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《Black hemostatic forceps season2》 Summ

The devil who plays with people and money, the world-class genius surgeon Yukihiko Amagi (Kazuya Ninomiya)), who has worked at the Gold Coast Heart Center in Australia for many years. His surgical skills are genius and he is a world-class master of coronary artery bypass surgery.On the other hand, if you want to undergo Amagi's surgery, you can only choose one of the two to win. As a bet, he requires half of the other party's property, so he is called “Devil” among doctors.He was standing exactly as he was when he was crossing the sea at Dongseong University School of Medicine Affiliated Hospital 6 years ago...

《Black hemostatic forceps season2》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Kiyotoshi Saeki (Sayou Uchino) became the president of the Tojo University School of Medicine Hospital and promoted the construction of a new hospital specializing in cardiac surgery.His next goal is the position of president of the All Japan Medical Association.

Cardiovascular surgeon Sera Masashi (Takeuchi Ryoma) received a letter from Saeki, asking him to join the Australian Society and visit Dr. Yukihiko Amagi, who works at the Gold Coast Heart Center.

Sera traveled to Australia with her senior doctor Yuji Gakitani (Haruka Uchimura) and found an unconscious teenager on the beach on the Gold Coast. Sera decided to give him first aid.Kakitani felt powerless against the boy who could not regain consciousness. At this time, a mysterious man appeared.With his advice, the boy saved his life.

Afterwards, Sera and others attended the academy, but never saw Amagi again...

When they were discouraged, they met Park So-hyun (Cui Ji-woo) and his son Min-jae (Kim Moo-joon) who came to Australia specifically to find Tiancheng.

Soon, they learned that Amagi was at the racetrack. Sera, Gakitani, and Toshizai went there together, and a man who looked exactly like Seishiro Tokai who left Tojo University 6 years ago appeared.

He is called a devil in the medical community, and the world-class genius surgeon Yukihiko Amagi (Kazuya Ninomiya)...

《Black hemostatic forceps season2》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Amagi (Ninomiya Kazuya) was elected as the director of the new hospital and came to Japan according to Saeki's (Uchino Saoyang) plan.As soon as he took office, he aroused the disgust of the people around him with his absurd new hospital concept, and even boasted that he could master surgeries that no doctor in Japan could perform.Amagi masters the world's most advanced arterial bypass surgery, that is, direct analysis and modal technology, and will demonstrate it to the world.

Under such circumstances, the patient Sera (Ryōma Takeuchi) is responsible for - Shigeno (Naoya Sei), who runs a pastry shop, is unable to undergo surgery due to lack of funds.Shigeno's daughter Asami (Ranju Tom) plans to raise funds by selling the recipe and sales rights of the super popular product apple pie that she independently developed.However, Shigeno and his grandson Yui (Horikoshi Reiko), who knew about this, felt strongly about it.

be opposed to.It was further discovered that in order to save Fanye, he could only accept treatment from Amagi.But they couldn't afford the surgery fee, so Amagi proposed the surgery to Yui...

On the other hand, Gao Jie (Kotaro Koizumi) secretly aims at the top spot in the new hospital.Sugai (Yasunori Duanda), who competes with Saeki for the position of president of the All Japan Medical Association, is also quietly approaching.

《Black hemostatic forceps season2》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Amagi (Ninomiya Kazuya) named the planned new hospital in Sakuranomiya City “surigie Heart Center” without permission.

However, Saeki (Sayo Uchino) warned him to explain to the local people concerned first.

Under such circumstances, the subsistence allowance recipient Toeko (Shoji Hanae), who suffered from angina pectoris and dementia, was transferred to the hospital.The intern doctor Min Jae-jae (Kim Moo-joon) who serves as the attending doctor is very troubled because his young son Hyori (Tachikawa Tanharu) loves to complain about doctors.

On the other hand, Sera (Takeuchi Ryoma), who became Minzai's mentor, saw the results of Nianzi's examination and judged that the surgery required Amagi's skills, so he discussed it with Amagi, but was rejected by Amagi.

Afterwards, Amagi arranged for Mizuno (Fumio Umezawa), a corporate executive who funded the new hospital, to undergo direct diagnostic surgery.

However, it was eventually discovered that Mizuno had received money from Sugai (Yasunori Danda), a professor at Restoration University who was opposed by Saeki.Amagi asked Shinyukiji (Koji Ishizaka), the president of the Sakuranomiya City Medical Association, to recommend patients who have open surgery...

《Black hemostatic forceps season2》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Amagi (Kazuya Ninomiya) performs difficult surgeries for patients, but charges huge fees. This matter is known by the well-known lawyer Kazuko Tojima (Mari Hanazou). She accuses Amagi of fraud and leads a citizen group to break into Tojo University.Saeki (Sayou Uchino) managed to calm the storm and asked Amagi to stop his scheduled surgery immediately.

On the way home, Sera (Takeuchi Ryoma) witnessed the fierce dispute between Kazuko and Miwa (Aoi Wakana), so he intervened to mediate, but unexpectedly discovered that Kazuko turned out to be Miwa's mother.At this moment, Kazuko suddenly fainted.

Sera concluded that Kazuko needed emergency artery bypass surgery and began preparations.However, due to severe arteriosclerosis, the operation was eventually abandoned.The only way to save her was Amagi's direct anastomosis, but Kazuko firmly refused Amagi's surgery.

Kazuko finally decided to accept the insurance-applicable bypass surgery performed by Elcano, the medical AI developed by Restoration.At the same time, Saeki's opponent, Sugai (Yasunori Danda), a professor at the Restoration University, hopes to successfully perform surgery through AI and thus ascend to the throne of the President of the Japan Medical Association.

On the other hand, Sera had dinner with Miwa and others in order to stop Kazuko's protest.On the way home, Sera saw Miwa crying and expressing her longing for her mother.

Can the latest AI save Kazuko’s life??What kind of haze will the Tiancheng new hospital project, which was originally going smoothly, face?!

《Black hemostatic forceps season2》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

The operation involving the most advanced medical AI-assisted technology ended in an outcome that was beyond everyone's expectations.

In this case, Kizaki (Ejun Akira), who runs a Korean restaurant chain, made a request for surgery to Amagi (Ninomiya Kazuya).Saeki (Uchino Seiyo) is worried about the huge construction cost of the new hospital designed by Amagi. He proposed that Amagi accept the operation on the condition of investing 5 billion yen in the new hospital.Amagi immediately flew to South Korea.

Kizaki, who accepted the conditions, also defeated Amagi in the opportunity sample and entered Tojo University's special room to prepare for surgery.At the same time, Park So-hyun (Choi Ji-woo) also came to Dongseong University for postoperative examination and met Kisaki.It turns out that Kisaki and Park So-hyun are competitors. Kisaki bought the store that Park So-hyun gave up due to surgery, bought it at a low price, and targeted the remaining No. 1 store.

Park Suhyun hated Kisaki who used dirty methods to expand his career, and suggested Amagi not to perform surgery on him.However, Amagi remained unmoved.

Sure enough, the fact that Kizaki secretly colluded with Sugai (Yasunori Danda) was known to the protagonist group again...

《Black hemostatic forceps season2》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Sugai (Yasunori Duanda) hopes to reverse his unfavorable situation in the election of the president of the Medical Association by successfully completing the operation for Uesugi (Masaki Sakai), the president of Nishiyama Motors.

The key to the operation is the latest medical robot - Elcano Darwin.This was jointly developed by a senior student at Tojo University (Kotaro Koizumi) and Reiko Hayakawa (Kimi Takuchi), a doctor at Restoration University Hospital.

Sugai proposed to Uesugi, who had a disease that required direct dissection, to use world-class doctor Elcano Darwin to perform the surgery, but Uesugi demanded that a world-class doctor must operate the robot.At this time, Amagi (Ninomiya Kazuya) appeared.

In fact, before Uesugi's surgery, Sugai asked Amagi to perform a clinical trial surgery in order to teach Elcano Darwin direct dissection.Amagi agreed to this request after hearing about Chairman Uesugi's huge total assets.

Before the clinical trial, Reiko, who came to Dongcheng University with Sugai and others, met Nekota (played by Quli).In fact, Nekota was a nurse at the Restoration University Hospital eight years ago, but resigned due to an incident.And that matter was brought up again by Reiko.

In addition, on the day of the clinical trial, Amagi, who saw the status of the clinical patients, suddenly announced the suspension of the operation.In this case, Reiko fell down clutching her chest...

《Black hemostatic forceps season2》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

While Amagi (Ninomiya Kazuya) was away, Saeki (Uchino Saoyang) performed emergency surgery on Uesugi Toiichi (Sakai Masaaki).Saeki interrupted the operation and instead of using Saeki's method, he switched to drug treatment. President Uesugi saved his life, but the head nurse Fujiwara (Misuzu Kamino) was worried about Saeki's different appearance from usual.

Later, President Uesugi's son Tokihiro Uesugi (Shirota Yu) came to Tojo University.Suihong asked Amagi to let his father's operation fail in exchange for a high reward.The father and son are in conflict over business issues, and Suihong hopes that the chairman will retire.In fact, Sugai (Yasunori Danda) of the Restoration University gave Suihong an idea to use the medical department of their company to do something.

On the other hand, Saeki had dinner with Vice President Ejiri (Moki Daikoku) and clinical trial coordinator Misaki (Minami Tanaka).Ejiri is working with professors from Restoration University to promote remote diagnosis and treatment research using the medical AI Elcano, and Saeki welcomed Ejiri's plan.Misaki also has a strong interest in remote therapy, but the reason is...

President Uesugi's surgery, performed by Amagi, was decided to be performed on the day of the election of the president of the Japan Medical Association.However, Amagi's direct anastomosis with a 100% success rate failed...!?

Who is the winner of the Japan Medical Association President election!?

《Black hemostatic forceps season2》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

In order to confront Saeki (Uchino Seiyo), Vice President Ejiri (Daikoku Moki) ropes in Sakuranomiya City Medical Association President Shinyukiji (Ishizaka Koji) as an ally to participate in the election of the director of Tojo University Hospital.Although Shingyoji was Saeki's mentor, the two had a bad relationship because of an incident five years ago.

Amagi (Ninomiya Kazuya) was also secretly investigating the incident five years ago.His purpose is to uncover hidden truths about himself and his family.

Just then, Tomizawa (Rō Fukuzawa) from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare came to visit Amagi.Tomizawa asked him to collect illegal treatment fees from patients, and on this condition, he could approve the establishment of a new hospital “Sleezy Heart Center”.After hearing what he said, Amagi resigned as director of the center without hesitation.

In addition, Amagi also went to investigate the temporary dormitory where Seishiro Tokai (played by Ninomiya Kazuya/Rata) once lived.There, he discovered a certain photo from a piece of surgical information and personal belongings left behind for crossing the sea.Around the same time, Saeki also received a call to cross the sea.

The next day, both Amagi and Saeki were missing.

During this period, an email with “urgent” written on it was sent to Amagi, and Sera (Ryōjin Takeuchi) and Park Minjae (Kim Moojun) opened it on their behalf.Inside are cardiac color ultrasound and contrast CT.Although the patient's name is not filled in, it can be seen that the patient has traces of bypass surgery and needs emergency surgery.

Who is this patient?What is the relationship between Tiancheng and Duhai?What exactly happened five years ago?

Around Tiancheng, the plot will usher in a surging and rapid development!​

《Black hemostatic forceps season2》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Amagi (Ninomiya Kazuya) has had heart disease since childhood, and now he has fainted again.Saeki (Uchino Seiyo) was his surgeon, and Sera (Takeuchi Ryoma) assisted.The only way to save Amagi's life is to perform direct anastomosis and Saeki's style at the same time in an extremely critical situation.

In this case, it is Amagi's twin brother Tokai (played by Ninomiya Kazuya) who appears in the operating room.When asked whether a direct anastomosis was possible, he smiled and said: "I can't do it. That's a gamble."“

So, can Amagi's life be saved?

In addition, Amagi's reasons for choosing ”choose one% when choosing surgery, the birth of direct anastomosis, and the sad past will all be revealed...!

In addition, what is the hidden story behind the black and white mourning clothes?

《Black hemostatic forceps season2》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

During a public surgery performed by Amagi (Ninomiya Kazuya) at the International Society of Cardiac Surgery, the patient Tokunaga (Hajime Inoue), whose thoracic artery was removed, experienced a sharp rise in body temperature and developed malignant hyperthermia.However, there are currently no drugs that can suppress malignant hyperthermia.Amagi, who overlapped with his mother's nightmare, decided to use an artificial heart and lungs during heart bypass surgery, an extremely dangerous operation, and Takato (Kotaro Koizumi) came to support him.However, all three coronary arteries used for patient Tokunaga's bypass were severed.What does that surgical mark mean?

Furthermore, Shingyoji (Koji Ishizaka) at the venue advised Amagiyama to stop the operation as a sign of the society's intention.However, Saeki (Sayo Uchino) urged the operation to continue and told Amagi the real purpose of establishing the new hospital.

At the same time, Yui (Reiho Horikoshi) of Tojo University developed acute mitral valve insufficiency.In a very dangerous state, Sera (Takeuchi Ryoma) performed emergency surgery with the help of Kurosaki (Hashimoto Satoshi).However, he encountered an unexpected accident...

Two jobs at the same time in a worst-case scenario.What is the fate of these two people!?

And, surrounding the sealed direct analysis and all the truth about mosis, the meaning of the broken Black Guards agreement is revealed!

Then the stage turned to Australia again….