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《All the way forward》Episode 10 Synopsis

Episode 10

Faced with the disapproval of Sha Kai and Zhang Biao, Luo Xiangqian regrouped and continued the experiment. The first stage finally paid off.

Episode 10

After Shakai tested the second and third sections, he entered the final section without saying anything. He specially changed the hammer head to a larger one. The roadbed was as hard as iron. Shakai tried his best, but the iron drill couldn't hit it at all., which completely complied with the standards of road paving, the soldiers were very excited, but Shakai still couldn't pass, and he walked away without explaining.Luo Xiangqian gritted his teeth in anger, and Wu Qiang suggested that the bureau send experts to re-test.

Wu Qiang suspected that Sha Kai was deliberately making things difficult for Luo Qiang. He called Sha Kai alone for a heart-to-heart talk. Sha Kai insisted that the roadbed was not up to standard. Wu Qiang had to apply to the bureau, and the bureau sent Sha Menghai to re-measure the construction site. Sha Kai learned thisHe felt that Luo Xiangqian was a big boss and was trying to do everything in front of him. This made him feel resentful, so he deliberately raised the acceptance standards.

Agent Erlong was ordered to lead people to follow the exploration team all the way, and quickly found out their details. He immediately went back to report to Commissioner Li.Although Tian Jian was old, he followed the team members across mountains and rivers and refused to fall behind for a moment until he was exhausted. Ye Lan advised him to take a rest before continuing.

Sha Menghai came to the construction site, Wu Qiang had been waiting at the entrance of the village early, and Sha Kai hurriedly came to pick up Sha Menghai. Sha Menghai couldn't wait to learn from him about Luo Xiangqian's use of layered tamping to solve the subsidence settlement, and Sha Kai had to admitLuo Xiangqian's test results were up to standard. He didn't want to sign it for fear of being implicated. Sha Menghai affirmed his approach.

Tian Jian rested for a while and then continued on his way. The old injury on his leg recurred, and he endured the pain and fought side by side with the team members. Ye Lan was worried that he could not bear it and persuaded him to go to the hospital for treatment. Tian Jian wanted to complete the exploration task as soon as possible and could not delay the construction.Ye Lan couldn't resist the back leg of the unit, so she had to have someone help Tian Jian.

Sha Menghai came to the test section early in the morning to test. The Indian roadbed fully met the standards for road paving. Sha Menghai could not make the decision alone. He wanted to take the test report back to the bureau for a meeting to discuss. Sha Kai wanted Sha Menghai to lie about the test results., Sha Menghai firmly disagreed, and asked Sha Kai to write a detailed experimental process. Sha Kai did not want to praise Luo Xiangqian, so Sha Menghai made it clear that he had a share of credit for this success, and then told him the facts.To make sense, Sha Kai readily agreed. He stayed up late to sort out the layered ramming test data and information.

Tian Jian's leg was in unbearable pain, and he could only rely on painkillers to relieve the symptoms. Ye Lan persuaded him to go to the hospital for treatment. Tian Jian knew that his leg would not heal, and she did not want to delay work, so Ye Lan had to go to the city overnight to find a doctor.Zheng Yanyan saw the note left by Ye Lan early in the morning, and she immediately reported it to Ma Bin. Ma Bin was worried that Ye Lan was in danger and immediately took people to find her.

Ye Lan came to Dr. Xia's home before dawn and cleaned the door of his house. Dr. Xia got up and came to see Ye Lan. Ye Lan explained the reason for her visit. Dr. Xia never made any visits because he was old.He learned that Tian Jian was an expert in building the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway, so he agreed to visit her.Mr. Xia, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, followed Ye Lan to the station. He made a detailed examination of Tian Jian and wrote a prescription on the spot.Sha Menghai returned to the bureau with the report written by Sha Kai. Before leaving, he gave Sha Kai many instructions.

Tian Jian took the medicine prescribed by Mr. Xia, and the pain in his legs gradually eased. Ma Bin reported to him the measurement results during the day.Wu Qiang received a notice from the bureau that an on-site meeting would be held at the construction site the day after tomorrow. Luo Xiangqian knew that their test had successfully passed. He cheered happily and immediately decided to give the soldiers a day off.

Sha Menghai and Captain Ma came to the construction site on time and immediately convened the soldiers of the Pioneer Company for a commendation meeting. All the credit was attributed to Sha Kai. They awarded him certificates and bonuses on the spot. Sha Kai also gave an acceptance speech., the soldiers looked at each other, Wu Qiang wanted to stand up and tell the truth, but Luo Qianqian hurriedly stopped him.After the commendation meeting, Wu Qiang sent Captain Ma and Sha Menghai to tell them clearly that the layered compaction method was invented by Luo Xiangqian. Captain Ma didn't believe it at all, and Sha Menghai still supported them.

Sha Kai was in a good mood. He invited Zhang Biao to drink to celebrate. Zhang Biao was very disdainful of his attempt to grab credit. Sha Kai was not only ashamed, but also righteous.After the meeting, Luo Xiangqian went to work on the construction site. He couldn't figure it out and was so angry that he didn't even eat. Wu Zhi persuaded him kindly. Wu Qiang came after hearing the news and persuaded him not to be angry with him. Luo Xiangqian put the backlog ofAll the anger in my heart was vented.