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《love sohgin winter》ending

Auth:Enchanting Snow Time:Oct 09, 2024 Source:Network

《love sohgin winter》 is an urban drama starring Huang Jingyu. There are many suspenseful scenes in this drama, telling the love between the male and female protagonists. The final ending is very happy, it is the ending of he. Our male and female protagonists have no regard for past grudges.Together, let's take a look at the ending of 《love sohgin winter》!

《love sohgin winter》ending

《love sohgin winter》The ending of the TV series is a reunion.Interpol Jiang Chengyi and female anesthesiologist Lu Yan unexpectedly reunited after eight years of separation. The two worked together to solve a serial murder case and resolve misunderstandings, and finally reconciled.

This TV series is adapted from Ning Long's novel of the same name, telling the tortuous story between Jiang Chengyi and Lu Yan.

The two broke up eight years ago due to a misunderstanding. Eight years later, their fates intersected again due to a complex serial murder case.

While jointly investigating the case, they gradually untied the knots of the past, rekindled their love, and realized the return of their relationship.

It is an urban suspense romance drama starring Huang Jingyu and Sun Qian, and starring Shi Shi, Wang Tianchen, Xiao Kaizhong, Guan Zijing, Lin Lexuan, Baylor, and An Weiling, with special appearances by Li Jiaqi and He Hongshan.The cast is strong, and the male and female protagonists are good-looking and full of attractions, which directly raises the audience's expectations.

The above is all about the ending of 《love sohgin winter》.The story after the film may show more exciting scenes and plots, and there may also be some plot parts that the audience does not understand well, but don’t worry, you are welcome to pay attention to our line class, we will continue to bring you moreWhat a wonderful plot introduction, plot analysis and other content.

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