Home TV Happiness Juncao
《Happiness Juncao》 Summ

Based on Lin Zhanxi, the father of Juncao, it tells the story of Li Changhuan's team who went abroad to plant Juncao. Under the cultural differences in a foreign country, they made a lot of jokes in their work and life.Complete facilities also make the promotion of Juncao technology face many difficulties.In order for Juncao to take root in the local area, Li Changhuan's team overcame numerous hardships and helped the local area embark on the road to prosperity by building production facilities such as mushroom sheds and inventing upland rice technology.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Since researcher Li Changhuan successfully developed the Juncao technology that replaces wood with grass, the technology has not only won many important national awards, but has also become a landmark scientific research achievement in national poverty alleviation work.As of 1997, this innovative technology has been widely promoted and applied in more than 50 counties across the country, greatly promoting the development of local agricultural economy, helping many farmers get rid of poverty and becoming rich, and has won widespread praise and praise from all walks of life.As a result, Researcher Li Changhuan won the lofty title of Fujian Province’s 100% Poverty Alleviation Champion.

At the same time, the TV was showing an interview with Li Changhuan accepting the commendation, while his wife Chen Xiaolian was busy in the kitchen, carefully preparing a sumptuous reunion dinner, fully looking forward to her husband's return.Because Li Changhuan was busy answering questions for farmers and had not come back for a long time, his daughter Li Qiaoping couldn't help but express dissatisfaction with her mother. Unexpectedly, Chen Xiaolian had a heart attack and was sent to the hospital.

Li Qiaoping was extremely anxious, but could not contact Li Changhuan. In desperation, she could only call her sister Li Zhiwei who was far away in Singapore.At this moment, Li Zhiwei was busy with work and could not answer the call in time. When she finally had time to call back, she learned that her mother had suddenly become seriously ill and was hospitalized.

At first, Li Zhiwei had some doubts in her heart, mistakenly thinking that this was another excuse made by her family for her father's research project.Because Li Changhuan had been immersed in the research of Juncao technology for many years and was deeply dissatisfied with his neglect of his family, Li Zhiwei was already very dissatisfied. However, Li Zhiwei's anxiety gradually made her believe in the authenticity, and she immediately contacted her trusted friend Xu Shufang and asked her to do it for her.Visit the hospital.

On the other hand, Li Changhuan and Zheng Weilong were discussing in depth the issue of Juncao technology to further promote farmers' wealth. Just as the two were about to go home for dinner, they were suddenly informed that Chen Xiaolian was ill and in emergency.Li Changhuan was so anxious that he rushed to the hospital on his nephew Li Han's motorcycle. Before entering, he did not forget to buy his wife's favorite chestnuts on the roadside.

Fortunately, the operation went very smoothly and Chen Xiaolian was out of danger. Li Changhuan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.However, seeing that his wife was still sleeping, he handed the chestnuts to Li Qiaoping and Xu Shufang, and learned through Li Qiaoping that his eldest daughter was returning to China.Chen Xiaolian woke up and learned about this, and asked them to call Li Zhiwei and ask Li Zhiwei to focus on work.

At the same time, Li Zhiwei applied to her boss Peter to return to China, but Peter told her that this was a critical period for the project and that once she left, she would miss valuable promotion opportunities.But for Li Zhiwei, the health and reunion of her family are far more important than career promotion. She firmly stated that no matter what the outcome, she would go back to accompany her mother.Li Changhuan took the initiative to call Li Zhiwei's phone and told her that there was no need to come back in such a hurry, but Li Zhiwei had already bought the ticket.

Lao Feng led a group of people to the downstairs of Juncao Institute to recover the equipment payment from Li Changan.Due to financial constraints, Li Changan begged Lao Feng for a few days of grace.At this time, Li Changhuan returned and offered to use his banner and trophy as collateral, but Lao Feng had no choice but to refuse considering the team's livelihood needs.

For this reason, Li Changhuan proposed to use mushrooms to pay off the debt. Unexpectedly, Li Chunhua only brought two baskets of mushrooms, which completely angered Lao Feng.The two sides got into a heated argument at the scene, and Li Changhuan quickly intervened to quell the dispute. Unexpectedly, Juncao Institute had already owed the workers two months' wages, and the workers' salary issue was the most difficult dilemma at present.Li Changan detailed the financial difficulties to his elder brother Li Changhuan, while Li Han implored the workers to be more understanding. Their situation became increasingly difficult.

Li Changan's wife was dissatisfied because of the long delay in salary and suggested that he leave Juncao Institute and seek another career. However, Li Changan firmly refused and told her not to mention the matter in front of his elder brother and sister-in-law.Soon after, city leaders visited the Juncao Institute in person to learn more about Li Changhuan's predicament and solemnly promised to fully assist in solving the current problems.

As night fell, Li Changhuan brought hot water for his wife Chen Xiaolian to wash her feet. Chen Xiaolian was still uneasy and worried about whether her husband would be transferred elsewhere.Li Changhuan comforted her not to worry, saying that he would stay here and be with his family.These words were like spring breeze and rain, making Chen Xiaolian's worries disappear and she began to look forward to the future happy time of her family of four.

When Hong Kong returned to China, Chinese people around the world participated in the grand event through television screens, and their joy was beyond words.In her heart, Chen Xiaolian hopes that Li Changhuan can take this opportunity to completely return to his family.The next day, the atmosphere at the academic conference hosted by Wu Zhaohui was quite delicate. Luo Zheng and others dismissed Li Changhuan's research results, and their words were full of acrimony and ridicule, which made Zheng Weilong deeply unhappy.

Li Changhuan showed up to sit down at the table, but everyone saw that instead of restraining himself, everyone saw that he was talking about the importance of academic papers, completely ignoring the fact that Li Changhuan was too busy with affairs to take into account the current situation of academic research.Luo Zheng bluntly said that Li Changhuan had almost become an “academic liar”, and advised him not to waste time in the countryside anymore.These words completely angered Zheng Weilong, and he immediately stepped forward to defend Li Changhuan.

This meeting gave Zheng Weilong a deep insight into the hypocrisy and utilitarianism of some professors. They talk about academic papers verbally, but in fact their behavior is contrary to it.Although Li Changan was well aware of his brother's inner pain, he still encouraged him to face it actively and find a solution.Under the catalysis of a glass of wine, Li Changhuan made an important decision.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Li Changhuan proposed early retirement. This news made Zheng Weilong emotional. As a child from the countryside, he took root in the Juncao Institute after graduation, aiming to help farmers.Faced with Li Changhuan's sudden decision, Zheng Weilong found it difficult to accept and felt that many years of hard work had been in vain.Upon seeing this, Li Changhuan advised him to calm down first.

Later, Li Changhuan announced his retirement plan to his family. The happiest person was his wife Chen Xiaolian. His daughter Li Qiaoping was also very excited and couldn't wait to call Li Zhiwei.When Li Zhiwei learned that her parents were coming to Singapore for vacation, she immediately started looking for a comfortable vacation apartment where they could spend their remaining years in peace and enjoy the beauty and tranquility of life.

Although Li Changhuan's decision to retire was impulsive, he was well aware of the responsibility he shouldered and decided to pay off all debts before leaving for peace of mind.Li Changan understood this and recalled the days of fighting side by side with his brother. Although he went through hardships, it was also the most fulfilling and fulfilling time in his life.He solemnly promised that after Li Changhuan retires, he will personally take over the responsibility, continue to move forward, and never give up.

However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on others. The leader suddenly visited and brought a piece of news to Li Changhuan, that is, the province is preparing for a foreign aid mission to sister cities. The province hopes that Li Changhuan can take the Juncao team to assist the South Pacific Island National Bus.Mala.Since this foreign aid can not only solve the funding problem of the Juncao Institute, but also promote Juncao technology to benefit the people, Li Changhuan was very excited when he heard it.

On the other side, Vai, an international student from Bamara, also came to Li's house and asked Li Changhuan to help his country with Juncao technology.After Li Qianping learned about this, she was full of dissatisfaction. She declined Vai's request on the grounds that her father was about to retire, and Chen Xiaolian felt even more uneasy.

Li Changan believed that it was necessary to go to Balama in person, but he was worried that he would not be able to explain to Chen Xiaolian and Li Qiaoping.Similarly, Li Changhuan hesitated and didn't know how to talk to his wife, so he thought about making a fuss first and wait until he went to Barama for five months before talking. As a result, he was told by his wife and daughter that he already knew about it, and the two of them firmly opposed it.Li Qianping thought that the eldest sister would definitely not agree. After all, she had already found a holiday apartment and would return to China tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Li Zhiwei went home carrying large bags and small rolls. As soon as she entered the door, she heard the news that Li Changhuan was going to Bamara, and she also expressed her objections.Li Zhiwei gave Li Chang Huan and Li Chang An a complex background. This country has suffered from colonization since the 16th century and did not regain its independence until the 1970s. However, the shadow of history has not dissipated, and the country is still plagued by historical legacy.However, it has fallen into chaos. Some areas lack infrastructure. Electricity and roads are not yet universal. Medical resources are even scarce. Even basic clinics are difficult to find. Living conditions are extremely difficult.

In order to explain the situation more intuitively, Li Zhiwei showed the two foreign newspaper reports, pointing out that Bamara is currently suffering from a malaria epidemic.Due to backward conditions, the country can only rely on international medical assistance to deal with the crisis.Faced with such a grim reality, Li Changhuan felt heavy, but Li Changan offered to go to Bamara instead of Li Changhuan.

In order to prevent her father from going overseas, Li Zhiwei and Li Qianping went to school to look for Vai. They originally planned to give him a blow, but not long after they opened their mouth, Li Changhuan suddenly visited, and the two had to hide behind a tree.Vai took the initiative to introduce himself to Li Changhuan, and then Li Changhuan invited Vai home for dinner and asked him to introduce his country.

At the dinner table, Vai talked about all the misery in his hometown, and Li Changan keenly realized that someone was deliberately instigating it.Faced with doubts, Li Zhiwei and others denied it, while Li Changhuan directly stated that it was he who talked about this with Vai.Vai's emotions were complicated and he choked up and expressed his feelings, which made everyone present moved. Li Changan became more determined to set off.

In view of concerns about Li Changan's long trip, Li Changhuan decided to ask Zheng Weilong to accompany him as his assistant to take care of each other.At this moment, Zheng Weilong's information was scrawled by his child, which made him angry and gave him a lesson on the spot, which made his mother extremely dissatisfied.Li Changan was concerned that if Zheng Weilong left his post, Juncao would be short of technical manpower. Li Changhuan planned to transfer Hu Yuan back from Xinjiang to take charge and let Li Han join the outbound team.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Because Li Changan was going to lead the team, Li Changhuan helped him form a good team. First of all, the first one was Zheng Weilong, who was extremely professional; the second one was Li Han, who was enthusiastic, lively and proficient in English. In order to give his long-distance girlfriend a betterLife, decided to work abroad to earn more money to buy a wedding house; as for the last step, field expert Li Chunhua took the initiative to sign up. He felt that he was just a worker at home, but if he went abroad and could command the local people to work, his status would beBecome an expert.

Zheng's mother was very supportive of her son Zheng Weilong going abroad and told him not to worry about his family, as she would take care of the child.Li Han's girlfriend was in a mood because she went abroad, but she gradually calmed down with Li Han's explanation and comfort.After the morning class ended, Li Changhuan announced to everyone in class that the leader of Bamara this time was Li Changan.Vai was very happy when he learned about it, and hugged Li Changan to express his gratitude.

Later, Li Changhuan accompanied his wife and daughter on an outing and took photos for everyone in person. He originally liked a camera, but did not buy it because of the price.Li Changan's wife prepared a passport for her husband. She was a little reluctant about the upcoming separation and kept telling him some things to pay attention to.

However, on the eve of departure, just as Li Changhuan and his family were discussing a vacation in Singapore, they suddenly received a call and learned that a boiler explosion had occurred at the poverty alleviation point. Everyone, including Li Changan, was seriously injured, and the scene was extremely chaotic.On the way to the hospital, Li Changan did not forget to go abroad to cultivate more strains of bacteria. Li Changhuan felt uncomfortable hearing this and asked him to stop talking.

In the end, Li Changan failed to save him and unfortunately passed away.Li Changhuan was devastated by the death of his younger brother. At the same time, whether to go to foreign aid has become a question that Juncao must consider.Director Fang called to express his concern and told him to tell him if he needed anything.

After everyone had taken care of the funeral, the leader came to Li Changhuan in person and said frankly that this mission was completely different from previous domestic poverty alleviation tasks. At home, there would be government support and a mass base, but when going abroad, he would have to challenge a brand new national mechanism, so justConfidence is not enough at all; firm belief is also required.The leader hopes that Li Changhuan can take the Happiness Juncao that brings hope to farmers and take root in Bamara, continue to climb new heights, and make better achievements from a new starting point.

Since foreign aid is a national task and a top priority, Secretary Zhang and others also came to visit Li Changhuan. Firstly, they asked Li Changhuan to express their condolences. Secondly, they announced that the foreign aid project had been launched. The arrow was on the string and had to be fired. They wanted him to think of something as soon as possible.way.For this reason, Li Changhuan decided to take over the job and go to Bamara, but was strongly opposed by his two daughters.

Li Zhiwei believes that Li Changan has passed away, and Li Changhuan should cherish his family more and settle old scores.Li Changhuan was silent, but at this time, representatives from various poverty alleviation areas came over for a meeting. They happened to hear the news of Li Changan's death, and they all came with things grown in the fields. Li Zhiwei and others were very shocked.

Because of this, Li Zhiwei suddenly saw a side of her father that she had never seen before, and gradually came to understand some of his choices.Li Changhuan sorted out his younger brother's belongings, looked at the banner about % developing the Juncao industry and benefiting all mankind, recalled the ups and downs Juncao had experienced over the years, and made a decision in his heart.

Li Changhuan organized the team and went to the airport. Before boarding the plane, his eldest daughter Li Xiaowei came to see him off in person.Li Zhiwei bought Li Changhuan's favorite camera. When they parted, she choked with tears and asked Li Changhuan to take care of himself and not to have any accidents.Seeing her father walk into the ticket gate, Li Zhiwei calmed down and was about to leave, but suddenly a man broke the thermos.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

The man was Zhao Qifeng, the third-level secretary of the Chinese Embassy in Bamara. He was about to return to Bamara at the end of his vacation. He happened to meet Li Changhuan and others on the plane, so he took the initiative to say hello and introduce himself.Li Changhuan asked Zhao Qifeng to introduce Parama, but just as Zhao Qifeng was praising the beautiful scenery of Parama, the man next to him made trouble. There were many forests in the local area, and there were also more mosquitoes, rats, and ants, and he was in the local coffin business, reminding Li Changhuan to adapt to the environment andMedical conditions are poor.

Because in order to arrive in Bamara, we first had to transfer from Singapore to the Mangalio Islands. After everyone arrived at the embassy, ​​they were received by Counselor Peng and told that Zhao Qifeng would be responsible for their project follow-up and coordination in the future.Counselor Peng was full of praise for Zhao Qifeng, especially emphasizing that the highland province was not as good as the domestic environment. He hoped that they would be mentally prepared and assured that the embassy would give them the strongest support.

When Li Changhuan and others arrived in Bamara Highlands Province, they felt the enthusiasm of Vai's father, Bamara Police Minister Nikala, as soon as they got off the plane. The other party even arranged a grand song and dance performance.At this moment of celebration, Li Han discovered that a bacteria box was missing, and it contained Li Changan's relics, which was very important to Li Changhuan.

Vai immediately informed his father of the incident, so Nikala immediately sent someone to investigate and found that it was Gini of the Weisang tribe who had stolen the box.Although the Weisang tribe and Nikala are the two largest tribes in the area, the two tribes have a feud, so when they prepared to enter the tribe to arrest people, they were blocked by the Weisang tribe.

There was a tense situation between the two sides, and Nikala pulled out a pistol.At the critical moment, Zhao Qifeng invited tribal elders to mediate. Finally, the Weisang tribe allowed Nikala's daughter Nora to go into the Weisang tribe with Zhao Qifeng, Li Han, and Zheng Weilong to look for the box. Weisang's son Hugo accompanied them to guide the way and monitor.

Fortunately, they found a strain box in the cave, because the temperature in the cave was very low, which was equivalent to a natural refrigerator. Fortunately, the strains were preserved, and Li Changhuan was very happy.Seeing that it was getting dark, Li Changhuan gave Li Zhiwei's phone number to Zhao Qifeng, hoping that he would help contact his daughter to make sure she was safe.

However, after Zhao Qifeng called Li Zhiwei, he was questioned by Li Zhiwei.In order to prevent Li Zhiwei from worrying, Zhao Qifeng did not tell the truth about the situation. He only said that there was a local welcome ceremony, which caused delays. Unexpectedly, Li Zhiwei asked a series of questions, so that he had to bite the bullet and respond.Finally, Li Zhiwei left Zhao Qifeng's contact information and said she would contact him if anything happened.After hanging up the phone, Zhao Qifeng couldn't help but feel dumbfounded when he thought of Li Zhiwei's decisive and strong temper.

Later, Li Zhiwei informed her mother and sister in China about her father's situation. Li Zhiwei learned that her father was received by the embassy and felt that the standards were very high. However, Li Zhiwei believed that this time it was Li Changhuan's trip abroad.Vai brought Li Changhuan to his residence, where a generator was specially prepared for them. Looking at the whole village, only Vai's house and this place had electricity. After all, there was no need for electricity elsewhere.

Because there is a thermal cabinet in the office, their Juncao can be stored inside.Li Han saw that the accommodation was relatively simple and couldn't help but complain. Li Changhuan said that they came here to help the poor, and the conditions were definitely not very good, but they were much better than going to the mountains and the countryside.There was no cooking stove where they lived, so Li Changhuan and the others paid a few bites of the instant noodles they brought, but Li Han still called Zhao Qifeng to tell him the situation.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Li Changhuan and others were unable to integrate into the local environment and customs when they first arrived. Because there are various differences between China and Bamara, they sometimes made offensive actions inadvertently, just like touching the head of a child they liked, but suddenly causingThe public was outraged. It turned out that the locals believed that the child's head should not be touched, otherwise it would be disrespectful to the faith.

In addition, everyone also has a lot of discomfort in terms of diet, but they have to follow the local customs and learn from the locals to eat with their hands. Even the things they brought were turned over, and the lids of several bottles of Laoganma were opened.Because of this, Li Han and Li Chunhua could not adapt at all, and they proposed to return home, but were angrily rebuked by Zheng Weilong.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Li Chunhua told Nora not to keep a straight face all the time. Girls should smile when everything is fine, and they should not always ask for money from others.Nola seemed to have listened and nodded in understanding. Just when Li Chunhua was relieved and praised Nola as a very sensible girl, the next second, Nola reached out and asked him for money with a smile.

Local villagers asked Li Changhuan to swim. At first, Li Changhuan was stunned, thinking that farming required swimming skills.Afterwards, everyone stepped on stones to cross the river and surveyed the local geology. Li Changhuan said that their technology is that no matter how difficult the conditions are, they can always grow mushrooms. If they don’t have a crusher, they use machetes and make their own formula and inoculate themselves.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Three months after arriving in Bamara, the Juncao had grown. However, due to environmental problems and the unfavorable team mentality, the growth of the Juncao was unsatisfactory, and Li Changhuan was full of worries.In the end, the United Nations expert team came to inspect and announced that the inspection failed and the project failed.The team can return to China, but Li Changhuan cannot pass his own test. He thinks he has made the mistake of seeking quick success.Wai Lai asked Li Changhuan's team not to give up or return to China, because once this project fails, Nikala will start another chemical project at the expense of the environment.Li Changhuan finally decided to stay.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Li Changhuan officially announced that he would stay and help local people like Martha.Li Changhuan apologized to Chen Xiaolian for not being able to go back as scheduled.Li Zhiwei knew that she could not persuade her father, so she had to go back. Zhao Qifeng sent her to the airport. On the way, Li Zhiwei was touched by Zhao Qifeng's evaluation of her father.The foreign aid medical team and the infrastructure team came to visit Li Changhuan and others and gave them practical gifts, especially lending them a maritime satellite phone. Everyone was very happy.Li Han called his girlfriend Cheng Yuan. Unexpectedly, Cheng Yuan's father was hospitalized. Li Han blamed himself for not being able to help.Hearing Li Changhuan's grand words about leaving behind and completing the Juncao business, Li Han felt desperate. He was extremely depressed and had to wait until the Year of the Monkey to return home.On the phone, Zheng Weilong's ex-wife informed him that she was planning to remarry and wanted to take the child over to live with her. Zheng Weilong was upset and quarreled with Li Chunhua, who was teasing him at gunpoint.

Li Chunhua always felt that Zheng Weilong looked down on him, and this time he lost face again. He was so angry that he encouraged Li Han to secretly return to China together.Taking the opportunity to stay in the mushroom shed at the base, Li Chunhua and Li Han left a letter and left.At the airport, Li Chunhua missed the plane because he had diarrhea due to greed for cheap seafood, and Li Han returned home alone.Under the guidance of Li Changhuan, Zheng Weilong knew the importance of the team and decided to apologize to Li Chunhua.Li Chunhua returned to the base and quietly repaired the generator.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Li Zhiwei's best friend's father passed away due to a heart attack. This incident also deeply touched Li Zhiwei. She became more aware of the importance of family, and she was nostalgic for the happy time at home with her mother and sister.Seeing that the mushrooms were just around the corner, the United Nations expert team was about to leave. Zhao Qifeng used Vice Prime Minister Roger's birthday party as an excuse to let the experts stay a few more days.Li Changhuan and others attended Roger's birthday party and finally convinced the experts to give Juncao another chance.At Roger's birthday party, little Hugo, who admires Nora, becomes jealous when he sees Nora dancing with Zheng Weilong, and wants to have a drinking battle with Zheng Weilong. Li Chunhua resolves the conflict with his extraordinary drinking ability, but this also attracts Weisang to use the topic.Nikala and Weisang were at odds over development issues, and Li Changhuan helped Nikala out at the critical moment. Nikala was very grateful to him.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Just after buying the quilt, Nikala's car was stolen due to an act of revenge by Gini, a gangster from the Weisang tribe.Nikala was furious and led the police to the Weisang tribe to settle accounts.During the conflict, Nikala was seriously injured and was rounded up by the Weisan tribe.Nora discovered her father. At the critical moment, Weisan's son Hugo secretly helped Nora and the others.Nora took the seriously injured Nikala to the Juncao base to take shelter. Zheng Weilong decided to find doctors from the Chinese Foreign Aid Medical Team for treatment.Zheng Weilong and Dr. Xu Yiming of the foreign aid medical team were captured by the Weisang tribe on the way.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

As the tense confrontation between the Wai and Weisang tribes gradually subsided, the timely intervention of Zhao Qifeng and others brought a turn to the situation.The police chief strictly ordered both sides to stop the conflict and insisted on the release of the trapped Chinese experts.At the same time, although Li Changhuan, Xu Yiming and another companion escaped Hugo's imprisonment, they accidentally stepped into the territory of the Taba tribe - a tribe misunderstood by the outside world as cannibals.Faced with a new crisis, Xu Yiming bravely rescued a pregnant woman with dystocia with her medical skills. Not only did she save the lives of mother and child, she also won the respect and gratitude of the Taba people. As a result, they were able to leave safely and obtain precious wild animals.Pork as a thank you gift.

The experiences of Li Changhuan and his team made them deeply aware that the root cause of conflicts on this land lies in the scars left by colonial history, and Juncao technology may be the key to changing the status quo.Li Changhuan insisted on staying in the local area, hoping to provide more possibilities for the locals through technology transfer, while Li Zhiwei was worried and tried to persuade her father to return to China.However, Li Changhuan's determination has not changed, and he knows that his mission is far from over.

At the base, Xu Yiming successfully treated Nikala. His recovery made the Wai tribe feel the goodwill from China.The arrival of Zhao Qifeng not only brought medicine, but also warmth and hope. The subtle emotional changes between him and Li Zhiwei made everyone around them feel the warm atmosphere.

Roger severely criticized the barbaric behavior of the Weisang tribe and promoted Gini's release. Li Changhuan's proposal made the Weisang tribe realize that only through cooperation rather than violence can they get out of the plight of poverty.Hugo's transformation also allowed Nora to see the true meaning of peace and leadership, and he began to understand and accept his responsibilities.

Zheng Weilong’s innovative attempts in Juncao technology received support and encouragement from Li Changhuan. The implementation of the Yinqi method significantly improved the cultivation effect of Juncao, laying a solid foundation for further advancement of the project.The short vacation allowed the team members to return to China to rest and recuperate, but Li Changhuan and Li Zhiwei's persistence demonstrated their deep friendship for the land and its people.

After Li Chunhua returned to China, faced with the changing attitude of his blind date, he remained sober and did not want to be swayed by the eyes of the outside world.His choice, as well as Li Qiaoping's guess, reveal everyone's unique understanding of love and value.In this journey across national borders, everyone is growing, exploring, and looking for their own answers.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Zhao Qifeng and Nikala had completely different reactions to Li Changhuan's decision to share Juncao technology. Although the former was surprised, he gradually understood it, while the latter left angrily because the interests of the tribe were harmed. This highlights the conflicts of interest and barriers to understanding between different positions.The dispute between Li Zhiwei and her father is a profound reflection on the motivations and consequences behind this decision, showing the younger generation's struggle with family responsibilities and personal emotions.

Li Han's experience at the class reunion not only questioned his personal choices, but also despised the value of Bamara's environment and people.Yuanyuan's protection is not only a manifestation of love, but also support for Li Han's choice and belief.Zheng Weilong's conversation with his ex-wife revealed the difficulty of balancing family and work, and his attempt to make up for past regrets through family time.

The interaction between Li Zhiwei and Zhao Qifeng at the market paved the way for the development of their relationship.Li Zhiwei smiled when accompanied by Zhao Qifeng, hinting at the subtle changes in her feelings for Zhao Qifeng.The tacit understanding and cooperation between Li Changhuan and his daughter after the success of the project, as well as their plans and prospects for the future, demonstrate the deep emotions and common goals between the families.

In the process of preparing the high-temperature sterilization stove, Li Zhiwei's consideration of costs and insistence on safety reflected her carefulness and sense of responsibility.Zhao Qifeng saw the similarities in the personalities of Li Zhiwei and Li Changhuan, and further deepened his affection for her.

Li Zhiwei's concerns about her father's future plans, and her specific wish - a hometown meal, are not only a desire for family affection, but also an expectation for her father's company.At the dinner table, Li Changhuan's cooking skills not only satisfied everyone's taste buds, but also brought them closer together.After witnessing all this, Zhao Qifeng's feelings for Li Zhiwei became deeper. The two watched shooting stars and made wishes together, adding a romantic color to the relationship.

Overall, these plots build a story world full of challenges and warmth by showing the interactions and emotional changes between the characters, allowing readers to feel the growth of the characters while also thinking about the relationship between family, responsibility, love and dreams.A delicate balance.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

As Li Zhiwei decided to stay in Bamara and continue to support the Juncao team, the atmosphere at the entire base became more positive and hopeful.Li Changhuan was extremely pleased with his daughter's decision. At the same time, he knew the importance of the upcoming Juncao technical training class, so he went all out to prepare.

In the process of sending Li Zhiwei to the market to deliver Nora's paintings, Zhao Qifeng not only deepened his understanding of Li Zhiwei, but also shared the warm story between himself and his mother. This sincerity and warmth made the relationship between the two closer..When Li Zhiwei discovered that Zhao Qifeng secretly hid her photos, ripples appeared in her heart, and the relationship between the two quietly changed inadvertently.

Faced with the failure of the first class, the Juncao team was not discouraged.Li Zhiwei used her own marketing strategies to skillfully attract the attention of many villagers and potential learners.By giving small gifts and organizing interactive sessions, she not only made the training class more attractive, but also inspired villagers' interest and enthusiasm for Juncao technology.This innovative publicity method gradually revitalized the training class, and the number of people attending the class increased significantly.

At the same time, Li Chunhua encountered embarrassment and setbacks in his love for Martha, which made him feel frustrated and confused.However, the road of love is always full of twists and turns. Li Chunhua did not give up, but chose to express his emotions in a more mature and rational way.

On the other side, Li Changhuan was deeply gratified by Gini's repentance.Not only was he proud of Gini's actions, but he also encouraged him to continue pursuing his musical dreams.Genie's puppet gifts and live music performances not only brought joy and harmony to the base, but also allowed everyone to see the power and beauty of reforming.

With the smooth progress of the training course, Juncao technology has gradually been recognized and promoted in Bamara.The efforts of Li Zhiwei, Li Changhuan and the entire team were not in vain. They not only helped local villagers find new sources of income, but also laid a solid foundation for the international development of Juncao technology.In this process, everyone gained growth and friendship, and jointly wrote a beautiful chapter about dreams, persistence and love.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Li Changhuan sent Li Chunhua to find Martha for advice.Li Chunhua arrived at Martha's house and saw her being beaten by Hans. It turned out that Hans came to ask Martha for money.Li Chunhua was so angry that he wanted to be a hero to save the beauty, but he was knocked to the ground by Hans and watched helplessly as he took away Martha's son.Li Changhuan and others accompanied Martha to find Hans. Hans proposed 400 Gina as a condition for returning his son and giving Martha freedom.This time Martha was unwilling to ask for money from the Juncao team. She wanted to earn her own money in exchange for her son. Li Zhiwei hired Martha as a spokesperson to promote mushrooms and paid Martha 400 Gina to meet her urgent need.Li Zhiwei took everyone to the market to promote mushrooms, and the delicacies made with mushrooms attracted locals to queue up to buy.The prosperity of the mushroom market allowed the quick-thinking Linda to see business opportunities, which also made Li Zhiwei full of motivation. It also made the female workers see the hope of improving their lives by growing mushrooms.With Xu Yiming's help, the relationship between Zheng Weilong and his son also improved.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

Li Changhuan went to the cemetery to visit Chang'an and told him that the foreign aid was going well to comfort his spirit in heaven.Li Changhuan returned to school to share his overseas experience. The atmosphere was harmonious and everyone was very optimistic about the prospects of the Juncao industry.But the new teacher Guo Chen suddenly attacked. The Qingshan No. 1 promoted by Li Changhuan's team in Huangyuan District could not withstand the cold winter, causing serious losses to farmers.Guo Chen continued to be aggressive, making it difficult for Li Changhuan to get off stage.The big reason behind this incident was that the technical backbone of the Juncao Institute was sent abroad and there was not enough manpower. Li Changhuan cherished talents and invited Guo Chen to join the Juncao team.Linda invited Zheng Weilong and others to dinner to spy on the news. The three of them opened their hearts to Linda without any precautions and enthusiastically shared the Juncao technology. However, Linda fell in love with the Duanmu mushroom cultivation technology that the Juncao team did not approve of and was not environmentally friendly.While the three of them were drunk, he secretly took away the relevant information about Duan Mu Yugu.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

It’s the New Year, and the Li family is laughing and finally celebrating the New Year.Li Qiaoping announced that she was in love, which triggered Chen Xiaolian's urging of Li Zhiwei to get married.The Juncao team also went to Martha’s house to eat dumplings and spent a special New Year in Bamara.The Li family found that Li Zhiwei was a little abnormal when she came back this time, and were worried about her condition. Li Zhiwei told them that she was fine, and that she was just sad because her good friend Xu Shufang was suffering from cancer.Li Qianping's lover Yu Jiang came to visit, and Yu Jiang's sincerity was recognized by the Li family.When Li Changhuan and Yu Jiang were chatting happily, Zhao Qifeng also came to pay New Year's greetings. Li Zhiwei was very happy when she saw Zhao Qifeng's appearance. Li Changhuan was even more surprised. Chen Xiaolian was even more overjoyed when she realized that two future sons-in-law came to the door at the same time.Li Zhiwei was depressed because of Xu Shufang's condition. Li Zhiwei confided in Zhao Qifeng. Zhao Qifeng's comfort inspired her to help Shufang realize her dream.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

Li Zhiwei took the initiative to call Zhao Qifeng, but Zhao Qifeng did not dare to confess his love and began to pretend to be confused. This made Li Zhiwei, who had already fallen in love with him, very depressed.On the way back to the Juncao base, Li Changhuan suddenly fell ill.Zhao Qifeng and Li Zhiwei hurriedly sent Li Changhuan to the Chinese medical team.Unfortunately, heavy rain fell suddenly, and they encountered a landslide. The car was blocked halfway and could not move forward.Zhao Qifeng quickly got out of the car and asked for help.In the car, Li Changhuan fell into a coma after explaining to his daughter, and Li Zhiwei broke down and cried.Li Zhiwei waited anxiously in the car with her father in her arms. Fortunately, Zhao Qifeng and the local people came to help in time. Everyone worked together to clear the roadblock. Zhao Qifeng sent Li Changhuan to the Chinese medical team in time. Under the treatment of Dr. Xu, Li Changhuan died.Only then did the crisis turn into safety.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Martha covered Li Chunhua and Li Han to destroy Linda's mushroom breeding base, and Zheng Weilong went to Linda's office to negotiate again.Zheng Weilong beat Linda and was sent to the police station to be locked up. Li Chunhua and Li Han were also turned to the police station.Zhao Qifeng tried to persuade Lin Dada to agree to the settlement.Li Changhuan hopes that Nikala will come forward to stop Linda. However, Nikala believes that Bamara has rich forest resources and has no awareness of protecting the forest. Instead, he welcomes Linda's approach that can bring economic benefits. Even Weisang wants to take the initiative to talk to Lin Da.Reach cooperation.Li Zhiwei asked Nora to persuade Nikala, but it still had no effect.Vai, who supports forest protection, takes Li Changhuan to find Deputy Prime Minister Roger, but Roger always avoids him.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

Li Changhuan's vision report on desertification control received support from the province and the school. Li Changhuan proposed at the desertification control meeting that Juncao can be used to prevent wind and fix sand. Protecting the ecology was his original intention in developing Juncao. Now it is time to let Juncao play a more important role.It has a big effect.Under the guidance of Li Qianping and Li Changhuan, Chen Xiaolian finally decided not to care about the status of Zhao Qifeng's second marriage.Chen Xiaolian called Zhao Qifeng and expressed her support for him and his eldest daughter. Zhao Qifeng made up his mind to recover Li Zhiwei.Zhao Qifeng returned to Bamara. At this time, Li Zhiwei was carrying Li Changhuan to Dama to sell Ganoderma lucidum technology in order to raise funds. The two met briefly. Zhao Qifeng said that he had something important to tell Li Zhiwei, and the two agreed to wait until they meet again.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

A tsunami broke out in Dama, and the Constance Hotel was the first to be hit and was severely damaged.Zhao Qifeng rushed to Dama and was heartbroken to learn that Li Zhiwei had disappeared.Zhao Qifeng went to the consulate to register the victims for Li Zhiwei, but was told that only immediate family members could register. In desperation, Zhao Qifeng revealed that Li Zhiwei was his fiancée.Li Zhiwei fell from the sky at this moment. Zhao Qifeng was surprised and happy, hugging each other and crying.

Li Zhiwei and Zhao Qifeng resolved their misunderstanding and returned to Bamara. They learned that there was a bumper harvest of mushrooms, but the market was oversupplied and the mushrooms were unsaleable.Li Zhiwei decided to help mushroom farmers find sales. She planned to market mushrooms in the capital Port Menard and make highland mushrooms a brand, but she lacked marketing funds.Li Zhiwei found a way to get another sum of funds from Jeffrey, the Ganoderma lucidum buyer found by Dama, to solve the urgent need.On the other hand, Li Changhuan asked Yu Jiang to use a computer to simulate the windproof effect of grass seeds.Chen Xiaolian proposed to go to Pingtan with her husband to prevent wind and sand.Li Qiaoping was still frightened after the tsunami incident. When she learned that her parents were going to station in Pingtan, one of the world's three major hot spots, she was very anxious and asked Yu Jiang to pretend that she couldn't make a model.Yu Jiang agreed to Li Qianping's request, but Li Changhuan and Chen Xiaolian had high hopes for Jiang, and Yu Jiang was caught in a dilemma.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

In Bamara, Jeffrey proposed that he fund the establishment of Yunshang Juncao Co., Ltd. in cooperation with the Juncao team. Zheng Weilong was skeptical, believing that capital is profit-seeking and goes against everyone's original intention of alleviating poverty, so Juncao decided toThe Cao team decided to let Professor Li decide whether to cooperate with Jeffrey.Yu Jiang said that he had not developed a model, but Li Changhuan exposed his lie and learned that the reason was that Qianping was worried about the safety of his parents, while Xiaolian felt that Li Changhuan could retire faster if he developed a model.Li Changhuan saw Yu Jiang's dilemma and told him that work and emotions must be separated.Li Zhiwei took Jeffrey back to China to meet Li Changhuan, who readily agreed to the cooperation.

The family gathered together to celebrate. Yu Jiang told him that he had finished making the model. Qianping was very angry. She finally expressed her anxiety in front of the family and received their understanding and comfort.The funds injected by “Yunshang” company solved the problems of publicity, transportation, storage, marketing and other issues of Bamara mushroom farmers. The Nikala tribe was overjoyed and prepared to hold a celebration banquet. Zheng Weilong still objected, so Xu Yiming took him to relax and unwind.Weisang saw that Nikala wanted to monopolize the mushroom cultivation technology and his tribe could not make any money, so he decided to fight back.Bad news soon came - a Bamara man said he had poisoning and diarrhea after eating mushrooms and was admitted to the hospital, which was widely reported by the media.Zheng Weilong wanted to ask Xu Yiming of the medical team for help, but learned that Xu Yiming had returned to China.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

Li Zhiwei was forced to sign a contract in order to resolve the crisis.The rift between Li Zhiwei and Zheng Weilong became larger and even tense. At this time, Li Changhuan returned to the base to solve the problem. Li Changhuan expressed understanding of his daughter's choice and persuaded Zheng Weilong.Martha brought mushroom farmers from the Nikala tribe to ask for help. They all wanted to continue growing mushrooms.Li Changhuan promised to help them solve the problem.Bamara is experiencing a severe drought, and the harvest of local staple food sweet potatoes has failed in large quantities. People in both tribes need cash crops to make money to buy food. Li Changhuan thought of a better solution.He invited Nikala and Weisang to the dinner table at the Juncao base, and the leaders of the two tribes sat down to eat for the first time.Li Changhuan proposed an unprecedented plan - planting upland rice in Bamara.On the condition of upland rice, Weisang agreed to let the Nikala tribe share the Juncao technology.After everyone's efforts, the upland rice in the fields grew day by day. However, what was unexpected was that the rice setting rate was too low, and the research had to be started all over again. Jeffrey, who had invested heavily in this, also began to put pressure on Li Zhiwei.Yu Jiang told Li Changhuan that he fell in love with Juncao. Li Changhuan was very pleased, but he did not want to owe his daughter anymore and advised Yu Jiang to make a cautious decision.Hans came to harass Martha again, so this time Li Han and Chunhua used Kung Fu tricks to make Hans afraid.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

The upland rice experimental field was suddenly closed down by the police. Li Zhiwei and others saw a piece of news published in the newspaper by the authoritative agricultural expert Wilder. Wilder commented that the Chinese team had ulterior motives and was conducting experiments that were not conducive to the ecological environment of Bamara. In fact, he was worried about himself.The conclusion that Bamara was unable to grow rice was shattered, which would also affect his country's ability to export food to Bamara.Li Zhiwei was very angry about this.In order to recover financial losses, Yunshang Company raised the price of mushroom bags and at the same time lowered the purchase price of finished mushrooms. Mushroom farmers could not make any money at all.Li Zhiwei rushed to question Jeffrey, but was threatened by Jeffrey, and Li Zhiwei left angrily.

Zheng Weilong, Li Han, and Li Chunhua were leaving Yunshang Juncao, but Li Zhiwei had to stay due to the threat of high compensation in the contract.The three people who resigned were unwilling to succumb to capital and decided to continue to use local methods to help Martha make fungus bags. However, no matter how hard they worked with manpower alone, they could not run % of the equipment assembly line on the cloud, which was simply a drop in the bucket.Yunshang continued to sell mushrooms at low prices, but everyone could not compete in the market. Li Zhiwei secretly helped Martha set up a women's mutual aid club to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Zheng Weilong also proposed to open the market directly to various tribes, and the pressure on the mushroom farmers was temporarily relieved.Jeffrey took out the patent contract originally signed and gave Martha's team a fatal blow - Yunshang Company is the only legal owner of Juncao technology in Bamara, and others are not allowed to use it.

《Happiness Juncao》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

Jeffrey took the contract to find trouble again, but the new Juncao variety planted by the team did not violate the contract. Jeffrey was greatly hit. Li Zhiwei reminded Jeffrey to understand the true value of investment, and Jeffrey began to reflect.Li Qiaoping and Yu Jiang were about to receive the certificate. Yu Jiang confessed that he wanted to make Juncao his life's career, and received Li Qiaoping's understanding and support.The grass species Li Changhuan discovered in Bamara has an extremely developed root system and has a remarkable sand-fixing effect. Coupled with the combination of grass and trees, it has been effective in preventing wind and sand.The secret research and development of upland rice in the Weisan Coffee Manor has yielded results. After persuasion, Jeffrey also agreed to protect the interests of mushroom farmers. Weisan and Nikala also became brothers.

Everything is changing for the better.Zhao Qifeng asked Li Zhiwei if he was willing to accompany him, but Li Zhiwei couldn't let go of the Juncao career.The two of them will spend less time together and more time apart in the future, but they firmly believe that "there is always a way."Xu Yiming is going to Rwanda, and the Juncao team is about to open a Juncao base in Rwanda and needs a person in charge. Li Changhuan wants Zheng Weilong to go.Zheng Weilong came to Xu Yiming to express his love, and the two finally came together.Cheng Yuan also asked for leave to come to Bamara to visit Li Han.Considering the families of other members, Li Chunhua proposed to stay in Bamara.At the celebration meeting, the people of Bamara held the highest-level naming ceremony for Li Changhuan and Li Zhiwei, thanking them for bringing happiness to Bamara, and wishing that the friendship between the two countries and the two peoples will last forever.