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《What If》Episode 13 Synopsis

Episode 13

What If Episode 13 Plot Introduction: Xia Guo and Mr. Xue reconcile

Episode 13

Li Qiuman heard at the company that several colleagues from the marketing department were going to have a dinner together. She heard that they were going to eat Japanese food and Xia Guo's favorite Sanchuan, so she deduced which store it was. She deliberatelyI took rice cakes to that store to celebrate my birthday. When I arrived, everyone was very enthusiastic and invited Li Qiuman to eat the rice cakes together. Li Qiuman saw the happy look on the rice cakes and agreed. Later, Mr. Xue came with a birthday cake.When Gao hugged him and called him daddy, everyone was surprised now.Mr. Xue was also a little at a loss because Xia Guo was here and he didn't know how to deal with such a scene.

Xia Guo saw this and wanted to leave, but was persuaded by everyone to stay.Li Qiuman deliberately asked Xia Guo to take a video of their family of three while they were eating. In front of so many people, Xia Guo couldn't refuse, so she could only reluctantly record the happy moments of their family of three.At this time, Xia Guo's colleagues took the opportunity to take advantage of him. Xia Guo was worried that he had nowhere to vent his anger, so he beat his colleagues and ran away.Mr. Xue felt very heartbroken when he saw Xia Guo running away, but he couldn't chase her away.

Xia Guo went to the bar where Allen worked to get drunk. Later, Mr. Xue came to find her, but Xia Guo didn't want to talk to him at all.

The next day Xia Guo went to work at the company, and several female colleagues praised her behavior yesterday. They all knew that the male colleague always had no boundaries and took advantage of female colleagues. Xia Guo's punch was a sacrifice for everyone.Out of breath.

The planning dispute between Xia Guo and Li Qiuman came to an end as the meeting ended. Xia Guo's plan was more localized and youthful, while Li Qiuman's plan was more international and elite. In the end, senior leaders voted to decide, and Xia Guo's plan was finally decided.“Chunxiao” won by a big score.Li Qiuman didn't expect that she had prepared so much and invited top European designers to collaborate, but she would lose to a young professional. She couldn't hide her disappointment.

Li Qiuman felt that Xue always deliberately embarrassed her. After the meeting, she went to the office to find him and even asked him who he voted for. Mr. Xue said that as a superior, he had no responsibility or obligation to report to her, and he also clearly told herThere will never be anything between Li Qiuman and them, and she hopes she will stop taking advantage of Mi Gao. The person she likes now is Xia Guo.Xia Guo came to see Mr. Xue and happened to hear these words outside the door. She froze on the spot.

After get off work, they both chose the same supermarket by chance. They had their meeting in the supermarket. The two met in the supermarket. This time, Mr. Xue took the initiative to hug and kiss Xia Guo, and Xia Guo didn't push him away. After getting back together personally, Xia Guo didn't know what the future would bring, but she knew that being in Mr. Xue's arms at this moment was happiness.

Xia Guo in parallel time and space is also surrounded by happiness. Her belly is getting bigger and bigger, her family's debts have been paid off, and her parents-in-law and Yu Jian love her very much.Yu Jian's sister Yu Yan suddenly came back from the United States and was pregnant, but she was not happy, especially when she saw that the whole family knew Xia Guo was very good, she was even sadder.Yu Yan didn't want her family to know about her pregnancy, but her mother discovered her morning sickness and had no choice but to make the secret public.She was unhappy with her pregnancy because Andrew wanted to divorce her, but she didn't want to. Andrew told Yu Yan not to try to tie him up with children. As long as Yu Yan was willing to divorce, the property division could be discussed again.