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《the rise of ning》What is the ending of Daoyan?

Auth:Hungry Wolf Time:Oct 23, 2024 Source:Network

Recently, as long as you open the social app, you can see discussions about %《the rise of ning》What is the ending of Daoyan? This is definitely what fans are most concerned about. Today, the editor will discuss with you about《therise of ning》Opinions and ideas about what the ending of Daoyan is.

《the rise of ning》Dao Yan killed himself.

《the rise of ning》What is the ending of Daoyan?

After Luo Yining learned the news, he rushed to the Anbei Hou Mansion desperately, but unexpectedly witnessed a thrilling showdown at Liuhe Wine Shop.The conflict between Luo Shenyuan and Lu Jiaxue is not only about personal grudges, but also seems to hide a deeper power struggle.Lu Jiaxue's side was well-equipped and obviously came prepared, while Luo Shenyuan and his brothers seemed to be struggling, and the situation was once precarious.

At this critical moment, Luo Yining's wit and bravery appeared again.Not only did she discover and stop the hidden arrow aimed at Luo Shenyuan in time, she also quickly thought of a strategy to use fireworks and firecrackers to create chaos.This move not only showed her quick wit, but also bought Luo Shenyuan and others precious time to escape.

However, Daoyan's suicide is undoubtedly the most shocking part of the entire incident.He used his own life as a bet to try to force the British public to take action against Lu Jiaxue. This move was both tragic and helpless, and one could not help but lament the sadness of his fate.The sudden appearance of the British public made the whole incident more complicated and unpredictable.

In the end, with Luo Yining's clever arrangement, Luo Shenyuan and others were able to escape under the cover of fireworks.Although they were temporarily out of trouble, this conflict undoubtedly laid more foreshadowing and uncertainty for their future path.At the same time, Daoyan's sacrifice has become an indelible pain and memory in their hearts, inspiring them to move forward more firmly in the days to come.

The above is an in-depth analysis of what the ending of Dao Yan - the rise of ning - is. I believe this will give some readers a clearer understanding of related issues.If you think this article is helpful to you, we highly recommend you to continue to pay attention to the line lesson, because we will publish more detailed and rich content.Whether you are interested in this topic or want to learn about other areas, we will continue to bring you exciting content.

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