Home TV sunrise on the river
sunrise on the river

sunrise on the river

Environmental drama
  • Reg:C-Drama
  • Genre: Urban
  • Premiere:Feb 29, 2024
  • No. Ep:Total 24 Episodes
  • Ep Duration:45 Minutes
  • Actor: Zhang Guoqiang Jiang Wu Mei Ting Huang Zhizhong
  • Plat: MangoTV
  • Freq:Starting from 20:00 on February 29, 2024, it will be broadcast exclusively on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV & Mango TV, and members can watch it first.
《sunrise on the river》 Summ

There was an outbreak of blue algae in Qijiang City. At this time, Wang Wu, the deputy mayor in charge of environmental protection work, had to suspend work due to overwork and the recurrence of old illnesses.Lin Hanjiang, a university professor who has made great achievements in the field of environmental protection, was appointed as the director of Qijiang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau.

After Lin Hanjiang took office, he discovered that there were greater environmental risks hidden behind the blue algae. However, the test reports of Qijiang water samples over the years had shown that they were qualified.With the support of the organization, Lin Hanjiang worked hard to find out the real cause of the blue-green algae outbreak, and was determined to not only solve the blue-green algae problem, but also completely solve the water quality problem of Qijiang water.

However, it is easier to treat the symptoms than to cure the root causes. To fundamentally solve Qijiang's environmental pollution not only involves Qijiang City's largest industrial park, but also is related to night markets, boiler plants, etc. that are related to people's lives and livelihoods. It also faces economic development and ecological problems.Tough choices for environmental protection.

Under the leadership of Lin Hanjiang, the Qijiang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau launched a series of environmental protection actions.First of all, Lin Hanjiang organized a team of experts to conduct a comprehensive investigation and analysis of the cyanobacteria phenomenon.Through field visits and extensive data analysis, they found that the root cause of the blue-green algae outbreak was water eutrophication and harmful wastewater discharge.

In order to solve this problem, Lin Hanjiang decisively took a series of measures.He communicated with enterprises in the industrial park and asked them to strengthen environmental protection measures and strictly monitor wastewater discharge.At the same time, he conducted a comprehensive inspection of night markets and boiler plants in Qijiang City, and rectified or closed down those that did not meet environmental protection requirements.These measures not only effectively reduce wastewater discharge, but also improve the air quality of Qijiang City.

In addition to solving the blue algae problem, Lin Hanjiang also realized that to fundamentally solve the environmental pollution problem in Qijiang, a balance needs to be struck between economic development and ecological environmental protection.He actively promotes the adjustment of Qijiang City's industrial structure, encourages the development of green industries and clean energy, and reduces the impact on the environment.At the same time, he also encouraged people to actively participate in environmental protection actions, publicize environmental protection knowledge, and promote garbage classification and other measures.

Lin Hanjiang's series of environmental protection actions have received support and recognition from the general public.He not only gave Qijiang City a fresh and green environment, but also found a feasible way to balance ecological protection and economic development.Under his leadership, Qijiang City’s environmental quality has gradually improved, becoming a model for national environmental protection work.

Lin Hanjiang's story has also become an example to inspire people to protect the environment.He always adheres to his original intention, is not afraid of difficulties, and proves with practical actions that environmental protection and economic development can complement each other.His efforts and dedication made more people aware of the importance of environmental protection and became a mainstay of the environmental protection cause.

《sunrise on the river》Cast
Zhang Guoqiang / Liao Yuzheng Jiang Wu / Starting from money Mei Ting / Xiao Xue Huang Zhizhong / Zheng Hanjiang
《sunrise on the river》Character Info
《sunrise on the river》Stills
  • sunrise on the riverStills

  • sunrise on the riverStills

  • sunrise on the riverStills

  • sunrise on the riverStills

  • sunrise on the riverStills

  • sunrise on the riverStills

  • sunrise on the riverStills

  • sunrise on the riverStills

  • sunrise on the riverStills

  • sunrise on the riverStills

《sunrise on the river》Ep Summ
《sunrise on the river》Ending

Sunrise on the river episode 23 plot introduction: Zheng Hanjiang was punished

In order to attract the attention of his superiors to the freighter matter, Zheng Hanjiang decided to let the matter ferment.

Everyone saw the news, including Xiao Xue, who was taking classes in the dance studio. On her way to pick up her daughter after class, she contacted Zheng Hanjiang to inquire about the situation.Zheng Hanjiang comforted Xiao Xue not to listen to the wind and rain, to trust the government and not to worry about himself.

Secretary Chen of the Provincial Party Committee took Secretary Liao and Zheng Hanjiang to the customs. The place was already surrounded by reporters. Secretary Chen said a few words to the reporters and then handed over the task of dealing with reporters to Secretary Liao. Secretary Liao was under the current situation.In the unclear situation, he couldn't say anything to the media. He could only push Zheng Hanjiang out. Zheng Hanjiang said that no matter what happened, they could not destroy such a beautiful hometown.Zheng Hanjiang said that as long as everyone is here, Qi Jiang will be there, and he hopes that the news media can help them publicize and stabilize the hearts of the public.Xiao Xue and Xiao Erduo looked at Zheng Hanjiang in front of the TV, they were a little proud and relieved.

Zheng Hanjiang was punished by Secretary Chen because the news was exposed and he failed to submit documents in time. He was writing an inspection in the conference room. Secretary Liao couldn't help him now even if he wanted to, so he could only get him paper and pen and ask him to hurry up and write.examine.Finally, Secretary Chen and Secretary Liao jointly guaranteed the matter, and now armed forces will be dispatched to stop the ship.Everyone was waiting for the news. After inspection by the epidemic prevention department, it was found that the goods on the cargo ship were indeed contaminated and did not meet national standards. They had been returned. The relevant departments intervened in the investigation. Finally, Secretary Liao couldn't help but applaud. TheyQi Jiang was guarded.

When Zheng Hanjiang returned home in the evening, Xiao Xue told her condition because when she was cooking today, her hands suddenly lost consciousness and became uncontrollable. She was afraid that it would be too late if she didn't tell Zheng Hanjiang.Zheng Hanjiang did not expect that it had been half a year since Xiao Xue was diagnosed. During this time, he had been busy with work and completely ignored Xiao Xue. No wonder Xiao Xue had been planning a trip recently, cooking and learning to dance.Only then did Zheng Hanjiang know the reason for Xiao Xue's abnormality some time ago.

Zheng Hanjiang was very anxious. He told Xiao Xue to receive good treatment and not to just give up and escape. What would happen to this family since their daughter was still so young.

The next day Zheng Hanjiang took Xiao Xue to the hospital for a check-up. He wanted Xiao Xue to be hospitalized for treatment so that he would feel more at ease, but Xiao Xue did not want to be hospitalized.

After returning home, Zheng Hanjiang had a heart-to-heart talk with Xiao Xue. Zheng Hanjiang felt that he was very stupid and failed to take good care of Xiao Xue. Now he just wants to follow Xiao Xue and Xiao Xue should not leave him behind.

Zheng Hanjiang was playing on the court when he was called back by Zhu Tiancai to attend the review meeting. Chief Sun was also present at the review meeting. Zheng Hanjiang had not prepared a written manuscript, and he was on annual leave, so it was quite unexpected, so at the meeting he wrote based on his inner thoughtsI said a few words in thought.

Luo Jing went to the detention center to see Qian Qi. Because she was going abroad, she wanted to finish the things she had not done well.Regarding the Wang Wu incident, Luo Jing really didn't expect that as classmates for many years, they would develop to this point.

《sunrise on the river》Calendar

《sunrise on the river》Drama calendar

Starting from 20:00 on February 29, it will be broadcast exclusively on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV & Mango TV, and members can watch it first.

Mango TV drama calendar

《sunrise on the river》Episodes 1-4 Update time: February 29, 2024

《sunrise on the river》Episode 5-6 Update time: March 1, 2024

《sunrise on the river》Episode 7 Update time: March 2, 2024

《sunrise on the river》Episode 8 Update time: March 3, 2024

《sunrise on the river》Episodes 9-10 Update time: March 4, 2024

《sunrise on the river》Episodes 11-12 Update time: March 5, 2024

《sunrise on the river》Episodes 13-14 Update time: March 6, 2024

《sunrise on the river》Episode 15-16 Update time: March 7, 2024

《sunrise on the river》Episodes 17-18 Update time: March 8, 2024

《sunrise on the river》Episode 19 Update time: March 9, 2024

《sunrise on the river》Episode 20 Update time: March 11, 2024

《sunrise on the river》Episode 21 Update time: March 12, 2024

《sunrise on the river》Episode 22 Update time: March 13, 2024

《sunrise on the river》Episode 23 Update time: March 14, 2024

《sunrise on the river》Episode 24 Update time: March 15, 2024

《sunrise on the river》Related Info

《sunrise on the river》 is an environmental-themed drama directed by Han Xiaojun, written by Zhang Ting, starring Huang Zhizhong, Mei Ting, and Jiang Wu, and starring Zhang Guoqiang, Su Ke, Li Qiang, Zhao Liang, Guo Xiaoting, Zhao Qi, and Du Yuan.

The play is adapted from the original novel "Jiangliu Tiandi Wai" written by Sun Mingdi. It tells the story of a provincial deputy department inspector and professor of Qijiang University who has made great achievements in the field of environmental protection after the discovery of environmental problems such as water pollution in Qijiang City.The story of Zheng Hanjiang who was appointed as the deputy mayor in charge of environmental protection in a critical situation.

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