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《The night after the divorce》Episode 2 plot introduction

Auth:Little Diu Time:Oct 21, 2024 Source:Network

The broadcast of 《The night after the divorce》 attracted more people's attention to the outstanding actors, directors and screenwriters. At the same time, everyone was also very concerned about the plot introduction of the second episode of 《The night after the divorce》. Many netizensThey all choose to search for answers online. I hope the following content can answer your questions.

《The night after the divorce》Episode 2 plot introduction

《The night after the divorce》Episode 2 plot introduction

“Get a divorce.”

Xiangho (Sayyu Kubota) made up her mind to divorce with sadness.

She recalls the day about a year ago when Shinya (Shin Hasegawa) proposed to her and she cried with joy.

Xiangfan made up his mind again, suspended writing novels, and began to look for a new residence.

Iori (Akiya Sano) has been thinking about Kaho who hasn’t been to the coffee shop for a long time.One day, on his way home from get off work, he saw Xiangfan and couldn't help but call her.Although Iori noticed that Xiangho looked different from usual, he did not take any further action and decided to invite her to eat together.

Both of them were a little embarrassed in an unfamiliar environment, but when Kaho confessed that he was a budding novelist, the topic became active, and Iori was happy to see Kaho's smile.After exchanging contact information, Iori returned home happily.

On the other hand, Kaho asks to live with Shinya temporarily until he finds a new place to live.However, that night, Shinya brought his cheating partner Mingxiang (Kawazu Asuka) back to the home where Xiangho was waiting for him.

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