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《Moving》Introduction to the security guard

《Moving》The guard and security uncle is named Huang Zhicheng, and he is a good man.An ordinary agent serving the NTDP National Intelligence Agency, and the bullied transfer student Shin Hye-won are lovers.In the comics, he is an undercover person who works beside the heroine to confirm that she has superpowers. He is an undercover agent of an organization that the older generation of superpowers have loyal to.

Introduction to the security guard

Min Yongjun (now Deputy Chief Min), field agent of the First Team of the Ministry of National Security.The captain of Team 1 is Huang Zhicheng (the uncle guard), and Shin Hye-won (the bullied transfer student) is a field agent, but it is only a superficial position. In fact, Shin Hye-won is Huang Zhicheng's superior.It was later revealed that Shin Hye-won is also a psychic, and her psychic ability is the ability to never age.When others asked him what his abilities were, he replied that he was very witty, so it seemed that he had the ability to read other people's thoughts, but in fact, based on long-term experience, he had excellent observation and reasoning skills.His exact age is unknown, but due to his superpowers, it is said that he is very old, not like a high school student, and even older than Huang Jisung.Huang Zhixing has worked together since childhood and has been with them for 20 years.At the same time, Hwang Ji-sung has reached middle age, but Shin Hye-won has not changed at all, and considering that Hwang Ji-sung was already a senior executive when he was young, he is easily over 50 years old.Judging from the respect Min Yong Joon has for her, it can be assumed that he is older than him, or at least older than him.

The plan to reveal Jang Hee Soo's superpowers initially tried to take advantage of his adolescent pride, but what he didn't expect was that Jang Hee Soo's expression read Jang Hee Soo's embarrassment, and Jang Hee Soo didn't know that he was a psychic in a 17-to-1 fight.Find out In other words, Jang Hee-soo knew that she could be seriously hurt, so she became angry that her new friend was being bullied and asked for a fight.

After falsely transferring to Jeongwon High School, Shin Hye-won told Hwang Ji-sung“ that we finally realized Jang Hee-soo's potential while trying to figure out his humanity”, and smiled slightly.Jang Hee-soo said lightly to Hwang Chi-sung, who was working as a janitor at Zhengyuan High School at the time, "All friends are the same."%Show your emotions.It seems that I have a different mentality towards Jang Hee Soo, rather than distrust towards others.Huang Zhixing also felt something about Huiyuan's attitude.It seemed that he was trying to avoid their pursuit.