Home TV scout hero
《scout hero》 Summ

The story takes place in early 1951 during the Fourth Battle to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.Liang Chen (played by Luo Jin), the reconnaissance section chief of a certain division of the Volunteer Army, led the division's reconnaissance company to blow up the pass in Wuyun Mountain, successfully delaying the US military attack and covering the evacuation of the entire division.

On the way back, they rescued the cultural workers who were captured by the enemy's infiltration team and shattered the enemy's plan to sneak attack the division headquarters.

Liang Chen and others went deep behind enemy lines to capture prisoners and reconnoiter the enemy's situation, providing important and accurate intelligence, which laid a solid foundation for our army's victory in conquering Highland 314.

In a major battle, Liang Chen led the reconnaissance company to cooperate with the forward offensive troops, penetrated behind enemy lines and successfully attacked the enemy's headquarters, blowing up the bridge that was the enemy's only retreat.

With the support of the Korean People's Army guerrillas, Liang Chen finally defeated the South Korean special operations captain Baek Chang-ho, who had been battling wits and courage with him. He used wisdom and courage to compose a story on the battlefield where the volunteers defeated steel with less steel and more energy.A heroic epic with more energy and less energy.

After the victory of the war, Liang Chen also found love with Wen Jie (played by Ma Sichun), a singer in the art troupe.

《scout hero》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

In 1951, on the front line to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, the Reconnaissance Squadron of a certain division of the Volunteer Army, led by Liang Chen, chief of the Division Reconnaissance Section, sneaked into the defense area of ​​the Black Panther Division of the South Korean Army to collect intelligence, and successfully overheard the enemy's intention to reinforce the Wuyun Mountain frontline battle and feint attack on Highland 314.trends.Liang Chen rushed back to the division headquarters to report the enemy's situation, and received a new mission. He led a group of soldiers from the reconnaissance company and an engineer platoon to ride to Wuyun Mountain overnight to stop the enemy.

Liang Chen knew that this information was crucial to our army's combat plan, so he quickly rushed back to the division headquarters and reported the enemy's situation.After the division commander heard this, he attached great importance to this information and immediately issued a new task.

Episode 1

This mission is to set off overnight and lead a group of soldiers from the reconnaissance company and an engineer platoon to Wuyun Mountain to block the enemy's reinforcements.Liang Chen immediately arranged tactics, organized personnel, and prepared to set off.

That night, Liang Chen and his soldiers quickly gathered and took military vehicles to Wuyun Mountain.During the entire trip, everyone was nervous but confident because they knew that they shouldered a major mission and they had to fight for the victory of their motherland.

After several hours of travel, we finally arrived near Wuyun Mountain.Liang Chen immediately dispatched a group of soldiers from the reconnaissance company to conduct reconnaissance, determined the enemy's location and route of action, and then formulated a detailed interception plan.

At dawn, enemy reinforcements began to enter the Wuyun Mountain area.Liang Chen and his soldiers quickly took action, occupied favorable terrain, and ambush the enemy's advance route.

When the enemy approached, Liang Chen gave an order, and a group of soldiers from the reconnaissance company immediately opened fire, hitting the enemy violently.The soldiers of the engineer platoon also immediately entered the battle, blowing up the enemy's path of advance, making it impossible to continue to move forward.

The enemy was defeated by our resistance and fell into chaos.Liang Chen quickly adjusted his tactics and led the soldiers in pursuit, forcing the enemy to retreat completely.

A few hours later, Wuyun Mountain returned to tranquility, leaving only enemy corpses scattered on the ground.Liang Chen and his soldiers successfully completed the mission and achieved important results.

After returning to the division headquarters, Liang Chen received warm praise and awards.His bravery and resourcefulness enabled our army to achieve an important victory in the Battle of Wuyun Mountain and made a significant contribution to consolidating our position on the front line.

On the road that was riddled with holes, the engineering soldiers were removing time bombs that had not yet exploded. Vehicles could not pass. Liang Chen and his party could only carry the explosives and get out of the car and walk forward. They happened to meet the division's art team and the guard Ban Qilu., Liang Chen conveyed the order from the division headquarters to Wang Dachuan, the captain of the art team, to retreat immediately, and gave the car to the art team and the wounded.Wenjie insisted on giving the injured the opportunity to take the bus and chose to walk back.

《scout hero》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Liang Chen destroyed the enemy's leading tank with only two rockets. A group of soldiers Zhang Zhicheng blew the horn, and the volunteers began to fight the enemy.Liang Chen saw the signal that the explosives had been planted and blew the whistle to order a retreat. However, the detonation line was interrupted by stray bullets, and the soldiers could only defend in place.

Episode 2

Seeing that the US tanks were about to pass through the pass, Li Chenggong went down to the cliff again with spare wires to try to connect. Li Chenggong, who was seriously injured by enemy fire, insisted on completing the wiring and successfully detonated the explosives.The U.S. military was engulfed by rock flows and enemy reinforcements were successfully blocked.

Sweat and blood intertwined, Li Chenggong finally completed the wiring.He knew that if he got an electric shock, the explosives would detonate and the rocks would cover the entire pass, trapping the American tanks inside.At this moment, he felt unprecedented firmness and determination.

He touched the wire lightly, and a stinging electric current quickly spread throughout his body.Instantly, the ground began to shake violently, and the rocks on the cliff began to collapse and roll down.The huge rock flow hit the US tank and engulfed it in it.The sound of collapse and rising dust plunged the scene into chaos.

Li Chenggong's heroic feat successfully prevented enemy reinforcements and bought valuable time for the Chinese army.Taking advantage of the chaos and panic, they launched a fierce counterattack and defeated the enemy in one fell swoop.The victory of this battle became a milestone in Chinese history.

On the other side, Wang Dachuan, the captain of the cultural team who escaped, ran back to the division headquarters alone to report for help.The captured Wen Jie, who was fluent in English, overheard that the enemy was about to attack the Volunteer Army Division Headquarters. In order to report the intelligence, she ventured to escape under the cover of other team members, but was discovered by Bai Changhao, the captain of the Black Panther Division Intelligence Team.During the fight between the two, Wenjie was shot and rolled down the hillside.

《scout hero》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

While the reconnaissance company was on its way to rescue the art team, Qi Lu found a shortcut. The team quickly headed to Erlidong, the nearest enemy station. They encountered a US military observation post on the way. Liang Chen used artillery fire to cover the enemy's phone line and cut off the enemy's phone line.Captured the enemy's operator and successfully interrogated the captured art team's movements.Based on the intelligence obtained, Liang Chen led the soldiers of the reconnaissance company to intercept the enemy truck and successfully rescued the art team that was being transferred by the enemy.From the members of the art team, Liang Chen learned about the enemy's plan to attack the division headquarters. After notifying the division headquarters through the radio to strengthen vigilance, he immediately led the reconnaissance squadron and Qi Lu to continue searching for Wen Jie's traces.The U.S. and South Korean special forces units that sneaked into the rear of the mining area had put on the clothes of the Volunteer Army and wanted to take advantage of the chaos at night to sneak into the Volunteer Army division headquarters and attack.

《scout hero》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

When Liang Chen was about to leave the hospital after visiting Li Chenggong, he met Wang Dachuan, who was also recuperating in the hospital. He learned about Wen Jie's origins from him and learned that she was seriously injured.When Liang Chen went to visit, she was sleeping soundly.He took away the pen that Wenjie had damaged when she resisted the enemy, and planned to help her repair it.Qi Lu, who was about to return to the guard squad, was stopped by Liang Chen. Liang Chen told Qi Lu that he wanted to transfer him from the guard company to the reconnaissance squad.Qi Lu used to be a soldier of the New Sixth Army of the Kuomintang and participated in the expedition. Liang Chen admired Qi Lu's abilities, but also pointed out that Qi Lu had the shortcoming of fear of war. He was determined to transform Qi Lu into a real soldier of the people's army.After patient persuasion, Qi Lu finally decided to report to the reconnaissance company.

《scout hero》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Before performing the mission, Liang Chen learned that Li Chenggong had lost the will to live, pulled out the infusion tube himself, and left a final letter to his fiancée. Fortunately, he was rescued.Liang Chen came to enlighten Li Chenggong again but did not persuade him to give up the idea of ​​committing suicide. Wen Jie knew about this and successfully persuaded Li Chenggong from the perspective of Li Chenggong's fiancée.Wen Jie was awarded the third-class honor by the division headquarters for her meritorious service in risking her life to return intelligence. Since her shoulder injured by Bai Changhao still had bullet fragments that could not be removed, the division headquarters gave Wen Jie the opportunity to return to China for treatment.A group of soldiers had changed into South Korean army uniforms and were preparing to set off to the forward position. Baic Changhao, who was hiding in the volunteer camp, saw the actions of the group through binoculars. He knew that his chance to return across the front had come, so he started to pack up his equipment and climb up.Come down from the tree and follow a group of people.

《scout hero》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Facing the enemy's impenetrable mountain siege, Li Wanfu and others struggled to hide halfway up the cliff and were almost discovered. Fortunately, hunter Morigen released the turtle doves prepared in advance to dispel the enemy's suspicion.Liang Chen reported the deployment of Highland 314 and the importance of Dayu Ridge to the division headquarters.Wen Jie is about to return to China, and Liang Chen comes to say goodbye. Before leaving, Liang Chen hopes to communicate with Wen Jie. Although Wen Jie is surprised, she still agrees.The patrolling soldiers discovered the gauze that Bai Changhao had dropped while hiding, and found traces of Bai Changhao. Liang Chen realized that Bai Changhao had been monitoring everything about the volunteers in the tree, and also discovered that the actions of the first squad may have been exposed.

《scout hero》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

After reporting the intelligence, Liang Chen always had a vague feeling that something was wrong. He reviewed the situation with Jin Zhe and others, and realized that the enemy might be plotting counter-intelligence and deliberately passing on false intelligence. He decided to rush back to the division headquarters immediately to stop the upcoming attack plan, and toTo ensure that the new information was accurate, Liang Chen took the initiative to detour from the U.S. military position at Wuyun Mountain to Dayuling at night to find out the true situation of Highland 314 as soon as possible.In order to meet the enemy, a group of members set up an ambush in Dayuling. Yu Xiaoshan hid a grenade under the cliff and disguised it as someone. Qi Lu also deliberately left a button on the edge of the cliff to lure the enemy.The South Korean army detected that radio signals were still being transmitted from Dayuling, and Baek Chang-ho decided to lead his team to the mountains again for encirclement and suppression.

《scout hero》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Liang Chen led the team to the Black Panther Division headquarters using the captured US captain as a cover, captured the South Korean Army major and successfully obtained the deployment documents of Highland 314.Liu Heiniu and Bi Leizhen took the defense situation to Dayuling to meet a group of comrades, and sent the enemy's real defense information back to the division headquarters via the radio.Liang Chen planned to occupy Wuyun Mountain, which was empty of troops, and then move to Dayu Ling to cooperate with the frontal feint attack troops to outflank 314 Heights.On the way back to Wuyun Mountain, Liang Chen's car met Bai Changhao's car driving in the opposite direction. Bai Changhao recognized Liang Chen just by meeting each other. The two sides exchanged fire. In order to protect everyone, Jin Zhe fought with the man who set off the grenade.The major of the South Korean Army fell out of the car together and died heroically.

《scout hero》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

After the division headquarters learned of Liang Chen's latest plan, although they were more satisfied, they were also very worried about the safety of the soldiers.The South Korean Army Division Headquarters was confused by the Volunteer Army's combat strategy, thinking that the Volunteer Army on Highland 314 had been repulsed, and began to plan a counterattack. Little did they know that the Volunteer Army soldiers hidden in the trenches were monitoring their movements, and mines and explosives were buried at any time.Prepare to detonate.Baic Changhao woke up again and realized that his deception plan had been leaked and Wuyun Mountain might have been lost. He immediately reported to the superiors. The South Korean Military Division realized the importance of Dayuling and began to mobilize troops to seize Dayuling.A group of soldiers urgently built fortifications at the pass of Dayuling. Faced with the huge disparity in numbers between the enemy and ourselves, Liang Chen came up with a plan. He immediately asked a group to put on the clothes of the Li Puppet Army and form two groups to attack the enemy Black Panther Division.The reinforcements of the enemy and the reinforcements of Highland 314. After the battle started, the first group took the opportunity to retreat. The enemy reinforcements from both directions did not know why and fell into a melee in which they were fighting against each other.

《scout hero》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

After the South Korean Army learned that Dayuling was occupied, they immediately contacted the U.S. Air Force and bombed Dayuling and the rear of Highland 314. Liang Chen, Li Wanfu, and Liu Heiniu used the found air liaison board to mislead the U.S. enemy.The planes bombed the South Korean army positions and advanced the front line to Dayuling.In the two months after seizing Highland 314, Liang Chen, while performing daily tasks, had been writing letters to Wen Jie who had returned to China.The division is carrying out supplementary training for each regiment. In order to ensure the work of the reconnaissance section, Liang Chen asked Chen Min to find and train new cadres. Chen Min proposed that Qi Lu be the deputy squad leader of the first squad.

《scout hero》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Wen Jie returned to the battlefield and went to work at the newly established Enemy Engineering Section Anti-enemy Propaganda Workstation in the division. Liang Chen was very happy. Although he was a little worried about her going to the front line to broadcast against the enemy, he still expressed his congratulations to her.Liang Chen gave Wen Jie the pen he seized on the battlefield, but she did not accept it. Wen Jie told Liang Chen the secret of her broken pen, which was given to her by her lover who had died in the Korean battlefield.of.Because of the existence of this relationship, Wen Jie could not accept Liang Chen's passionate emotions and her teacher's intentional matchmaking, so she chose to politely refuse and returned all the letters sent by Liang Chen to him.A class sat together to study culture. Cui Yingming proposed to teach everyone Korean, but the soldiers did not appreciate it. They all left in a hurry on the pretext of doing prisoner training. Only Qi Lu encouraged him to be thick-skinned.Cui Yingming wondered why his comrades always rejected him. Upon seeing this, squad leader Li Wanfu told him the story of Jin Zhe. With the encouragement of the squad leader, Cui Yingming untied his knot and cheered up again.

《scout hero》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

The Volunteer Army Division is preparing to launch a new round of offensive against the enemy, and wants to push the front across the Sanchuan River to the Yujiang River. The premise of this battle is to blow up the Yujiang Bridge, the only channel for the US troops to retreat on the front line.The division commander assigned this task to Liang Chen and contacted Zhang Zhenghuan, the liaison officer of the Korean People's Army, for assistance.The South Korean Army planned to completely eliminate the North Korean guerrillas entrenched in the Sancheon River and Ok River areas. Baek Chang-ho led a team disguised as the North Korean Communist Army and civilians towards the area where the North Korean guerrillas were active.They disguised themselves as the North Korean army, tore off their disguises in the village, massacred the villagers, and warned that they were not allowed to provide food or any form of help to the North Korean army.

《scout hero》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

During the march, the first squadron discovered a U.S. military supply depot, and while scouting the supply depot, they learned that the troops' infiltration operations had been discovered by the enemy. Liang Chen decided to let the third platoon of the reconnaissance company stay and blow up the supply base to cut off the enemy's supply first.Food and ammunition supplies.There were troops strictly guarding the Sanchuanjiang Stone Bridge on the way to Yujiangli. In order to avoid further exposing his whereabouts, Liang Chen thought of a plan.Cui Yingming led Yu Xiaoshan and Zhang Zhicheng to the stone bridge in a swagger, creating chaos on the bridge. Shui Min led people to the water bridge not far away, and used the chaos on the stone bridge to distract the South Korean troops stationed on the stone bridge and cover the troops.Cross the river smoothly.The interleaved troops successfully arrived near Okjiang-ri. Zhang Zhenghuan of the Korean People's Army who was accompanying him was from Okjiang-ri. He invited Liang Chen and his party to rest and supply supplies in the village where the guerrillas were in Okjiang-ri. Liang Chen declined politely for fear of exposing his traces. Zhang Zhenghuan was eager to return home. Liang ChenChen sent someone to secretly escort him home.

《scout hero》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Dayong and Minzhi were captured by the South Korean army. The volunteers exchanged fire with the South Korean army in the woods. After Liang Chen settled the Korean fellow who delivered the meal, he ordered the troops to retreat to the open area. Company Commander Meng led the second platoon and the fire platoon to hide.When the enemy pursues, block the enemy's retreat, and then counterattack to annihilate the enemy.Under the encirclement of the volunteers, the South Korean military was at its wits end. Baic Changhao held two children hostage and negotiated with the volunteers to delay the negotiations. In order to save the children, Liang Chen took the initiative to reveal his identity and offered to exchange himself for hostages.During the exchange, the two children suddenly broke free from the hostage of the South Korean army and fled. The moment the South Korean army raised their guns, the North Korean guerrilla captain Zheng Yushu, who was ambushing behind the enemy, shot and killed the enemy.Liang Chen reacted immediately, picked up the child and ran back under the cover of fire.

《scout hero》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

Beside the Yujiang Bridge, soldiers from each platoon and squad arrived at the designated location as planned to make final battle preparations. Company Commander Meng led the second platoon firepower platoon to reach the enemy position on the high ground north of the bridge.After quickly clearing the enemy troops on the high ground, the soldiers of the second row occupied the position and snatched the equipment of the South Korean army. One of the South Korean soldiers pulled the trigger before dying, and the gunfire alerted Baek Chang-ho who was resting. Unexpectedly,By the time he reacted, the South Korean military camp area was flooded by volunteer mortars.A red signal flare was launched into the sky, and on the mountains near the South Korean military camp, Zheng Yushu and his men began to shoot wildly at the enemy, intending to eliminate Baek Changhao.When the engineer platoon saw the signal flare, they quickly lifted up the tree trunks prepared in advance and prepared to use the tree trunks to drift under the bridge piers to blow up the bridge. The lurking soldiers from each squad also quickly responded to cover the engineer platoon and launched an attack on the bunker sentry box and searchlight on the bridge.

《scout hero》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

He led a squad and Platoon Leader Cao to the road south of the bridge, disguised as South Korean troops, and hijacked the enemy's ammunition transport vehicle. Liang Chen planned to drive on the bridge alone to detonate the bomb, and then looked for an opportunity to jump off the bridge to escape, but was attackedLi Wanfu objected. Li Wanfu believed that it was because his reconnaissance was not careful enough, which led to the failure of the bridge bombing and the sacrifice of his comrades in the engineer platoon. Feeling regret and guilt, he insisted on bombing the bridge instead of Liang Chen.Li Wanfu drove alone to the bridge and pulled the fuse. When he was about to jump into the river and escape, he found that the car was not in the best position. In order to ensure the success of the mission, he gave up escaping and returned to the car. These suspicious actions causedAttracting the attention of the patrolling soldiers, the South Korean army began to shoot at the truck. Li Wanfu desperately drove the truck to just above the bridge pier despite the hail of bullets.He tried to jump into the river again, but was unable to move due to being shot in the leg. The huge explosive force of the ammunition truck destroyed the Yujiang Bridge, and Li Wanfu died heroically.

《scout hero》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

Liang Chen retreated to the riverside while fighting. The South Korean army was already in front of him. He jumped into the river and Baic Changhao shot Liang Chen. Liang Chen fell into the water and disappeared.Mo Rigen and Zheng Yushu, who had already crossed the river, fired back with guns. Bai Changhao was shot in the leg and was knocked down.A group of people were secretly searching for Liang Chen's traces on the shore. On the other side, the South Korean army was also searching aggressively.At night, Zheng Yushu dressed up as an ordinary woman and went out alone. She came to Cui's father's house on the south bank of the Yujiang River and asked Cui to contact various villages along the river to find Liang Chen together.Liang Chen, who floated to the shore with the wooden pile, was awakened by bursts of gunfire in the distance. He stumbled and ran towards the shore, and then passed out in the grass.Wen Jie heard the news that Liang Chen might be sacrificed outside the division command post, and she suddenly lost her mind.

《scout hero》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Liang Chen was seriously injured and remained unconscious. He was fed chicken soup but could not drink it. Zheng Yushu took good care of him. Father Cui gave him acupuncture and applied the pounded herbs on his head. Liang Chen improved a little.In the early morning, Liang Chen finally woke up from a coma. He proposed to cross the river that night and return to the army. Zheng Yushu refused to send him across the river because of his serious injury, and promised to report his situation to the volunteers through the guerrillas.Bai Changhao analyzed through inside intelligence that Liang Chen had been found by the villagers, and ordered people to follow the villagers who went to remote places with supplies, hoping to find out where Liang Chen was hiding.Father Cui and his wife who went up the mountain to deliver supplies were targeted by the South Korean army. Father Cui asked Aunt Cui to report the news, but he diverted the South Korean army but was shot and wounded.As soon as Zheng Yushu and Cui Auntie took Liang Chen to move, Bai Changhao led people to find the shack.

《scout hero》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

Scout hero episode 19 plot introduction: Liang Chen’s surgery was successful

When Liang Chen woke up, he saw Father Cui being tortured to death. He wanted to avenge Father Cui, but he was unable to get up due to serious injuries.

Qi Lu and the others still did not give up their search. They found Vice Captain Cui of the guerrillas and learned that Zheng Yushu had gone to the south bank to look for Liang Chen two days ago and had not returned yet.When the sky gets dark, Vice Captain Cui will take Qi Lu and the others across the river. He has a way to contact Zheng Yushu.That night, Zheng Yushu and Aunt Cui quietly carried the unconscious Liang Chen to the river on a stretcher. Taking advantage of the patrol team's return, Aunt Cui rowed Liang Chen to the other side, while Zheng Yushu stayed behind to hold off the enemy in order to buy them time.

The sound of gunfire alerted Qi Lu and others on the other side, and they immediately rushed to the point of the gunfire.Zheng Yushu tried her best to buy enough time for Aunt Cui. She was shot several times and finally shot herself by the river.Qi Lu and the others picked up Aunt Cui and Liang Chen and rushed Liang Chen back to the division hospital.The doctor examined Liang Chen and found that his condition was very serious and required surgery as soon as possible.It happened that Mr. Ouyang, a thoracic expert from China, was here. Yang Jing ordered someone to bring Mr. Ouyang to Liang Chen for surgery.In the temporary prisoner of war camp at the rear, Wen Jie learned that some prisoners of war secretly wrote down SOS distress signals, which seriously violated the regulations of the Volunteer Army. The people who did it refused to admit it, so Wen Jie accompanied them to expose themselves in the scorching sun.

Wen Jie said something to these prisoners of war, but before she could finish her words, an air defense siren sounded. One of the prisoners of war broke free and took out a white cloth with SOS written on it and waved it towards the aircraft in the sky.But as Wen Jie said, what he was waiting for was not a rescue by the US military, but bombs dropped by US military planes.Everyone protected the prisoners of war and ran into the air-raid shelter. Unexpectedly, a bomb was dropped and hit the air-raid shelter entrance, causing the air-raid shelter to collapse and more than ten people were trapped in the air-raid shelter.Just after Liang Chen's surgery here, Yang Jing learned that the temporary prisoner of war camp had been bombed, and immediately ordered a medical team to be there on standby.Everyone in the group was concerned about Liang Chen's condition and always wanted to go in and see him, so everyone stayed in the hospital.

After emergency rescue and excavation, the entrance to the air-raid shelter was finally dug out. Except for Staff Officer Xu who was injured, everyone else was safe and sound.After this incident, all the prisoners of war were convinced of Wen Jie.Then Wen Jie went to the hospital to see Liang Chen. Qi Lu and the others showed their heads and were kicked out by Zhang Min, saying they wanted to give Wen Jie and Liang Chen some space.Liang Chen woke up and spoke very slowly and quietly, but Wen Jie heard his words clearly and couldn't help but burst into tears.Although Liang Chen's operation was successful, he still needed to return to China for treatment. He could just take the empty truck carrying ammunition and supplies back and send these prisoners of war back together. Yang Jing decided to let Wen Jie follow and enlisted Gao ChangdeAgree, after all Wen Jie is still a soldier under Gao Changde.

Qi Lu's performance was obvious to all. After a study and decision by the company's party branch organization, Qi Lu was appointed squad leader of the reconnaissance company. Qi Lu felt that he was not qualified yet, but after talking with company commander Meng Zhaoxian and instructor Chen Min, he decided to accept the appointment, andI am confident that I can lead the first class well, and we will start replenishing staff tomorrow.Before setting off to go back, Wen Jie accidentally discovered that Liang Chen was also in the car.

《scout hero》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

Scout hero episode 20 plot introduction: Wen Jie promises to wait for Liang Chen

Liang Chen and Wen Jie were alone together. Liang Chen wondered why Wen Jie had someone give him a handkerchief, and Wen Jie explained to him.

Driving at night until dawn, in order to avoid bombing by enemy planes, the convoy temporarily stopped for camping. Wen Jie was responsible for translating the discipline contents into English and speaking to the prisoners of war.Taking advantage of this time, Wen Jie went over to visit Liang Chen again.Liang Chengang was reading the letter, thinking that he was very happy to come back alive, otherwise he would not have seen the letters Wen Jie wrote to him.

Qi Lu is very strict in selecting people. The elites recommended by the reconnaissance platoons of each regiment are all with actual combat experience, but they were all eliminated by Qi Lu. Statement Min said that this shows that they have Bole's vision.Although Qi Lu was very vigilant, two team members were more cunning. Knowing that Qi Lu would think that they were trying to attack the west, they deliberately went in the opposite direction. As expected, they succeeded in controlling Qi Lu. In the end, both Zhao Dazhuang and Zhang Yangzi passed the test.

After eight rounds of elimination assessments, only eight were left. Today is the last round. These eight people are required to show their best skills that can be used by the scouts.The motorcade stopped at a fork in the road. Vehicles going to Bitong should go left, and vehicles returning home should go straight. Wenjie and Liang Chen were about to say goodbye here. She specially ran to Liang Chen's motorcade to say goodbye. They made an appointment to write letters to each other, as long asIf Liang Chen takes good care of himself, she won't return the letter like before.

The new comrades successfully entered the first class. Qi Lu and several other old comrades told the new comrades the glorious history of the first class and the martyrs who sacrificed heroically.Although he failed to save the Ok River Bridge, Baek Chang-ho was promoted from major to lieutenant colonel.

In the autumn of 1951, the U.S. Army’s shelter department listened to the Volunteer Army’s radio broadcasts and had many emotions. They also listened to the former leader of the advance team, Mike, telling about his wonderful experience in the Volunteer Army’s prisoner-of-war camp for half a year. They couldn’t help but yearn for the Volunteer Army’s prisoner-of-war camp.

In the spring of 1952, Wenjie's broadcast work was outstanding, exposing the enemy's fake peace talks, disintegrating the enemy's morale, and greatly increasing the enemy's surrender rate.After two surgeries, Liang Chen's body has recovered, but the hospital still does not allow him to be discharged.In order to prevent soldiers from sneaking back to the army, the hospital collected all military uniforms and shoes.

Captain Zhang, who was in the same ward, was able to be discharged from the hospital. Liang Chen's discharge date was still far away, but he learned that the dean could not decide on his discharge and said that there was a notice from above, leaving Liang Chen here for other tasks.

Liang Chen went to ask Dean Shen and suddenly realized that in view of the current stable war situation, Zhisi decided to send a group of cadres to the military academy, and Liang Chen was one of them.Although Liang Chen was more eager to return to the battlefield, now that the organization had decided, he had no choice but to obey all arrangements.Wen Jie was very happy to know that Liang Chen was going to the military academy. She wrote a letter saying that she would wait for him to return after completing his studies, and she also began to learn Korean.

In the summer of 1953, the agenda of the North Korean armistice negotiations was on. The two parties were about to sign an armistice agreement. However, South Korea's Syngman Rhee Group forcibly detained the captured personnel of the Korean People's Army and declared that it would continue to fight.

《scout hero》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

Scout hero episode 21 plot introduction: Liang Chen graduated successfully

In order to achieve long-term peace, the superiors decided to postpone the signing of the armistice agreement and focus on winning the war and welcoming peace.

Liang Chen graduated from the Shijiazhuang Senior Infantry School and reported back to the division headquarters. He proudly showed his graduation certificate to Yang Jing. His grades at the infantry school were excellent. When he came back this time, every regiment wanted to recruit him to work.Baek Changho told his subordinates alone that the president's statement would definitely anger the Chinese Communist Army and the North Korean Communist Army, and then they would carry out retaliatory strikes. If there was accurate intelligence, the situation would be different, which could make the top brass believe that they can defeat the attack., although this does not support the Americans to continue the war, it can at least allow them, those engaged in intelligence, to die on the eve of peace.

Bai Changhao ordered to establish contact with the Fox Detachment, and then sent capable people with radios to complete the reconnaissance mission. It is not easy to infiltrate now, but you can contact the US Air Force to send over.The enemy's Fox Detachment might be suffering from scabies now, or it might even be a serious problem. In order to prevent the Fox Detachment from reporting their major campaign to local preparations, Yang Jing ordered Liang Chen to return to the headquarters first, as deputy staff officer.He will lead the enemy's reconnaissance and counterintelligence work in the name of the commander, and the official appointment will not be made until the battle is over.

Liang Chen was in a hurry for a meeting and didn't have time to see Wen Jie. Yang Jing went to tell Wen Jie that Liang Chen was back.To find the hidden base of the Fox detachment, Liang Chen proposed to carry out a regional search twenty kilometers near Huangyan Cave in the form of a class team. There were mainly two types of people in the investigation, one of which was mainly young adults.

The radio station was damaged and parts were needed for repair. The Fox Detachment urgently needed the radio station to transmit information to the Panther Division. At this time, the team member who repaired the radio station said that the loudspeaker had the parts he needed. So Zhang Minzhu, the captain of the Fox Detachment, made the decision to broadcast to the Volunteer Army.Stand and do it.After Liang Chen finished talking about work with the chief of staff, it was almost dark. With the agreement of the chief of staff, Liang Chen went to see Wen Jie at the Political Department station. At this time, Chen Min brought the clever Zhang Zhicheng to Liang Chen as a guard.That night, the Fox detachment almost came out in full force.Liang Chen ran to see Wen Jie. The two chatted for a while and then talked about work. He heard Wen Jie say that there was a young man who always appeared near the radio station and the station. Other comrades communicated with him in Korean.But he seemed like he didn't understand, and kept emphasizing that he was here to chop wood. But the strange thing was that he didn't show up today, and Liang Chen felt something was wrong.

Liang Chen wanted to make a call, but found that the call could not be reached. It was most likely that the enemy had cut off the phone line.He immediately made arrangements and asked Wen Jie and Section Chief Zhao to pick up weapons and ambush nearby, waiting for supporting troops.He himself took five people to pick up the members of the radio station. They quickly caught up and realized that there were people following him in the woods. However, Liang Chen ordered not to act rashly. As usual, he tried his best not to make the enemy suspicious, and sent several members of the radio station to the enemy.After being delivered to the radio station, Liang Chen pretended to leave. Li Xizheng, a member of the Fox detachment, realized that he had been ambushed, but it was too late. Wen Jie used a loudspeaker to shout for them to surrender, and the volunteers had surrounded them.

Another team launched an attack on the radio station, but little did they know that they fell into the trap set by Liang Chen and became a turtle in the urn. Two people were captured alive by the subsequent reconnaissance company.

《scout hero》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

Scout hero episode 22 plot introduction: Liang Chen interrogates Xu Fengming

Liang Chen returned to the reconnaissance company, and everyone was happy. Later, Liang Chen arranged actions based on the situation of the Hu detachment.

Liang Chen thought for a while and made arrangements for Meng Zhaoxian and Cui Yingming. Meng Zhaoxian was responsible for taking two prisoners to destroy the Fox detachment's lair and capture the radio operator alive.After Meng Zhaoxian completed the task, Cui Yingming led a group of soldiers to change into the civilian clothes of the Fox Detachment and stay there. When they saw someone coming to contact the Fox Detachment, they immediately arrested them.Liang Chen stayed at the radio station by himself and put on a good show. Even his own people believed it was true. I think the enemy would also be deceived.

After doing these things, Liang Chen went back to the station to see if Wen Jie was okay, but Wen Jie changed her face and accused him of only having two nannies to look at her.Liang Chen was confused, and Section Chief Zhao said that this might be related to the unintentional words he just said.

The two went to the division headquarters for a meeting. They were worried that the escaped Li Xizheng would sabotage the counterinsurgency plan, so Yang Jing arranged for the Human Security Department to search overnight and be sure to catch Li Xizheng, the team leader of the Fox Detachment.

Liang Chen wanted to ask Ying to complete this task with Zhao Liming, but Yang Jing asked him to have a good rest and issue a detailed countermeasures plan tomorrow.The two broadcast team members returned to the station, and Wen Jie finally felt relieved when she learned that all the team members at the broadcast station were fine.After all, they were both lesbians, so it was easy to tell that Wen Jie was in a bad mood, and she was probably at odds with Liang Chen.

When the two lesbians learned about the cause and effect of the incident, they both felt that Wen Jie thought too much. Section Chief Zhao arranged for someone to protect her. It was not Liang Chen's fault. Wen Jie said weakly that Liang Chen didn't come to explain to her.They laughed as soon as they heard this, not to mention that it was very late now. Liang Chen was anxious to see Wen Jie before he had eaten. Just seeing that Liang Chen got into work as soon as he came back and was still reporting to the division commander at the division headquarters was enough.It means that he really doesn't have time.

At two o'clock in the night, Liang Chen was finally able to rest. Zhang Zhicheng asked the kitchen to cook vegetables alone and bring them to Liang Chen. Liang Chen didn't eat all day.

Liang Chen was eating while listening to Chen Min's work report. Suddenly an air raid siren sounded. Everyone was surprised. They hid in the air raid shelter first, and then came out to analyze why the enemy sent out enemy planes late at night.

Li Xizheng ran home and asked his old father to pack his things, and the two of them went to hide in the mountains together.Xu Fengming, a member of the Black Panther Division Intelligence Team, was on a US military plane and fell into the woods. His parachute got stuck in a tree. As the searching volunteers got closer and closer, Xu Fengming had to loosen the buckle and fall, resulting in a broken leg.Xu Fengming was not caught that night, but was discovered the next day by Cui Yingming and Yu Xiaoshan, who were disguised as members of the Fox detachment.Checking Zhang Jian found that this person was indeed a member of the Black Panther Division Intelligence Team.Xu Fengming said nothing about the purpose and mission of the trip, and asked to see Captain Zhang Minzhu of the Fox Detachment before talking.Qi Lu pretended to be Zhang Minzhu and was discovered by Xu Fengming, but the scout moved faster than him and subdued him before he released the pigeon to deliver the message. The pigeon was also captured and the news was not leaked.

Before the interrogation, Liang Chen had a detailed understanding of the circumstances surrounding Xu Fengming's capture, so that he could directly address the pain points during the interrogation and asked Xu Fengming to explain his mission during the trip. As expected, Xu Fengming could not withstand the pressure and fully explained and cooperated.

Li Xizheng and his father were hiding in a cave on a steep cliff and would not be discovered for a while.

《scout hero》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

Scout hero episode 23 plot introduction: Wenjie and Liangchen made a promise

Wen Jie was very worried when she learned that Liang Chen was in solitary confinement. She learned from Chen Min that the division commander punished Liang Chen in order to let Liang Chen rest. Later, she went to visit Liang Chen and agreed to get married after the war.

The intelligence team received the carrier pigeon sent back by Xu Fengming and had no doubts.Xu Fengming here was afraid of being sent back to the Korean People's Army, so he agreed to cooperate with the Chinese Communist Volunteer Army. He could use the new password to help the Volunteer Army send reports to the intelligence team. He could also review in advance the false information the Volunteer Army planned to send to the other party to avoid loopholes.Let the other party trust the intelligence content more, and also write down the deployment and organization of the Panther Division and the situation of the unit commander.

Liang Chen decided that the content of his first report was mainly to show his merit first, and not to send information to the Black Panther Division Intelligence Team. Then he asked Staff Officer Xu to take people to report to Bai Changhao and others near Huangyan Cave.Baichanghao received the intelligence, and also had people detect and find that the signal was still near Huangyan Cave. Baichanghao completely believed that this was the intelligence sent back by the Fox Detachment.Liang Chen handed over the counter-insurgency plan to the division commander and staff for review. He also proposed some of his more detailed methods. In short, he wanted the enemy to believe it was true, and then launch a sudden attack when they relaxed their vigilance.

The division commander and staff agreed with Liang Chen's proposal. Yang Jing also said that Park Shiyin, the leader of the 1st Regiment of the Black Panther Division, had received special training from the US military and his combat capabilities had been greatly improved. He himself has a very tenacious combat awareness.This regiment has the strongest combat effectiveness in the Panther Division, so a surprise attack on the headquarters of the 1st regiment of the Panther Division and knocking out the enemy's headquarters is the next important task they have to complete.Liang Chen wanted to carry out the team's surprise attack mission, but Yang Jing did not directly agree to him.After Liang Chen left, Chief of Staff Li Jian'an said that Liang Chen would definitely not give up and would come back again, but Yang Jing mainly felt sorry for Liang Chen and Wen Jie, who had not gotten married for three years.

Liang Chen returned to the team and had just said a few words to Chen Min when he suddenly remembered something important, so he went to Zhao Liming from the security department to ask if Li Xizheng had been caught.The counterinsurgency plan is about to be implemented, and we cannot ignore a ticking time bomb.Liang Chen reminded that these North Korean enemy agents may also have a way to communicate with each other in the wild and look for them.Zhao Liming went to interrogate Zhang Minzhu again and learned that the Fox detachment did have a method of field communication. They actually used this method to contact Li Xizheng and made an appointment to meet at location No. 2.Now he plans to send another member of the Fox detachment, Park Youtian, to confuse Li Xizheng. Liang Chen orders the reconnaissance squad to be transferred over to cooperate with Section Chief Zhao in the search for Li Xizheng.

After Li Xizheng saw Park Youtian, he was very vigilant and ordered him to put down his weapons and asked questions cautiously.Qi Lu and Mo Rigen remembered the direction Park Youtian ran, followed the trail, and finally found Li Xizheng and shot him in the leg.Li Xizheng ran away in a hurry and fell down the hillside.Li Xizheng's father did not rescue his son. Instead, he covered his son with firewood, poured oil on himself and the firewood, lit a fire and committed suicide. A thick smoke floated out of the cave.

《scout hero》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

Scout hero episode 24 plot introduction: Wen Jie supports Liang Chen in carrying out his mission

When inspecting the reconnaissance section, Liang Chen met the new comrade Zhao Dazhuang of Hercules, the comrade Zhang Yangzi who is highly skilled in demining, Liu Haiquan who is skilled in auto repair, and the assassination champion Yang Jiwu.

Liang Chen's voice was like a loud bell, asking all the new and old comrades of the first class to remember the contributions made by the first class of martyrs, learn from the sacrificed comrades, and strive to be heroes.The Panther Division's intelligence team once again received intelligence from the Fox Detachment. Baek Chang-ho originally planned to ask the Air Force to start bombing, but he also felt that the Fox Detachment's concerns were reasonable, so he did not rush to bomb, but further asked the Air Force to conduct reconnaissance to confirm.

Liang Chen reported to the division commander that the enemy did not bomb today, indicating that the counterinsurgency plan had been successful.Yang Jing asked Liang Chen to continue to stay at the headquarters and disagreed with Liang Chen's application to command interspersed operations.Liang Chen was helpless and said that he had already made it clear to Wen Jie that the matter between the two would be postponed until the end of the victory, but Yang Jing said that he could not decide for Wen Jie.Liang Chen immediately went to Wen Jie and told her his decision. Wen Jie couldn't help crying, but she also knew that Liang Chen had a reason for doing this.The two went to find Yang Jing together, and heard the division commander Yang Jing tell Chief of Staff Li Jian'an that they could not find a more suitable candidate than Liang Chen to be responsible for the insertion mission.In front of Yang Jing and Li Jian'an, Wen Jie supported Liang Chen in carrying out the mission and hoped that the division commander would approve her and Liang Chen's marriage report.

This is different from what he said at the beginning. Liang Chen originally planned to go back and tell Wen Jie, but Wen Jie insisted on filing the wedding report at this time. She understood that as a soldier, if you have to choose between the length of life and the meaning of life,Then she will make the same choice as Liang Chen, choose the meaning of life.Liang Chen also said something from the bottom of his heart, which made Yang Jing very emotional, and finally agreed to let Liang Chen perform the intervening mission. However, he did not have to say anything about the marriage, and Liang Chen and Wen Jie had to agree and sign.

After the Air Force verified the location of the intelligence provided, it was determined that the information was correct. Baek Chang-ho had no doubts and simply handed over the latest intelligence to his subordinates for verification.Wen Jie went to see Liang Chen and learned that he had gone to the division headquarters for a meeting. She took the initiative to take Liang Chen's clothes from Zhang Zhicheng and took them back to wash.Liang Chen was about to go on a mission, and Wen Jie wanted to do something for him within her power.

After receiving the intelligence again, Baek Chang-ho ordered the network to be closed and sent multiple batches of aircraft to bomb the locations in the intelligence, but little did he know that these target locations were all fake.During the battle with the enemy aircraft, the anti-aircraft artillery unit shot down two enemy aircraft, which would definitely make the enemy think that their attack was correct.There will be two more scenes to be performed tomorrow, and the enemy will believe it even more.When the real final attack is launched, the enemy will experience the terrifying feeling of falling from heaven to hell in an instant. This is the advantage brought by the countermeasure plan.Baic Changhao didn't seem so happy about the “result” he had obtained. He was now beginning to doubt whether his decision was right or wrong. By doing this, he was delaying the end of the war or prompting it to end earlier. He was a little uncomfortable now.Understood.

Baic Changhao had a younger brother in the north. The younger brother said that the north was good, so he went to the north to serve as a soldier.But Baic Changhao thought that the south was better, and neither brother could convince the other. In order to prove that he was right, Baic Changhao came to the south.Later he learned that his second brother had been killed in the early stages of the war, and his third brother was drafted into the army and died in the counterattack against the Chinese Communist Army.

《scout hero》Episode 25 Details

Episode 25

Scout Hero Episode 25 Synopsis: Statement on Min’s Sacrifice in Demining

When sending the washed clothes to Liang Chen, Wenjie didn't see Liang Chen, so she put the photo into Liang Chen's clothes.

Battalion Commander Wang will cooperate with Liang Chen and others in their intervening operations this time. Liang Chen will briefly explain the mission to them. In order to maintain confidentiality, the heads of each unit will be called captain.About to set off tonight, Liang Chen came to see Wen Jie and learned that he would follow the reconnaissance company to lurk and move forward, which was very dangerous. Although Wen Jie was worried, she couldn't say anything.The two chatted about Li Chenggong, and Wen Jie also mentioned the marriage report. As expected, Liang Chen hadn't signed the marriage report yet. On the one hand, he believed that marriage was a lifelong event for the two of them, but on the other hand, he was also vaguely worried about himself.It would be dangerous to go on a mission for the first time, which would be somewhat unfair to Wen Jie.

Wen Jie was worried that she would experience the pain of losing her lover again, but Liang Chen promised that such a situation would not happen.

That night, the intersecting troops hid in the grass at the Panther Division's forward position. Once the light left the grass, they crawled forward.After dawn, everyone hid under the tall wormwood.The enemy commander at the forward position of the Panther Division saw the sagebrush was so tall and ordered someone to cut it down.In order to prevent the lurking troops from discovering it, the volunteers used machine guns to shoot down the enemy troops who came out to mow the grass. Yang Jing came after hearing the gunshots and learned the cause of the gunshots. He was worried that the enemy would be suspicious of this, but the person in charge of the front lineThey said that they would start fighting as soon as the enemy appeared. This had been going on for many days. The enemy had probably developed a habit and would not become suspicious because of this time.

The latent troops were exposed to the weather, and Yang Jing was too worried to eat.When the enemy appeared again, machine guns continued to fire at them. Statement Min's arm was shot, but he gritted his teeth and held on, and then Yang Jing returned to the division headquarters.

Wen Jie conveyed the work arrangements to the other two lesbians, and then started preparations.

At twelve o'clock that night, the volunteers launched an artillery attack on time. With the cover of artillery fire, the troops quickly passed through the enemy's positions.The enemy was caught off guard. Yin Shenghao was furious. Jiang Sangxuan said that the top priority was to stabilize the war situation. Baek Changhao volunteered to follow Jiang Sangxuan to the front line to understand the specific situation.During the advance, Cui Yingming stepped on a landmine, and Zhang Yangzi, a demining soldier, cleared the mines and determined that there was only an anti-tank mine underneath, and there was no danger.

On the way to the first regiment, Jiang Sangxuan asked Baek Changhao what he thought of the combat deployment arrangements. After listening to what Baichanghao said, Jiang Sangxuan felt that his arrangements were very good.After walking out of the minefield, the intersecting troops continued to advance, but Meng Zhaoxian came to Liang Chen holding Shu Min's package and told Liang Chen about Shu Min's sacrifice.

Two soldiers from Class 8 walked out of the safe passage because of nervousness. As a result, two were killed and one was injured. Shumin was right in front of him. Shrapnel penetrated the back of Shumin's head and neck, and Shumin died.

Performing the mission was dangerous, and casualties were common, but the mission continued. Liang Chen ordered a few soldiers to send the bodies of the sacrificed team members back, while the rest continued to move forward.No matter what, everyone must hold back their sadness, adjust their emotions, and continue running forward. There are still tasks to perform.

《scout hero》Episode 26 Details

Episode 26

Scout hero episode 26 plot introduction: Liang Chen and others encountered the enemy mecha team

After Jiang Xiangxuan and Baek Changho arrived at the headquarters of the 1st Regiment of the Black Panther Division, they learned through understanding that the 1st Regiment's guard platoon had a logistics unit and a communications unit, with more than 40 people.

Liang Chen made a small adjustment to the original arrangement. Shu Min died, and he followed the first echelon and attacked the Black Panther Regiment 1 command post in disguise.Liang Chen considered the feasibility of this arrangement and understood that no one else was suitable to disguise himself as a US military liaison officer except himself.Baic Changhao had rich combat experience and knew the Volunteer Army scouts very well, so he requested that another tank company be transferred to the regiment headquarters to assist in the defense. At the same time, Commander Park ordered the guard troops to ensure that any troops and personnel who came to the regiment headquarters would be stationed in the defense fortifications.They were stopped outside and were inspected by security personnel. They were released after multiple procedures were confirmed to be correct. Those who refused to be inspected were shot to death.

The first echelon put on the costumes of the Li Puppet Army and encountered the mecha troops of the Black Panther Division reinforcing the front line. Liang Chen immediately decided to deal with the first ones, and then left them to the second and third echelons. After all, the first echelon had an important task.It was to kill the headquarters of the 1st regiment of the Black Panther Division.After successfully completing the mission, Yu Xiaoshan quickly ran to keep up with Liang Chen and the others. The group continued to move forward and found that the verification ahead was strict. Liang Chen planned to wait for the second team to come and help them pass the border.The intersecting troops discovered the enemy's 105 howitzer position and were organizing an attack. Yang Jing ordered to cancel the artillery attack on our 105 howitzer position and wait for the opportunity to cover the infantry.

Not long after, Liang Chen and the others came across the injured members of the enemy's mecha team who had been beaten to pieces. Their realistic acting skills did not allow the enemy to notice anything amiss.

Next, Liang Chen indirectly asked about the location of the regiment headquarters, and the other party became suspicious. After some probing, Liang Chen responded tactfully and once again dispelled Dr. Jin's suspicion, and with the help of Dr. Jin, he passed the exam smoothly.He passed the checkpoint and learned the exact direction of the enemy's first regiment headquarters.They reconnoitred the headquarters' defense from a high place and found that the enemy's defense could be described as impregnable. Qi Lu said that even if the second and third teams were added, it would be difficult to penetrate.Liang Chen said that tanks are mainly offensive weapons and mobile firepower points with armor protection. Now they are used by the Black Panther Division as a fortress-like defensive position. The muzzles of the tanks surrounding the command room are all facing outwards.In terms of firepower configuration and perspective, it is mainly an attack from the outside to the inside.

So if they suddenly attack from the inside, these tanks can become beneficial bunkers, so they must understand the enemy's configuration, and it is best to sneak into the enemy without knowing it.Hunter and Yu Xiaoshan were responsible for confirming and verifying the layout of the first regiment headquarters. Qi Lu and others were responsible for reconnaissance at the entrance. They told Liang Chen the reconnaissance information. Liang Chen further analyzed and found that even if the enemies at the entrance were eliminated, it would be difficult to break through.That open area, so he and Qi Lu agreed, and both of them thought of catching a tongue. Liang Chen left Liu Haiquan behind and paid attention to the vehicles suitable for hijacking.

Not long after, a car came out of the headquarters of a regiment. Liu Haiquan immediately used a flashlight to notify the first echelon on the road. Then Liang Chen and the others hijacked the car of liaison officer Quan Yongzhe, although Quan Yongzhe refused to explain anything., but Liang Chen had his own arrangements. He divided the team into four groups and waited for the people from the second team to arrive, so they could take action immediately.

《scout hero》Episode 27 Details

Episode 27

Scout hero episode 27 plot introduction: Wen Jie interrogates the US military liaison officer

Liang Chen learned that Chen Min had sacrificed his life, read the letter from Chen Min to him, and felt sorry for Chen Min's sacrifice.Then when I saw the people from the second team, I could only temporarily put aside my sadness and start deploying the war.

The captured liaison officer Quan Yongzhe refused to give an explanation, so Cui Yingming knocked him unconscious. Then a group of people pretended to be Li Puppet Army being raided and drove to the regiment headquarters. Another group of people fired shots from behind, creating a smallThe illusion of a team attack.At the same time, the four groups arrived at the southeast corner of the 1st Regiment Headquarters of the Panther Division, waiting for the opportunity to cut the barbed wire and take advantage of the chaos to enter.

Liang Chen and the others successfully used the fainted Quan Yongzhe and created the false impression of an attack to enter the Black Panther Division. According to the planned plan, the four groups quickly cut the barbed wire and entered. The group in Xiaoshan confirmed the tents of the tank soldiers. The hunters launched a surprise attack and knocked out the searchlights., the second team lurking at the entrance of a group immediately launched a fierce attack, and the generator was quickly turned off, leaving the enemy completely blind.Baic Changhao was uneasy and protected Jiang Xiangxuan from escaping.Internal and external cooperation quickly heated up the situation.The enemy's Quan Yongzhe woke up and was the only one left in the car. As a result, he was mistaken for a spy by soldiers of the Li Puppet Army and fired several shots. Quan Yongzhe had no time to explain and was killed by his own people.The group in charge of Liang Chen approached the command room and captured it.

Baek Chang-ho used the grenade on his body to blow up the barbed wire fence and fled the battlefield with Jiang Sang-hyun.Yu Xiaoshan used white phosphorus incendiary bombs to blow up two tanks in a row, which was very brave.There was an enemy soldier hiding in the command room who wanted to secretly attack Liang Chen. Liang Chen took out his gun faster than him and killed him.

Since it was a surprise attack and the deployment was meticulous, the enemy was defeated. The second team rushed in and joined Qi Lu, preparing to clean the battlefield and hunt down the remaining enemies.After capturing a US military liaison officer, Director Gao asked Wen Jie, who was good at English, to interrogate him.The leader of one regiment has not yet been caught, and the danger still exists.There was a combat staff officer of the Li Puppet Army named Quan Yongwu. He had long since stopped fighting, so he was very cooperative and took them to the staff officer in charge of communications.

Liang Chen's plan was to restore communication between superiors and subordinates, making the Black Panther Division mistakenly think that the group was still there, thus lowering their defensiveness.Unable to contact a group, Yin Shenghao insisted on not adjusting the original deployment arrangements and withstood all attacks.The regiment leader Park Shiyin appeared and hid outside the command room to kill Liang Chen, but he was discovered by the hunter.Liang Chen was safe and learned from Park Shiyin that Baic Changhao and deputy division commander Jiang Xiangxuan fled to the back mountain.

After Wen Jie interrogated the US military liaison officer, she suspected whether there was a conspiracy in Bald Eagle Ridge. She told Yang Jing her suspicions, and Yang Jing asked the communicator to notify Liang Chen's intervening troops and let them verify the situation of the Bald Eagle.Yang Jing also told Wen Jie that the intervening troops successfully attacked the regiment without any casualties.

The Black Panthers finally contacted the First Group, but they didn't know that the First Group had been destroyed.Liang Chen and the others used the excuse that the phone line was cut off and only opened telegram communication.Afterwards, Liang Chen, in the name of the command post of the 1st Black Panther Regiment, ordered his subordinate troops to withdraw from the second-line defense positions and let them assemble two kilometers in front of the regiment headquarters.

Yin Shenghao ordered the dispatch of reinforcements to reinforce the frontline troops.

Liang Chen assigned four important tasks. Since he had other tasks to perform, he handed over the four tasks to Battalion Commander Wang for execution.

《scout hero》Episode 28 Details

Episode 28

Scout hero episode 28 plot introduction: Liang Chen seizes the main peak of Bald Eagle Ridge

Due to the amazing power of the howitzer, Liang Chen wanted to compete for the 55 howitzer position and issued orders to Battalion Commander Wang. At the same time, he asked Battalion Commander Wang to leave Zhang Zhenghuan of the People's Army to help, using the enemy's command system to confuse the enemy and delay time.

As for the first and second teams, they went to occupy the Bald Eagle Ridge with Liang Chen first. After the third team completed the task of blocking reinforcements and destroying the retreating enemies on the front line, a small number of troops were left behind, and the rest of the troops rushed to the Bald Eagle Ridge to meet up.

Liang Chen is very forward-looking. If the enemy wants to organize a counterattack, they must occupy Vulture Ridge. Therefore, Liang Chen and the others can occupy Vulture Ridge first and make the enemy lose the ability to counterattack. In this way, signing a ceasefire is the enemy's only option.way out.

Liang Chen wrote the telegram, and neither Battalion Commander Wang nor Meng Zhaoxian had any objections. They quickly sent the telegram back to the division headquarters.Yang Jing and Li Jian'an, who saw the telegram, both agreed and made clearer arrangements for the frontline troops.Baic Changhao looked at the map and told Jiang Xiangxuan his thoughts. Both options were to go south first. Jiang Xiangxuan did not make a decision. Baicang Changhao listened to him and went down the mountain to find the way.

After receiving a call back from the division headquarters and obtaining permission, Liang Chen continued to lead people to Bald Eagle Ridge to perform the mission. On the way, he encountered a Black Panther Division checkpoint and accelerated and fired his way through.

When Baic Changhao heard the sound of the car, he suspected that it was a volunteer army, so he took Jiang Xiangxuan and hid.He saw that the person in the car was indeed Liang Chen. He was overtaken again and the phone line at the checkpoint was cut off. Bai Changhao was absolutely furious.

On the other side, the 155 howitzer position was captured. Lao Wang, who knew artillery, organized the bombardment. Company Commander Zhang reported the situation here.The troops withdrawn from the enemy's front line arrived at the assembly area, and the commanders of each battalion asked to speak to Park Shi-in, the leader of the first regiment.Lao Wang asked Zhang Zhenghuan to convey the order and let the enemy stand by. He turned around and immediately ordered someone to contact the 155 troops to launch an artillery attack on the assembly area.As a result, the enemies who withdrew from the front line were beaten to pieces, but they still didn't know what happened.Liang Chen and the others encountered reinforcements from the Black Panther Division, and according to the plan, they bombed cars to block roads and delay the enemy.

Bai Changhao saw the reinforcements and also saw Liang Chen and the others abandoning the car and leaving. He guessed that they were going to seize Vulture Ridge. His idea was to take the reinforcements to Vulture Ridge to catch Liang Chen off guard.Zhang Xijun, commander of the first company of the third battalion, who returned from the 155-mm howitzer position, followed Battalion Commander Wang's instructions and immediately went to carry out the task of blocking the enemy's reinforcements, but he did not even see the shadow of the enemy's reinforcements.Baek Chang-ho and Kang Sang-hyun met with the reinforcements and reported the situation to Yin Shenghao at the regiment headquarters. Yin Shenghao agreed to let them command the reinforcements to occupy Bald Eagle Ridge.

Battalion Commander Wang realized that the enemy had changed his mind halfway and there were few people on Liang Chen's side. He immediately told Lao Sun, who had just arrived, that he needed to rush to Bald Eagle Ridge as soon as possible and follow Liang Chen's command.Soon, Liang Chen also discovered that he was being chased by enemy troops, so he left a small number of people behind to block the attack.

Liang Chen and the others marched quickly to seize the main peak of Bald Eagle Ridge before the enemy caught up.

On their way to support Liang Chen, Battalion Commander Wang and the others encountered a tank company of enemy reinforcements and were unable to move forward for a while.

《scout hero》Episode 29 Details

Episode 29

Scout hero episode 29 plot introduction: Liang Chen attacks Li Puppet Army

The main peak of Bald Eagle Ridge was occupied by Liang Chen and others, and Bai Changhao also led others to follow them.

Battalion Commander Wang assigned tasks to Battalion Commander Sun Fu and Company Commander Zhang. Company Commander Zhang was responsible for the charge and waited for the bombardment before stepping forward to eliminate the enemy.However, after the bombardment, during the rapid advance, the sound of enemy planes was heard from above. The enemy planes dropped many bombs, and Battalion Commander Sun Fu died.Upon arriving at the main peak, Liang Chen immediately ordered a warning and then went to observe the terrain and arrange fortifications. Next, they were going to fight a battle that focused on the head and the body.The enemy's vanguard advanced at full speed, but finally became exhausted and rested in an open place.Liang Chen arranged for the remaining seven squads to secretly launch an offensive against the leading troops of the Li Puppet Army. The enemy troops were instantly beaten and fled.

Liang Chen arranged for the third platoon leader to bring the eighth and ninth squads to pick up the seventh squad. He would withdraw as soon as he received them. Do not retreat to the main peak of Bald Eagle Ridge. He would find a way to bring the main force of Li Puppet Army up and hit them from the rear. After the battle,Just run.

Liang Chen knew very well that if the enemy sent four or five companies to attack from the side and rear of Bald Eagle Ridge, they would not even have time to build defenses.As long as the US troops at the southern foot also launch an attack and encounter enemies on both sides, it will be difficult for Liang Chen and the others to persevere.They all say that they should concentrate their forces to annihilate the enemy, but this time Liang Chen wants to do the opposite.Baic Changhao wanted to slowly send troops over, but Jiang Xiangxuan believed that they had five companies, while the volunteers only had one company, so they could send the main force over.After all, Jiang Sang-hyun's military rank was higher than Baek Chang-ho's, so Baek Chang-ho finally had to agree.

Bai Changhao saw that there was only one squad of volunteers on the small highland, and he suggested to Jiang Xiangxuan that he send people to bypass from the rear.Fortunately, the third platoon leader arrived in time with squads eight and nine and killed the enemies behind squad seven.Seeing the increase in volunteers, Baic Changhao immediately seized this opportunity and sent out another company, intending to entangle them.Reconnaissance company staff Xu Zhuolin came to the temporary rescue center on the battlefield. Wenjie accidentally learned that Chen Min had died because of a mine fragment, and Liang Chen was still safe, but he went to Bald Eagle Ridge.Wen Jie was very worried and her heart was always hanging.Using the fire cover of grenades, three platoon leaders and three squads took turns to cover the evacuation. The artillery battery of the Li Puppet Army arrived, but there was no target to hit.Baek Chang-ho ordered a battle formation to advance and occupy the main peak.

Battalion Commander Wang's troops were blocked and suffered heavy losses. It would take at least four hours for the remaining people to support Liang Chen.After contacting Liang Chen, Yang Jing ordered him to act according to the situation and retreat if necessary, waiting for the follow-up troops to rush for reinforcements.Meng Zhaoxian's idea was the same as Liang Chen's. They called back to the division commander, saying that they would persist until Battalion Commander Wang arrived, and would welcome the arrival of the main force of the division with Wang Battalion on Bald Eagle Ridge.Now we can only hope that the US military will be slower to dispatch and give them more time.The Li Puppet Army's mortar position was attacked. Jiang Xiangxuan sent his rearguard to the rear, but quickly withdrew.

The first squad was responsible for protecting Liang Chen, but Qi Lu was scolded by Liang Chen and strictly ordered Qi Lu to take the first squad out to fight. Qi Lu stepped back, leaving Da Zhuang, Zhang Yangzi and Machine Gun to protect Liang Chen.

When the US military was about to dispatch, the Li Puppet Army finally occupied the main peak of Bald Eagle Ridge. Jiang Xiangxuan happily asked someone to send a telegram to the regiment leader, and at the same time prevented the US military from dispatching anymore. Liang Chen finally waited for this time difference.Bai Changhao was worried because he didn't know where Liang Chen's intervening troops were.

After detecting that the US military had canceled the operation, Liang Chen immediately ordered the artillery fire, and the Li puppet army was caught off guard again.

《scout hero》Episode 30 Details

Episode 30

Scout hero episode 30 plot introduction: Liang Chen conducts pre-war mobilization

Because the volunteers were elusive, the enemy troops withdrew into the woods and were very frightened when they were attacked.

One of the Li puppet soldiers stepped on the rope and was hung up. Everyone who tried to save him was killed by the hidden hunters and Yu Xiaoshan. Baic Changhao then arrived and used the cover of gunfire to break the rope and rescue the soldier., and took the opportunity to lure out the hidden CCP troops.The experienced hunter realized that this was an ambush and immediately moved away with Yu Xiaoshan.

The US military has not made any move yet. Liang Chen is very happy. In another half hour, the Li puppet army on the mountain will be wiped out.

Qi Lu and Cui Yingming quietly followed the Li Puppet Army and unexpectedly heard Bai Changhao's voice. They quietly touched it, but missed because Bai Changhao left the bombed team and ran away.

Jiang Sangxuan contacted the US military and asked for their support.The soldiers responsible for observing the movements of the US military immediately reported to Liang Chen. Meng Zhaoxian told Liang Chen that after receiving the order, the Li puppet troops withdrew to two kilometers away to assemble.

Liang Chen was very happy. This created another time lag for them. They originally thought they would be attacked from both sides, so they just asked the anti-tank team to attack the tanks sent by the enemy. The main force of the reconnaissance company still had to stay on the main peak for defense. Now they can completelyBoldly performing an empty city strategy, Meng Zhaoxian led a platoon, two platoons, and a fire platoon of heavy machine guns and mortars down the mountain immediately, and ambush near the assembly area for the US military attack.

Taking advantage of the enemy's unorganized terrain, they launched a surprise attack on the U.S. military. Heavy machine guns and mortars were deployed at the foot of the mountain, preparing to receive the first and second platoons to return, leaving the third platoon behind the main peak to defend the Li puppet army.The main peak was empty, with only Liang Chen and guard Zhang Zhicheng, as well as Zhao Dazhuang and Zhang Yangzi who Meng Zhaoxian asked to stay.

Qi Lu and Cui Yingming gradually approached the hiding place of Baek Changho and Jiang Xiangxuan. When they almost got dumped, they saw the assembly order issued by the company commander and immediately retreated.

Meng Zhaoxian immediately made arrangements and hid near the US military assembly area.Heavy machine guns and mortars were hidden, waiting for the US military to gather and fire reconnaissance, and then immediately fired to kill the tanks and launched a surprise attack on the US military.The U.S. military scurried away. At this time, the U.S. military station sent reinforcements, and Liang Chen fired a signal flare to retreat.

These two battles went very smoothly, but the reconnaissance company still lost six people and injured nine. They were all elites. Liang Chen felt very sorry for him. If it weren't for the situation, he would not be willing to use the scouts to fight regular battles.of.

With the arrival of a battalion of support troops from the US military, the Li puppet army will soon gather behind them. The next battle will be very difficult to fight.

Kang Sang-hyun agreed to Baek Chang-ho's plan, and Baek Chang-ho would also lead the first echelon of soldiers.

The reconnaissance company urgently built fortifications to cope with the US tank and artillery attacks. Liang Chen mobilized the soldiers before the war. Facing the mountains and rivers of North Korea, they swore to the motherland behind them that peace was forged with blood and people were on the battlefield.The oath resounded throughout Bald Eagle Ridge. This is the loyalty of the cutest volunteer soldiers to the motherland and all the people of the motherland. It was earned with their blood. It is also the most passionate oath of the Chinese people.

《scout hero》Episode 31 Details

Episode 31

Scout hero episode 31 plot introduction: Scout company defends Bald Eagle Ridge

In order to resist the US attack, the reconnaissance company carried out defensive projects on the main peak of Bald Eagle Ridge.

Inside the other side.The first echelon of Li's Puppet Army also made combat arrangements and notified the US troops at the foot of the mountain to prepare for artillery attacks.The U.S. military launched a fierce artillery attack. Liang Chen shouted to enter the anti-gun cave to hide. Li Puppet Army crawled forward. Baic Changhao ignored the obstruction and advanced under artillery fire.

After the artillery fire stopped, Li Puppet Army hid in the withered grass and launched an attack on the volunteers in the mountains behind Bald Eagle Ridge. Liang Chen heard the gunshots and felt that the enemy was coming too fast and strangely.The third platoon in the back mountain could no longer withstand it. Liang Chen ordered the second platoon leader to lead the second platoon to support, but he did not intend to move the remaining people.Bai Changhao shouted deliberately to provoke Liang Chen to show up with the reconnaissance company.Liang Chen knew that this was the enemy's conspiracy, so the main force must stick to the main peak.

Qi Lu couldn't bear it anymore and planned to take the hunter and Yang Jiwu to kill Bai Changhao, but Liang Chen strictly ordered him not to go.Sure enough, Jiang Xiangxuan agreed to launch the second bombardment. The reason why Baic Changhao wanted to lure people out was that he planned to die in exchange for all the volunteers coming to the back mountain to bear the US bombardment. However, Liang Chen was very smart and he would not be easily hit.count.Seeing the enemy lying on the ground, Liang Chen loudly ordered to retreat into the artillery cave. The enemy was about to launch a second artillery bombardment.

After the second bombardment, Meng Zhaoxian survived. He told Liang Chen that almost all the people in the second and third platoons were gone, and the mortar and heavy machine gun positions were also destroyed. Fortunately, the first platoon withdrew into the anti-aircraft hole in time.Otherwise, the position will really be gone.At this time, the US military also outflanked the enemy from the south, and the second echelon of Li Puppet Army also attacked.

Li Changhao did not die and was rescued by people arranged by Jiang Sangxuan.Meng Zhaoxian was injured in many places, but when he saw the enemy approaching, he rose up to fight. Liang Chen asked Yang Jiwu to lead the rest of the third squad to protect Meng Zhaoxian and be sure to suppress the enemies in the back mountain.

The US troops were beaten and retreated. Liang Chen stayed in the hill to monitor the US troops. He led a group of remaining people to support the back mountain and repel the Li puppet army.Liang Chen reported to the division commander that as long as there was still a scout fighting, Condor Ridge would still be in their hands.There is no news about Battalion Commander Wang and the others, and they should be on a forced march. As long as they can support Liang Chen for two hours, they can wait for the support of the two companies and 155 howitzers sent.At this time, the US military attacked again. Yu Xiaoshan prepared artillery shells in advance and supported them by one person.

Yu Xiaoshan was shot, and he used his last breath to get close to the fuse of the serial gun, killing dozens of American soldiers.Qi Lu brought people over to support him and saw the last scene of Yu Xiaoshan's sacrifice.During the fight, Battalion Commander Wang finally led his men to Bald Eagle Ridge and blew the charge horn with all his strength. All the enemies surrendered their guns but were not killed.Baek Chang-ho was rescued and Bald Eagle Ridge was lost. Now he could only think about himself. After the volunteers finished cleaning the battlefield, they would start searching the woods.Jiang Xiangxuan listened to Baek Changhao's arrangement and sent a message to the regiment headquarters saying that everyone had sacrificed and then prepared to move.According to the account of the captured prisoners, four Li Puppet Army captains rescued Baic Changhao. The prisoners also confessed that the hiding place of Baichanghao and Jiang Sangxuan was in the back mountain, less than two kilometers away from Bald Eagle Ridge.

Liang Chen assembled the reconnaissance company and asked them to report the number of casualties. The original reconnaissance company, which was full of top soldiers, suffered nearly half casualties and less than thirty people left. However, their morale did not decrease. Liang Chen asked the comrades of the reconnaissance company to replenish ammunition and drinking water.Eat some dry food, and then follow him to chase the senior officers of Li's puppet army.Yang Jing quickly learned of the situation on Bald Eagle Ridge and sent someone to tell Liang Chen that he would return to the division headquarters once the mission was completed. Yang Jing had more important tasks for Liang Chen to complete.

《scout hero》Episode 32 Details

Episode 32

Scout hero episode 32 finale plot introduction: Liang Chen and Wenjie get married

Bai Changhao and others fled, and Liang Chen led the reconnaissance company to track them on the cliff.

Soon, Meng Zhaoxian led the first squad and the machine gun squad and ran in front of Baic Changhao and the others.Arriving at a place, Bai Changhao intuitively felt that something was wrong here. The Volunteer Army's reconnaissance company was a team that could fight continuously. It was very likely that it had already reached the front. Once there was an ambush in front, there would be no way to retreat from the rear, and they would be in a dilemma.

Jiang Xiangxuan thought Baek Changho was too scared, but the gunshots that rang out in the next second hit him hard in the face. In addition to the rear, there were Chinese Communist volunteers on the left, right and in front.

Baek Chang-ho persuaded Jiang Sang-hyun to surrender, and the war was finally lost.Liang Chen also arrived soon after. He could see that Bai Changhao was not convinced, and Liang Chen was not going to talk nonsense with him, but Bai Changhao asked a question.Just now, the Volunteer Army could obviously take advantage of the chaos to kill themselves, but the Volunteer Army did not do that.Liang Chen said that surrendering guns and not killing is not only a slogan for the volunteers, but also a discipline that is strictly observed.

It is precisely because the Volunteer Army is a disciplined and religious team that they can win this war.After receiving the telegram from the division commander, Liang Chen happily asked someone to call back. They would rush back within two hours.The general offensive was about to begin. Yang Jing and Li Jian'an mentioned Liang Chen and said that Cao Cao had arrived. Liang Chen was shouting reports outside that he was finally back.

The next task Yang Jing gave to Liang Chen was to have a good rest and sleep. Yang Jing also asked someone to notify Wen Jie and bring her to the division command post.Wen Jie cried with joy when she learned that Liang Chen was back safe and sound. Yang Jing asked everyone to go out, leaving enough space for Liang Chen and Wen Jie.

It was here that Wen Jie took the initiative to mention marriage again, and Liang Chen was very happy.Baic Changhao unexpectedly met his third brother at the Prisoner of War Management Center.The second brother died, but the third brother is still alive.

After fifteen days of arduous and bloody battles, the Chinese People's Volunteers and the Korean People's Army achieved a major victory in the last battle of the Korean War, crippled the four main divisions of the Li Puppet Army, and allowed Xiaoxiao to continue fighting and advance north alone.The Rhee Syngman Group completely lost the confidence to obstruct the armistice.

The armistice in Korea is an inevitable trend and cannot be stopped.The division commander received a telegram from Shisi that the protracted Korean War had finally ceased!Wenjie received the notice and received permission to broadcast the news of the truce.

When the U.S. troops on the front line heard the broadcast, they stood up and cheered. The front-line troops of the Volunteer Army also learned about the armistice and stood up and cheered from the defensive trenches.At that moment, both the U.S. military and the volunteers were cheering for the same good news.

Before the armistice agreement has officially come into effect, the volunteers still cannot relax at all.The marriage report written by Liang Chen was kept in his chest. Yang Jing asked him to take it out, sign it neatly, and decided that Liang Chen and Wen Jie would get married tonight.The originally scheduled time was 22:00, but it was postponed to 23:00.

That night, the U.S. military launched artillery attacks on frontline positions, but no soldiers were injured.Yang Jing asked someone to report the situation to the military commander.Liang Chen analyzed that the enemy didn't seem to be launching an attack, this was more like a kind of catharsis.

When the agreed armistice time came, everyone cheered, and Liang Chen and Wen Jie got married that night.On this happy day, Liang Chen vaguely saw Chen Min, Zheng Yushu, Li Wanfu, Bi Lei Zhen and Yu Xiaoshan, these comrades who had sacrificed their lives, all coming to attend his and Wen Jie's wedding.