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《Luo Zhenyu civilization journey》1001 AD: Sichuan

Hello, this is a civilized program, and you are welcome to travel to 1001 AD, and this year in China is the fourth year of Xianping in the Song Dynasty, and the reigning emperor Song Zhenzu.For the Song Dynasty court, there were probably two major events that happened this year. One was bad news, that is, the Qingyuan army was lost in August and was captured by Xixia.Where is the Qingyuan Army?It’s Tongxin County in Ningxia today. Look at the map. This matter is very important. We don’t have time to talk about it today. You just need to have an idea.Even if the Qingyuan Army is lost, Lingzhou in the north will become an isolated city, and it will have to be lost sooner or later.If Lingzhou loses the Hetao area again, it will completely lose it. Then the walnuts will be the west section and the upper section of the jigsaw shape of the Yellow River. This is called walnuts.Not only was the Song Dynasty's territorial loss, but the problem was that there were no horse farms in the entire Song Dynasty. At that time, it was equivalent to the loss of the tank manufacturing factory in modern countries.Then you think for the Central Plains Dynasty, which was still in the Song-Liao War, the consequences would be very serious.

Another thing was good news for the Song Dynasty. In October, the Song army fought a battle with the Liao Dynasty in the north, and it is said that more than 20,000 Liao troops were killed.If this number is not false, then this is the Song Dynasty's largest military victory against the Liao in 15 years.And we are not going to talk about this section today, because in the five years from 1000 to 1004, Song and Liao were at war. The battles were mutually beneficial and there were many clues, but the real decisive battle was when both sides bet on each other.The decisive battle of the entire national destiny would not begin until 1004, three years later, and it directly led to the dream of overturning the injustice of 1005 last year.So we will skip this war today and wait until 1004 to start it again.

Now, as for the year 1001, you only need to have a general impression in your mind.This year, the Song Dynasty faced military pressure from the Xixia Dynasty in the west, and the military pressure from the Liao Dynasty in the north.Moreover, winter is approaching, and the storm of the decisive battle between Song and Liao is coming soon.So what should we talk about this year, 1001?Hey, let’s talk about a trivial matter.In March this year, the imperial court issued a mourning edict to divide the original two provincial administrative divisions of Xichuan Road and Xiaxi Road into four, namely Yizhou, Zizhou, Lizhou and Daizhou.It's just the road.In the Song Dynasty, this was a first-level administrative district.Okay, may I ask why he wants to split?Again, all man-made historical changes are to deal with the challenge faced by the parties involved. This challenge actually reflects a fundamental problem faced by the Song Dynasty court.What's the big problem?Let’s travel back to 1001 with this question.

It is said that in 1001 AD, the fourth year of Xianping reign of the Song Dynasty, the imperial court split the administrative regions, so there were four roads: Yizhou, Zizhou, Lizhou and Kuizhou.Let's take a brief look at the approximate location. Lizhou is in today's northern Sichuan and Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province. It is the area centered on today's Chengdu. It is the smallest but the richest. The Chengdu Plain is in today's central and southern Sichuan.This area, and the center of Kuizhou is today's Fengjie District of Chongqing, and this area is today's Chongqing and Guizhou.This brings us to a misunderstanding among people today. Many people think that Sichuan, as its name suggests, must have four rivers and four rivers, so they can be counted.You see, Dadu River, Mingjiang River, Tuojiang River, Jialing River, this is how Sichuan came to be.In fact, it is not Deming, Sichuan, but because of what we are talking about today, in 1001 AD this time the administrative district was divided into Zizhou, Lizhou, and Kuizhou. Because these four roads were called Chuanxia Four Roads, they were collectively calledFor Sichuan.

Okay, here comes the question, why did the court do this?Usually administrative districts are merged, usually to reduce administrative costs, because two teams are merged into one team. Of course, there is a meaning behind this. This place is less troublesome and easier to manage, and it can be managed after the merger.Then you think if the boroughs were to be split up, that would be the opposite of the problem.The imperial court took the initiative to increase administrative costs. One team became two, and the cost increased over a long period of time. This has not changed.Then why?The high probability is that there is trouble in this place, and it is a big trouble, and it is a trouble that may last for a long time.So what trouble happened in Sichuan in the early years of the Song Dynasty?Alas, they rebelled, and kept rebelling.
When the Song Dynasty conquered Sichuan, it was actually Hou Shu. It was actually quite easy. This was done by Zhao Kuangyin at that time. The process was very smooth. The troops were sent out in November 964, and it was completed in January 965 of the next year, a total of 66 days.But after the emperor was dealt with, the trouble did not end.At that time, there was a rebellion by the troops surrendered by Hou Shu. There were rebellions in 17 of the 45 states. It took the court two years to suppress it.Okay, this was fine originally, but I didn’t expect that Sichuan would be in chaos again 30 years later.This was during the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty. We have all learned about the uprising of Wang Xiaobo and Li Shun in 993 in middle school textbooks.The scale of this uprising was very large, with more than 200,000 people, and it took the court another year to suppress it.In just a few years, Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty had just succeeded to the throne. In 997, there was another so-called Liu Xuzu in Sichuan. And just the previous year, in 1000 AD, the Wangjun Rebellion broke out.
So this time you understand why the imperial court wants to divide Shuzhong and Sichuan into four parts this year. Do you always rebel?I sent a few more officials and a few more teams, but unfortunately I can't control you anymore. What's wrong?Then why do you think this is?The signature of the Song Dynasty was people's government, so why did the people always face rebellion?Why do the people of Sichuan always face rebellion?Is this a problem for Sichuan people?Of course not. At least from the experience of our generation, we know that Sichuan people are famous for their good temper and their desire for comfort.

In fact, there is a historical record about the rebellion of the people in Sichuan during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. There was a discussion at that time. Some people said that you Sichuan people love to cause trouble. Hey, there was an official from Sichuan who was from my family named Luo Yan. He said that he said that we in SichuanPeople are like this, if you let our Sichuan family have five old hens, one old sow, simple quilts on the bed, and rice in the steamer, then even if there are people like Su Qin and Zhang Yi in front of them, they are so eloquent.shareholders, there are people like Han Xin and Bai Qi behind us who are threatening us with arrows, and we Sichuan people will not rebel.

This passage is very interesting. In fact, this passage also expresses the aspirations of many ancient Chinese people. They would rather be peace dogs than people in troubled times. Who would rebel unless it is absolutely necessary?This is especially true for Sichuan people, because the plains between Sichuan and Chengdu are thousands of miles away.In the Tang Dynasty, there was a saying called Yang Yi Yi Er, which meant that the world was about to recover. The first was Yangzhou, and the second was Yizhou where Chengdu was located. Who in a wealthy place didn't want to live and work in peace and contentment, and who wanted to rebel.Moreover, the character of Sichuan people is indeed to seek comfort. If you look back at history, you will see that it was the separatist regime in Sichuan. Whenever the Central Plains regime said it was determined to attack you, Sichuan people rarely resisted.

If you look at the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu conquered him in less than two years. When Liu Bei entered Sichuan and conquered the Eastern Jin Dynasty in less than two years, he was still warm for four months.During the Five Dynasties, it took 75 days for the Later Tang Dynasty to destroy the First Shu, and the Zhao Kuangyin we mentioned just now destroyed the Later Shu for 66 days.Sichuan people don’t like fighting.Emperor Meng Chang of the Later Shu Dynasty said something at the end, saying that no father and son have looked up to each other with windbreakers and delicious food for forty years.Once the enemy is unable to shoot an arrow for me to the east, if we, the old Meng family, have been so good to you, raising troops for a thousand days, but when the time comes to use you, then you will really not be willing to shoot an arrow for me.Mengchang also had a favorite concubine named Mrs. Huarui. It is said that he also left behind such a poem, which contains a famous sentence: 140,000 people all disarmed, and not one of them was a man.You see, Sichuan people don’t like fighting to this extent.Of course, we have to add that the Sichuan people are not bloodless. When the Mongols attacked the Song Dynasty, the Sichuan people continued to resist for 50 years. Even the Southern Song emperor himself surrendered, but Sichuan still persisted in resisting for three years.When the Qing army entered the customs, Sichuan also continued to resist for more than ten years. Not to mention that during the Anti-Japanese War, more than 3 million Sichuan troops resisted Japan, and eventually more than 600,000 enemy soldiers were killed or injured. Moreover, Sichuan people came out of Sichuan to fight the war, which is really praiseworthy and tearful.

Okay, after talking so much about the character of Sichuan people, I actually want to go back to the question I asked at the beginning, which is why Sichuan people, who are so prosperous, comfortable, and kind-hearted, had constant rebellions and bloodshed in the early years of the Song Dynasty.Chenghe?There has to be an explanation.There are many explanations. For example, some people say that this is because in the early years of the Song Dynasty's conquest of Sichuan, there were some indiscriminate killings of innocent generals like Wang Quanbin. This is of course true, but it can only explain the first rebellion, right??Then it happened again 30 years later, and again a few years later. This can’t be explained.Some people say that it was because the Song Dynasty court plundered the wealth of Sichuan, which is also true.For example, Zeng Gong was one of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties.He recorded a piece of historical data that said that after the Song Dynasty destroyed Hou Shu, the wealth in Shu was divided into heavy goods and light goods. Heavy goods were things of relatively low value in weight, such as copper cloth, which were transported by boat.When transporting things back to Kaifeng from the Yangtze River, these things also need to be cleared, including gold, silver, silk, etc. Then it is even more necessary to use carts and horses to transport them back along the road. How many years did it take you to move them by both water and land?time?Are you full of talent?It took more than ten years for the court to actually poke a straw into the Sichuan Basin and suck it for ten years. What a fortune.

But think about it, if you were from Sichuan back then and you had been watching like this, how would you feel?It's very bad. You have taken away all the good things from our Sichuan. Moreover, if you change the emperor, taxes will be increased, and all kinds of exploitation will definitely be relatively heavy, so it is normal for the people to resist.The famous Wang Xiaobo and Li Shun uprising broke out against this background.We have to say today that if we only stay at this level and only see the Sichuan Rebellion in the early years of the Song Dynasty, which is a typical rebellion that has happened countless times in Chinese history, we have underestimated the complexity that the Song Dynasty faced back then.situation.What was so difficult about the Song Dynasty at the beginning?The difficulty is that he has to face that psychological place.Separatism, which is more subtle and stubborn.What do you think the Song Dynasty faced at the beginning?He was previously called Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, which is this stage.But today we regard the Five Dynasties of History as one word, but at that time they were two concepts. Even geopolitically, they were completely two ecologies, right?The Five Dynasties refers to the Henan generation. The center is called the Zhongyuan regime. Liang Tang enters Hanzhou. Next to it is a bunch of them, mainly in the south. They are a pair of small regimes.

What about the small regimes of Wu Nantang, Wu Yue, Chu, Qian Shu, Hou Shu, Nan Han, and Nan Ping Min? These small regimes were relatively stable at the time, and which ones were richer?Then why you may not have thought that 9 of the founders of these 10 small countries were from the north, and 5 of them were from Henan. Do you think so?They were all military leaders who ran away from the Central Plains due to the turmoil in the feudal towns and the imperial uprising in the late Tang Dynasty.Then because of some fate, he may have suddenly seized power somewhere in the south and established a country.These small countries all have natural geographical barriers and are separated from the Central Plains. They are far away from each other and have nothing to do with you, the Central Plains.

The former Shu and the latter Shu, this is the Sichuan Basin. Needless to say, it is surrounded by a circle of mountains. The Southern Han Dynasty was south of Meiling, which is the area of ​​Guangdong today.That can be regarded as a theorem barrier. Where is Min?The coastal area east of Wuyi Mountain is also blocked by mountains and rivers, so it is safe for the time being.If you think about these small countries, they have no ambition to expand, so it is easy to live like an old landlord. I am guarding this three-acre land passed down by my ancestors.I actively engage in production, renew my quilt, sleep in my bed, and sleep, because I don’t have to pay any taxes to the central government. As time goes by, the people’s lives are pretty good.What’s even more interesting is that these regimes are relatively long-lived, at least compared to the Liang Tang Dynasty in Hanzhou in the Central Plains. The average reign time is close to 40 years. The shortest-lived one should be Qian Shu, which also lasted 18 years, which is longer than the Five Dynasties.In Liang and Tang Dynasties, Jinghan also had a long life.So if you look at it, he will be relatively rich over time, and without much trouble, he will have accumulated a relatively thick family fortune. These ten countries are rich.

Okay, after looking at the situation of the Ten Kingdoms, if we look back at the ecology of the Five Dynasties, it will be impossible to look at it.During the Five Dynasties, there were 50 years, 5 dynasties changed, and more than a dozen emperors fought every day.Then of course the Central Plains region is poor.Moreover, the mentality of these dozen emperors is not very good. He will not think that I occupy this land. This is the country left to me by my ancestors. I have to manage it well. It will be my ten thousand-year inheritance in the future.How could he want to fight every day so much?What he thinks about is that I have to win this current battle. Besides, if I win, how long can I survive?If I lose, I don’t even have my life anymore, what else do I have?Therefore, the attack on the common people must be ruthless. How many can be robbed?The attendant of the Later Zhou Dynasty once said something. He said, "Is it easy for me to be an emperor?"I can't bear to eat or wear clothes. I just want to make some money to fight.I have made a lot of money in my life, but when I look back, I have nothing left.

In the troubled times like the Five Dynasties, it was impossible for the court to rely on political finances, so there was a word at that time called Kuo Lv, Kuo, which means the one with brackets and the green one around the circle.The word green sounds quite elegant, but its connotation is very bloody.What is expansion rate?There is no tax rate issue in Souguang, and there is no issue of leaving a ration for the people. It is just that I can earn as much as I can. The court can appoint an official to that area at any time, and I can earn all the things from the people's homes by force. This is calledExpanding stone.So the Central Plains was like this at that time, extremely poor.Now you are looking at the whole country. If you look at the situation in the early Song Dynasty, it is human nature to dislike the poor and love the rich.How can it be so easy for you to ask the people of the ten southern countries, especially the people of Sichuan who have relatively strong family backgrounds, to say that I will willingly agree with your central government in Kaifeng and that I will willingly throw myself into your arms?This is of course one of the reasons for the psychological tendency of local separatism in the early Song Dynasty.We still haven't touched on the fundamental issue here.

We just mentioned that in the early years of the Song Dynasty, there was a more fundamental reason behind the rebellions that occurred one after another in Sichuan. Did you notice that these rebellions often have a common feature, that is, they are all mutinies?.Yes, the Quanshixiong rebellion in 965, the Liu Xu rebellion in 997, and in 1000, the Wangjun rebellion in the first year was also a mutiny.When everyone hears about mutiny and civil commotion, everyone thinks they are both rebellions, but in fact they are completely different in nature.The soldiers from the late Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty were professional soldiers, that is, the court removed military pay, and I came to collect wages. I made a living as a soldier, so I was an organized soldier. This is different from the atomized and decentralized peasants.Not the same thing at all.Therefore, private stores are decentralized, and ordinary people really can’t survive anymore, and they can’t survive anyway if they are desperate.If anyone is willing to come forward, organize me to take a gamble.It is purely for economic reasons, but mutiny is different. Mutiny has three evolutionary directions.

The first direction of evolution is to eat delicious food to attract military pay. As soon as the military pay is released, everyone returns to their respective military camps, and it is very easy to calm down the ice change.The second evolutionary direction is to become a bandit, because as a soldier, he is organized, armed, equipped with swords and guns, and he is professional, right?He can evaluate the strength of the military force between himself and the imperial court, and knows that if he cannot fight against the imperial court, well, he will bring his swords, guns, and troops, and then go up to the mountain and become the king.So Lu Xun didn't say that the brave are angry and draw their swords against the stronger, while the cowards are angry and draw their swords at the weaker.Yes, mutiny can easily turn into banditry, so in troubled times, mutiny is a major cancer in society and is extremely malignant.

But there is a third direction for the mutiny to evolve, which is to really go against the imperial court and turn the mutiny into a formal rebellion. What is the reason?You think it must be because of the armed forces organized by this group of soldiers. He saw the possibility of accomplishing something big, realizing an ambition, either becoming an emperor or setting up a pattern. If you think of it, you can just end up in Liangshan.Well, right?Brother Song Jiang knows in his heart that I can only be a bandit and rob the surrounding people, and I will still be recruited by the court in the future.

Only the ignorant Li Kui shouted that he went to Tokyo to win the throne. My eldest brother Song Jiang will be the emperor, and my second brother Lu Junyi will be the deputy emperor, right?If even Song Jiang said this, I might really become an emperor or establish a separatist regime in the future.What does it mean?It shows that this imaginary space really exists. Yes, in the context of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, this imaginary space really exists for mutiny. It is really possible to achieve it. Do you think?This is how Li Siyuan became the emperor of the Later Tang Dynasty, how Guo Wei became the emperor of the Later Zhou Dynasty, and wasn't this how the Taizu Zhao Kuangyin became the emperor of the Song Dynasty?Does Chen Qiao have disease?The stories and scripts of these mutinies are almost the same. They are some junior officers and soldiers in troubled times. When they think about it, well, it seems that the opportunity has come, we will make the one who leads our team an official now and make him the emperor.

Then who am I?Am I not the founding hero of the country?I am the general and the governor-general. I am also made a king and a marquis.Come on, it’s not me who is the emperor anyway, it’s not mine. The risks can be controlled.But once I become a king or a lord, the potential benefits in the future will be too great. I want to take a chance on such great wealth.Then you might say, it has been 40 years since the founding of the Song Dynasty, but there is still a rebellion. Is he confused?Does he really think he has a chance to become emperor?Don’t forget that all the things we talked about today happened in Sichuan, which is a special place.This group of rebels may think that, relying on the dangerous mountains and rivers in Sichuan, if I close the country and lock it down, I will establish a separatist regime for decades, and that may still be possible.That's right, the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the former Shu and the later Shu gave them such courage, and there are such historical precedents.

Okay, here comes the problem again. The person leading the rebellion is different from the ordinary rebels.If you want to take the lead in the rebellion and become emperor, this is a head-turning business.Don’t forget that it was 1001 AD. It was 41 years since the founding of the Song Dynasty. The Central Dynasty was very powerful. Why would anyone dare to take such a lead?Where did this courage come from?This question is the focus of this program.The matter of local separatism is different from what we imagine. Sometimes it is not simply a case of someone bursting out of ambition and suddenly wanting to occupy a mountain and become king. This may not necessarily be the case.There is often another very secret power mechanism behind it.To put it bluntly, people who engage in opera often do so out of control.This sounds quite strange. You all become warlords, you all establish separatist regimes, and you can't help yourself.

Yes, you have to understand the word "power against power", which means power is below, and it may be the other way around.This power style that we contemporary people are not familiar with, and that we are familiar with, is all top-down power, right?A corps commander is older than a division commander, and a division commander is older than a brigade commander. The rank of senior officer is overwhelming.This seems to be common sense, but when we return to the operation of real society, if you think about it, we can often observe a phenomenon that power is restricted or even coerced by the people below.

Let's just imagine a modern company. Does the boss in the company have to be the so-called domineering president?Do you say the same thing in the company?Not necessarily.If you have really been a boss, if you think about it from his perspective, there are many roles in the company that the boss cannot afford to mess with, that is, business backbones, sales champions, and very powerful professionals.If the boss's opinions are inconsistent with those of these people, the boss may have to humbly listen to them.So you see, even if the boss has legally stipulated that he has the supreme right to govern the company, it is also the part that is authorized from the bottom up.

If this phenomenon occurred in ancient armed groups, the situation would be even more serious.Just imagine this situation. In ancient times, there was a group of bandits who ruled the mountain. If you were the boss of this village, all your brothers would be under your control.It seems that your power is very stable, but as the boss, you must be so smart. You can understand and know why the brothers captured you, because now you can lead them to steal gold and silver, and take them with them.Drink wine, eat big chunks of meat, and achieve progress. This is your true source of power.Then if you fail to do this in the future, your brothers will not accept you.And not only is your position not guaranteed, but your life is also not guaranteed, so where do your rights as a copycat owner come from?Is it empowered from the bottom up?There are conditions for you to be the boss.So if you are not absolutely sure, if you still have a choice, are you really willing to be the boss of this copycat?What a risk, right?At least in the late Tang Dynasty, in the troubled times like the Five Dynasties, we saw that many people were unwilling to be the boss and to be supported by their subordinates as emperors. Therefore, our general imagination of a separatist warlord is like an eagle sitting on a mountain.Character?Usually ruthless and decisive in killing, in fact, in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties period, warlords and warlords were often forced to be helpless doormats. Can you imagine that they actually have this image?To give an example from the late Tang Dynasty, it is said that in the 17th year of Zhenyuan (AD 801) of Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty, there was a place called Binzhou.

The Jiedushi envoy in Binzhou died. Does that mean the court should send a new Jiedushi envoy?But the soldiers below in the feudal town didn't dare, so why?Can we refuse to be controlled by others?We must support our own interpretation of history, so these soldiers were also rebels, so they found a man named Liu Nanjin and said that you would be the interpreter. This old cow was frightened and said, isn't that a rebellion?Since the imperial court did not appoint me to quit being a soldier, I killed this old Liu, and then went to find the next person, a man named Gao Gu. Gao Gu also hid at first and quit, but was later found.You are here to be the interpreter. Should you use this knife holder on your neck or not?Gao Bu thought about it for a long time and then made two requests. He said it was okay to let me do it, and he promised me two things. The first one is that you can no longer kill people indiscriminately.

Second, you can no longer rob randomly.This gang of rebels said that everything depends on you, so overestimated, so they became the interpreter, and the court had no choice but to officially appoint him as the interpreter.So do you think he, a separatist warlord, is aggrieved?A doormat?Yes, if you open the history books of the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, you will find such things everywhere, too numerous to mention.Some scholars have counted the turmoil in the vassal government in the late Tang Dynasty and found that 80% of them were caused by the following crimes.There was a scholar named Ye in the Southern Song Dynasty. He said that at that time, the soldiers below had the final say as to who was in charge. When everyone pushed and led, you didn't dare to say no or say I was inappropriate.You see, this is called the so-called model of rebelling against power and seeking support. This was the case during the Five Dynasties and Ten Ancient Periods.In a normal society, do we often feel entitled?Isn't this a good thing?Right?But in troubled times, especially in troubled times in an armed group, it is very scary to push you into such a position.If the rebellion fails, the soldiers who support me may disperse in droves.

As for my head, I am an emperor, I am wearing a yellow robe, and if I stand on the street, I will definitely not survive.Although we have seen that Zhao Kuangyin, Emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty, said something when he rebelled against Chenqiao and joined the Yellow Robe, saying that you people are greedy for wealth and honor, and you want me to be the emperor. This is putting me on the fire, so I will put forward a few conditions now and listen to my words.I'll do it, or I won't.It is actually famous that Zhao Kuangyin was such a tabby at that time.Many people later said that the emperor must be hypocritical this week. It was obviously you who wanted to be the emperor, and you also said that others were greedy for wealth.But if you were standing next to Zhao Kuangyin at that time, and you were like him, you also knew the bloody history of the past two hundred years and this pattern of total rebellion, you would understand.What Zhao Kuangyin said at that time was not a lie.

Chenqiao Mutiny, as a typical mutiny, the real driving force was of course Zhao Kuangyin's half-hearted desire to be the emperor, but it also contained the wildness and greed of the soldiers below who wanted to be the founding fathers of the country.So if you think about it from Zhao Kuangyin's perspective, the moment he was put on a yellow robe by a soldier, he felt both desire and fear in his heart.We can't tell which one can understand this historical background more clearly.Let’s look at the mutinies in Sichuan in the early years of the Song Dynasty. Alas, they were almost carved out of the same mold. The script of the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties has not changed.Let’s first look at the Quanshixiong Rebellion in 965.Who is this Quan Shixiong?Is he a vicious warlord?He is not, he is just an ordinary official of his subordinates.Now the Queen Rat has been annihilated, right?He had no choice but to take his family with him and go to Bianliang, Tokyo as a demoted official.He lived the rest of his life in Bianliang, Tokyo, just like this. Halfway there with his family, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and the rebels broke out.But he has this political intuition. He knows what if he wants to support me as the rebel coach?So he left his family behind and hid himself.But later it was discovered that this was a pirate ship that was forced to board, but later because his family was killed again, he had to make up his mind to do it, so Quan Shixiong is a person who is unwilling to do anything.

In the end, Quan Shixiong's name was left in the history books, and he was the leader of the rebels. Do you think he was willing to do so?The cause of the King's Rebellion in 1000 AD was even more unreasonable the previous year.Then where are the rebel armies?It was not the local army in Sichuan, but the elite imperial army sent by the imperial court.So how big is the Rebels' starting lineup?Alas, I’m really embarrassed to say 8 people.Yes, just 8 people.Who is the leader?It was a soldier named Zhao Yanshun.

So why the rebellion?Because the army was holding a review ceremony, these eight people suddenly felt, well, unhappy.Because other armies had better food and better clothes than I did, I didn’t get the taste of the food, so I became unhappy, killed people, and rebelled.Alas, don't you think this is called the Rebellion of the King's Army?The person you mentioned just now is called Zhao Yanshun?Who is this Wang Jun?The royal army is their army.It turns out that the head of the imperial court is a high-ranking officer, and this is what these little soldiers are like. 8 people are dumbfounded after killing someone and getting into trouble. What should we do next?I have to support someone to be the leader, we are just soldiers.right.

Well, a very dramatic scene appeared. It didn't matter who came to negotiate with them, officials or military officials, who came to suppress them or judge them, they just went up to talk to them.How about you lead us in rebellion? I think you are good. If you don't agree, I'll be embarrassed if you don't agree. I'll kill you with one knife.Several people were killed in this series, and the last person who came was the senior officer in charge of their unit. They went up to this king's army and said, how about you lead us?When the king's army saw that this was his own soldier, if I caused such a big disaster, I would be dead even if I returned to Bianliang, right?Besides, if I don't agree to this corpse lying on the ground now, it will be a lesson learned from the past.

Xin Yiheng said goal, this is the starting point of Wangjun's chaos.This chaos was judged only after paying a heavy price ten months later. Is this whole process a replica of the story of the troubled times in the Wan, Tang and Five Dynasties?Is Quan rebel seeking support?The leader is also helpless, retreating half-heartedly, riding a tiger with difficulty, and losing everything.There is a special characteristic about this rebellion of the royal army. I have emphasized repeatedly just now that it did not happen in the half-Tang, Five Dynasties or early Song Dynasty. It happened in the Song Zhenzong era, which had been 40 years since the founding of the Song Dynasty.What does this mean?This shows that the social structure and behavioral logic brought about by the previous troubled times have not been completely eliminated.As long as a military leader works together, he can achieve something, at least he can separate one side.This imagination, not this ability, this imagination, alas, was not completely closed around 1,000 AD.When things come to a close, many people still think, well, maybe we can do something about it, there is still a chance.Marx has this saying. He said under what circumstances can people create history?History is made under established conditions inherited from the past.Therefore, the traditions of all dead ancestors are like nightmares entangled in the minds of living people. This is Marx's golden saying.

Speaking of which, this year marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Song Dynasty. The stories and traditions of the previous warlords are, as Marx said, entangled in the minds of living people like Meng Yan.Okay, let’s take this question one step further and ask why it was so difficult for the Song Dynasty to establish a unified country and a unified order.Let’s answer this question. Our pursuit of a better life comes from the opening of every extraordinary door.Casarte was born for love, the art of connecting homes.We just asked a question: Why is it so difficult to establish a unified order in a country as big as China?Those who are familiar with our Chinese history may think it’s okay and not that difficult.You think of Liu Bang of the Han Dynasty, who started his military career in 209 BC and unified the country in 202 BC, which took a total of 7 years.The same was true for the Tang Dynasty. Li Yuan was a soldier from 617 AD, and they were basically unified in 624 AD, which was also 7 years. I didn't think it was that difficult.In the Song Dynasty, if you count the founding of the country in 960, the Northern Han Dynasty was basically unified by taking over the Northern Han Dynasty in 979, which took 19 years.And until this year, 1001 years ago, the tendency of local separatism is still so serious. It has not done its job well in the past 40 years. Why did the Song Dynasty get so involved?We can't just compare these numbers, we have to look at the basis of doing things.Then you will find that the Song Dynasty is indeed facing a game called Hell Difficulty.

Each dynasty is built on a different basis. There is a word called collapse, which is a word invented by Sima Qian in the Historical Records.And we use this word together now. It feels like collapse and disintegration have the same meaning, both describing the disintegration state of a huge thing.But you must know that during the Han Dynasty, some people broke up the word, that is, "collapse" and "disintegration" became two words. They do not mean the same thing. They are two completely different states of collapse of order.

Let’s first talk about what a landslide is, which is the complete disintegration of the social order. It’s a bit like a wall of earth, exposed to the sun and rain. In the end, as long as you poke it with a finger, it will shatter into dregs on the ground with a loud bang.This is called landslide.When a society reaches this point, neither the common people nor the elite can stand it.Isn’t there a saying like that?The worst possible order is better than no order at all.So at this time, the people's desire, after the collapse, is to quickly create a new ruler and create a new order.Yes, just now we talked about Liu Bang at the end of the Qin Dynasty, and Zhu Yuanzhang at the end of the Yuan Dynasty faced this situation. Both Liu Bang and Zhu Yuanzhang came from the bottom of society, and they were both able to achieve success. It can be seen that the old order was in a relatively complete state of collapse. TheyIt is relatively easy to establish a new order.But don’t forget that we just mentioned another word, there is also disintegration besides landslide.This disintegration is different. The original unified order is like tiles, it is broken into pieces.But if you look closely at the inside of each tile, you will find that it is still in order. The original wealth distribution, power structure, and elite class are still there, and even the internal centripetal force is still very strong.For example, after the collapse of the Jin Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, two eras of great division were left, namely, the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Five Dynasties Incident. This was the state of disintegration.Therefore, if we want to integrate such a large area across the country at this time, it will be much more difficult.

Let’s use an inappropriate analogy. A landslide is like facing a pile of sand. Adding cement can solidify it into a new whole. But what does disintegration look like?It's like facing a broken porcelain bowl. You have to glue so many pieces together. Not only do you have to stick them firmly, but you also have to leave no traces. It's too difficult.Yes, if the emperors of the Song Dynasty wanted to establish a unified order, they would have to piece together the broken pieces of porcelain from the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, which had been broken for more than 200 years starting from the end of the Tang Dynasty.It is too difficult to get up without leaving any traces, without leaving that thought in my heart.In fact, if we zoom in and look at this problem, it is not only the emperor of the Zhao family of the Song Dynasty, not only us Chinese, but also the entire world. Oh, you have to integrate people from different regions and become a superThe unified order is a very difficult problem.Mr. Bao Gangsheng, a professor at the Department of Political Science at Fudan University, has a book called Arrival. It talks about the evolution of human political order. It opens with an idea, but a question. What is the first question in human civilized society?What is the cornerstone of the block?French thinker Rousseau has an answer. He said that the first cornerstone must be privately owned. It is too difficult, right?You want to circle a piece of land by yourself, then stand there and say that this land is mine and you are not allowed to touch it.People around him still believe it and really admit that this land belongs to him. Do you think this is a miracle?To achieve this miracle, the later civilized society came into being.Therefore, private ownership is the first cornerstone of civilized society.

This is Rousseau's answer, but Mr. Bao Gangsheng said it was wrong in this book. In fact, who was the first to say to everyone that I want to rule you, you should obey, I am your king.And he actually found some people who actually obeyed him. Who is the real founder of civilized society?This passage is so interesting.Yes, a baby can say that this biscuit and this toy are mine. As long as others don't snatch it or can't snatch it away, then it recognizes its private rights, so it doesn't seem that difficult to be private.But a man, a man I didn't even know, suddenly said that he is my king, he is my emperor, and I have to obey whatever he says. He doesn't even have to say anything, he just makes some laws and rules, and I justMust comply.Don't you think this is a more wonderful thing?Is it even more of a miracle?Is being able to do this the most thrilling leap forward for human civilization?

With this perspective, when we return to the Song Dynasty in 1001, we can realize that in such a large territory, it is indeed not easy to rebuild a new order after two hundred years of disintegration.Just think of the Sichuan people back then. The emperor we were familiar with was kidnapped by your surname Zhao. We Sichuan people's elite soldiers were transferred to Tokyo by you. You can take as much of our money as you want.You are a person named Zhao who is thousands of miles away, so why should you, right?Have you noticed?He couldn't answer this question by relying only on force.
Answering this question takes a long time, requires arduous order building, and requires gradual advancement from generation to generation. It is true that the Sun Gong clan works for a long time. This process is very gradual.In fact, if you take the 53 years of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms as an example, well, it sounds quite chaotic.If you sing, I will make a bad debt, but if you sink into the details of history and look at it again, you can still see that the authority of the central government is actually being established bit by bit, and that progress is made year by month.What happened was that when you watch Wandang, the central government could not handle Fan Zhen. Fan Zhen was acting against the central government, and even the emperor was driven away.

But at the beginning of the Five Dynasties, when Zhu Wen, the founder of Houliang Houliang, the first dynasty, was still unable to solve the problem nationwide, he still completely solved the problem of pan-townships in Henan. At least that was the case in Henan during the entire Five Dynasties period.The feudal rebellion never succeeded.Hey, this shows that the emperor has taken care of the surrounding areas.Later in the Later Tang Dynasty, a system called the Shiwei Qing Army was established, which was the emperor's private army.By the time of the Later Han Dynasty, the vassal towns in northern China had been weakened, and no one could challenge the authority of the central government.

The issue of vassal towns was actually solved by the time of the Later Han Dynasty. So when you see that in the late Five Dynasties, it was not local warlords who succeeded in rebellion. What was the local vassal town?You are the commander of the Jin army. To put it bluntly, you are from the central government. Aren't you, like Guo Wei of the later Zhou Dynasty, or Zhao Kuangyin, who established the Song Dynasty, the commander of the Jin army?Was he someone close to the emperor?From the perspective of order evolution, with the simple advancement I just made, you can feel that although the world is still in chaos, that progress, that bit by bit progress, is still taking place firmly.
Yes, the process of civilization is like this. Even if the direction is clear and the people want it, there is no rush. It requires the efforts of one generation after another.As the saying goes, when the fire is so strong that the pig's head is rotten, it will happen naturally when attacked.In 1001 AD, with the assessment of the Sichuan Wangjun Rebellion, the local separatist tendencies that had tortured China for more than 200 years basically ended.Since then, let alone the Song Dynasty, there has never been a long-term large-scale local pattern in Chinese history.So how to build better civilization and order on this basis?This becomes the next challenge.

In 1001 AD, some things happened in the world this year. For example, this year the great compassionate man named Liu Yong turned 17 years old.The politician named Fan Zhongyan is 12 years old this year, Yan Shu, who will be both a great merciful person and a great politician in the future, is 10 years old, and the famous Bao Gong Bao Zheng is two years old, and Ouyang Xiu, the famous great writer, will be born in 6 years.History is moving forward, and the next generation is about to reach the fifteenth stage.Okay, see you next week in 1002.