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《In Blossom》Episode 1 Synopsis

Episode 1

In Blossom Episode 1 Plot Introduction: Yang Caiwei encountered a tragedy

Episode 1

Today, Princess Changle Liu Qing celebrated the festival with a painting to meet friends. Liu Qing was sitting in the pavilion, and the next princes painted her. Among them, the most lifelike painting was Pan Hui, the second son of Pan Tingwei. Everyone praised his penmanship.Astonishingly talented, when he was about to announce that Pan Hui was the winner today, a carriage slowly drove up.The richest man in the capital, Shangguan Lan, was driving. Everyone was very curious about the identity of the person in the carriage. It turned out to be the eldest son of Pan Tingwei's family and Pan Hui's eldest brother, Pan Yue. He had just been promoted to censor last month and was now one of the most romantic people in the capital.figure.Pan Yue saluted Liu Qing and said that he was late, but he was still willing to continue painting in the limited time.

Liu Qing was full of praise after seeing Pan Yue's paintings, and he has become a well-deserved leader in painting today.The Pan family intended for Pan Hui and Liu Qing to marry, but today Pan Yue interfered. Pan Hui was so angry that he went to complain to his father Pan Jin when he returned home that day.Pan Yue took it calmly. All he wanted was the whereabouts of a person.Pan Jin decided to tell Pan Yue the whereabouts of that person, but from today on, Pan Yue has nothing to do with the Pan family.The woman Pan Yue had been thinking about for ten years was named Yang Caiwei, and she was a corpse collector in Yizhuang.

Yang Caiwei specializes in finding a final resting place for people who have died but no one has collected their bodies. However, in life, everyone avoids her for fear of bad luck. She is disliked because of the long scar on her face, and even children scold her.It's ugly.Yang Caiwei's master is Lao Jiangtou, the county's former widower. For many years, he has been obsessed with determining the cause of death and finding the murderer.Yang Caiwei was called to collect the bodies from Li's house in the east of the city. Yang Caiwei hurried over but saw that the house was dark and there were more than a dozen corpses lying in the yard. Yang Caiwei thought it was a murder case, but she didn't expect that they all committed suicide.Yang Caiwei saw that the deceased here all committed suicide in pain. What exactly made them suffer so much?

Heyang has always had the legend of a haunted shop owner, and the county government originally wanted to base it on this, but the owner of the family is the owner of Yinyu Tower, so even if the ghost is seeking his life, he must find the ghost who is claiming his life.Yang Caiwei was hiding in the corner when she suddenly heard the sound of a rattle, which scared the county government.Yang Caiwei said that they committed suicide, but the county government, which was eager to close the case, arrested her and used it as a scapegoat. They wanted to force her to sign a bond. Yang Caiwei refused and tortured her. She was just the apprentice of a madman, and no one would care about her life or death..But at this moment, Pan Yue appeared in front of the dying Yang Caiwei like a god, rescued her, and took her back to his home.Yang Caiwei recognized Pan Yue as her childhood friend, but she didn't dare to recognize him. She could even throw away the jade pendant Pan Yue took out.After Yang Caiwei denied her identity, she left the medicine money and left. However, Yang Caiwei did not want to stand by and watch the tragedy of the Li family, so she went to Li's house in the east of the city when the night was dark and the wind was high.

Yang Caiwei discovered that they were indeed poisoned, but what kind of poison could force them to commit suicide at the same time? Yang Caiwei checked the food and found that it was not poisonous. At this time, a figure approached, and Yang Caiwei hid underneath.The person who came was Pan Yue. He wanted to help Yang Caiwei investigate the case, but after she cut open the belly of the deceased's body, Pan Yue couldn't help but run out.Yang Caiwei discovered beef in her belly, which was not on the table.The sound of the peddler's drum sounded again. There are rumors in Heyang that the sound of the peddler's drum is a sign of death. However, Pan Yue split the wooden beams on the house and found that it was just a hamster causing trouble.This mechanism was obviously man-made, because soon a group of men in black broke in and wanted to kill them. Pan Yue protected Yang Caiwei and left Li's house.Pan Yue advised Yang Caiwei to pack her things and leave quickly, but she was unwilling to leave in the name of a murderer.Pan Yue is willing to protect her, but there is one condition, which is to let her find the jade pendant she threw away.

Yang Caiwei spent the whole night groping in the pond and finally found it, and Pan Yue took her to investigate the case.Pan Yue, who came from the capital, aroused discussion among the people, and Yang Caiwei, who was sitting next to her, also became the target of public criticism. Yang Caiwei thought that she should not sit with someone like him, but Pan Yue said that beauty, ugliness, rank and rank are not based on the rules.Judge by appearance, this is what Yang Caiwei said herself when she was a child.