was Taiwei Jia who specially called him here.The ceremony was about to begin, but Zhuo Lanjiang hadn't shown up yet. Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei were extremely worried.But Bai Xiaosheng received a corpse at this time. This was Zhuo Lanjiang's last plea before his death. He begged his uncle to take him back to Bai Xiaosheng.Bai Xiaosheng couldn't breathe for a while, and Zhuo Lanjiang's hand was clutched tightly until his death. When Bai Xiaosheng opened it and saw the candy in his hand, he cried uncontrollably for a while.

The ceremony for Lieutenant Jia's appointment as Grand Sima began. When conferring the military talisman, Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue suddenly came to stop the princess's death. The death of the princess was related to an enemy spy. At this time, Pan's father suddenly begged the queen to give Pan Yue a life.Opportunity to explain.The queen called the two men forward to talk. Mrs. Jia did not believe that the princess was forced to commit suicide, but Pan Yue and Yang Caiwei said that the person who forced her to commit suicide was Taiwei Jia, and his true identity was a Jiang clan spy.Ten years ago, Yang's father received a letter of report but was killed. Ten years later, the wedding of Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue triggered a series of events. When the two investigated, they discovered Jia Taiwei's plan.Taiwei Jia and Lord Sun thought they had no evidence and no fear until Yang Caiwei brought Yun Shang and Ling Er.Yun Shang was not dead. She met Jia Taiwei for the first time ten years ago and picked up the letters between Jia Taiwei and the enemy. Knowing that he would not let them go, she wrote a report letter to Yang's father, but not long after, sheNews of Yang's father's death came.Yun Shang also took out the secret letter from that year and presented it to the Queen Mother, but Jia Taiwei naturally refused to acknowledge it.

Pan Yue proposed to let Jia Taiwei check it on the spot. After all, the instructions could not be forged.But when Taiwei Jia took off his gloves, he found that his finger was injured. The Queen said that Taiwei Jia's finger was run over by a carriage while protecting the young prince the day before, and that Taiwei Jia was successful in rescuing the driver. The Queen did not believe their words at all. Pan Yue and Yang CaiweiThe situation was very difficult for a while.At this time, Bai Xiaosheng arrived dragging Zhuo Lanjiang's body. She wanted to present key evidence to help Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue bring down Captain Jia.Seeing Zhuo Lanjiang's scarred body, Yang Caiwei felt unbearable for a while.The queen did not believe that a corpse had evidence, so Yang Caiwei proposed an autopsy on the spot. Many ministers who had doubts about Yang's father's death begged the queen to give them a chance.

Yang Caiwei felt sad several times when she faced Zhuo Lanjiang's corpse, but she had to hold back her sadness and perform an autopsy on him.Zhuo Lanjiang's injuries were all caused by whips and beatings. Only three stab wounds seemed to have been stabbed by himself. The message he wanted to convey was where the account books were found.Pan Yue wanted to lead a search, and Mrs. Jia agreed. If Captain Jia was innocent, she would let him investigate.The time was coming, but Pan Yue hadn't come back yet, making Yang Caiwei anxious.When the time came, Pan Yue was escorted back to the queen.It turned out that Pan Yue secretly asked his father-in-law to pass the news to the queen for fear of alerting the enemy, and then personally held Jia Taiwei hostage.However, Lieutenant Jia also had backup plans. He had already prepared men and horses as a guarantee, but he didn't know that Pan Yue had already called in reinforcements.The queen sent people to throw Captain Jia into the sky prison, but Mrs. Jia took action and killed her husband with her own hands.

After the turmoil in the capital subsided, Qingdi left here and returned to Heyang. Yun Shang apologized to her, but Qingdi did not accept it and only asked her to be worthy of him for the rest of her life.Pan Yue asked himself to return to Heyang to be the county magistrate, and then went to his father to say goodbye. Although there was still a gap between father and son, they were still father and son.Shangguan Lan came to see Yang Caiwei to meet Shangguan Zhi. He knew that Shangguan Zhi was at fault first, so he would not blame Yang Caiwei.Perhaps seeing another Shangguan Zhi in this world is enough for him.

Bai Xiaosheng built a tomb for Zhuo Lanjiang. Zhuo Lanjiang once said that he would return to Heyang after overthrowing Captain Jia. He was drunk for three days and three nights. Yang Caiwei brought sweet-scented osmanthus wine to pay tribute to his best friend.Bai Xiaosheng looked calm and pretended that nothing was wrong. She said she wanted to stay with Zhuo Lanjiang for a while.Recalling the days and nights they spent together, Bai Xiaosheng had already regarded him as her husband and had married him thousands of times.Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue looked at the peaceful and beautiful Heyang now, thinking of the sinful city back then. They didn't expect to pay such a high price to make everyone innocent, but the storm has passed, and the two stayed together.

Pan's father found Captain Jia's token, but he didn't expect it to be two. He broke out in a cold sweat for a moment.
