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《Battle of Shangganling》 Summ

In 1952, after experiencing many battles, the Volunteer Army had taken the initiative in ground operations on the battlefield to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. In order to gain momentum for the campaign and seize the benefits on the negotiating table, the United Nations Army decided to make a last ditch effort in the Battle of Shangganling. On October 14,“United Nations Forces” launched a fierce attack on the Battle of Shangganling.

The volunteer soldiers tenaciously resisted the attack of the United Nations troops and repeatedly fought for positions; they moved into the tunnels and continued to fight in an extremely difficult environment after the war; they resolutely counterattacked and continuously consolidated their positions in the decisive stage. After 43 days of fighting, the volunteer soldiers finally won the victory..This battle demonstrated China's national and military power. In the following decades, no Western country dared to easily provoke China.

《Battle of Shangganling》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

The date of April 22, 1851 obviously does not match the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. This should be an error. We will correct it to the actual time background of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.Assuming that the correct date is a certain month and day in 1951, the following is the rewritten content:

In the spring of 1951, the smoke of the fifth battle to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea had not yet cleared. After a month of fierce fighting, the 15th Army of the Volunteer Army was ordered to move to the Jinhua area for rest and recuperation.At the same time, the Volunteer Army Headquarters issued a notification to all corps and military headquarters.However, during the transfer, the Fifteenth Army unfortunately encountered a U.S. air strike. The bombing resulted in more than ten people being seriously injured, more than twenty people slightly injured, and some supplies and vehicles were blown up.

Faced with the sudden attack, Chief of Staff Duan Xianfeng wanted to counterattack with machine guns, but the enemy aircraft was too far away and very fast. In addition, the equipment gap between the two sides was huge, so the counterattack failed.Subsequently, all officers and soldiers acted quickly to move out the damaged materials, and under the leadership of Army Commander Qin Jiwei, pushed the scrapped vehicles down the cliff and cleared the road.Immediately afterwards, Qin Jiwei convened an emergency meeting of staff to discuss follow-up action plans.

At this time, the U.S. military had taken the opportunity to break through the junction of the Volunteer Army's 3rd Corps and the 19th Corps, and drove straight in. It advanced hundreds of kilometers in just three days, causing the central front to fall into chaos and posing a serious threat to the Eastern Front Corps..Faced with this severe situation, while Ma Gang and others were considering retreat, Duan Xianfeng put forward the suggestion of fighting a blocking battle in Shibaura.He believed that if the Fifteenth Army retreated, the Eastern Front Corps would be passive.Qin Jiwei deeply agrees with this.

In the Kongsi Cave where the Volunteer Army Headquarters is located, Commander-in-Chief Peng Dehuai ordered Deng Hua to send a telegram to Qin Jiwei, requesting the 15th Army to garrison Zhipuri and hold off the enemy for seven days.Almost at the same time, Chief of Staff Zhang Yunyu also brought a telegram from Peng Dehuai, which made Qin Jiwei even more excited.He immediately decided that even if only the last person was left, he would hold on for more than ten days and call back to the headquarters for confirmation.

After receiving the order, the soldiers of the 15th Army quickly prepared for battle.The third company commander Feng Baisheng was full of expectations for the upcoming battle, while Qin Jiwei promptly corrected his previous wrong approach of counterattacking enemy planes, emphasizing that he should wait for the enemy planes to fly at low altitude before shooting.

Hu Mancang, the instructor of the Eighth Company, inspired the fighting spirit of the soldiers with his short and powerful words. Qin Jiwei was confident in the combat effectiveness of the Eighth Company and handed over important tasks to them.Hu Mancang accepted the task with confidence and introduced Chai Yunzhen, the seventh squad leader with outstanding marksmanship, as the leading machine gunner.

The Battle of Shibauri Park Dalbong broke out immediately, but the battle quickly reached a stalemate.The U.S. military relied on its road advantages and powerful reinforcements to put tremendous pressure on the Lao Eighth Company.Duan Xianfeng proposed to learn from Ren Qiaoji's combat experience to deal with it, and took the initiative to invite Ying to join the battle.After getting approval, he carefully deployed the combat plan and decided to divide his troops into two groups: one group to reinforce Park Dalfeng's Eighth Company, and the other group to block the 215th and other highlands on Park Dalfeng's flank to reduce the pressure on the Eighth Company.

Although Feng Baisheng was initially dubious about Duan Xianfeng's plan, after adding a platoon for support, he chose to trust and execute the order.Qin Jiwei also adjusted his deployment in time according to changes in the battle situation, and ordered Duan Xianfeng to leave a platoon of troops to guard Highland 327, and the remaining troops to fully reinforce Park Dafeng.

In the fierce battle, the soldiers suffered heavy casualties.Chai Yunzhen died heroically to protect Hu Mancang, but the Lao Eighth Company finally managed to hold on for ten days with its strong will and firm belief.Their heroic resistance not only shattered the US military's attempt to cut off the Volunteer Army on the Eastern Front, but also provided a strong guarantee for the strategic mission of the large force and made a huge contribution to the overall retreat and recuperation of the Volunteer Army.

Subsequently, “United Nations Forces” began negotiations with us.Our delegation consisted of Deputy Commander Deng Hua, Chief of Staff Jie Fang and others. North Korea also sent representatives such as Nan Ri and Zhang Pingshan.We insist on a ceasefire using the 38th Parallel as the military demarcation line, and require the other side to withdraw all peripheral troops in a timely manner.However, the other party showed no sincerity and kept making unreasonable demands.

The entourage Mo Yuan analyzed the opponent's character traits by sketching the portrait of the US Navy vice admiral and deduced his intention to delay the negotiation.Faced with the opponent's machinations, Li Kenong, the head of the North Korea-China negotiating delegation, was not afraid. He knew that the Chinese people have thousands of years of historical and cultural heritage and a persevering national spirit.He ordered members of the delegation to remain calm and patient in a battle of wits and courage with the United States.

On December 28 of the same year, the armistice negotiations were terminated due to the provocation and trouble caused by the United States in the negotiation zone.In March 1952, Commander-in-Chief Peng Dehuai once again emphasized the importance of battlefield struggle at the Volunteer Army Headquarters in Hicang.He pointed out that the US military's ambition cannot be solved by negotiation alone.He ordered Qin Jiwei to lead the 15th Army to the Five Sacred Mountains, Dongfang Mountain, and Douliufeng areas to take over the defense tasks of the 26th Army. He especially emphasized that the Five Sacred Mountains are an important gateway to central Korea, and if they fail, the consequences will be disastrous.

《Battle of Shangganling》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Qin Jiwei returned from inspecting the Five Sacred Mountains and meditated alone in the room where the 15th Army was stationed for three days.Recalling the swearing-in ceremony, he encouraged all the soldiers in the army to fight bravely in the face of the US-led coalition, and would rather be famous on the martyrs' monument than to be named in the hero list.

After careful consideration, Qin Jiwei proposed a strategic plan with active defense and protracted operations as the core, and submitted it to the Military Party Committee for review.The plan emphasized the transformation of battlefield fortifications, the construction of a solid defense line based on tunnels, and the implementation of large-scale fortification operations, aiming to build an insurmountable barrier and resolutely resist enemy attacks.

In Shaliyuan, the artillery regiment of the 229th Division bravely fought against a group of US bombers and successfully shot down a B26 bomber. Unfortunately, the pilot was the son of Van Fleet, commander of the US Eighth Army.This incident deeply saddened Van Fleet, and soldier Bell made a drunken gaffe and belittled Van Fleet, and was severely punished by his superiors as a warning to others.

When the 15th Army and the 26th Army were changing defenses, a reconnaissance team from the 26th Army failed to withdraw in time because the enemy strengthened its defense on Jixiong Mountain.Although Qin Jiwei is busy with official duties, he still cares about the missing team.The team was ambushed behind enemy lines, and only the captain Zheng Guoliang and the soldier Shuangxi survived.In order to protect Shuangxi, Zheng Guoliang died heroically.

In order to obtain enemy intelligence, Qin Jiwei sent staff officer Duan Xianfeng to form a capture team and went to the Eighth Company to teach tactics.At first, the soldiers expressed doubts about Duan Xianfeng's qualifications, but after Duan Xianfeng proved his strength, they successfully formed an elite team composed of Luo Wanxiang, Yun Guichuan, Sun Yaozu and Xu Xiao, and recruited Fan Yuanbao, who was good at tree climbing, asWhistle.

During an operation, the capture team successfully captured a “tongue”, but accidentally entered an enemy minefield on the way back.At a critical moment, a mysterious gunman detonates a landmine, giving the team a chance to escape.Afterwards, Duan Xianfeng discovered that the “tongue” was actually Shuangxi, a member of the missing 26th Army reconnaissance team. Under the misunderstanding, he quickly took action to protect Shuangxi.

Regarding this accident, Qin Jiwei treated Duan Xianfeng and Hu Mancang leniently.At the same time, Qin Jiwei conducted an in-depth study of Van Fleet and discovered that he loves rugby.So, he organized a football game to let the soldiers experience the strength and tactical characteristics of the US military.During the competition, everyone deeply realized the cruelty and efficiency of the US military's front-line push tactics. They realized that when strength and speed do not dominate, they must rely on strong will and solid fortifications to consume and tire the enemy and find opportunities to counterattack.

《Battle of Shangganling》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

In May 1952, William Harrison served as the chief representative of the United Nations negotiating delegation. However, the United States took a firm stance on the prisoner of war issue and refused to explore any option other than voluntary repatriation, causing the negotiations to fall into an unprecedented dilemma.Especially on the 7th of that month, the negotiations came to a complete standstill.At the same time, the United Nations forces tried to weaken the morale of our troops on the front line through psychological tactics such as broadcasting, but they encountered a determined counterattack by the volunteer troops.

Chen Fenglou, a soldier of the 1st Company of the 15th Army, was furious about this and was eager to destroy the enemy with his own hands. However, the company commander Pi Lianlian rationally pointed out that the current priority is to consolidate the defenses.However, impulsively, Chen Fenglou still shot and killed an American soldier, and then continued to attack with cold guns and artillery, making the US 7th Division miserable.

Facing the well-equipped enemy forces, General Qin Jiwei made a decisive decision and asked the troops to build large-scale tunnels in the Battle of Shangganling area to strengthen defenses.However, many challenges were encountered during implementation.In order to solve the ideological concerns of the soldiers, Chief of Staff Zhang Yunyu cleverly proposed a tunnel digging competition between the Eighth Company and the First Company, which inspired both parties to work with unprecedented enthusiasm and devote themselves to tunnel construction.

In order to improve efficiency, Duan Xianfeng tried to introduce a new method of digging tunnels with explosives in the Eighth Company.Driven by this innovative technology, the Eighth Company was expected to win the competition, but unfortunately, a sudden bombing by US military enemy planes destroyed the newly completed tunnel, causing them to regrettably lose the victory.

Afterwards, Duan Xianfeng reported the situation to General Qin Jiwei, and Hu Mancang also admitted that he was too eager to advance and ignored the stability of the tunnel.At Qin Jiwei's initiative, the soldiers of the Old Eighth Company united as one and took a group photo full of optimism and resilience.

After unremitting efforts, the tunnel project was finally completed successfully, with complete internal facilities, including a medical room, storage room, weapons and ammunition depot, and a concealed cooking method.During the inspection by Wang Jinshan, deputy commander of the Third Corps, an unexploded aerial bomb fell on the Eighth Company position during the US military bombing.With his outstanding military skills, Duan Xianfeng successfully eliminated this time bomb and won high praise from Wang Jinshan.

After more than five months of hard work and construction, the 15th Army dug 325 tunnels more than 20,000 meters long in the defense area, as well as tens of thousands of meters of deer villages, trenches, traffic trenches and other defense facilities to build aA solid defense system with tunnels as the core was built, and it was connected with the tunnels of neighboring troops to form an “Underground Great Wall” across the defense zone.

After learning that the outpost was damaged, Cui Jiangong, commander of the 45th Division of the 15th Army, quickly ordered Liu Xiangyang, director of the Intelligence Division, to form a second echelon and rush up the mountain to rebuild the observation post.In view of the urgent task and the need for foreign language talents, intelligence staff officer Du Wenjin took the initiative to ask Ying to join.But on the way up the mountain, they encountered US military bombing of our military's communication lines.Although Duan Xianfeng organized people to avoid danger in advance, there were still Korean people who did not understand the language and ventured out. Du Wenjin's comrade unfortunately died during the rescue process. Despite all efforts, his life could not be saved.

In 1952, during the U.S. presidential election, the U.S. military's repeated defeats on the Korean battlefield became a powerful weapon for Eisenhower to attack Truman.He promised the American people that once elected president, he would immediately end the Korean War.At the same time, the new deployment of the US military on the front line aroused the vigilance of the Volunteer Army Command. After careful discussions, generals such as Deng Hua, Yang Dezhi, and Hong Xuezhi decided to speed up the formulation of a counterattack plan.

In October of the same year, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai approved the counterattack plan based on frontline battle reports, and emphasized the need to make full use of the advantages of tunnels to ensure the safety of the troops.General Qin Jiwei took the initiative to propose to Wang Jinshan a surprise attack on Highland 391 in view of the enemy's possible tactics of seizing the east and attacking the west, and received Wang Jinshan's firm support.

《Battle of Shangganling》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

On October 8, 1952, China and the United Nations resumed negotiations in Panmunjom.Chinese representative Deng Hua pointed out that there were inconsistencies in the lists of prisoners of war submitted three times previously, while the United States insisted that it had followed the principle of voluntary repatriation and denied any abuse of prisoners of war.Faced with the sufficient evidence presented by China, the United States seemed quite embarrassed, which ultimately led to the complete breakdown of the negotiations.Mo Yuan felt that negotiations were hopeless and took the initiative to ask Ying to go to the front line to investigate the situation in the prisoner of war camp. This request was approved by Li Kenong.

At the same time, Duan Xianfeng won the favor of his superiors because of his outstanding performance. The Third Corps planned to transfer him to staff officer and conducted an internal review in advance.However, Duan Xianfeng yearned for front-line combat. Although he knew that obeying orders was his bounden duty, he still decided to express his wishes to General Qin Jiwei in person.

At this time, Qin Jiwei was troubled by a fault in an American-made car. Duan Xianfeng took the initiative to try to repair it and successfully solved the problem.Taking this opportunity, Duan Xianfeng expressed to Qin Jiwei his strong desire to stay in the 15th Army and go to the front line to train in person.Qin Jiwei recalled the first time he met Duan Xianfeng at the Nanjing Military Academy. At that time, he was still an assistant teacher, and his talented explanation of the Normandy landing was impressive.Later, Duan Xianfeng even volunteered to join the Fifteenth Army. His determination to serve the country with his own life deeply moved Qin Jiwei, and he was eventually able to accompany the army to North Korea.

Faced with the Corps' intention to transfer Duan Xianfeng, Qin Jiwei was also reluctant to leave, so he asked him to write a letter of invitation and temporarily stay in the 15th Army in the name of a guard company.After the negotiation broke down, Qin Jiwei decided to implement the plan to attack Highland 391, and summoned Meng Jianmin to select elite soldiers and generals, vowing to seize the high ground in one fell swoop.

While hiding in the position, four hundred soldiers came under heavy enemy artillery fire.Among them, Qiu Shaoyun showed extraordinary heroism after his disguise was ignited. In order not to expose his comrades and his victory in the battle, he endured severe pain until he died.

The Fifteenth Army's continued small-force sorties overwhelmed the United Nations forces.Van Fleet discovered that there was only one reinforced Chinese company stationed at Highland 598 (597.9), and he confidently claimed that he could break through the defense line within five days.And the showdown operation he planned was also approved by the coalition commander Clark.

On the other hand, the Volunteer Army Headquarters received intelligence and learned that the US 45th Division was in Japan and the 1st Cavalry Division was conducting amphibious landing training in Tokyo, and immediately ordered the 15th Army to pay close attention to the enemy situation opposite the Five Sacred Mountains.Qin Jiwei kept in mind Peng Dehuai's instructions: Once the Five Sacred Mountains are lost, there will be no danger to defend them; if the US military lands in Yuanshan, the Five Sacred Mountains will become their main target.

For this reason, Qin Jiwei sent Duan Xianfeng to the front line of the Five Sacred Mountains to conduct reconnaissance, accompanied by Shuangxi and Han Xiaomao.The three of them carefully observed the movements of the US military, recorded the number of reinforcements and equipment, and reported to Qin Jiwei the possible Normandy landing-style tactics adopted by the US military.Qin Jiwei realized that he must ensure that the troops in the two mountains were deployed stably and create momentum to confuse the enemy.He ordered tank battalions and car formations to the Battle of Shangganling area as a bluff.However, the smoke bombs launched by Van Fleet made it difficult for the 15th Army to determine the direction of its main attack. A fierce battle was about to begin in a battle of wits and courage between the generals of both sides.

《Battle of Shangganling》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Company Commander Tom, who was in the 31st United Nations Regiment, held deep contempt for Asian soldiers, especially South Korean soldiers who frequently beat and scolded them and even accused them of stealing lighters for no reason.At this time, Li Damin, the staff officer of the South Korean military camp, stepped forward and stopped Tom's behavior. He had already seen the true face of the US military and finally decided to surrender to the 45th Division of the 15th Army.

Li Damin's intelligence informed the Fifteenth Army that the United Nations planned to launch a major operation in the direction of the Battle of Shangganling.However, this was precisely Van Fleet's trick. He intended to make the Volunteer Army mistakenly think that the Battle of Shangganling was the main direction of attack through the strategy of attacking in the east and attack in the west, so as to mobilize the 44th Division in the direction of the Western Mountains so that they could take the opportunity to break through the western part of the country where mechanized warfare was suitable.Mountains, deep into the Pingkang Valley, forcing the volunteers back hundreds of miles.

In the early morning of October 14, 1952, the United Nations Army launched a fierce artillery attack on the 597.9 Highlands and the 537.7 Highlands North Mountain of the Battle of Shangganling. Under the saturation bombing, the soldiers suffered heavy casualties.Feng Baisheng led the rescue team, but in the intensive artillery fire, most of the surface defenses were destroyed, making the rescue operation extremely difficult.

At the same time, the enemy launched an attack on our army on a frontal front of 80 miles. The US Seventh Division and the South Second Division concentrated three regiments of infantry, with more than 300 cannons, more than 50 aircraft and fourUnder the cover of seventeen tanks, a fierce attack was launched on multiple highlands such as 391 and 419.On average, six artillery shells fell every second, with more than 300,000 shells falling throughout the day. Two meters were cut off the granite mountain.Despite this, our army relied on its tenacious fighting spirit to successfully withstand the enemy's offensive and wiped out more than 1,900 enemy troops on the first day. However, it also paid the price of 550 casualties. The battle was not only cruel but alsoIt goes without saying.

Deputy Commander Gao Fengliang was extremely anxious at the artillery position of the 15th Army, waiting for orders from his superiors, but Cui Jiangong, commander of the 45th Division, strictly ordered not to use the artillery without authorization.General Qin Jiwei took the initiative to ask General Wang Jinshan for instructions, hoping to cancel the plan for Zhuzidong Nanshan and concentrate the firepower of large-caliber artillery in the direction of the Battle of Shangganling.However, Wang Jinshan needed to ask Deng Hua for instructions, and Deng Hua said that he needed to wait for the command's response.

In the military command post, General Qin Jiwei responded calmly. However, due to the interruption of communications, the military knew nothing about the actual situation of the Battle of Shangganling. He even suffered from toothache in his anxiety.Hu Mancang found wild eggs to relieve Qin Jiwei's pain, but everyone was more concerned about the safety of Feng Baisheng and other frontline soldiers.However, due to the long distance, they could only hear the sound of artillery but could not see the real situation on the battlefield.

Subsequently, the chief of staff reported that the position fortifications had been completely blown up, the battlefield was devastated, and the soldiers had no way to retreat and could only stick to the tunnels.The number of many companies has been reduced to twenty or thirty men, and the situation is extremely tragic.Qin Jiwei knew that the 45th Division could not be mobilized without orders from the headquarters, so he sent Duan Xianfeng and Liu Xiangyang, the reconnaissance section chief of the 45th Division, to personally conduct reconnaissance in the mountains to obtain the most realistic battle situation.

The brutality of the battle on the first day was beyond anyone's imagination.With tears in his eyes, Liu Xiangyang told General Qin Jiwei what he saw and heard on the mountain, and everyone present was moved to tears.Qin Jiwei strengthened his determination to hold the position. He said that New China was founded on the unyielding spirit of countless martyrs. Even if there is only one soldier left in the 15th Army, this position must be held resolutely.

After several days of fierce fighting, all the surface positions of the Battle of Shangganling were finally lost, and the troops were forced to retreat to the tunnels.When everyone was eager to counterattack and regain the position, Qin Jiwei decided after careful consideration to postpone the counterattack from the 18th to the 19th in order to make more complete preparations and strive to completely drive the enemy out of the position.At this time, General Deng Hua suddenly called and told Qin Jiwei to be fully prepared and immediately launch a counterattack. Qin Jiwei confidently expressed that he would live up to his trust.