Home TV scout hero
《scout hero》Episode 1 Synopsis

Episode 1

In 1951, on the front line to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, the Reconnaissance Squadron of a certain division of the Volunteer Army, led by Liang Chen, chief of the Division Reconnaissance Section, sneaked into the defense area of ​​the Black Panther Division of the South Korean Army to collect intelligence, and successfully overheard the enemy's intention to reinforce the Wuyun Mountain frontline battle and feint attack on Highland 314.trends.Liang Chen rushed back to the division headquarters to report the enemy's situation, and received a new mission. He led a group of soldiers from the reconnaissance company and an engineer platoon to ride to Wuyun Mountain overnight to stop the enemy.

Liang Chen knew that this information was crucial to our army's combat plan, so he quickly rushed back to the division headquarters and reported the enemy's situation.After the division commander heard this, he attached great importance to this information and immediately issued a new task.

This mission is to set off overnight and lead a group of soldiers from the reconnaissance company and an engineer platoon to Wuyun Mountain to block the enemy's reinforcements.Liang Chen immediately arranged tactics, organized personnel, and prepared to set off.

That night, Liang Chen and his soldiers quickly gathered and took military vehicles to Wuyun Mountain.During the entire trip, everyone was nervous but confident because they knew that they shouldered a major mission and they had to fight for the victory of their motherland.

After several hours of travel, we finally arrived near Wuyun Mountain.Liang Chen immediately dispatched a group of soldiers from the reconnaissance company to conduct reconnaissance, determined the enemy's location and route of action, and then formulated a detailed interception plan.

At dawn, enemy reinforcements began to enter the Wuyun Mountain area.Liang Chen and his soldiers quickly took action, occupied favorable terrain, and ambush the enemy's advance route.

When the enemy approached, Liang Chen gave an order, and a group of soldiers from the reconnaissance company immediately opened fire, hitting the enemy violently.The soldiers of the engineer platoon also immediately entered the battle, blowing up the enemy's path of advance, making it impossible to continue to move forward.

The enemy was defeated by our resistance and fell into chaos.Liang Chen quickly adjusted his tactics and led the soldiers in pursuit, forcing the enemy to retreat completely.

A few hours later, Wuyun Mountain returned to tranquility, leaving only enemy corpses scattered on the ground.Liang Chen and his soldiers successfully completed the mission and achieved important results.

After returning to the division headquarters, Liang Chen received warm praise and awards.His bravery and resourcefulness enabled our army to achieve an important victory in the Battle of Wuyun Mountain and made a significant contribution to consolidating our position on the front line.

On the road that was riddled with holes, the engineering soldiers were removing time bombs that had not yet exploded. Vehicles could not pass. Liang Chen and his party could only carry the explosives and get out of the car and walk forward. They happened to meet the division's art team and the guard Ban Qilu., Liang Chen conveyed the order from the division headquarters to Wang Dachuan, the captain of the art team, to retreat immediately, and gave the car to the art team and the wounded.Wenjie insisted on giving the injured the opportunity to take the bus and chose to walk back.