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《the rise of ning》Why can Lu Jiaxue recognize the heroine?What is the relationship between Luo Yining and Lu Jiaxue?

Auth:Big Stuffy Head Time:Oct 15, 2024 Source:Network

The plot of 《the rise of ning》 is really exciting. The much-anticipated man Lu Jiaxue also appeared. He recognized the heroine at a glance, which also made many people curious about the relationship between Luo Yining and Lu Jiaxue. The editor saidLet’s take a look with everyone!

《the rise of ning》Why can Lu Jiaxue recognize the heroine?What is the relationship between Luo Yining and Lu Jiaxue?

《the rise of ning》 Luo Yining and Lu Jiaxue are in their first love relationship, and Luo Yining is Lu Jiaxue's beloved sister Bai Yueguang.

Luo Yining appeared in Lu Jiaxue's life when he was seriously injured and blinded. They missed it after Lu Jiaxue could see.

《the rise of ning》The reason why Zhonglu Jiaxue can recognize the heroine is because although he cannot see, he can recognize the heroine through her voice and feeling, not to mention that Luo Yining can play the same tune as Mei Mei.

Later, Lu Jiaxue relied on the familiar feeling on Luo Yining and finally recognized her as his sister. He began to pursue Luo Yining crazily, but Luo Yining misunderstood him and no longer loved him.

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