The actor playing role in《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》is“Chen Zhiyan
Chen Zhiyan

Among the energetic group of Class 3 and Class 5 of Qiushi Primary School, one figure stands out.She is not only the monitor of this class, but also the guardian of the rules in the hearts of every student.She is the squad leader of Class 5 of Qiushi Primary School. She is a perfectionist who studies seriously, values ​​rules and refuses to make mistakes.

She is always enthusiastic about learning, listens attentively in class, and keeps her notes in order.She has excellent academic performance and ranks among the best in every exam. She is a role model in the class.But she is not satisfied with this. She always pursues progress and uses practical actions to convey the power of diligence and persistence to her classmates.

As the squad leader, she values ​​rules and discipline very much.In her eyes, rules are the cornerstone of class order and the norms that everyone abides by.Not only does she strictly abide by the rules herself, but she also always reminds and supervises her classmates to observe discipline.Whenever she discovers that a student has violated school rules and disciplines, she will deduct points mercilessly to safeguard the overall interests of the class.

Her strict requirements sometimes make some students feel stressed.But more students, under her influence, gradually developed good study and living habits.She used her actions to tell everyone that rules are not constraints, but a help for growth.

In addition to studying and following the rules, she is also quite nosy.In her opinion, the class is like a big family, and every member is an integral part of the family.Therefore, she always cares about the growth and progress of every student and is always ready to lend a helping hand.Whether it was difficulties in study or an episode in life, she was always the first to stand up and help her classmates solve problems.

Her sense of responsibility and sense of responsibility have earned her a high reputation among her classmates.The classmates all said that she was a banner for the class and a role model for everyone to learn from.