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《thrush》Episode 24 Synopsis

Episode 24

He Xiwen entered the test chamber and recorded various data.Ji Danyang, Chu Huaiqiu and others watched her every move closely. They knew the danger of this experiment.Once there is a problem with the air circulation in the cabin, He Xiwen may suffocate.Everyone present was sweating for her, except Bai Hui who watched coldly.

Suddenly, there was an unusual noise from the test cabin, and everyone was startled.He Xiwen checked that the pressure in the cabin had not changed. Before the expert team had time to find out the cause of the abnormal sound, a second abnormal sound was heard.Ji Danyang and Chu Huaiqiu realized that the situation was not good.He Xiwen was dizzy and breathing rapidly due to the imbalance of air pressure in the cabin.She tried hard to continue recording data, but it was too much.The toxic gas in the cabin continued to increase, and He Xiwen suddenly bled and fainted on the console.Chu Huaiqiu ordered the hatch to be opened.

Ji Danyang felt puzzled.He had calculated countless times that anyone who entered the test chamber could last at least ninety minutes, but He Xiwen only stayed for thirty minutes.After the full rescue efforts of medical staff, He Xiwen finally turned the corner.But because she inhaled too much toxic gas in her body, she may have sequelae.Ge Yun promised to do his best to save her.

Pang Hongmei came to the workshop to inspect the test cabin, and Chen Dongsheng also rushed over after being discharged from the hospital early.Niu Peixian carefully inspected the test chamber and found no abnormalities.He strictly welded according to the drawings provided by the expert team, and the test chamber was always guarded.Pang Hongmei decided to redesign the drawings and let the expert team members re-calculate.Li Peizhang discovered that the problem lay with Ji Danyang. He calculated 70% of the air intake as 90%, which resulted in an imbalance of gas in the test chamber and He Xiwen was poisoned.

Chu Huaiqiu and Pang Hongmei didn't believe that Ji Danyang would make such a low-level mistake.He has always been serious and responsible.Li Peizhang asked Gong Jie to calculate again, and the result was still 70%.After Ji Danyang calculated the experimental data, he found that the problem lay with himself. He had overcalculated by 20%.Full of self-blame, he stood outside He Xiwen's ward, but He Xiwen was still unconscious.Bai Hui comforted and persuaded him.

Pang Hongmei and Chen Dongsheng summoned Ji Danyang for questioning. Ji Danyang admitted that his calculations were wrong and the problem was the number 1.Pang Hongmei didn't believe he would make such a mistake, so she took away his calculation paper.Chu Huaiqiu took the initiative to assume the main responsibility and was severely punished. Ji Danyang's work was also suspended.I had no choice but to pack my things and go back to the dormitory.Pang Hongmei read the calculation paper repeatedly, but she could not understand the formulas and could not find the problem.

The hospital invited Dr. Ma, an expert from the provincial capital, who gave He Xiwen appropriate treatment. He Xiwen finally regained consciousness, but Ji Danyang still couldn't let go.Li Peizhang approached Ji Danyang to settle the score because his negligence caused He Xiwen's accident. Ji Danyang had nothing to say and could only leave silently.Chen Dongsheng found out that Bai Hui had sent something to Ji Danyang and suspected that she might have done something. However, due to the lack of conclusive evidence, Chen Dongsheng discovered that Bai Hui's behavior had become unusual recently and that she had a close relationship with Zhang Ling.Ji Danyang lost his mind and came to the workshop to personally inspect the test cabin. Niu Peixian and other workers worked overtime to check and confirmed that there was no problem with the welding of the test cabin, but this made Ji Danyang feel even more guilty.

Chen Dongsheng held a case analysis meeting and after ruling out the problem of the test cabin, the police began to focus on investigating relevant personnel. Pang Hongmei suggested an in-depth investigation of Wu Rui.Ji Danyang locked himself in a room and refused to eat or drink. Bai Hui came to see him and cared about him, but Ji Danyang forcibly drove Bai Hui away.After learning about this, Pang Hongmei came to see Ji Danyang, severely criticized him, and encouraged him to cheer up and find out the root cause of his mistake.Li Peizhang, Gong Jie and others came to visit He Xiwen. He Xiwen felt uneasy and guilty after learning that Ji Danyang was suspended. Ji Danyang heard their conversation outside the door and could only leave silently because he had no face to face He Xiwen.Pang Hongmei came to Ji Danyang to apologize. Ji Danyang admitted his mistake and cheered up to recalculate the experimental data.

Ge Yun felt that Ji Danyang might have a psychological problem because An Wenshan's unexpected death made him depressed. Bai Hui was thoughtful. She came to see Ji Danyang immediately after get off work, but Ji Danyang didn't want to say anything and just wanted to be alone. Be still.Bai Hui took him out to relax. The two of them climbed over the wall and left the factory while it was dark, and came to Dongshan. They sat on the top of the mountain until dawn.