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《solemn commitnebt》How to solve online ride-hailing accidents

How to solve online ride-hailing accidents

《solemn commitnebt》: The story behind the rectification of online ride-hailing services

In recent years, the online ride-hailing industry has developed rapidly in our country, but accidents have occurred frequently, which has attracted widespread social attention.The reason is that many people think it is because some online ride-hailing platform bosses only care about making money and turn a blind eye to safety issues.However, against this background, Xiao Liming and the Comprehensive Management Center led by him came to the forefront and embarked on an arduous struggle to rectify the online ride-hailing industry.

Xiao Liming went to the mayor to announce the rectification and suspension plan for online ride-hailing, and invited drivers and passengers to explain their interests and concerns to the driver groups who were dissatisfied with the policy. This was the first step on the road to rectification.However, the platform boss deliberately avoided seeing him, which made people feel helpless.After several unsuccessful communications, Xiao Liming decided to seek help from the mayor again. However, the mayor felt that there were too many online ride-hailing drivers, making rectification difficult.In this situation, Xiao Liming turned to Cheng Haijiang for help, and finally received positive support and attitude.Subsequently, Xiao Liming led the Comprehensive Management Center to review the Dada ride-hailing platform and required the platform to make rectifications.

In order to appease the emotions of online ride-hailing drivers, the Comprehensive Treatment Center decided to invite some victims and experiencers to tell their stories so that drivers can better understand the need for the entire rectification process.The narrations of Li Mei and a victim stewardess deeply touched everyone present.Their experiences allow people to see the serious consequences that will result if the online ride-hailing industry does not make rectifications.

In the end, with the efforts of Xiao Liming and the Comprehensive Management Center, the rectification of online ride-hailing was successfully completed.Under their leadership, the government finally heard the voice of the people and finally took action.This victory in rectification and governance not only makes the online ride-hailing industry more standardized and safer, but also makes the entire society more aware of the importance of maintaining public safety.