《Princess Mononoke》 is an animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It tells the story of a young prince, Arthur, and a mysterious girl named Mono who lives in the forest. This film is not only regarded as Miyazaki'sOne of Jun's masterpieces, it also attracts attention because of its profound themes and excellent production.
Movie《Princess Mononoke》Classic Lines
However, the classic lines of Princess Mononoke are also one of the important charms of this movie. These lines not only reflect on life and the environment, but also reveal human nature and emotions. Let’s review the lines in this movie.Classic lines.
1. “People say the spirits in the forest will turn you into a ghost.But this is just people's absurd ideas.Real ghosts are those things that only appear in people's dreams.”
This sentence was said by Monod. It is meaningful and expresses that human destruction and invasion of nature is one of the main causes of environmental problems.Humans should not impose their beliefs and desires on other creatures or nature, but should learn to protect and respect the rest.
2. “ Let’s face it, sometimes even when you know what to do, you’re bound to hold back.”
This sentence was said by Arthur when he was disappointed with himself. He had experienced many experiences of seeing animals being hunted and forests being cut down, but he found that he could do nothing.This quote teaches us that when we are faced with some important decision, even if we know what we should do, we may still be held back by fear or insecurity.We must learn to face our inner fears and feelings of helplessness and become brave.
3. “You should not exterminate human beings. Since people like him are called human beings, there must be different people appearing.”
This sentence was said by Mono to a werewolf. He has always believed that humans are the creatures that most damage their living environment, and the only way is to make humans extinct.This sentence expresses that when we hold a prejudice against something, we often ignore the essence and truth of the matter.In fact, no matter what our background, each of us has our own value and meaning.
4. “Great spirit is not simple loyalty and pursuit of ideals.It’s about bravely resisting fear in the face of inevitable consequences.”
This sentence is the advice of a wild boar. It tells us that the so-called spirit is not simply that simple, but a kind of strength and courage to face reality, not afraid of the unknown or terror, and firmly believe that what you are doing is right.
5. “No matter it is human beings, animals or gods, life is equally important to them.”
This sentence was last said to Arthur by a god who asked to bind Mono and return her to nature. It shows an equal respect for people and all things in nature and a reverence for life.We should reflect this sentence into our daily lives and respect any form and value of life.
In short, these five lines have profound philosophical meanings. If we have time or opportunity to revisit this classic animation, we might as well review these classic lines, or search for our own answers.
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