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《Moving》Who is Elias

《Moving》Elias is a member of the beautiful Chinese superhuman project.

Who is Elias

In the memories of the killer Frank Stranger in Episode 7, there were only 8 children with special abilities trained by the American army, and there is a high probability that their ability levels are high and low. The higher the word, the stronger the ability.

Reason: Among the children killed by Frank in the cornfield, one had “T” carved on his back, which is a lower-ranked character; in addition, when Frank walked out through the hail of bullets, there were already children gathering in the open space.A few arrived earlier than him and happened to be ranked ahead of him, indicating that these children might be a little better than Frank.The one who survived behind Frank was H, and the last one who came out to answer and gasped was G, Gregory.There are no other words for children after that.The ones with the lower end of the description may have weaker abilities, and they were all killed in this cruel survival training.

So Elias is an Asian, and may be slightly more capable than Frank. The “Training Position” also has a “Scavenger/Cleaner” written there.

Frank's mother is a singer at a US military base, and his father is a US Army soldier.Guess who Frank inherited his powers from?So as an Easter egg at the end of the last episode, Frank went to the old location to find his relatives!If there is a second part, Frank, who pretends to be missing and escapes from the organization by faking his own death, will definitely have many stories about him, and I am looking forward to a battle between him and Elias, two professional killers.