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《solemn commitnebt》Why complain about making noise

Why complain about making noise

《 solemn commitnebt》

Aunt Jiang complains about Fang Shuran making noise every day, which causes a lot of headaches.However, in fact, behind this behavior was Aunt Jiang's inability to accept the fact that her daughter had left, which caused her to have auditory hallucinations.Faced with this situation, Xiao Liming had no choice but to go to Fang Shuran's home to testify.

The two of them talked about many topics late at night at Fang Shuran's home, from ideals to blind boxes to Sanxingdui. The topics became more and more bizarre, and eventually Fang Shuran fell asleep tiredly.The next morning, Xiao Liming dozed off at the table, while Fang Shuran got up early to cook.However, at this time, Aunt Jiang came to the door with Zhang Fengjiao and Guo Gan, claiming that Fang Shuran was making noise.Fortunately, Xiao Liming's testimony defended Fang Shuran.

Zhang Fengjiao revealed that Aunt Jiang's daughter passed away half a year ago, but Aunt Jiang did not go through the procedures for canceling her daughter's account, which caused a lot of confusion.Everyone speculated that Aunt Jiang had auditory hallucinations due to the death of her daughter.In order to confirm this guess, Xiao Liming, Zhang Fengjiao, Guo Gang and others found Aunt Jiang and had a conversation.However, Aunt Jiang happened to get sick during the conversation and had auditory hallucinations.When Xiao Liming and everyone noticed that the phone line was actually disconnected, Aunt Jiang suddenly realized that her daughter had passed away and was heartbroken.This scene made people present feel sad.

Through this experience, everyone understood Aunt Jiang's pain and the psychological dilemma she faced.I hope Aunt Jiang can regain her peace of mind and peace with her family and friends.Because hometown is not a specific place, but the place where the soul rests.