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《love of nirvana》Episode 11 Synopsis

Episode 11

The night is cool, the lights are bright on both sides of the river, the shops are closely connected, and it is a bustling scene. Every family gathers together to enjoy the lanterns.Pei Yan and Jiang Ci took a boat on the river, immersed in the charming night, and refused to leave for a long time.Jiang Ci was grateful to Pei Yan for his many helping hands. Pei Yan also opened her heart to Jiang Ci and confided her long-buried wishes.Jiang Ci made his wish on the lotus lantern, and attached Pei Yan's grand blueprint for the growth of the Pei family. The two of them watched the lantern go away with the water, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Episode 11

Later, Jiang Ci expressed her wish to leave Pei Yan and wanted to pursue her dream. Although Pei Yan tried her best to stay, she could not change her decision.On the bridge, a girl recognized Pei Yan and excitedly called her companions. Soon a group of girls who admired Pei Yan gathered.They called Pei Yan's name in unison, but he turned a blind eye and kept his eyes locked on Jiang Ci.The boat slowly passed through the bridge hole, and the girls swarmed to the other side of the bridge, looking forward to Pei Yan's appearance.However, Pei Yan made an astonishing move. He took out a dagger, handed it to Jiang Ci, and stabbed it into his chest himself. The blood instantly stained the skirt of his clothes.

The boat sailed out of the bridge hole. The girls witnessed this scene and exclaimed again and again.Pei Yan fainted due to excessive blood loss, and Jiang Ci panicked.The news spread quickly. After Wei Zhao learned that Jiang Ci had stabbed Pei Yan, he put her in jail.Pei Yan was summoned into the palace by Emperor Xie Che.Pei Yan insisted that he had a deep love for Jiang Ci and that Jiang Ci accidentally hurt him when he resisted.Xie Che severely reprimanded Pei Yan, but Pei Yan insisted on staying with Jiang Ci.Xie Che had no choice but to ask Pei Yan to resign from his official position and ordered him to go to Jian Ding Hou Mansion to think about his mistakes behind closed doors.

Wei Zhao went to the prison to visit Jiang Ci and warned her not to be fooled by Pei Yan's appearance and think that Pei Yan was just using her.He tried to persuade Jiang Ci to continue to be his spy, but Jiang Ci firmly refused.In the end, Xie Che released Jiang Ci at Pei Yan's insistence.Pei Yan went to the prison in person to greet Jiang Ci, and the sight of the two leaving side by side made Wei Zhao dissatisfied.

Pei Yan accompanied Jiang Ci on a walk on the street and bought her favorite snacks.However, Jiang Ci once again raised the idea of ​​​​parting.Pei Yan was worried about her safety and dissuaded her from leaving on the grounds that she would be guilty of deceiving the emperor.Jiang Ci had no choice but to follow Pei Yan back to the Hou Mansion.In the Hou Mansion, Jiang Ci received care and help from Cui Liang, for which she was deeply grateful.

In the dead of night, Jiang Ci secretly summoned spies from the Hou Mansion and asked Wei Zhao to return her little clay cat.But Wei Zhao rejected her request.At the same time, Rong Yudie punished Pei Yan for his fault by kneeling in the Pei family's ancestral hall for three days and three nights without eating or drinking.An Cheng and Tong Min sympathized deeply with Pei Yan's situation, and inadvertently revealed the news that Rong Yudie had beaten Jiang Ci because of Pei Yan's incident.After hearing this, Pei Yan was eager to know the details, while Jiang Ci was also listening silently.

On a cold winter day, the temple is cold and damp.Although Rong Yudie forbade Pei Yan to bring clothes to keep out the cold, Jiang Ci still came to visit him secretly and explained Rong Yudie's behavior to him.At this time, Emperor Da Ming received a report that the weapons produced by the Nanling Foundry Department were of low quality, so he sent Dong Fang, the left prime minister, to investigate thoroughly.After learning about this, Pei Yan took the initiative to ask Ying to go to Nanling to investigate the ordnance case and was approved.He planned to take Jiang Ci with him but Rong Yudie did not stop him.Jiang Ci found that Nanling was close to Yuzhou where she wanted to go and readily agreed.

On the other hand, Wei Zhao is also looking for Yan Qiaoshuang to uncover the mystery of King Qi's murder.After he learned that Pei Yan was also looking for Yan Qiaoshuang, he stepped up surveillance of the Hou Mansion.Late at night, Wei Zhao sneaked into the Hou Mansion and found Jiang Ci packing his luggage for a trip and Cui Liang also planned to follow Pei Yan to Nanling.After Cui Liang left Wei Zhao and met Jiang Ci, he wanted to return the little mud cat but in the end he couldn't make up his mind.Jiang Ci noticed the mark of Dark Night Orchid on Wei Zhao's hand and gave him ointment to remove the mark.This move made Wei Zhao decide to go to Nanling as well.The next day Wei Zhao reported the situation to Xie Che and asked for assistance in Pei Yan's investigation of the ordnance case.Although Xie Che was wary of Pei Yan, he still sent Wei Zhao to lead the Bright Guard to Nanling.After Jiang Ci learned that Wei Zhao would also go to Nanling, she was secretly happy and looked forward to the opportunity to find her little clay cat.