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《What If》 Summ

It tells the story of an ordinary girl, Xia Guo, who faces different life choices and opens the prelude to two lives.A small fireworks town or a prosperous city, which one can lead to an extraordinary life?

《What If》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

What If Episode 1 Plot Introduction: Xia Guo Yujian decided to go to Shanghai to develop

Leshan girl Xia Guo lives a comfortable and happy life in her hometown. Her boyfriend Yu Jian is also a local. Early in the morning, Xia Guo went to Yu Jian's house with breakfast to find him. The two were sweet for a while.Went to have breakfast with Ikumi’s parents.Yu Jian is an interior designer. He often paints portraits of Xia Guo. He has painted more than 300 portraits now.After breakfast, I met Xia Guo to go to work at the company.Xia Guo learned about the external transfer assessment from her colleague, because that colleague had many chores at home and couldn't go there. Xia Guo wanted to give it a try, so the other party gave her the relevant information.Once you pass the assessment, you will not only have the opportunity to work in Shanghai, but also get a salary increase easily.

The marketing director from Shanghai came to Leshan to inspect the work. Actually, he came to hold the company accountable because they had received the goods that were due. The manager wanted to blame Xia Guo. Fortunately, Mr. Chen, the marketing director, saw clearly and did not punish Xia Guo..However, Xia Guo saw Mr. Chen's temperament and aura and admired her very much. She envied such strong women in the workplace.

Xia Guo and Yu Jian agreed to wait until Yu Jian was 30 years old before getting married, so Xia Guo wanted to make more money in the past few years for their marriage.In fact, Yu Jian was a little worried about her. Before the two of them could talk in detail, Xia Guo received a call that there was an accident in the factory. The workers had a dispute over the impending goods.She was injured, but she was not that strong, so she proposed a solution regardless of the wound. Mr. Chen happened to arrive and saw this scene. He was very satisfied with Xia Guo's solution to the upcoming product and asked her to solve it.

Yu Jian came to pick up Xia Guo after get off work. Xia Guo hoped that Yu Jian could go to Shanghai with her to develop, but Yu Jian didn't really want to go. Later, with Xia Guo's constant pleading, Yu Jian changed his mind and decided to go to Shanghai because of love. The person made a compromise. He was a designer. After he decided to go to Shanghai, he submitted his resume. As a result, he actually received an interview invitation. However, he did not tell Xia Guo about it. He just said that he was going to Chengdu for a business trip. Xia Guo Guo didn't think much about it.Later, Yu Jian told Xia Guo the good news after being admitted. Xia Guo was both surprised and moved.

Yu Jian's mother found out about this and was very angry. She didn't want Yu Jian to leave her, and now he was working in a public institution. In the eyes of his parents, this was a very good job. It was too difficult to leave his hometown and work hard outside.Yu Jian's mother had no choice but to go to the mahjong parlor to find Xia Guo's mother Wang Yan. She didn't expect that Wang Yan was very supportive of Xia Guo going to Shanghai.

Xia Guo and Yu Jian were having dinner. They were looking forward to a life in Shanghai. As a result, Xia Guo received a call from the headquarters. She failed the assessment and lost the chance to go to Shanghai. She was very sad. Plus Yu JianBecause she couldn't go to Shanghai and decided not to go to Shanghai, Xia Guo was even more sad because Yu Jian gave up the opportunity that many people dreamed of.

Xia Guo failed to go to Shanghai, and her manager laughed at her in front of the company people.Moreover, he ordered her to buy him wine. Manager Wang just wanted to demonstrate his power as a leader.Xia Guo was still unwilling to live an ordinary life like this. She wanted to live an extraordinary life, so she took the initiative to go to Mr. Chen and expressed her desire to go to Shanghai.Mr. Chen remembered her. Mr. Chen had seen Xia Guo's written test results and found that she did not meet the standards. However, Xia Guo's sincerity and desire impressed Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen asked her to go back and prepare, hoping that she would be able to attend the Shanghai headquarters on the 1st of next month.meet her.

Xia Guo and Yu Jian were finally able to go to Shanghai, but the departure time was approaching and a new accident came. Yu Jian's father was seriously ill and was hospitalized. Xia Guo and Yu Jian needed to carefully consider where they would go in the future.

《What If》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

What If Episode 2 Plot Introduction: Xia Guo goes to Shanghai alone

Yu Jian's family has changed. He cannot leave his parents and go to Shanghai to develop. As a result, Xia Guo will also face a difficult choice. If she goes to Shanghai, it means she will be separated from Yu Jian.In the evening, Xia Guo went to the hospital to visit Yu Jian's father. Xia Guo had already handed over all the work to her colleagues, but she still made the final decision.Yu Jian's father woke up, and he said a few words to Xia Guo. What he meant was that he hoped Yu Jian could stay with him. After all, his current physical condition could not be separated from his son.Xia Guo finally decided to go to Shanghai. She didn't want to give up this opportunity. She wanted to live a life like Director Chen.In fact, Yu Jian hoped that Xia Guo would stay, but he didn't want Xia Guo to give up his dream because of him.

When Yu saw Xia Guo being sent to him at the station, the two of them couldn't bear to part with each other, and in the end they could only turn their reluctance into longing for each other.Xia Guo cried in the car while holding the necklace and portrait that Yu Jian gave her.She recalled every detail of her relationship with Yu Jian. When her parents divorced, Yu Jian was very sad. During that time, Yu Jian had agreed to take Xia Guo to Shanghai for fun, but when he saw Xia Guo's sad look,She immediately decided not to go to Shanghai and stayed with her. It was the same last time. Every time Yu Jian would compromise for Xia Guo. Xia Guo got off the bus halfway and decided to stay in Leshan. She decided to live her ideal life here.life.

A few years later, Yu Jian and Xia Guo got married and had a baby in Leshan.Closely, they also found out about their trip to the hotel.Xia Guo regretted it. If she had known that life would be so bad after marrying Yu Jian, she would have chosen to go to Shanghai.

Going back in time, Xia Guo went to Shanghai, while Yu Jian stayed in Leshan to take care of his father, and the two started a long-distance relationship.When Xia Guo arrived in a big city, she was really unfamiliar with the rhythm here. She couldn't even find the floor buttons here. Fortunately, Director Chen and Sister Nan met her and took her to the front desk to apply for a pass.Sister Nan told Xia Guo that she still had a lot to learn. Since she was transferred here by herself, she must live up to her expectations.

The first time Xia Guo came to work in the company, she attended a meeting. She met Mr. Xue. She had only seen it in the company's brochure before, but now she saw him in person. She was very excited and secretly took photos.At the meeting, Mr. Xue was not optimistic about Sister Nan’s marketing strategy of live streaming sales and delivery, but she insisted on her plan and believed that this was a major trend and their brand must be the first to occupy the market.

Xia Guo accidentally sprained her foot while wearing high heels at work. After get off work, she went to a massage parlor for a massage. She originally wanted to try it because she saw there was an event in the shop and heard the other person said it was free. As a result, she was counter-promoted and got a massage card, which cost her 4,800 yuan. .She had a video call with Yu Jian and kept complaining about this matter. The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. It was Yu Jian who ordered her favorite takeaway to calm her down.Yu Jian's mother didn't want Yu Jian to contact Xia Guo again. Over the years, they treated Xia Guo as their daughter. In the end, Xia Guo left without saying anything for the development opportunities in Shanghai, so Yu Jian's mother now plans to giveMy son is looking for a new girlfriend.

As a newcomer, Xia Guo will definitely have problems at work. The problem came soon because orders were added without reporting during the live broadcast, resulting in the warehouse being unable to ship goods. Of course, this matter was because a colleague from the sales department took the initiative without authorization.Got her.Now Mr. Xue is furious. He feels that Mr. Chen has made a mess for him. He was not optimistic about the live broadcast of goods.Later, after discussing with Sister Nan, Mr. Xue decided to punish Xia Guo and deduct 3,000 yuan from her salary.

《What If》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

What If Episode 3 Plot Introduction: Xia Guo lives two lives in parallel time and space

Xia Guo was not convinced and accepted the punishment, but why did Tim, a colleague in the sales department, not receive any punishment.After Xia Guo came out of Mr. Xue's office, she went to see Sister Nan. She was very unconvinced and felt that this would make it impossible for the marketing department to carry out its work. She even said angrily that she couldn't do it.Sister Nan would not spoil her and scolded her. In fact, Sister Nan was also doing good for Xia Guo. She reminded Xia Guo to be more careful with Mr. Xue. After all, everyone is her own person. Now Mr. Xue was originally rightShe has her own opinions, so Xia Guo also needs to be careful.In fact, Sister Nan still felt sorry for Xia Guo. Knowing that her salary had been deducted, she gave her her meal card. Xia Guo was very touched.

Although she had Sister Nan's meal card, Xia Guo was too embarrassed to actually use it, so she ate a competing self-heating pot while working overtime at the company. Unexpectedly, she was seen by Mr. Xue. When she was questioned by Mr. XueAt the time, Xia Guo said that the taste of Bobo Chicken that she likes is only available in this brand, and she also has an in-depth understanding of the pros and cons of competing products.Mr. Xue was speechless after hearing her words.

At the meeting the next day, the marketing department almost became the target of public criticism because of the inventory problem. Fortunately, Xia Guo came up with a good solution. Faced with the problem of insufficient inventory, she decided to use pre-sale coupons, just like those massage parlors that hold events.Same, get the discount first, then receive the service.Make it into a lucky bag and then add free gifts.However, it is not easy for Sister Nan, because their products are not daily necessities. Once they do so, customers will definitely feel that the brand is doing a gimmick.This time, Mr. Xue actually approved Xia Guo's plan. In this way, using samples of new products as gifts can also occupy the market in advance.

Xia Guo and others went to the supermarket to work, and Mr. Xue specially brought takeout. However, Xia Guo still resented Mr. Xue for being deducted from her salary. Mr. Xue showed her cards this time. He wanted to punish Xia Guo to make Xia GuoGuo knew that a very important thing like a computer should be kept in her hands at all times, so that she would have a long memory.Xia Guo suddenly recovered from the rain. It turned out that her boss knew that she had been wronged, so she would no longer be depressed.

Yu Jian's mother had a headache and had a check-up at the hospital, but he was not reassured, so he asked Xia Guo to register as a specialist at a major hospital in Shanghai. Xia Guo was unfamiliar with the place here, so she got help from Mr. Xue.Ruihua Hospital, but it was very difficult to register. Unexpectedly, Yu Jian not only did not understand her after hearing the news, but the two even had a quarrel.Xia Guo came to the hospital to register without eating. Unexpectedly, Yu Jian blamed herself. Xia Guo was full of grievances. She was sick. In the end, Mr. Xue helped contact the doctor.She was exhausted, and at this time she just wanted Yu Jian to be by her side.

In parallel time and space, Xia Guo chose to stay in Leshan. Unexpectedly, her mother rented out the house where she lived. Her mother was very surprised to see that she did not go to Shanghai.But it has reached the stage of signing a contract with the tenant, and it is difficult to break the contract.Although she no longer had a house to live in, Xia Guo didn't regret staying. She just wanted to stay with Yu Jian.

After Xia Guo got off work, she went to the hospital to accompany Yu Jian's father, which happened to allow Yu Jian's mother to go home and rest.The nurse Xiao Li also asked for leave and went home. Just after Yu Jian's mother left, Yu Jian's father woke up. She wanted to go to the toilet, but facing a girl, he was too embarrassed to say that he wanted to go to the toilet. Fortunately, Xiao Li rushed in time.return.

Yu Jian was very tired recently and accidentally hit his head on the construction site. Xia Guo wanted to discuss something with him, but before she could say anything, she saw Yu Jian falling asleep sitting on the chair, so she covered him up.When Yu Jian woke up while putting on the blanket, he decided to send Xia Guo home. Xia Guo didn't tell him that the house had been rented out.Xia Guo felt sorry for Yu Jian and didn't want to cause him any trouble. Unexpectedly, Yu Jian was very smart and he could see that Xia Guo was worried.

《What If》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

What If Episode 4 Plot Introduction: Yu Jian and Xia Guo are gradually becoming estranged

Because her room was rented, Xia Guo was homeless. After learning about the situation, Yu Jian took her home and promised to clean up the room for Xia Guo to move in the next day.

Unexpectedly, Xia Guo and Yu Jian's mother bumped into each other early the next morning. Xia Guo lied that she forgot to bring the key, but Yu Jian's mother was still curious and went to her son's room and found Xia Guo's hair.

Later, Xia Guo decided to rent the room of Yu Jian's sister Yanyan. Yu Jian's father and Yu Jian always regarded Xia Guo as their own child and lived there, but Yu Jian's mother felt it was inappropriate. After all, they were not married yet. NowLiving under the same roof, if the neighbors know about it, there will inevitably be rumors.But when she heard that Xia Guo had to pay the rent, she agreed, but the money had to be paid by Wang Yan, who asked her to rent out her daughter's house.

Xia Guo moved into Yu Jian's house, and their family lived a happy life. Xia Guo felt that she could live the life she longed for in a small town, with the people she loved most around her. This kind of life was also what many people yearned for.

In parallel time and space, Xia Guo is in Shanghai, and her life is getting better.At the company's annual meeting, she became an outstanding employee of the year and received a bonus. Xia Guo was very happy. Her colleagues in the department and Mr. Xue were all happy for Xia Guo.Xia Guo felt that she was getting closer to the life she expected.Xia Guo is very proud of Sister Nan, and the leaders of the company speak highly of her.

Some of Xia Guo's behaviors also caused misunderstandings to Sister Nan. She felt that Xia Guo and Mr. Xue were very close now, and Xia Guo even wanted to participate in offline sales. She felt that Xia Guo was hers and she wanted toShe is in control, otherwise she can bring Xia Guo to Shanghai, and she can also let her return to Leshan.

Mr. Xue saw Sister Nan criticizing Xia Guo. After Sister Nan left, he walked to Xia Guo and told her to do what she felt was right and not waste time on areas she was not good at.

When Xia Guo returned home after the annual party, she saw Yu Jian at the door. They had not contacted her for a long time since the last time they had a fight, so Yu Jian came to see her in person and apologized in person.After the two met, a hug resolved the previous misunderstanding.Yu Jian felt the changes in Xia Guo. It happened that the two of them were going to the hospital tomorrow. Yu Jian could accompany Xia Guo these days, so Xia Guo also decided to go to Shanghai with him when he had time.

Xia Guo got a mobile phone in a lottery at the annual meeting and gave it to Yu Jian as a New Year's gift. Yu Jian also gave Xia Guo a gift, which was a ring. He would give her a big ring later.

The two of them look forward to a better life in the future. When Yu Jian takes care of things at home, he can go to Shanghai to accompany Xia Guo.Xia Guo waited with great anticipation for that day to arrive.Yu Jian has been living in Shanghai these days and feels that the prices here are indeed high and the happiness here is indeed not as high as in his hometown.But with Xia Guo's company, as long as he is with her, even if his current life is harder, he feels happy.

However, people from small cities still don’t understand the rules of big cities. When waiting for a table in a restaurant, Yu Jian didn’t know that the restaurant had membership rules. He mistakenly thought that Mr. Xue and Emma had jumped in line, and almost got into an argument. Fortunately, XiaGuo arrived in time, Xia Guo introduced them, and then took Yu Jian to other restaurants.Yu Jian felt that he had embarrassed Xia Guo, and Xia Guo kept comforting him that she did not take it to heart.Yu Jian felt that Xia Guo had changed. He was not used to the pace of life here. He had to wait for a long time for a meal, and the people here seemed to be very hierarchical.

《What If》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

What If Episode 5 Plot Introduction: Sister Nan deliberately targets Xia Guo

As the New Year approaches, because her daughter Yanyan is bringing her husband home, Yu Jian’s mother asks Xia Guo, who lives in Leshan, to go home to visit her mother in order to make room for her daughter.

Xia Guo planned to say hello to Yanyan and go home. Everyone was happy to see Yanyan except Yu Jian.After Yanyan distributed the gifts prepared for everyone, she told her mother the truth because Andrew was going to Chengdu to meet clients, so he would leave soon.Yu Jian was very dissatisfied with Andrew and felt that he was very ignorant. He went downstairs to the hospital without even mentioning going up to visit his father-in-law. Moreover, he even went to the door of the house and did not come up. He also did not spend the New Year at home.Yu Jian feels that Yanyan can stay at home for the New Year and does not need to accompany Andrew to Chengdu to meet clients.Yu Jian was angry that Andrew didn't take their family seriously at all, and the brother and sister had a quarrel.

Andrew went upstairs to urge Yanyan, but the two of them also had a quarrel. Andrew only thought about his clients and work, and had no intention of celebrating the New Year with their family.Things got very awkward, and Yanyan finally left with Andrew.

Xia Guo brought the things prepared by Yu Jian's mother to Yanyan, but was thrown into the trash can by Andrew. Even if the couple quarreled, it could be resolved with a hug.

Yu Jian found out that Xia Guo never came back, and then learned from his mother that Xia Guo had gone home for the New Year. Yu Jian was very angry. He felt that his mother had driven away Xia Guo. Xia Guo clearly had a bad relationship with Wang Yan, but he stillPush her to Wang Yan.Yu Jian apologized to Xia Guo for her mother, but Xia Guo still decided to go to her mother for New Year's Eve dinner.

My mother is already married for the second time, and the other party is okay with her, calling her daughter one after another.However, Xia Guo couldn't be happy at all when facing a strange family. Xia Guo's stepfather kept making Xia Guo toast.Being drunk by her stepfather, she seemed to find that her mother's life was not so satisfactory.Xia Guo had never drank so much. After eating, she contacted Yu Jian to pick her up. Xia Guo cried when she saw Yu Jian.

She didn't know what kind of life her mother was living. She was like an unwanted child who couldn't find a place to accommodate her during the New Year. Fortunately, Yu Jian was by her side, so she had a home. Yu JianbeiTaking Xia Guo back home.

After returning home, Yu saw that her mother had been waiting. When she saw Xia Guo coming back, she immediately went to heat the dishes. Xia Guo looked at her aunt who was busy in the kitchen and was deeply moved.

Yanyan's life is not satisfactory. She needs Andrew to support her, so she can only do some things she doesn't like and obey Andrew.

At this moment, Xia Guo hopes that she can live a satisfactory life in another world.

The beliefs in big cities are different from those in small towns. Xia Guo spent the New Year with her colleagues, but after all, she did not have the warmth and warmth of celebrating the New Year in a small family.

Sister Nan hired an assistant, Xu Li, and Xia Guo seemed to be the abandoned one. Now, Sister Nan no longer lets Xia Guo handle online matters. She is only responsible for handling warehouse work. She was not notified of the department meeting to attend. Xia GuoI don’t know where I offended Sister Nan, but later I learned from my colleagues that the reason why Sister Nan treated her like this was because she accepted Mr. Xue’s red envelope and got too close to Mr. Xue.

Xia Guo also knows a secret, that is, Tim is the crown prince. At that time, Sister Nan deliberately arranged for him and Xia Guo to go to the live broadcast, so when problems arose, Xia Guo was the only one to do it. From another perspective, Tim alsoIt was a help to Xia Guo, otherwise the consequences would have been disastrous.

Xia Guo has been fighting openly and secretly in this company, so Xia Guo still doesn't have the basic skills to survive in a big company. She doesn't understand why she has to take sides. She can just do her own thing well, but there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, so Xue and Chen are bound to fight.

Xia Guo wanted to show off and took the initiative to buy coffee, but she was delayed because she missed the elevator. Mr. Xue helped her swipe the senior executive's elevator card to go upstairs, but she was still late and handed out coffee during the meeting., Sister Nan was very angry and asked her to leave the conference room. Xia Guo was very sad and cried on the balcony, and met Mr. Xue at the corner.

Xia Guo was taken to the office by Mr. Xue. She offered to be Mr. Xue's assistant. Mr. Xue said that she would consider it carefully.

《What If》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

What If Episode 6 Plot Introduction: Xia Guocheng, Assistant to General Xue

Xia Guo from Leshan was fired. Yu Jian knew that Xia Guo was in a bad mood and carefully arranged a marriage proposal to Xia Guo at home. Xia Guo accepted Yu Jian's proposal.

Yu Jian's parents knew that they were planning to get married. Yu Jian's father was very happy when he arrived, but Yu Jian's mother was full of worries. The current situation at home meant that it would not be the right time for them to get married.After getting married, if Xia Guo moved into the house, those who didn't know would have thought that she asked Xia Guo to take care of the old man.However, Yu Jian's mother still wanted to live separately, so she secretly flirted with Xia Guo and wanted them to live in Xia Guo's previous house. Xia Guo understood what she meant, but her house was rented out and it was a long-term contract.So that people can be driven away.If it was inconvenient, Xia Guo decided to rent a house with Yu Jian, but renting a house was an additional expense. Since she had a house to live in, Yu Jian's mother still didn't want to spend more money.

Yu Jian's mother took it upon herself to go to the tenant with a fruit basket and wanted them to move, but the tenant signed a three-year lease and paid the rent on time. Moreover, they were about to have a baby, so it was impossible to move.

Wang Yan found out about this and called Xia Guo over and scolded her. She didn't expect why Xia Guo would marry a man who didn't own a house.

Yu Jian found out about this and told his mother that he didn't want her to take advantage of Xia Guo's house.It is really difficult for two young people who love each other to get married.Yu Jian was worried that Xia Guo would be stressed, so he kept comforting Xia Guo. Even when he was with his father in the hospital, he called Xia Guo to tell her not to be stressed about the house.

Xia Guo understands that no matter what kind of life she chooses, she will encounter various difficulties. As long as she takes every step seriously, she can find an exit to solve the problem.

Xia Guo, who lives in Shanghai, got her wish and became Mr. Xue's assistant, but she still belongs to the marketing department, and her performance also belongs to the marketing department.Mr. Xue decided to train Xia Guo well and decided to let her go to business school Ke. Weekend classes would not delay work and Mr. Xue would reimburse her tuition.

Xia Guo decided to transfer the continuation of her card to Yu Jian first, which could also reduce his pressure, and then told Yu Jian about becoming Mr. Xue’s assistant. Yu Jian felt that Mr. Xue might have other intentions for Xia Guo., let her be careful.

Yu Jian went to find his classmate Yiming. Here Yu met his junior sister Wen Ya. They decided to work on a project together. Yu Jian had strong business ability, so there was no need to worry about remuneration.

However, Yu Jian's design concept was different from Wen Ya's, and in the end everyone broke up on bad terms.

At this time, Xia Guo followed Mr. Xue to see the world in Shanghai. Under Mr. Xue's training, she had gradually moved to another class. She began to meet people in the upper class, and these people would become her connections.resource.

Because of their work, Xia Guo and Mr. Xue spent a lot of time together, and Wen Ya and Yu Jian also met often. Their respective relationships were slowly changing.

《What If》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

What If Episode 7 Plot Introduction: The relationship between Xia Guo and Yu Jian is in crisis

Xia Guo was about to conclude the negotiation, but she didn't expect Cheng Yaojin to show up halfway. Chen Nan completed the contract with anchor Xiao Jie for 1.2 million.Just when Xia Guo and Chen Nan were arguing, Chen Nan's assistant came to report that the group had not approved the endorsement contract with Xiao Jie, but had approved the endorsement fee from Mr. Xue, a post-90s champion.Chen Nan went to confront Mr. Xue. He didn't expect this man to be so despicable, using his subordinates to buy time for himself.Mr. Xue said that he did not take advantage of anyone. Subordinates reported their work to their superiors, and superiors did not need to report to their subordinates, so there was no need to report to Xia Guo what he did.Xia Guo was also very angry. Mr. Xue actually explained to her after Chen Nan left. He told Xia Guo that things were not what she saw, and that he just made a more valuable decision.

Xia Guo felt that Mr. Xue had never believed in her. Now she knew that she was just a pawn in the fight between Mr. Xue and Chen Nan.After this incident, Mr. Chen chose to resign and took the client with him. However, everyone also speculated that Xia Guo knew that TNE's project was very important and she didn't want Chen Nan to take it away, so she decided to snatch the client back.No matter what her colleagues in the company say, she only does what she thinks is right.

But Xia Guo ran into a wall with the director of TNE. In desperation, Xia Guo made an appointment with Chen Nan. Chen Nan did not stab Mr. Xue in the back. She did not get along with Mr. Xue because she had not stayed in Haowei 11Year, but a general manager who was parachuted in was superior to her. However, she did not think that Mr. Xue had any feelings for the company. She only felt that this person only had immediate interests.But for Xia Guo, she took advantage of Xia Guo, so Chen Nan owed her a favor.This time, Chen Nan saw that Xia Guo was in trouble and wanted to help her, so she pointed out the direction for Xia Guo.Mr. Xue has a good personal relationship with the chairman of the World Group, and stores in this group's shopping malls are hard to find. TNE's goal this year is to enter the shopping malls of the World. Xia Guo understood what Chen Nan meant and was very grateful for her help.

Xia Guo went to put forward her own ideas to Mr. Xue and tried to retaliate in the hope that Mr. Xue could help win the store in the world.Mr. Xue was not sure, but he had seen Xia Guo's plan and was willing to give it a try.Finally, tne reconciled but did not sign a contract.Yu Jian's relationship with Wen Ya in his hometown is getting closer and closer, and even Yu Jian's mother is very surprised.Because Yu Jian's design draft cannot be easily modified, but when Wen Ya modified it, he was not angry and even expressed his approval. Yu Jian's mother felt that this girl was not simple.

Xia Guo received Sister Ping's photo in Shanghai. Sister Ping thought for a long time before deciding to send it to Xia Guo. Xia Guo saw Yu Jian and Wen Ya laughing very happily together in the photo, and Sister Ping reminded herShe wanted to feel a sense of crisis. She felt that her hidden worries had become a reality. The distance had created a blind spot in the relationship between Yu Jian and Xia Guo. At this moment, Xia Guo didn't know who to believe.

In parallel time and space, Yu Jian and Xia Guo were about to break up in a small town. Later, Yu Jian's mother came to find Xia Guo in person, but Xia Guo said that she and Yu Jian could only resolve the matter by themselves.

Wang Yan arranged a blind date for Xia Guo. When Xia Guo arrived at the scene and listened to what the other party said, she realized that she had been deceived by her mother. However, later Xia Guo told her that she had a boyfriend and told stories about their relationship.The two had a good chat, but Yu Jian, who was secretly watching from the side, misunderstood, so he deliberately asked a child to go over and cause trouble, and then took the opportunity to take Xia Guo away.Xia Guo didn't want to talk to Yu Jian more, so she left by herself.Yu Jian returned to the hotel to find Xia Guo's blind date and told him that Xia Guo was his wife. The two of them had a small conflict and did not let the other party have ideas about Xia Guo.Later, after Yu Jian listened to the other party's words, he realized that Xia Guo had already mentioned him to the other party and told the romantic story between them. Yu Jian hurried out to find Xia Guo.

《What If》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

What If Episode 8 Plot Introduction: Xia Guoyu sees a work crisis

Xia Guo was about to conclude the negotiation, but she didn't expect Cheng Yaojin to show up halfway. Chen Nan completed the contract with anchor Xiao Jie for 1.2 million.Just when Xia Guo and Chen Nan were arguing, Chen Nan's assistant came to report that the group had not approved the endorsement contract with Xiao Jie, but had approved the endorsement fee from Mr. Xue, a post-90s champion.Chen Nan went to confront Mr. Xue. He didn't expect this man to be so despicable, using his subordinates to buy time for himself.Mr. Xue said that he did not take advantage of anyone. Subordinates reported their work to their superiors, and superiors did not need to report to their subordinates, so there was no need to report to Xia Guo what he did.Xia Guo was also very angry. Mr. Xue actually explained to her after Chen Nan left. He told Xia Guo that things were not what she saw, and that he just made a more valuable decision.

Xia Guo felt that Mr. Xue had never believed in her. Now she knew that she was just a pawn in the fight between Mr. Xue and Chen Nan.After this incident, Mr. Chen chose to resign and took the client with him. However, everyone also speculated that Xia Guo knew that TNE's project was very important and she didn't want Chen Nan to take it away, so she decided to snatch the client back.No matter what her colleagues in the company say, she only does what she thinks is right.

But Xia Guo ran into a wall with the director of TNE. In desperation, Xia Guo made an appointment with Chen Nan. Chen Nan did not stab Mr. Xue in the back. She did not get along with Mr. Xue because she had not stayed in Haowei 11Year, but a general manager who was parachuted in was superior to her. However, she did not think that Mr. Xue had any feelings for the company. She only felt that this person only had immediate interests.But for Xia Guo, she took advantage of Xia Guo, so Chen Nan owed her a favor.This time, Chen Nan saw that Xia Guo was in trouble and wanted to help her, so she pointed out the direction for Xia Guo.Mr. Xue has a good personal relationship with the chairman of the World Group, and stores in this group's shopping malls are hard to find. TNE's goal this year is to enter the shopping malls of the World. Xia Guo understood what Chen Nan meant and was very grateful for her help.

Xia Guo went to put forward her own ideas to Mr. Xue and tried to retaliate in the hope that Mr. Xue could help win the store in the world.Mr. Xue was not sure, but he had seen Xia Guo's plan and was willing to give it a try.Finally, tne reconciled but did not sign a contract.Yu Jian's relationship with Wen Ya in his hometown is getting closer and closer, and even Yu Jian's mother is very surprised.Because Yu Jian's design draft cannot be easily modified, but when Wen Ya modified it, he was not angry and even expressed his approval. Yu Jian's mother felt that this girl was not simple.

Xia Guo received Sister Ping's photo in Shanghai. Sister Ping thought for a long time before deciding to send it to Xia Guo. Xia Guo saw Yu Jian and Wen Ya laughing very happily together in the photo, and Sister Ping reminded herShe wanted to feel a sense of crisis. She felt that her hidden worries had become a reality. The distance had created a blind spot in the relationship between Yu Jian and Xia Guo. At this moment, Xia Guo didn't know who to believe.

In parallel time and space, Yu Jian and Xia Guo were about to break up in a small town. Later, Yu Jian's mother came to find Xia Guo in person, but Xia Guo said that she and Yu Jian could only resolve the matter by themselves.

Wang Yan arranged a blind date for Xia Guo. When Xia Guo arrived at the scene and listened to what the other party said, she realized that she had been deceived by her mother. However, later Xia Guo told her that she had a boyfriend and told stories about their relationship.The two had a good chat, but Yu Jian, who was secretly watching from the side, misunderstood, so he deliberately asked a child to go over and cause trouble, and then took the opportunity to take Xia Guo away.Xia Guo didn't want to talk to Yu Jian more, so she left by herself.Yu Jian returned to the hotel to find Xia Guo's blind date and told him that Xia Guo was his wife. The two of them had a small conflict and did not let the other party have ideas about Xia Guo.Later, after Yu Jian listened to the other party's words, he realized that Xia Guo had already mentioned him to the other party and told the romantic story between them. Yu Jian hurried out to find Xia Guo.

《What If》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

What If Episode 9 Plot Introduction: Yu Jian Xia Guo breaks up

Yu Jian took the cake to Shanghai to find Xia Guo and met Wen Ya who was going to Shanghai to see an exhibition. Then he received a call and learned that his mother was in a coma due to fraud. Finally, at Wen Ya's suggestion, he decided to let Wen Ya send the cake to Shanghai.

After arriving at the police station, Yu Jian learned about the situation and learned that his mother had been defrauded of 400,000 yuan. Although the comrades at the police station said they would work hard to recover the money, there was not much hope.

Xia Guo was not happy when she saw the cake and Wen Ya in Shanghai. She had already seen the photos of Wen Ya and Yu Jian. Now it was her birthday and Wen Ya came to give her a cake on Yu Jian’s behalf. Xia Guo couldn’t be happy at all..

Not only was Yu Jian’s mother deceived, she actually introduced this project to the little sisters around her, so the little sisters around her were also deceived. Now Yu Jian’s family’s savings are less than 10,000, and Yu Jian plans toTake out the remaining savings in your hand and collect some money to return to your mother's friends first.

Yu Jian had a video call with Xia Guo at night. Xia Guo was still unhappy. She had a fight with Yu Jian. She was angry that Yu Jian and Wen Ya were too close. Xia Guo was angry and hung up the phone. Yu Jian was angry and threw the phone..Yu Jian's father heard the noise in the bedroom and walked over to check the situation. He told his son that he was going to Shanghai to meet Xia Guo. Some people would gradually become strangers if they didn't see him.

After the quarrel, Xia Guo ran out for a drink and got drunk alone. Fortunately, she contacted Mr.Come to pick up Xia Guo who drank too much. After Xia Guo sobered up, she was shocked to see Mr. Xue beside her.Mr. Xue saw that she was sober and was no longer worried, but he hoped that Xia Guo could think carefully about what else she had besides love.

Xia Guo really didn't seem to have thought about whether she really wanted to live for herself except Yu Jian and love.So she went to the mall to spend some money for herself, but when she got home, she saw Yu Jian standing at the door. When she was held in Yu Jian's arms, she was still stunned.

After returning home, Xia Guo cooked for Yu Jian, but received a call from Mr. Xue, so she was busy changing the plan before eating. Yu Jian hoped that Xia Guo would eat first, but Xia Guo told him that migrant workers here do not have weekends.

Xia Guo also discovered that Yu Jian had replaced his cell phone with an old one. Yu Jian explained that he accidentally dropped it yesterday, but Xia Guo didn't ask any questions.Yu Jian took the initiative to explain to her what happened with Wen Ya, but the two started to quarrel again. Xia Guo started to rehash old scores again, feeling that Yu Jian gave up on her for her family. Yu Jian also felt that Xia Guo had changed. Not only did she notXia Guo, who cares about her family and works in Shanghai, just wants to buy a few more pairs of shoes and clothes.Xia Guo was very disappointed, she didn't expect Yu Jian to treat her like this.

Yu Jian hopes that Xia Guo will return to Leshan. He needs Xia Guo to be with him now, but Xia Guo feels that Yu Jian does not have to be with him. He needs someone to accompany him, but that person can be anyone.Yu Jian was so angry that he proposed breaking up and then left. Xia Guo ran out to chase him, but was stopped by Mr. Xue. Mr. Xue looked at Xia Guo and told her that the person who broke up with him first would feel less pain. Xia Guo couldn't do it.Yes, she knew that thinking about Yu Jian would make her sad and heartbroken. Mr. Xue watched Xia Guo burst into tears and held her in his arms.

Xia Guo returned to Leshan to find Yu Jian, but she saw him and Wen Ya holding hands. Yu Jian broke up, and Xia Guo was disappointed and sad.

《What If》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

What If Episode 10 Plot Introduction: Xia Guo Yujian gets married

In parallel time and space, Xia Guo from Leshan discovered that Yu Jian’s mother had been deceived and had her door blocked to collect debts, so she came forward to help her solve the problem.

Xia Guo found out that she was pregnant during the physical examination. She would not be able to join the new company if she wanted to have this child. When she returned to her residence, Xia Guo told Yu Jian about her pregnancy. Yu Jian was very excited because she wanted to be the mother.Dad is happy.But Xia Guo doesn't want this child. She doesn't want her life to be tied down by the child and the family's daily necessities.

The two people quarreled because of this. Yu Jian told Yiming and Wen Ya about his dilemma. Wen Ya was very considerate. If Yu Jian needed it, she was willing to take out the money and use it as an advance payment for the project to help Yu Jian.But Yu Jian doesn’t want to owe others any favors yet.

Yu Jian got so drunk that he had to go back to his mother's house. The next day Xia Guo went to the hospital for surgery. When Yu Jian and Xia Guo were chatting, Yu Jian's mother saw him. Yu Jian's mother scolded Yu Jian. She askedWhen Yu Jian went to find Xia Guo, he had to keep the child and bring Xia Guo back, otherwise he wouldn't have to go home.

Yu Jian ran to the hospital and saw Xia Guo. He thought there was no hope. Unexpectedly, Xia Guo did not abort the child. At the last moment, she was reluctant and planned to keep the child.Yu Jian was very moved. He decided to listen to Xia Guo from now on. They decided to move so that they could save a lot of money on rent.

Yu Jian blamed himself for his incompetence. He was very grateful to Xia Guo for everything he had done for him. He took the marriage certificate and swore to Xia Guo that he would treat her well in the future and give her a bigger and better house.This is how it is in my hometown, there are always people around to help. Several of Yu Jian's classmates all gave money to help him, saying that it was money for the children, but the wedding wine was still unavoidable. Wen Ya also paid the advance payment in advance, usingCome and help Ikumi turn around.There was also good news about Xia Guo. Her abilities were outstanding, so the company's leaders decided to admit her as planned.

Xia Guo and Yu Jian got married like this. It was Xia Guo who had to compromise in order to meet each other, but she finally got the result she wanted.Xia Guo in Shanghai did not seem to be so lucky. She worked hard alone and blew open the window on a rainy day. As a result, water leaked in her home. The landlord kindly contacted her and helped her treat the water in the room.However, when the landlord saw this situation, she didn't want to rent it out, but the lease term had not yet expired. The landlord was willing to charge less money and hoped that she could move out in the near future.

Xia Guo was dragging a suitcase in the middle of the night and couldn't get a taxi, so she had to go to the previous bar first because that time, she became friends with the bartender Xiao Ai. Xiao Ai also rented a house in Shanghai and was very close to the agency.If you are familiar with it, you can help her ask.Later, when Mr. Xue arrived, he looked for her and took Xia Guo back to his home.Mr. Xue also bought the same scented candle as Xia Guo. If she doesn’t like it, she can change it to a different scent.

《What If》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

What If Episode 11 Plot Introduction: Xia Guo and Mr. Xue are dating

Xia Guo and Yu Jian got married in Leshan. Xia Guo suddenly became infertile and vomited after the marriage. Yu Jian's mother was worried that something would happen to the child. In addition, Xia Guo always put on makeup and wore discreet jeans, so Yu Jian's mother was even more worried.Worried, worried that cosmetics would harm the child, and that Xia Guo's jeans would get stuck on the child. Yu Jian and his father asked the mother not to worry so much. The child is only as big as a quail egg now, so it won't get stuck.Xia Guo thanked Yu Jian and her father-in-law for covering her up, but she knew that her mother-in-law was doing it for her own good and she could take care of herself.Yu Jian applied for a car from the company so that she could drive Xia Guo to and from get off work to avoid her being bumpy on the battery car. Xia Guo was a little touched and thanked Yu Jian for caring so much about her.

Xia Guo's transformation was rapid, and her planning project was recognized and praised by her leaders. In order to make more money, Xia Guo even took the initiative to win another project. She knew that her family was in trouble, so she wanted to make more money.Yu Jian's mother delivered food to Xia Guo at noon and wanted to watch Xia Guo eat, which somewhat delayed Xia Guo's work.Yu Jian's mother was very ignorant. She yelled about Xia Guo's pregnancy in the company and asked Xia Guo's colleagues to take care of the pregnant woman. This made Xia Guo very embarrassed, and when the two of them were pulling, the rice pail fell to the ground.When Xia Guo returned home and worked overtime, Yu Jian's mother deliberately turned off the power switch in order to let her go to bed early. She lied that the area was electrified and told Xia Guo to go to bed early.As a result, Xia Guo saw the light upstairs opposite and knew that her mother-in-law was cheating on her, so she called Yu Jian and wanted him to come back to convince her mother.

When Yu Jian came home, he happened to see his mother pushing the switch. He was even more speechless about his mother's sneaky behavior, and he also learned from his mother that she went to Xia Guo's unit today. Yu Jian felt that the old lady was a little worried.It was too much. He even went to work to keep an eye on Xia Guo. This was somewhat unnecessary.Yu Jian hoped that his mother could respect science and relax. Xia Guo was not brought into the family to carry on the family line and have children.

Wen Ya visited Yu Jian's home with a gift, and Xia Guo found out about Wen Ya's payment for the design in advance. She felt bad because Yu Jian had never said anything about it, so Xia Guo took the initiative to join Wen Ya's relationship., she became even more angry when she saw Wen Ya's WeChat Moments. Wen Ya posted the photos Yu Jian took for her on Wen Ya's Moments and said it was a great day.Women's intuition is very sensitive. She can feel that Wen Ya likes Yu Jian. In addition, the two of them often meet for work reasons, so Xia Guo will inevitably have misunderstandings.Xia Guo told Yu Jian that she couldn't accept Wen Ya's visit in the future if she didn't like it.

Xia Guo, who was in Shanghai, was already dating Mr. Xue. She learned from her colleagues that a returnee woman was going to be parachuted in as the new director of their department. After get off work, Xia Guo went to the supermarket to buy black pepper. The acting director gave her advice. , at the company meeting the next day, Xia Guo found out that the person she talked to in the supermarket yesterday was actually the female returnee named Li Qiuman.

At the meeting, Li Qiuman directly gave Xia Guo a warning. She made a plan for the same project in advance and told it before Xia Guo. Her plan impressed her colleagues, but XueZang interrupted her and reminded Li Qiuman that Xia Guo had already completed the work with her colleagues in the marketing department. The two plans were equally divided, but Li Qiuman still insisted on advancing the refinement of the two plans simultaneously and waited until each was perfected.During the meeting, Mr. Xue decided which plan to adopt.What Li Qiuman said was not unreasonable, so Mr. Xue could only agree.

After the meeting, Li Qiuman hoped that Xia Guo could take her to get familiar with the company. During this period, her daughter Mi Gao called and asked her to come back and have dinner with her. Li Qiuman actually invited Xia Guo to go home with her and chat about the company.During the meal, Li Qiuman deliberately said that the rice cake was allergic to soybeans and inherited it from her father. What Li Qiuman said was actually giving information to Xia Guo. Xia Guo was very sensitive and did detect some information. She looked at the rice cake and always thoughtIt feels a bit familiar.Back at the company, Xia Guo secretly looked at Li Qiuman's Weibo and discovered that Li Qiuman and Xue both graduated from the same university.

Xia Guo fell asleep on the sofa at home at night. When Mr. Xue came back, he covered her with his coat. When Xia Guo woke up, a room card was pulled out from Mr. Xue's pocket. It was Li Qiuman's room card.Xia Guo had an unknown premonition. She felt that she had been deceived by Mr. Xue.

《What If》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

What If Episode 12 Plot Introduction: Xia Guo applies for job transfer

After Yu Jian's funds were turned over, he immediately returned the money to Wen Ya. He expressed his gratitude and explained that he wanted to spend more time with Xia Guo during this period. Wen Ya did not expect Yu Jian to be so unconventional, but sheI still hope that Yu Jian will treat me as a friend. In the future, if he wants to find a tree hole to complain about, he can contact him at any time.

Yu Jian's mother listened to her neighbor and secretly replaced the folic acid that Xia Guo usually took with a popular local medicine for giving birth to whatever she wanted. As a result, Xia Guo didn't know that the medicine had been changed and she took it every day.One day, she suddenly felt severe pain in her stomach. Fortunately, she went to the hospital in time. After asking the doctor, she learned that the medicine she was taking had been changed. If she continued to take it, she would definitely miscarry.Moreover, based on Xia Guo's current condition, the doctor suggested that she should rest and take care of her fetus and not do any tiring work.After listening to the doctor's words, Yu Jian guessed that her mother was behind the scenes, so she ran downstairs to the hospital and gave her mother a lesson. Xia Guo heard Yu Jian's voice in the ward and walked to the window to see him.Angry at mom.Xia Guo never expected that a child would make this family so uneasy.

Xia Guo passed the company's assessment and became a regular employee. However, after becoming a regular employee, Xia Guo's workload will increase, and she will have to face the heavy responsibility of business trips. She thought of Yu Jian and the doctor's words, and felt a little entangled in her heart.After thinking about it, she decided to resign. She now wants to take care of herself and her children.Xia Guo also didn't expect that she would give up her job after becoming pregnant. She agreed with what Yu Jian's mother said. After becoming pregnant, she naturally shouldered some responsibilities and missions that others did not have, so she decided to take good care of herself and her child., so that the baby can be born smoothly.Yu Jian's mother was very happy to know that Xia Guo had figured it out.

Xia Guo in Shanghai was still worried because of Li Qiuman's arrival.During lunch time, Li Qiuman deliberately ate at the same table as Xia Guo. Xia Guo asked about Mi Gao's father. Li Qiu Man told Xia Guo that she was not married to Mi Gao's father. This was the first time Mi Gao met her father, and so did Li Qiu Man.After the breakup, I found out that I was pregnant, so I gave birth to the child on my own initiative.

Xia Guo asked Li Qiuman if he was still Mi Gao's father. Li Qiuman did not answer. Xia Guo returned home before get off work. When she got home, she couldn't open the code lock of the apartment. Recalling Li Qiuman's words, she knew that Mr. Xue every twoHe would change his password every month, and Li Qiuman knew that Mr. Xue had dated girlfriends when he was separated from her. Those people were Mr. Xue's passers-by, but Mi Gao was different. Mi Gao and he were father and daughter, and Mr. Xue would always care for his daughter.Staying here means that Mr. Xue and Li Qiuman cannot completely disconnect.

Mr. Xue couldn't find Xia Guo in the company and guessed that she might go home, so he told her the password he had changed.Xia Guo found a photo of Mr. Xue and Li Qiuman in college. She felt like a failure. She felt that the man who accompanied her day and night kept too many secrets from her. She didn't know how to get along with Mr. Xue in the future., how to face him and Li Qiuman.

Therefore, Xia Guo decided to move out of Mr. Xue's home. Xia Guo transferred the rent to Mr. Xue so that he could spend time with his family. She also applied for a job transfer, hoping that Mr. Xue would approve it.

Xia Guo returned to Leshan and was collecting scenery in the mountains. She happened to meet Wen Ya and Yu Jian taking wedding photos. She had an indescribable feeling in her heart.When she and Sister Ping were having dinner in the evening, she received a message from Allen. Allen helped her find a nice house in Shanghai. The next day, Xia Guo went back to Shanghai to look at the house with Allen.

《What If》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

What If Episode 13 Plot Introduction: Xia Guo and Mr. Xue reconcile

Li Qiuman heard at the company that several colleagues from the marketing department were going to have a dinner together. She heard that they were going to eat Japanese food and Xia Guo's favorite Sanchuan, so she deduced which store it was. She deliberatelyI took rice cakes to that store to celebrate my birthday. When I arrived, everyone was very enthusiastic and invited Li Qiuman to eat the rice cakes together. Li Qiuman saw the happy look on the rice cakes and agreed. Later, Mr. Xue came with a birthday cake.When Gao hugged him and called him daddy, everyone was surprised now.Mr. Xue was also a little at a loss because Xia Guo was here and he didn't know how to deal with such a scene.

Xia Guo saw this and wanted to leave, but was persuaded by everyone to stay.Li Qiuman deliberately asked Xia Guo to take a video of their family of three while they were eating. In front of so many people, Xia Guo couldn't refuse, so she could only reluctantly record the happy moments of their family of three.At this time, Xia Guo's colleagues took the opportunity to take advantage of him. Xia Guo was worried that he had nowhere to vent his anger, so he beat his colleagues and ran away.Mr. Xue felt very heartbroken when he saw Xia Guo running away, but he couldn't chase her away.

Xia Guo went to the bar where Allen worked to get drunk. Later, Mr. Xue came to find her, but Xia Guo didn't want to talk to him at all.

The next day Xia Guo went to work at the company, and several female colleagues praised her behavior yesterday. They all knew that the male colleague always had no boundaries and took advantage of female colleagues. Xia Guo's punch was a sacrifice for everyone.Out of breath.

The planning dispute between Xia Guo and Li Qiuman came to an end as the meeting ended. Xia Guo's plan was more localized and youthful, while Li Qiuman's plan was more international and elite. In the end, senior leaders voted to decide, and Xia Guo's plan was finally decided.“Chunxiao” won by a big score.Li Qiuman didn't expect that she had prepared so much and invited top European designers to collaborate, but she would lose to a young professional. She couldn't hide her disappointment.

Li Qiuman felt that Xue always deliberately embarrassed her. After the meeting, she went to the office to find him and even asked him who he voted for. Mr. Xue said that as a superior, he had no responsibility or obligation to report to her, and he also clearly told herThere will never be anything between Li Qiuman and them, and she hopes she will stop taking advantage of Mi Gao. The person she likes now is Xia Guo.Xia Guo came to see Mr. Xue and happened to hear these words outside the door. She froze on the spot.

After get off work, they both chose the same supermarket by chance. They had their meeting in the supermarket. The two met in the supermarket. This time, Mr. Xue took the initiative to hug and kiss Xia Guo, and Xia Guo didn't push him away. After getting back together personally, Xia Guo didn't know what the future would bring, but she knew that being in Mr. Xue's arms at this moment was happiness.

Xia Guo in parallel time and space is also surrounded by happiness. Her belly is getting bigger and bigger, her family's debts have been paid off, and her parents-in-law and Yu Jian love her very much.Yu Jian's sister Yu Yan suddenly came back from the United States and was pregnant, but she was not happy, especially when she saw that the whole family knew Xia Guo was very good, she was even sadder.Yu Yan didn't want her family to know about her pregnancy, but her mother discovered her morning sickness and had no choice but to make the secret public.She was unhappy with her pregnancy because Andrew wanted to divorce her, but she didn't want to. Andrew told Yu Yan not to try to tie him up with children. As long as Yu Yan was willing to divorce, the property division could be discussed again.

《What If》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

What If Episode 14 Plot Introduction: Mr. Xia Guo and Xue’s underground love affair exposed

Li Qiuman was unwilling to give in. She knew that Mr. Xue was going to date Xia Guo and use her child Mi Gao again. Xia Guo was considerate. She wanted to give Mr. Xue and Mi Gao space to get along and let Mi Gao accept her existence naturally.Li Qiuman somewhat understood why Mr. Xue liked Xia Guo, but she reminded Xia Guo that for such foresight, she might as well ask Mr. Xue whether Xia Guo's fate was included in his future plans.

Xia Guo was awakened by Li Qiuman's words. She had to admit that destination was indeed a taboo topic between her and Mr.They are all related to Mr. Xue, but Xia Guo doesn't know whether Mr. Xue will have his own place in the future.Xia Guo knew very well that when she started to care about these things, her love became humble. The deeper she fell, the more unable to extricate herself.

Xia Guo and Mr. Xue went to a restaurant for dinner. Mr. Xue met an acquaintance at the restaurant. He did not dare to openly introduce Xia Guo as his girlfriend, but the other party introduced his girlfriend generously. Xia Guo was very disappointed.She knew that internal romance was not allowed in the office, but Mr. Xue had to be secretive when going out for a meal on the weekend, which made Xia Guo very uncomfortable.Mr. Xue told Xia Guo that he was protecting the hard-won relationship between them.

Xia Guo didn't know until she went to work at the company that Lucy was fired because her relationship with Tim was known to Director Wang.Xia Guo found out about it and went to find Lucy immediately. Lucy was very sad. She began to blame herself and insisted on forcing Tim to marry her. As a result, as soon as Tim told his father about it, the result was like this.

Xia Guo's mother came to Shanghai and asked her to have dinner together. Mr. Xue sent her to the restaurant. Wang Yan was very surprised to see them hugging.Xia Guo saw the white hair on her mother's head and felt a little unspeakable in her heart. However, she couldn't express any words of concern and just asked her mother coldly if she was very busy recently.

Xia Guo returned home after dinner and found Mi Gao at home. Mr. Xue explained to Xia Guo that because Li Qiuman was not at home for a meeting, Mi Gao couldn't sleep alone, so he asked his aunt at home to bring him over.Xia Guo was dissatisfied. She didn't mind Mi Gao looking for her father. She even admitted that Li Qiuman was targeting her at the company, but her mother came all the way to Shanghai. When Mr. Xue arrived at the hotel door, he didn't say to meet his mother., Xia Guo felt very uncomfortable.Mr. Xue began to explain to Xia Guo again that he felt that it was abrupt to meet Xia Guo's mother suddenly. The acquaintances they met at the restaurant last time were just business acquaintances, so he would not confide all his private life.out because there is no need.Mr. Xue only has one girlfriend in his heart, which is Xia Guo. He is dissatisfied with Li Qiuman but will not conflict with her head-on. After all, they have a daughter, Mi Gao, and he has to consider Mi Gao's feelings.Mr. Xue coaxed Xia Guo into a good mood with just a few words, and then sent her home.

When Mr. Xue returned home in the evening, he found Li Qiuman at home. Li Qiuman did not expect Mr. Xue to be so irresponsible. Her daughter came to see her. She ran out in the middle of the night and was not at home. Mr. Xue was too lazy to bother with her. He said that he was tired and asked Li Qiuman to accompany rice cakes.To sleep, sleep by yourself in the guest room.Xia Guo left the company after get off work and was seen by Li Qiuman. She deliberately organized a meeting and asked her colleagues to contact Xia Guo. Since the call could not be reached, Li Qiuman deliberately said that Xia Guo might be in B3 and asked her colleagues to chase her back. Unexpectedly, her colleagues were in B3 When she saw Mr. Xue picking up Xia Guo, she didn't dare to stop him, so she had to come back and report the situation to Li Qiuman.Li Qiuman's goal was achieved, she just wanted everyone in the department to know that Xia Guo and Mr. Xue were in love.Early the next morning, Xia Guo ate his own melon in the company group.Everyone thinks she is a mistress, and there is a video of her and Mr. Xue kissing in the car.Xia Guo was called to the company for a talk by the chairman. She decided to bear the consequences and took the initiative to resign. However, Mr. Xue had already submitted his resignation first. The chairman also knew that Mr. Xue had good intentions in order to protect Xia Guo.

《What If》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

What If Episode 15 Plot Introduction: Xia Guo gives birth alone

Yu Jian accompanied Xia Guo back home after her prenatal check-up and learned the news that Yanyan had lost contact. Their family was very anxious and went out to look for someone. Xia Guo also followed Yu Jian. On the way, she told Yanyan and AndrewAfter telling what happened, Yu Jian realized how wronged his sister had been following Andrew.Fortunately, Yu Jian and Xia Guo found Yanyan by the river. Yanyan told Yu Jian that Andrew was a big liar. He had no assets at all, and the house abroad was not his. Moreover, when he returned to China, he broughtwith an old woman.Yu Jian and Xia Guo first took Yanyan home. At night, Xia Guo's stomach began to hurt. At the same time, Yu Jian's mother discovered that Yanyan had committed suicide in the bedroom, and everyone rushed to rescue Yanyan.Xia Guo saw Yu Jian carrying Yan Yan out. She used all her strength to walk to the bedroom door. Just when she saw Yu Jian's father was about to go out, she found that her amniotic fluid had broken.

In the end, Xia Guo called an ambulance and went to the hospital alone. The newborn was at risk of suffocation and needed surgery, but the family members needed to sign during the process. Xia Guo came by herself, so she signed it herself.After Yu Jian sent his sister to the operating room for rescue, he remembered Xia Guo. He couldn't contact Xia Guo. Later, when he contacted his father, he learned that Xia Guo went to the hospital alone.

Xia Guo from Shanghai was very angry about Mr. Xue's resignation, so she went to Mr. Xue's home to find him.Mr. Xue was also thinking about the future of the two of them. He knew that it was not easy for Xia Guo to find a job, so it would be better for their future if he resigned.Colleagues talked a lot about Xia Guo. Everyone felt that Mr. Xue was just playing with her and resigning just to get rid of her. Unexpectedly, Mr. Xue came to deliver desserts to Xia Guo. The two fed each other. ColleaguesThey all looked very envious.

Li Qiuman has decided to take her children abroad. Mi Gao misses her friends very much, and Li Qiuman has been able to see Mr. Xue's thoughts for such a long time. She just laments that she did not meet him at the right time, but Mr. Xue alsoGave her good wishes that she would meet the right person.

Fortunately, Xia Guo, who had just given birth, was accompanied by her mother. She didn't expect that her mother would still feel sorry for her in the end.Wang Yan accompanies her daughter and grandson, and will take them home after they are discharged from the hospital. She has also hired the best confinement nanny.Yu Jian and her mother came to the confinement center for three days, waiting every day, hoping to see Xia Guo and the child, but Wang Yan simply refused to let them meet.

Xia Guo still couldn't bear it and asked Yu Jian to go into the room and take a look at the child. Yu Jian knew that he had done something wrong, so he was careful with Xia Guo.After Xia Guo was discharged from the hospital, she returned to her home. She happened to have a confinement nanny and her mother at home to take care of her, and it would be more comfortable to live by herself.Yu Jian didn't say anything, and personally picked up Xia Guo from the hospital and sent her back to her home.On the other side, Yanyan received Andrew's divorce agreement. She decided to start over, cut her hair short, and decided to go back to the United States with Andrew to get divorced. After completing her graduate studies in the United States, she returned to China.

《What If》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

What If Episode 16 Plot Introduction: Mr. Xia Guo and Xue start a romantic life

Yu Jian expressed his apology to Xia Guo in his own way. Whenever he had time, he would buy some baby products and put them in front of Xia Guo's house, and he would also install a crib in front of Xia Guo's house.Yanyan went to Xia Guo's house to visit her. She came to apologize to Xia Guo. If it weren't for her, Xia Guo and Yu Jian wouldn't be where they are today.Xia Guo no longer holds grudges, everything is over.As an aunt, Yanyan came to see her nephew for the first time and gave him a gold bracelet.Xia Guo comforted Yanyan that she would also have children in the future.

Yu Jian and his mother went to Xia Guo's house, hoping to see the child. This time they finally got their wish. Wang Yan let their mother and son in. Yu Jian's mother finally saw her eldest grandson, and she was very happy with her eldest grandson.Xia Guo still felt aggrieved when she recalled the day she gave birth. She didn't know who to blame. Yanyan was dying at that time, but her pain was unforgettable in this life. However, Yu Jian was the father of the child after all, and she also wanted to give him to her.The child has a complete family, so he will not be separated from Yumi.But at this stage, Xia Guo still decided to live in her own home.This decision made both mothers unhappy. Wang Yan also felt that Yu Jian's mother would not treat her grandson badly, so it would be fine for Xia Guo and her child to go back to live together. However, Xia Guo just wanted to be in her own home. If her mother felt distressedI can pay her for the house.Yu Jian is also trying to persuade her mother. Yu Jian's mother feels that Xia Guo is still blaming herself, but Yu Jian feels that the most important thing is that Xia Guo is comfortable at this stage. Only when she is comfortable and happy can they see the child at any time.When the New Year came, Yu Jian took Xia Guo and the child back to her mother's house to celebrate the New Year. The grandparents were very happy to see the child. Xia Guo felt the happiness of life, and she began to hope that life could go slower and slower.

In the parallel time and space, Xia Guo also got along very happily with Mr. Xue. The small episodes between them have passed. Now the two of them are cuddling together, watching TV and enjoying the romantic world of two people.

After the Chinese New Year, Mr. Xue came across a pretty good job opportunity, but the job was in Singapore, and Mr. Xue was very clear that he had to consider his girlfriend.Lucy and Tim were getting married, and Xia Guo received the invitation. However, Mr. Xue had to go to Singapore to attend the summit, so he could not accompany Xia Guo to the Maldives for the wedding. In order to express his apology, he had bought one in advance.Dress and skirt, and went with Xia Guo to choose Lucy's wedding gift, so Xia Guo didn't feel so sad.

Xia Guo and Mr. Xue have been together for so long, and she also wants to find a destination, but Mr. Xue seems to be deliberately avoiding the matter of marriage. When Xia Guo sees Mr. Xue busy installing lights, she suddenly proposes marriage, butMr. Xue pretended not to hear, and Xia Guo stopped asking questions.

Xia Guo from Leshan found an aunt because she wanted to go out to find a job, otherwise she would be out of touch with society. Yu Jian was actually reluctant, but she had no choice but to defeat Xia Guo.Yu Jian went to attend the warm-house party at Wen Ya's shop. He told Wen Ya about his confusion. Girls understand girls. Wen Ya knew Xia Guo's feelings very well. Girls also have their own ideals and are independent people. They don't belong to anyone else.Daughter, wife, mother, so she completely understood what Xia Guo did.After hearing Wen Ya's words, Yu Jian realized that he had ignored Xia Guo's feelings.

《What If》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

What If Episode 17 Plot Introduction: Mr. Xia Guo and Xue Quarrel

Yu Jian returned home and asked Xia Guo to find a job in peace, leaving the house and children to be taken care of by her aunt. Xia Guo was very touched. She felt that it was a blessing to be understood by others.But finding an aunt at home is a bit unreliable after all. Within a few days, the aunts at home have already changed several times. Yu Jian suggested that the mother could take care of the children, but Xia Guo didn't want to do this.The reason why he didn't go back to his mother-in-law's house was because he hoped not to cause trouble to the elderly. After all, Yu Jian's mother was still taking care of Yu Jian's father. Yu Jian felt that Xia Guo was still angry because of the childbirth and felt that everyone was ignoring her, but Xia GuoThat's not what they meant. The two people had different opinions and had a quarrel. At this time, the child fell off the bed. In the middle of the night, the two people rushed the child to the hospital for examination. Fortunately, the child was not seriously injured.

Yu Jian's mother called Yu Jian and heard the nurse's voice on the other end of the phone. She was very anxious and wanted to come to the hospital but Yu Jian stopped her.Xia Guo looked at Yu Jian's back as he answered the phone and kept comforting his mother, feeling a little sad.

The next day, Xia Guo went out for an interview. Yu saw her mother coming home to look after the children, but she was called away by her senior brother. When Xia Guo returned home, she saw her mother-in-law at home, taking care of the children and cleaning, so she asked her to take a break.Yu Jian's mother looked at Xia Guo's weak appearance. When she touched her, she found that her body was very hot and she had a fever, so she quickly prepared ginger water for Xia Guo.

Xia Guo, who was in Shanghai, was promoted by the chairman to marketing director. Mr. Xue went to Singapore not to attend the summit, but for an interview. After this interview, he also got an offer, but he needed to join the job as soon as possible, but Mr. XueHe's not ready yet because he hasn't told Xia Guo yet.

The two of them had dinner together in the evening. Xia Guo told her about her promotion. Originally, Mr. Xue had planned to show off his cards, but he didn't say anything in the end.

After returning home, Xia Guo saw Mr. Xue's admission notice from Singapore on the computer. Xia Guo was not angry, and she was very sorry. Mr. Xue resigned due to her own reasons and now she has to go to Singapore.Xia Guo decided to go to Singapore with Mr. Xue, but Mr. Xue hesitated. Xia Guo didn't want Xia Guo to give up her ideals, and she had just been promoted.The reason why Mr. Xue didn't dare to tell Xia Guo was because he was afraid that Xia Guo would make an impulsive decision.But in Xia Guo's eyes, Mr. Xue just wanted to escape because he didn't want to get married.The two had a quarrel, and Xia Guo was very disappointed with Mr. Xue. Mr. Xue also didn't expect that Xia Guo was no longer the person who devoted himself to his career, and began to consider giving up his career because of feelings.

Mr. Xue went to buy the ring that Xia Guo liked at that time, and then he went to find Xia Guo, but he didn’t expect that Xia Guo was not at home and could not be contacted by phone. At this time, Xia Guo was standing in front of Mr. Xue’s house, and the two of them missed each other like this..As a result, they were also facing separation in Leshan, but it was her and her mother. After Wang Yan got sick, he kept Xia Guo a secret and refused surgery until his body could no longer support it.Xia Guo got the news from her stepfather. She ran to the hospital to stay with her mother and visited the hospital every day.Xia Guo couldn't bear to see Yu's mother coming home to take care of the children every day, so she decided to move back to her mother-in-law's house.

Wang Yan passed away, and Xia Guo was very sad. Wang Yan in the parallel time and space also passed away. Xia Guo returned to Leshan from Shanghai and looked at her mother's urn and the salary card left behind. She had changed the house intoXia Guo's name.This is probably the mother who is always trying to leave a way out for her children.

《What If》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

What If Episode 18 Plot Introduction: Allen confesses to Xia Guo

The newly appointed Mr. Wu was actually a bit targeted at Xia Guo. When Xia Guo worked even though she was sick, Mr. Wu would make sarcastic remarks to her and even let her take a long vacation to rest.Chen Nan made an appointment with Xia Guo. She knew that Mr. Wu was targeting Xia Guo, so she made an appointment with Xia Guo to poach her. Chen Nan now works in a jewelry group. She has always recognized Xia Guo's ability, so she wanted toDig her away.

At night, I heard Allen's room next door being very noisy. After I went there, I found out that a group of their friends were having a pajama party. Xia Guo joined in at Allen's invitation. She never thought that she could be so relaxed.Although Allen is younger than her, he can always give Xia Guo spiritual strength at critical moments.

After chatting with Allen, Xia Guo felt like resigning. She thought that only in this way could she have a good rest and have time to plan her future.Xia Guo tried her best to enter Haowei, but now she leaves here without any regrets.Xia Guo made the decision to break up with Mr. Xue. After sending the breakup message, she blocked Mr. Xue.Xia Guo decided to buy the shop where Allen worked. She wanted to partner with Allen. Xia Guo now had savings and was able to buy his shop. Later, she actually became a shareholder of the bar.As they got along with Allen, the two seemed to find different sparks.

When Xia Guo fell ill, Allen carried her to the hospital. He stayed with Xia Guo and enjoyed the feeling of Xia Guo leaning on his shoulder.Allen proposed the idea of ​​living together with Xia Guo, but Xia Guo pretended to be asleep and did not reply to her at all.Having experienced the pain of two relationships, she is not yet ready to enter a new relationship.

When Lucy came to the store to play, she had already seen that Allen liked Xia Guo, but Xia Guo currently only regarded Allen as her younger brother.Lucy told Xia Guo that a woman should find someone who loves her and makes her happy. Lucy's words made Xia Guo re-examine the person around her.

Xia Guo and Allen were indeed very happy together, and they were still very suitable working partners.Now Xia Guo is not in a good state to manage her relationship, she just wants to make money.It was the New Year again, and Xia Guo was ready to celebrate the New Year alone. Unexpectedly, Allen came to find him. He said that his high-speed rail was canceled and he was homeless, so he had to let Xia Guo take him in.

Allen drank a little too much, so he took this opportunity to confess his love to Xia Guo and even kissed Xia Guo. Xia Guo was very determined and she just pretended that what happened just now didn't happen and that she and Allen could only be friends.Xia Guo hoped that Allen would be happy, and was very grateful to Allen for his company during this period, which allowed her to find a new self.

When the epidemic caught up with the epidemic after the New Year, Xia Guo originally planned to lay off employees. Later, he received a message asking whether they would deliver simple meals. Xia Guo felt that their store could still be saved, so he asked the employees to return to their respective posts.Xia Guo immediately decided to contact the platform and open a takeout business. There is no perfect path, and smart people can always find opportunities to survive in difficult situations.

Allen accompanied Xia Guo on her birthday, and during the live broadcast, he wished his goddess a happy birthday in front of many fans.Even on her birthday, Xia Guo was thinking about making money. She wanted to open a restaurant, but Allen didn't think so. He wanted to live a free life.The two had a disagreement, Allen applied for leave, and the two broke up on bad terms.Xia Guo didn't know whether what she was doing was right. She enjoyed the challenges in life and always had a sense of crisis. She couldn't be as free and easy as Allen.

《What If》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

What If Episode 19 Plot Introduction: Xia Guo stalks Yu Jian

Xia Guo, who became a mother, lived a life of daily necessities in a small town. Xia Guo also encountered difficulties at work. Although the plan she made was very popular with the leaders, due to the epidemic and the fact that Xia Guo had just become a mother, the results in the pastThe company is unwilling to recruit new mothers, so Xia Guo's formalization needs to be postponed.Xia Guo discovered that the eternal flowers that she met and gave to her were actually bought from Wen Ya's flower shop. When she was shopping, she saw Wen Ya busy in the flower shop. She began to worry unfoundedly and suspected that Yu Jian was cheating, so she approached Sister Ping.Complaining, Sister Ping hopes she won’t think too much about it.Xia Guo still decided to figure this out.

Yu Jian bought Xia Guo a box of lipstick as a gift. Xia Guo didn't expect that Yu Jian knew lipstick so well, and she didn't wear makeup recently when raising her children. Yu Jian also bought lipstick, and Xia Guo suspected that she originally wanted to give it to someone else.Yes, I just bumped into it and changed my story and said it was for me.

Yu Jian was going to Shanghai for a business trip, and Xia Guo was suspicious. Yu Jian had just left the house, so she chased him out to give Yu Jian gloves because he didn't put them on.Unexpectedly, she saw Wen Ya and Yu Jian together at the bus station. Wen Ya at this time was like a magic mirror, reflecting Xia Guo's dimness at the moment, making Xia Guo even more suspicious of Yu Jian's loyalty.

In Shanghai, Xia Guo unexpectedly reunited with Yu Jian again. This time it was because of work. The interior designer Xia Guo hired turned out to be Yu Jian. Many of Yu Jian's designs have become internet celebrities, so Xia Guo wanted toListen to what he has to say.However, the two people's lives are on different life trajectories. Yu Jian already has a child, while Xia Guo is still working hard alone in the big city.

The two chatted for a long time, and after finishing their work, they decided to go to the beach to watch the sunrise together.It had been a long time since she had seen the sunrise. Xia Guo never expected that one day she would be able to watch the sunrise with Yu Jian.Yu Jian is going back to Leshan, and Xia Guo watches him leave.The two of them recalled what happened that year. After Yu Jian left angrily, he regretted it halfway and returned to Xia Guo's residence, only to see her and Mr. Xue hugging each other.At that moment, Yu Jian decided to give up Xia Guo.A few days later, Xia Guo received a portrait from Yu Jian. Yu Jian used to be very happy when he painted Xia Guo every day. Now he hopes that Xia Guo will be happy after seeing these paintings.

The conflicts between Xia Guo and Yu Jian, who were living in Leshan, were gradually building up. Xia Guo accidentally saw Yu Jian's cell phone, which was a message sent to him by Wen Ya. The two agreed to meet downstairs at nine o'clock the next day.If she was really panicking, she was worried that what she feared would eventually come.

Xia Guo could pay attention to Yu Jian's every move. He even groomed himself carefully and sprayed perfume. Xia Guo followed Yu Jian closely after he left home.She followed along and found Yu Jian and Wen Ya entering a hotel.

《What If》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

What If Episode 20 Finale Plot Introduction: Mr. Xue seeks Xia Guo’s forgiveness

Xia Guo returned home and was very sad. Yanyan happened to see this scene. Xia Guo told Yanyan what she saw. Yanyan did not believe that her brother could cheat on her. There must be a misunderstanding.Xia Guo knew that Yanyan was Yu Jian's biological sister and would definitely not turn against her, but it was hard for Yanyan to say anything.In the evening, Yu Jian offered to talk to Xia Guo about their affairs. He had already found a place and would take her there the next day.Xia Guo agreed, no matter what kind of storm it would be tomorrow, she would accept it.Xia Guo discovered that Yu Jian had taken him to the hotel where he and Wen Ya had been.I was very panicked, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in Yu Jian's gourd.

Xia Guo's career in Shanghai is getting better and better. A new store opened. She received a bouquet from Allen who was climbing Mount Everest. She didn't expect that Mr. Xue also came to congratulate him. Mr. Xue told Xia Guo that he came back this time because he wanted toShe stayed and didn't go anywhere, but Xia Guo didn't want to talk about feelings with him anymore. As a boss, she welcomed Mr. Xue to come and congratulate him.

Xia Guo received a request from a customer who wanted to propose to his girlfriend in her store. Xia Guo accepted the business. Once the business is done, it might become a love check-in destination in the future.But Mr. Xue came to the store again, sitting in the store working with his computer, waiting for lunch time to eat here directly.Mr. Xue was very sad about a customer proposing in the store. He even bought a bottle of Valentine's red wine online, which has only 2,000 bottles in the world. He also racked his brains to find desserts to match the red wine. Xia Guo felt strange.Weird.

Sure enough, Xia Guo discovered Mr. Xue's secret. It turned out that the customer who wanted to propose was him. No wonder he was so interested in this matter. However, Xia Guo did not accept such romance. This was just Mr. Xue's self-impression.Ever since she and Mr. Xue got together, she has been accommodating and cooperating with him. Now she doesn't want to be like this. She wants to live for herself, but can she really let go of Mr. Xue? That's definitely not possible.

Mr. Xue gave Xia Guo the ring he bought that year, and he told Xia Guo that his idea of ​​marrying her had never changed.He thought that Xia Guo would reject his proposal, but it didn't matter.Xia Guo returned home and opened the box of the ring. There was a receipt in it. When she saw the date, she realized that Mr. Xue bought it the night before he left. For so long, without him explaining or asking, the two of them just...It's a stalemate.

Mr. Xue came to see Xia Guo in the evening. He didn't want to give up. He just wanted to ask for Xia Guo's forgiveness.Xia Guo opened the door, and Mr. Xue stood at the door, their eyes facing each other.

Xia Guo, who was in Leshan at the moment, was receiving a surprise. It turned out that these people who were busy with Yu Jian were preparing for their wedding. Yanyan and the others knew about it and helped Yu Jian hide it, just to give her a surprise today.Yu Jian was very trustworthy and even invited Xia Guo's stepfather to attend their wedding. This was what Yu Jian promised Xia Guo back then, and now he is going to fulfill his promise.

Yu Jian is very grateful to Xia Guo for her sacrifice. He firmly believes that he and Xia Guo will always be happy.Only now did Xia Guo know that Lao Tang and Wen Ya had gotten together a long time ago, and that she had misunderstood Yu Jian.In the last two time-space conversations between Xia Guo, they learned that no choice is good or better, and everything must follow their own hearts.
