Home TV thrush
《thrush》Episode 12 Synopsis

Episode 12

Li Guangming was discharged from the hospital early, eagerly reported to Chen Dongsheng, and couldn't wait to start working.Chen Dongsheng assigned him to conduct political review work and review new workers.Li Guangming was curious about the murder of Zhang Ashui and asked Chen Dongsheng, but Chen Dongsheng found an excuse to pass by.Ji Danyang wanted to borrow a rutile bracelet from Pang Hongmei, but was worried that Pang Hongmei would not give it to him, so he took the initiative to help Pang Hongmei work.As soon as he entered the house, he started moving cabinets and furniture. He was exhausted.Ji Danyang also helped Pang Hongmei organize books and clothes, and quickly tidied the room.Pang Hongmei sensed that something was wrong with him, so Ji Danyang had to confess his purpose and hoped to borrow her bracelet for research.Pang Hongmei readily handed the bracelet to him.

He Xiwen ground the bracelet into powder, but the quantity was far from enough.Ji Danyang had no choice but to go to Bai Hui and inquire about the origin of the bracelet.Only then did he learn that the bracelet was rutile collected by Bai Minghan when he was collecting herbs in Dongshan.Ji Danyang wanted to know the specific location, so Bai Hui agreed to ask Bai Minghan after get off work.Chen Dongsheng suspected that someone had installed a bug in the conference room, but he rummaged through the conference room and found nothing.He asked Ji Danyang to help calculate the situation.At this moment, Pang Hongmei suddenly came to Chen Dongsheng and asked for her bracelet back.Ji Danyang made up an excuse and left in a hurry.Lai Guangrun secretly found Li Guangming and gave him a large sum of money to find detailed information about the reservoir.

Li Guangming refused to cooperate with him anymore, Lai Guangrun threatened and intimidated him, and Li Guangming even threatened death.Lai Guangrun mentioned his girlfriend Qianqian and threatened Li Guangming.The new workers lined up to report. Lu Cheng took his cousin directly to go through the formalities. Other workers protested.Niu Peixian stood up to object. After learning about it, Li Guangming rushed to mediate. After some persuasion, Niu Peixian was appeased.Bai Hui learned from Bai Minghan that rutile was in Dongshan rhino horn, and she quickly told Ji Danyang.Ji Danyang couldn't wait to find rutile. He reported it to Pang Hongmei. Pang Hongmei was a little worried about this, so she decided to follow Bai Hui and Ji Danyang.

Bai Hui, Pang Hongmei and Ji Danyang climbed Dongshan Rhinoceros Horn together.As time went by, Ji Danyang's physical strength gradually became exhausted, so he had to sit down and rest.Pang Hongmei couldn't help but make fun of him.Bai Hui suggested taking a small road up the mountain to save time.Ji Danyang readily accepted this suggestion.Chen Dongsheng sent Xu Changsheng to wait by the Masanjia well, hoping to lure out the hidden enemy.But at this moment, a fire suddenly broke out at the neighbor's house.Xu Changsheng hurriedly went to put out the fire, but the important information in the well was taken away.

Chen Dongsheng was very angry and asked the police officer if there was any suspicious person.The police officer remembered that Bai Minghan had passed by this road.After Bai Hui, Pang Hongmei and Ji Danyang tried their best, they finally climbed up the rhino horn.There were many rocks on the top of the mountain, but they were not the rutile they were looking for.Pang Hongmei came down from the mountain and saw Xu Changsheng in a low mood, and then learned that the information in the well had been stolen.Learning that Bai Minghan appeared near Masanjia, Pang Hongmei decided to follow him with Xu Changsheng.Bai Minghan went to the post office to send herbal medicine. Pang Hongmei heard a familiar voice coming from inside. She recognized the man at a glance as the man who fed Ji Danyang on the train.Pang Hongmei quietly followed the man onto the bus, and later found out through the station that he had been to Lumen at least three times.

She reported the situation to Chen Dongsheng.Han Yundong convened an expert group and the construction unit to discuss the reservoir project.Chen Dongsheng was worried that the secret would be leaked, so he only invited a minimum number of people to attend the meeting.Lu Cheng wanted to go to the meeting to take notes, but was blocked from the door. He was very dissatisfied.When the meeting officially started, Ji Danyang suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the loudspeaker and suspected that someone was conducting reverse monitoring.He wrote a note to signal Pang Hongmei. After seeing the note, Chen Dongsheng immediately interrupted Chu Huaiqiu's speech and asked Ji Danyang to explain it to everyone using calculation formulas to delay time.Chen Dongsheng and Pang Hongmei led personnel to investigate along the speaker line.

Pang Hongmei and Chen Dongsheng followed the line to the broadcasting room, but found nothing unusual.The police officers discovered that the lines of the radio station were led outside the factory, so Chen Dongsheng, Pang Hongmei and others continued to investigate along the lines.Ji Danyang spoke for a long time using false data on the stage, and then asked He Xiwen to continue speaking and asked her to make up some nonsense.Lai Guangrun recorded the meeting through a listening device, but the more he listened, the more confused he became.