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《All the way forward》Episode 3 Synopsis

Episode 3

Zhang Biao and others escaped and were captured and imprisoned. Seeing that the people around him were worried about being executed, Zhang Biao warned several people, but he was also afraid in his heart.

Episode 3

Captain Ma saw Luo Qianqian's injured leg oozing blood. He was anxious and angry, and deliberately said that he would drive Zhang Biao and the others away. Luo Qianqian repeatedly begged for them, and Wu Qiang suggested that Zhang Biao and the others should be punished with demerits.Captain Ma had this intention and sent someone to take Luo Qianqian back to the hospital.

Wu Qiang sent a cooking team to make steaming noodles for Zhang Biao and the others. They thought it was decapitation rice. Wu Qiang arrived in time to explain the situation. The regiment decided not to punish them. They were all shocked. Wu Qiang learned that the three of themThey were all from Sichuan, and he persuaded them to build a railway for their hometown with peace of mind, and reminded them not to be deserters anymore. Zhang Biao and the others were so excited that they cried with joy.

Tian Jian felt that the previous data was outdated and wanted to re-explore the site. Ye Lan suggested sorting out the data while exploring. She volunteered to fight in the frontline. Tian Jian was worried that she, a girl, could not bear it physically, and was afraid that her mother would not agree.But Ye Lan has made up her mind.Tian Jian applied to Zhao Guoliang to lead an exploration team to fight in the front war. Zhao Guoliang was worried that his body could not bear it, so he sent someone to take care of his food and daily life.

Zhao Guoliang held a mobilization meeting in front of the station and publicly announced the appointment of his superiors. Wen Jia was the chief engineer, Tian Jian, Sha Menghai and Zhao Youda were senior engineers. Sha Menghai also served as the director of the technical department. Liu Xinmin called on everyone to serve the railway construction wholeheartedly. Tian JianIf you declare your position in public, you will do your best and die.

Sha Menghai recommended Sha Kai to Zhao Guoliang. Sha Kai and Ye Lan were college classmates. He had already completed the procedures to study abroad. Sha Menghai kept him to participate in the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway. Zhao Guoliang sent Sha Kai to follow Ye Lan.Exploration team, they can also take care of each other. Sha Menghai wanted to keep Sha Kai in the technical department to help him, and Zhao Guoliang agreed wholeheartedly.

Ye Lan wanted Sha Kai to join the exploration team, but Sha Menghai had already arranged Sha Kai's work, so she had no choice but to give up. Sha Kai was worried that agents and bandits would cause sabotage and Ye Lan would be in danger, so he advised her not to go to the exploration team., Ye Lan advised him not to worry too much.

The exploration team will set off tomorrow. Ye Lan reluctantly cuts off her big braid. She will go all out to work.Ye Mu thought Ye Lan and Sha Kai were going to study abroad together, but she didn't expect that both of them would stay to build the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway. Ye Mu firmly disagreed, and Ye Lan had to take out a letter Tian Jian asked her to deliver.

That was a letter written by Ye Lan’s father to Tian Jian before his death. In the letter, Ye’s father wrote about his regret for not completing the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway and hoped that Tian Jian would take Ye Lan to continue this task. Ye’s father met him on the way to explore.During the melee between the warlords, he was unfortunately beaten to death. Ye Lan vowed to inherit his father's legacy, and Ye's mother had to make concessions.Early the next morning, Tian Jian and his exploration team were about to set off. Zhao Guoliang and Liu Xinmin came with a team of experts to see them off. Sha Kai prepared a lot of fruits and snacks. Before he could send them over, Ye Lan got in the car.

Zhao Guoliang and Liu Xinmin came to report to Deng Xiaoping and Liu Bocheng. They had made various preparations. Construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway would officially start on June 15. Deng Xiaoping and Liu Bocheng congratulated them, and Liu Bocheng also promised to treat them to a drink when it was completed.In Luzhou Laojiao, Deng Xiaoping told them to mobilize the masses. The two of them stated that they would carry forward the excellent traditions of the army and invited Deng Xiaoping and Liu Bocheng to attend the groundbreaking ceremony.

Wu Qiang held a mobilization meeting for the soldiers, and the soldiers were excited.Luo Xiangqian endured the pain and intensified his practice, hoping to return to the army as soon as possible. He learned from the accompanying soldier Xiao Li that today was the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway Mobilization Rally. He wanted to attend, and forced Xiao Li to steal a doctor's white coat.Luo Xiangqian put on a white coat and wanted to go to the hospital to escape, but was recognized by the guard. The guard stepped forward to stop Luo Xiangqian and asked Xiao Li to carry him on his back and escape.

Luo Xiangqian came to the mobilization meeting on crutches. Wu Qiang and Zhang Biao ridiculed him, and Captain Ma welcomed him back to the team.

Zhao Guoliang introduced Sha Menghai and Wen Jia to Deng Xiaoping, Liu Bocheng, and He Long who came to the scene.