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《love of nirvana》Episode 2 Synopsis

Episode 2

After Cui Liang's tireless treatment for several days, supplemented by the miraculous efficacy of Qianxue Chan Pills, Jiang Ci was finally out of danger, and Pei Yan immediately arranged for Cui Liang to return home to rest.

Episode 2

Jiang Ci was born in Jiangjia Village, Ming'an, Dacheng Kingdom. He has been dependent on his master Yan Qiaoshuang since he was a child.Yan Qiaoshuang once traveled to Yueluo and tasted a bowl of porridge that was not bitter and unforgettable.In order to recreate the taste in his memory, Jiang Ci tried all kinds of vegetation and ingredients in the mountains, but he still failed to do so.Until ten days ago, when Yan Qiaoshuang returned from her travels, Jiang Ci served out the non-bitter porridge he had carefully cooked with great expectation, but it was not approved by the master.Jiang Ci made a vow to let her taste the nostalgic taste again on the occasion of her master's birthday.

One day, Yan Qiaoshuang noticed something strange in the outside world, so she took the opportunity to send Jiang Ci away.By the time Jiang Ci returned, Yan Qiaoshuang had fallen asleep peacefully.Jiang Ci cherishes the dream of traveling around the world and tasting delicious food, but he has been unable to do so because of his master's worries.While his master was sleeping, Jiang Ci couldn't hold back his desire and secretly went down the mountain to watch the grand peace talks between Da Ming and Wei Guo. He planned to collect coffin flowers before returning.

Arriving at Fanglin Garden, Jiang Ci faced a heavy guard and came up with a plan to hide his luggage under a big tree.Inadvertently, she discovered a letter left by Yan Qiaoshuang, which was full of her master's concerns and instructions for her action.Jiang Ci properly collected the letter, jumped into the river resolutely, and sneaked into the heavily guarded Fanglin Garden.

After Jiang Ci regained consciousness, he recalled the shocking scene of being assassinated by the silver-faced man, and was still frightened.Pei Yan was always waiting by her side, giving her medicine with her own hands.Facing Pei Yan's concern, Jiang Ci was wary because she remembered the reminder in the master's letter.It wasn't until Pei Yan personally tasted the medicine and confirmed that it was safe that Jiang Ci took it with confidence.From the mouth of the maid Shuxia, she learned that the medicine was actually Pei Yan's life-saving treasure on the battlefield - Millennium Snow Toad Pill, and she was full of gratitude to Pei Yan.

When Pei Yan asked about the assassin, Jiang Ci remained silent for fear of retaliation.When Pei Yan saw this, he no longer pressed him. He ordered Cui Liang to conduct a follow-up examination for Jiang Ci and told Shuxia to take good care of him.Under Cui Liang's care, Jiang Ci gradually recovered and lived a leisurely and contented life.

At the same time, Wei Zhao was panicked after learning the news that Jiang Ci had been rescued, worried that Jiang Ci would reveal his secret.On the one hand, he secretly disposed of the bodies of his brothers in the slave camp to prevent his accomplices who had been lurking for many years from being implicated; on the other hand, he secretly monitored Jiang Ci's every move, trying to find opportunities to strike.

One day, Jiang Ci took advantage of the opportunity of flying the kite to escape from the Hou Mansion.Unexpectedly, Wei Zhao was discovered lurking in the tree.Frightened, Jiang Ci accidentally fell and was fortunately rescued by Pei Yan in time.Pei Yan wanted to punish Shu Xia, but Jiang Ci interceded for him, which made Pei Yan give up.Jiang Ci inadvertently revealed the whereabouts of the Silver-faced Man, but was vague about Pei Yan's inquiry.She knew very well that as long as the silver-faced man was not eliminated, it would be difficult for her to escape.

Pei Yan proposed to go out with Jiang Ci to relax, but was declined.In the end, Pei Yan arranged for Cui Liang to accompany Jiang Ci to Lanyue Tower for dinner, but in fact he set a trap to lure the silver-faced man to show up.However, Jiang Ci had other plans. She used the pond in Lanyue Tower to try to escape again.In Lanyue Tower, Jiang Ci not only taught the frivolous people a lesson, but also unexpectedly met the prince Xie Zhi.

As night fell, Jiang Ci pretended to be drunk and took advantage of Su Yan's arrangement to hide in the room.After everyone dispersed, she used the kite left during the day as a cover and successfully escaped from Pei Yan's surveillance.However, she didn't actually jump into the river, but hid under the bed and waited for her chance.Just as she was about to leave, the silver-faced man Wei Zhao suddenly appeared, causing Jiang Ci to panic again.