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《Battle of Shangganling》 Episode 14 plot introduction

Auth:Enchanting Ice Time:Oct 23, 2024 Source:Network

Recently, “《Battle of Shangganling》” has become one of the hotly discussed topics in the film and television industry, because its TV series has attracted a large number of fans and audiences.What's even more exciting is that some hot topics in the show have aroused widespread discussion. Among them - Battle of Shangganling - the plot introduction of episode 14 has made everyone full of curiosity and doubts.Let’s chat together today.

《Battle of Shangganling》 Episode 14 plot introduction

《Battle of Shangganling》 Episode 14 plot introduction

Qin Jiwei asked someone to ask if they could still fight after seeing the troops. The chief of staff felt that Qin Jiwei was not such a bad temper before. Qin Jiwei said that he had died alone before, but now he was carrying the lives of tens of thousands of the entire army. Of course he couldn'tIt's the same as before, I am also responsible for the safety of the entire line of defense.When Duan Xianfeng and others got together, they all felt that they had to win or die, so they all put their thumbprints on the petition.Seeing Duan Xianfeng's hesitation, the chief of staff talked about Duan Xianfeng's past, saying that Qin Jiwei could fight before, and everyone can fight now. Qin Jiwei's character is the character of the entire army.

People from each tunnel were sent to deliver letters of challenge, saying that they would fight resolutely until the last moment.Shuangxi wrote the party application here, and Xiang Hong happened to see it and said that he wrote the wrong words.Shuangxi learned that Xiang Hong was a party member and asked him if he could write it for him. Xiang Hong said that he had to write the party application himself, but he could teach him.Shuangxi was also very happy after hearing this.Shuangxi handed the application for party membership to the instructor, and the instructor said that he would discuss Shuangxi's matter at the next meeting. If everyone agreed, he would be a probationary party member and wait one year to pass the examination before he can become a formal party member.

Everyone eats compressed biscuits here, and they can’t swallow them without water.The instructor told everyone about looking at plums to quench thirst, and asked everyone to imagine that they are eating oranges and they can swallow them.Ding Xin came over to find Duan Xianfeng and felt that this was not going to work. They should go to the US military position to get the water back.Duan Xianfeng said that going to the opposite position to grab water now would be risking death.The instructor said that since Ding Xin has arrived in the tunnel, he is a member of their eighth company. Regardless of whether he makes sense or not, he must at least be responsible for his own life.Jutingxian Observation Station saw someone coming down the mountain in Tunnel No. 1 and quickly told Duan Xianfeng.

Ding Xindai's men went to the opposite position to grab water, but they didn't get it back and they were injured.Duan Xianfeng brought someone over to respond and brought Ding Xin and the others back. He was sad to see Ding Xin die in front of him.The chief of staff felt that the enemy's artillery fire had decreased, which was a good thing. Qin Jiwei said that the enemy's artillery fire had decreased only because the soldiers were all.They hid in the tunnel, there was no need for them to explode.Qin Jiwei feels that many fighters nowadays are just fighting back for the sake of counterattack, and this battle cannot be fought like this.Shuangxi went on a mission and when he came back, he dropped off a bucket of water.

The instructor found that Shuangxi had not returned yet, and felt that Shuangxi must have acted without authorization, so he took someone out to respond.The South Korean army discovered Shuangxi and kept firing. The instructor and the others encountered Shuangxi and brought Shuangxi back, but the instructor was injured.Instructor Xiang Hong helped treat the wound and dug out the bullet on the surface, but there was a deeper bullet underneath. There were not many medical supplies left, and it would be troublesome if it got infected.The instructor comforted them, saying that they were fine and that they could hold on.Qin Jiwei called everyone over to explain the next move, and asked Cui Jiangong if he could hold on.

Cui Jiangong said that the situation in the tunnel was very serious, but everyone said that as long as the weapons and bullets could be replenished, they could continue to fight.Qin Jiwei asked them to deliver supplies to the tunnel at any low price. Whoever could deliver the supplies and bring down the wounded would be given second-class merit.After this battle, Fan Yuanbao and the others have also grown a lot.They all firmly want to fight on and would rather die here.

The above is the analysis of the plot introduction of the 14th episode of Battle of Shangganling. I believe it will also clear up some doubts of some friends.If you think it is very good, we strongly recommend that you continue to pay attention to the line class.There will be other more exciting content in the future.

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