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《Battle of Shangganling》Episode 2 Synopsis

Episode 2

Qin Jiwei returned from inspecting the Five Sacred Mountains and meditated alone in the room where the 15th Army was stationed for three days.Recalling the swearing-in ceremony, he encouraged all the soldiers in the army to fight bravely in the face of the US-led coalition, and would rather be famous on the martyrs' monument than to be named in the hero list.

Episode 2

After careful consideration, Qin Jiwei proposed a strategic plan with active defense and protracted operations as the core, and submitted it to the Military Party Committee for review.The plan emphasized the transformation of battlefield fortifications, the construction of a solid defense line based on tunnels, and the implementation of large-scale fortification operations, aiming to build an insurmountable barrier and resolutely resist enemy attacks.

In Shaliyuan, the artillery regiment of the 229th Division bravely fought against a group of US bombers and successfully shot down a B26 bomber. Unfortunately, the pilot was the son of Van Fleet, commander of the US Eighth Army.This incident deeply saddened Van Fleet, and soldier Bell made a drunken gaffe and belittled Van Fleet, and was severely punished by his superiors as a warning to others.

When the 15th Army and the 26th Army were changing defenses, a reconnaissance team from the 26th Army failed to withdraw in time because the enemy strengthened its defense on Jixiong Mountain.Although Qin Jiwei is busy with official duties, he still cares about the missing team.The team was ambushed behind enemy lines, and only the captain Zheng Guoliang and the soldier Shuangxi survived.In order to protect Shuangxi, Zheng Guoliang died heroically.

In order to obtain enemy intelligence, Qin Jiwei sent staff officer Duan Xianfeng to form a capture team and went to the Eighth Company to teach tactics.At first, the soldiers expressed doubts about Duan Xianfeng's qualifications, but after Duan Xianfeng proved his strength, they successfully formed an elite team composed of Luo Wanxiang, Yun Guichuan, Sun Yaozu and Xu Xiao, and recruited Fan Yuanbao, who was good at tree climbing, asWhistle.

During an operation, the capture team successfully captured a “tongue”, but accidentally entered an enemy minefield on the way back.At a critical moment, a mysterious gunman detonates a landmine, giving the team a chance to escape.Afterwards, Duan Xianfeng discovered that the “tongue” was actually Shuangxi, a member of the missing 26th Army reconnaissance team. Under the misunderstanding, he quickly took action to protect Shuangxi.

Regarding this accident, Qin Jiwei treated Duan Xianfeng and Hu Mancang leniently.At the same time, Qin Jiwei conducted an in-depth study of Van Fleet and discovered that he loves rugby.So, he organized a football game to let the soldiers experience the strength and tactical characteristics of the US military.During the competition, everyone deeply realized the cruelty and efficiency of the US military's front-line push tactics. They realized that when strength and speed do not dominate, they must rely on strong will and solid fortifications to consume and tire the enemy and find opportunities to counterattack.