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《Tell No One》TV series full episode episode introduction

Auth:Charm Time:May 13, 2024 Source:Network

《Tell No One》The play tells the story of veteran policeman Zheng Ying who disappeared unexpectedly during a secret operation many years ago and whose life and death are unknown. Young undercover policeman Gao Yang lurks inside the criminal group and explores the truth after a narrow escape.Since the heart that wants to explore so much is extremely exciting, let’s reveal it episode by episode!

A capture operation that both succeeded and failed changed everyone's fate. Waiting in pain means never giving up, and the sins of Tell No One are also waiting for the opportunity to return. This time, it is the final battle between good and evil.Contest!

Episode 1

《Tell No One》TV series full episode episode introduction

In 2003, Gao Yang was wearing prison uniform and sitting in the escort vehicle of the detention center with another person. On the way to the escort, Gao Yang snatched the pistol of the escort policeman and blew out the car tires in the chaos, causing the escort vehicle to roll over.Gao Yang stepped out of the escort vehicle and raised his pistol. The other person being escorted in the same vehicle immediately begged for mercy, but Gao Yang still pulled the trigger without hesitation.With the sound of a gunshot, Gao Yang, who was sleeping, was brought back to 2011. At this time, the phone rang. He answered the number named Chen Xueying, but no one spoke on the phone.Just two hours ago, Chen Xueying finished her dance rehearsal and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, in the dressing room, a kidnapper who rushed out was injected with an unknown liquid and passed out. The kidnapper put her into the suitcase and dragged her away. The bumps on the road made Chen Xueying wake up., she found that she had been gagged and her hands and feet were tied, so she tremblingly took out the phone and called Gao Yang, but when the call was dialed, it slipped from her hands and fell into the box.Gao Yang used his keen observation skills to carefully record the ambient sound information on the phone. His intuition told him that Chen Xueying had been kidnapped. Gao Yang quickly rushed downstairs and got on his motorcycle to leave.Interpol Zheng Dongyu, she was investigating and collecting evidence at the kidnapping scene.On the other side, because Li Dengyuan had been good brothers with Chen Xueying's father Chen Jingming and Zheng Dongyu's father Zheng Ying many years ago, he immediately went to Chen Jingming and Chen Xueying's brother Chen Jiadong to understand the situation. After learning Chen Xueying's mobile phone number, Zheng Dongyu immediately used the mobile phone signal toposition.

Episode 2

《Tell No One》TV series full episode episode introduction

In the hospital, Chen Xueying, who had just been rescued, was lying on the bed covered with scars. The scene in her childhood when her mother fell from the building and died in front of her due to a dispute between her parents flashed through her mind. Chen Xueying suddenly collapsed emotionally. Her father Chen Jingming and her brother Chen Jiadong were there.Outside the ward, I felt helpless and at a loss.Gao Yang was released after interrogation. Zheng Dongyu found Li Dengyuan and said that he knew that Gao Yang had been working as an undercover policeman for the past five years. Li Dengyuan had no choice but to acquiesce, but did not disclose any information about the disappearance of his father Zheng Ying to her.Zheng Dongyu then found Gao Yang and asked what happened during the 46 minutes when he and Zheng Ying disappeared six years ago. Gao Yang did not answer, but his sincere eyes made Zheng Dongyu believe him.Zheng Dongyu's questioning brought Gao Yang's mind back to six years ago. Gao Yang was ordered by Liu Qing to pick up counterfeit currency trading customers, but what shocked him was that the person he picked up was Zheng Ying, whose pseudonym was “Lusheng”.After Lei Naiwu was released from prison, he threatened Chen Jingming with information about Chen Jingming and forced Chen Jingming to meet him. After the two met, Chen Jingming was injured by Lei Naiwu, who had just been released from prison.Chen Jingming admitted to his son Chen Jiadong that Lei Naiwu was the one who kidnapped Chen Xueying. Chen Jiadong was emotional and wanted to teach Lei Naiwu a lesson, but Chen Jingming stopped him.Through investigation, the police identified the suspect who kidnapped Chen Xueying as Qin Yong, a suspect involved in the family's drug trafficking case many years ago. Zheng Dongyu immediately formulated an arrest plan. At the same time, Li Dengyuan told Gao Yang the news.

Episode 3

《Tell No One》TV series full episode episode introduction

In 2005, Zheng Ying's identity was exposed while performing an undercover mission, and she was immediately chased by Liu Qing. However, when the police arrived, they searched the entire mountain and found no trace of Zheng Ying. No one was found alive or dead.Ying has also disappeared since then.Gaoyang online man Zhao Long got clues about Qin Yong's hiding place, and then went to look for Qin Yong's whereabouts; on the other hand, Zheng Dongyu also discovered Qin Yong's home. He had been in close contact with the nightclub woman. Zheng Dongyu immediately came to the nightclub and sawThe nightclub girl Fangfang, Zheng Dongyu's words angered Fangfang and forced Qin Yong out of his hiding place. In the end, the information obtained by Gao Yang and Zheng Dongyu all pointed to one place - Regent Sauna.When Gao Yang came to Lijing Sauna, Qin Yong had been shot dead first. Gao Yang immediately chased the man in black who shot Qin Yong, but the man in black escaped cunningly.When Zheng Dongyu arrived, all he saw was Qin Yong, who fell to the ground dead. At this time, Gao Yang sent a message to Zheng Dongyu, asking her to block the intersection and intercept the man in black riding a motorcycle, but to no avail.The forensic doctor conducted an autopsy on Qin Yong's body and accidentally discovered that the bullet used by the murderer to kill Qin Yong was the same size as the bullet extracted from the scene when Zheng Ying disappeared six years ago. Li Dengyuan immediately sent it to the provincial bureau for bullet mark detection. This discovery surprised Zheng Dongyu., she fell into missing her father again.Why did Zheng Ying go undercover?This goes back to 2005...

Episode 4

《Tell No One》TV series full episode episode introduction

The murderer who shot Qin Yong was named Huang Bingde. Because he had been favored by Chen Jingming, he was willing to work for Chen Jingming. Chen Jingming met with him in private again and asked him to kill Lei Naiwu.Chen Jingming's daughter Chen Xueying met Gao Yang one day a few years ago. Chen Xueying was walking on the road when a flowerpot fell from the sky and broke in front of her. It reminded her of her mother who fell from a building when she was a child. This made her lose control of her emotions instantly. It happened to be Gao Yang.After that, he comforted the helpless Chen Xueying with his own experience.This unexpected encounter made Chen Xueying develop a liking for Gao Yang. She was going to get Gao Yang's phone number that day, so when she was kidnapped, Chen Xueying could call Gao Yang's phone number.After Chen Xueying was discharged from the hospital, she invited Gao Yang to visit her home. Gao Yang met Chen Jingming and Chen Jiadong for the first time. Chen Xueying said that she would feel at ease only if she was with Gao Yang. Chen Jingming understood what her daughter meant, so she invited Gao Yang to work in the security team of Minghua Group.But Gao Yang politely declined.Gao Yang explored the details of Lei Naiwu's counterfeit money production and learned that there was a person who made counterfeit money ink and escaped during the arrest that year.Gao Yang reported this matter to his master Li Dengyuan, and Li Dengyuan also told him that the provincial bureau’s identification of the gun was the same gun as six years ago. Gao Yang was obsessed with investigating the murder of his father Gao Jialing, and Li Dengyuan persuaded Gao Yang toPutting it down made Gao Yang emotional and broke up with him.

《Tell No One》 Episode 6 plot introduction

《Tell No One》TV series full episode episode introduction

In a complicated case, Zheng Dongyu finally uncovered layers of mysteries.After careful investigation and analysis, she discovered a surprising fact: those burned remains did not belong to Zheng Ying.This discovery not only confirmed Zheng Dongyu's suspicion, but also pointed the way for further investigation of the case.She realized that in order to open Huang Bingde's heart and reveal the truth, she must first determine the true identity of the remains.

Zheng Dongyu's investigation led her back to a traffic accident many years ago.The perpetrator of the accident, Zhou Jian, caused a serious car accident because of running a red light, resulting in tragedy for Huang Bingde's family.Although Zhou Jian's family was wealthy, Huang Bingde's wife Xu Mei lost the chance of treatment in the hospital because he was unwilling to pay the medical expenses.Zhou Jian's indifference and selfishness eventually led to his own tragic ending.Zheng Dongyu concluded that the burned remains were probably those of Zhou Jian, which also explained why the remains were treated with such hatred.

With the assistance of Detachment Li, Zheng Dongyu further analyzed Huang Bingde's behavior.They believe that Huang Bingde may be taking the blame for others, which is why he can describe the killing of Zheng Ying in such detail.Zheng Dongyu and her colleague Gao Yang discussed the case late at night at home, trying to uncover Huang Bingde's financial sources and motives.They speculated that the 300,000 yuan Huang Bingde received that year may have been used for his child. The child not only survived, but was also a girl.

Zheng Dongyu quickly confirmed his inference from the hospital's database. Huang Bingde's daughter was indeed alive and adopted by Chen Jingming's college classmate.This discovery made Zheng Dongyu and Li Detachment realize that the reason why Huang Bingde worked so hard was probably to repay the kindness of his benefactor Chen Jingming.However, Gao Yang was confused about Chen Jingming's motive for killing Zheng Ying, because Chen Jingming had been friends with Li Detachment and Zheng Ying for many years.Detachment Li could not give an answer to this, but warned Gao Yang not to tell Zheng Dongyu these speculations, fearing that she would not be able to accept the fact.

Gao Yang recalled the cigars Liu Qing had smoked, and this detail caught his attention.He discovered that Chen Jingming also smoked the same cigars, so he deliberately approached Chen Jingming's daughter Chen Xueying and lied that he needed cigars to please an important client.The naive Chen Xueying helped Gao Yang without hesitation, and even revealed that the cigar was exclusively customized by Chen Jingming.This information helped Gao Yang and Li Detachment confirm Chen Jingming's lies.

Gao Yang's reasoning went further and he suspected that Liu Qing and Chen Jingming might be the same group of people.Liu Qing laundered money through Chen Jingming's company, and after Liu Qing's death, Chen Jingming took the money for himself.When Lei Naiwu discovered this, he tried to claim his share from Chen Jingming, but the two sides failed to reach an agreement.This led Lei Naiwu to kidnap Chen Jingming's daughter Chen Xueying, and when Qin Yong learned Chen Xueying's identity, he raised the ransom demand.Unable to pay such a high ransom, Lei Naiwu could only disclose Qin Yong's information to Chen Jingming, which triggered a series of events.

Huang Bingde had witnessed Chen Jingming's murder of Zheng Ying, which made him well aware of the events of that year.Although his heart was full of pain, he still chose to take the blame, showing his deep loyalty and gratitude to Chen Jingming.

《Tell No One》 Episode 7 plot introduction

《Tell No One》TV series full episode episode introduction

In the dark corners of the city, a battle about power and betrayal is quietly taking place.The meeting between Lei Naiwu and Chen Jingming was originally a simple transaction, but it became complicated because of Gao Yang's accidental intervention.Gao Yang was originally Lei Naiwu's driver, but he inadvertently heard Lei Naiwu's call, thus unveiling a series of chain reactions.His intuition told him that the other end of the phone was probably Chen Jingming, a mysterious figure whose name he had only heard but never seen.

Gao Yang's alertness drove him to contact Detachment Li to report his location and speculation about Chen Jingming.Detachment Li did not hesitate and immediately sent Zheng Dongyu to lead the team.Chen Jingming's plan was to permanently silence Lei Naiwu during this meeting, but he did not expect the presence of Gao Yang. This unknown variable disrupted his plan.Just as they were preparing to take action, Zheng Dongyu arrived in time and fired at the critical moment, saving the situation.

Subsequently, all persons involved were taken back to the Public Security Bureau for investigation.Zheng Dongyu has a mystery in her heart. She suspects that all this is related to her father's death.Detachment Li was responsible for interrogating Chen Jingming. Before entering the interrogation room, he had an in-depth conversation with Zheng Dongyu and promised to reveal the truth.Chen Jingming confessed everything in the past during the interrogation. He was once a small businessman. He met and cooperated with Liu Qing because he could not bear the bullying of others, hoping to turn over.

Chen Jingming revealed that he accidentally discovered Zheng Ying's undercover identity, but could not reveal it immediately because of brotherhood.He tried to get Zheng Ying to evacuate, but received no response.At the last moment, he sent a photo of Zheng Ying's police uniform to Liu Qing, hoping that Liu Qing could escape because Liu Qing had decided to wash his hands.However, things went against his wishes. During a meeting in the woods behind the mountain, Chen Jingming wanted to help Liu Qing escape, but changed his mind after seeing a figure and accidentally killed Zheng Ying.

The truth of all this broke Zheng Dongyu's heart. She originally had a glimmer of hope to see her father.Chen Jiadong overheard rumors about Chen Xueying in a bar. In anger, he clashed with others and was eventually taken away by the police.He asked Zheng Dongyu for help, but Zheng Dongyu treated him coldly because she could not accept the connection between the man in front of her and her father's death.

Zheng Dongyu led a team to salvage the body dump site identified by Chen Jingming. However, due to the long time and the occurrence of floods, the possibility of finding the body was extremely slim.After Chen Jiadong learned the news, he came to the riverside with flowers, but Zheng Dongyu did not want to see him, so he could only leave disappointed.Lei Naiwu resolutely refused to admit that he was related to Chen Jingming and Qin Yong during the interrogation, and was eventually released.The suspicious look he gave Gao Yang revealed his inner uneasiness, wondering why the police arrived at the meeting place so quickly.

This is a complex power game in which everyone is fighting for their own survival and goals, but in this struggle, truth and justice are often the biggest victims.Each character is struggling in this vortex, trying to find their own way out.

《Tell No One》 Episode 8 plot introduction

The news that Chen Jingming committed suicide by cutting his wrists in the hospital shocked everyone. After learning the news, Detachment Li rushed to the hospital immediately.After arriving at the hospital, he learned that Chen Jiadong had come to the hospital on the afternoon of the incident and asked Chen Jingming to sign a document.Shortly after the document was signed, Chen Jingming chose to end his life.Although Chen Jiadong did not enter the ward, his connection with the suicide incident made it difficult for him to escape responsibility.Chen Jingming's death also means that the police investigation against him has been officially terminated.

When Gao Yang told Lei Naiwu the news of his suicide, Lei Naiwu felt like the world was shattering.Although Lei Naiwu and Chen Jingming were in hot water and often clashed, Chen Jingming was still beneficial to him because Lei Naiwu had always hoped to obtain a sum of funds from Chen Jingming.Lei Naiwu could not understand the real reason why Chen Jingming committed suicide.

Chen Xueying had not seen her father for several days. After asking Uncle Guan, she learned that her father had passed away two days ago.This news caused her to collapse again. Fortunately, Uncle Guan comforted her and she was able to fall asleep.

Chen Jiadong is about to inherit the Chen Group, and his years of patience finally give him the opportunity to send away his mother's murderer.At Chen Jingming's funeral, Chen Jiadong decided not to invite outsiders, only himself and Chen Xueying attended.He even decided to let Uncle Guan, who had been with Chen Jingming for most of his life, leave. He bought Uncle Guan a ticket for the next day to reunite with his son abroad and enjoy his old age in peace. He also gave him nine million as compensation.Although Uncle Guan hoped to send Chen Jingming off for the last time, he was declined by Chen Jiadong because Chen Jiadong was worried that things would be delayed if things were delayed.

When Gao Yang and Zheng Dongyu were sorting out Zheng Ying's belongings, they discovered the secrets in his work diary, which mentioned the allowance paid to Gao Jialing.Zheng Dongyu later confirmed in the archives that Gao Jialing was Zheng Ying's informant, speculating that the two might have known each other before she and Gao Yang were born.Zheng Dongyu told Gao Yang about this discovery. Although Gao Yang wondered why his father kept this secret, Zheng Dongyu comforted him that maybe in another world, their father was drinking and chatting with friends.She encouraged Gao Yang to be strong.

Chen Xueying's mental state was extremely poor, and Chen Jiadong contacted Gao Yang in desperation.After Gao Yang rushed to Chen's house, he saw that Chen Xueying not only did not believe that her father was dead, but even went crazy in front of a tree, thinking that the tree destroyed the feng shui of the family, brought misfortune to the family, and led to the death of her father.

Lei Naiwu's younger brothers captured Uncle Guan. One of the younger brothers was once a novice of Lei Naiwu and had a good relationship with Gao Yang.When he was discovered when he tried to send a text message to Zheng Dongyu, Lei Naiwu was extremely disgusted with the traitor and ordered his men to beat him seriously.Gao Yang rushed back immediately after learning the news and found that Lei Naiwu was testing him. Later he realized that it was Xiao Kai's fault.Lei Naiwu originally wanted to kill Xiao Kai, but Gao Yang took action to subdue him in time. On the surface, he did not want the traitor to die easily, but in fact he wanted Xiao Kai to survive.

Chen Jiadong has been hiding his true identity. In fact, he was the person who provided the ink.Chen Jingming never thought that his son would be involved in this incident.Regarding the formula of ink, Chen Jiadong and a classmate each held half of the formula, so he asked Liu Qing to try to get the other half of the formula from his classmate.Lei Naiwu carried out this plan, and after obtaining the formula, he killed him and threw him into the river.

《Tell No One》 Episode 9 plot introduction

Lei Naiwu used clever means to force Uncle Guan to reveal a secret from many years ago: Chen Jingming had not been out for a week due to a sprained foot.This discovery made Lei Naiwu confirm his suspicion that the person hiding in the back mountain many years ago was not Chen Jingming.Chen Jingming has taken all the responsibilities for many years, but he is actually protecting his classmate and friend, Chen Jiadong, a top student in a chemical engineering school.At Chen Jingming's funeral, Lei Naiwu confronted Chen Jiadong and used Uncle Guan as a threat.Chen Jiadong remained silent about this, and in the end just expressed his gratitude to Lei Naiwu for coming to express his condolences to his father.

On the same night, Gao Yang met with Zheng Dongyu and Li Detachment. Gao Yang was still angry that they failed to inform them in time that Xiao Kai was an informant.If this information had been known earlier, Xiaokai might have been able to avoid danger.Detachment Li advised Gao Yang to stay calm and emphasized the difficulty of training informants. Fortunately, Xiao Kai was eventually rescued.Gao Yang reported the situation of the day to Detachment Li. Although Detachment Li did not know the specific reason why Lei Naiwu was looking for Chen Jiadong, their current urgent task was to rescue Uncle Guan.

Lei Naiwu was horrified when he received a USB flash drive containing a video of a past murder scene between him and Chen Jingming.Gao Yang saw this and asked about the situation, but Lei Naiwu deliberately concealed the truth and sent Gao Yang away.After Gao Yang left, Lei Naiwu immediately locked the door. Gao Yang felt that things were not simple.He knew that Lei Naiwu had a safe. Although he failed to open it on the first try, after learning the serial number of Lei Naiwu while serving his sentence through Li Detachment, he found the opportunity to sneak into Lei Naiwu's office and successfully opened the safe.The USB flash drive in the safe revealed the scene of Lei Naiwu, Liu Qing and Chen Jingming killing his father together. Gao Yang silently clenched his fists.

At this time, Lei Naiwu was sitting in front of Afa's portrait and seemed to be having a conversation with him.He suddenly received a text message indicating that Gao Yang was a policeman, but Lei Naiwu did not believe this information and thought it was Chen Jiadong's trick to destroy him.Lei Naiwu made an appointment with Chen Jiadong to meet in the bathhouse and told him about his past experiences, including being chased by nine people.He emphasized that he would not be afraid or run away from a murder video.At the same time, he questioned why Chen Jiadong did not arrest him directly, since he was known to be a police officer.Chen Jiadong responded wittily and said only one sentence: “Gao Jialing is Gao Yang's biological father.”This sentence left Lei Naiwu speechless. He immediately contacted his trusted subordinates and quickly prepared a gun.

Gao Yang was extremely angry after learning the truth. He believed that Detachment Li deliberately concealed the fact that Gao Jialing was an informant.Detachment Li actually didn't know this, and it wasn't until he later checked the files that he learned the truth.After that, he couldn't contact Gao Yang, and Zheng Dongyu couldn't contact him either.

《Tell No One》 Episode 10 plot introduction

Gao Yang had a deep hatred for Lei Naiwu because Lei Naiwu was one of the enemies who killed his father.Although he was filled with anger, Gao Yang was forced to suppress his emotions.Under Lei Naiwu's order, Gao Yang went to release the detained Uncle Guan.By chance, Zheng Dongyu also led a team to come to the rescue. She saw Gao Yang and Uncle Guan walking out of a small hotel together.Uncle Guan claimed to the public that he was not imprisoned, but that he went to a friend's house to rest for a few days after being drunk.

After Zheng Dongyu saw Gao Yang, she asked him why he didn't answer the phone. Gao Yang just responded lightly that he was in a bad mood.Afterwards, Zheng Dongyu reported the situation to Detachment Li of the police force. She was confused by Gao Yang's sudden change in attitude.Before Detachment Li could explain, he received an emergency call and left in a hurry.Gao Yang copied the data on the USB flash drive and handed it to Detachment Li, telling him that the task had been completed, but Detachment Li could not immediately understand the specific content.

After detachment Li returned to the police station and watched the video data, he understood why Gao Yang behaved like this.It turned out that Gao Yang was fulfilling his promise to his master and ensuring the completion of the task.At the same time, after Uncle Guan returned to Chen's house, Chen Jiadong showed him some evidence involving corruption, which were Uncle Guan's illegal gains in the company.Chen Jiadong hopes that the money can really be used for Guan Shu's son's education, but at the same time he also reveals a threat to Guan Shu.

After Uncle Guan left the Chen family, he went to a small restaurant to eat alone.He realized he was being watched by the police and escaped while using the restroom, successfully escaping the police's pursuit.Unfortunately, Uncle Guan's body was found in the park the next day. The cause of death was suicide.Zheng Dongyu found a suicide note and a confession in Uncle Guan's cell phone. She was very suspicious of this and thought that Uncle Guan was taking the blame for others.

Detachment Li went to Chen Jiadong to learn about the situation, but Chen Jiadong did not disclose any substantial content.At the same time, after Lei Naiwu learned about Uncle Guan's suicide, he received a message from Chen Jiadong, inviting him to take a bath.During the bath, Chen Jiadong told Lei Naiwu that he had opened an account for him overseas with a value of 10 million, implying that Lei Naiwu could leave the country.

Detachment Li found Zheng Dongyu, hoping to check Zheng Ying's previous case handling notes.Zheng Dongyu learned from notes and a video that Gao Yang's father, Gao Jialing, was betrayed by the police, and Gao Yang believed the betrayer was Zheng Ying.Although Zheng Dongyu was emotional for a while, he quickly regained his composure and realized that there might be something wrong with this video.Detachment Li then took out the files on the Gaojialing case and decided to conduct a thorough investigation into the matter.

Zheng Dongyu found a white rabbit candy wrapper on Gao Yang's table that said "It will be bright after today", and she immediately reported the discovery to Detachment Li.The police force immediately began to deploy a net closing operation.At the same time, Lei Naiwu is looking for Gao Yang everywhere. He needs to complete the unsolved things that Chen Jiadong said, which is to get rid of Gao Yang.

《Tell No One》 Episode 11 plot introduction

When Gao Yang was preparing wontons, he happened to see Lei Naiwu passing by, so he warmly invited him to enjoy it together.He also shared how he learned the art of making wontons from his father.In this exchange, Gao Yang directly confessed that he was actually a policeman. The reason why he rescued Lei Naiwu many times was because he could not watch Lei Naiwu lose his life in front of him.The atmosphere between the two suddenly became tense and soon turned into a fight. Lei Naiwu was obviously no match for Gao Yang.In desperation, Lei Naiwu could only drive away, while Gao Yang pursued him on a motorcycle.Zheng Dongyu saw this and followed them in his car, but eventually lost track of them due to sight problems.

During the escape, Lei Naiwu called his brothers while driving and reported a location.Soon, Gao Yang was surrounded by Lei Naiwu and his brothers.Immediately afterwards, Zheng Dongyu also arrived at the scene.Facing the dozens of people brought by Lei Naiwu, the two were in an extremely disadvantageous situation.During the conflict, both Gao Yang and Zheng Dongyu were seriously injured.Fortunately, Li's detachment arrived in time and rescued them from danger.Lei Naiwu took advantage of the chaos to escape. According to the earlier plan, he boarded the ship arranged by Chen Jiadong.However, the boat suddenly stopped halfway, and Lei Naiwu realized that he had been deceived by Chen Jiadong.Chen Jiadong decided to personally deal with Lei Naiwu and end this dispute.After he killed Lei Naiwu, he threw the body into the sea.

That night, Chen Jiadong returned home and found his sister Chen Xueying anxiously looking for him.She felt very scared because of the thunderstorm outside.Chen Jiadong comforted her and told her that no matter who asked, they must say that he was at home with her all night, because she only had him as a relative.Chen Xueying knew nothing about what her brother had done.

After Zheng Dongyu woke up in the hospital, her first task was to find out the truth about Gao Jialing's murder.At present, the two people involved in the case, one is Lei Naiwu who has escaped, and the other is Chen Jingming who is dead.Therefore, she needs to find the person who recorded the video.Although Li Detachment suggested that she rest and recover first, Zheng Dongyu secretly left the hospital and returned to the office to repeatedly watch the video of Gao Jialing's murder, hoping to find some clues.Her efforts paid off, as the mirror in the video reflected the cameraman.After analysis by the technical department, it was confirmed that the video recorder was Lao Lu, who is serving his sentence in prison.

Under interrogation by Detachment Li, Lao Lu confessed what happened that year.He was one of the first members to join Liu Qing's gang, and they were caught by the police many times that year.Liu Qing asked Lei Naiwu to investigate, and found that Gao Jialing had a close relationship with the police.Gao Jialing was a veteran and quite prestigious in the local area, so Lei Naiwu decided to kill him as a warning to others.At that time, in order to join them, Chen Jingming cooperated with Lei Naiwu to kill Gao Jialing.As for what Lei Naiwu said about Gao Jialing being betrayed by the police, it was just a means by him to let Gao Jialing know that there would be no good results in tipping off the police.Lao Lu did not know Zheng Ying, which means that Zheng Ying had nothing to do with Gao Jialing's murder case and he did not betray Gao Jialing.

Zheng Dongyu and Gao Yang watched the entire interrogation video in order to let Gao Yang know the truth.Gao Yang recalled the years he spent with his father, which were very happy times in his life.For the next twenty years, he was immersed in the longing and grief for his father every day, while working hard to investigate the truth behind his father's murder.Now, the truth is revealed. He has been waiting for this moment for twenty years.Gao Yang apologized to Zheng Dongyu, saying that he should not doubt Zheng Ying, who had raised him since childhood.Gao Yang's undercover mission finally ended and he resumed his status as a police officer.Although there was no time to rest, Detachment Li asked him to participate in the case as soon as possible.Gao Yang can finally put on his police uniform and return to the ranks of his comrades.

《Tell No One》Episode 12 plot introduction

In Chen Jiadong's home, an unexpected discovery uncovered an unsolved case many years ago.Zheng Ying's remains and relics were dug out under the tree, including a ring given to Zheng Ying by the Li detachment, and a bullet shell necklace that Zheng Ying had given to Chen Jiadong.This necklace is of great significance to Zheng Ying, because it was the first bullet casing he fired, symbolizing justice.Now, these items were discovered together with Zheng Ying's bones, suggesting that Chen Jiadong may have an inescapable connection with this incident.

Chen Jiadong was taken away by the police for investigation. Although he denied any involvement in Zheng Ying's death, he requested to see his sister Chen Xueying.Chen Xueying was placed in a mental hospital due to mental problems.Facing her brother, Chen Xueying had mixed emotions. On the one hand, she rushed forward to hug him. On the other hand, recalling the fact that her mother fell from the building, she lost control of her emotions, slapped Chen Jiadong and fled the scene.

During further interrogation, Chen Jiadong confessed the truth many years ago.It turned out that his mother had tried to expose Chen Jingming's murder and wanted to seek help from Detachment Li and Zheng Ying.Chen Jiadong is worried that once the matter is revealed, his family will have to return to poverty in the countryside.During a dispute, he accidentally pushed his mother downstairs, causing her death.Behind all this was his extreme hatred for Chen Jingming. He had thought about killing Chen Jingming countless times, but finally chose to torture him by letting him live.

Chen Jiadong was later admitted to the University of Technology, specializing in banknote ink printing technology, and became a partner with Liu Qing, becoming a key figure in the production of counterfeit banknotes.In a plan, in order to prevent Chen Jingming from an accident, Chen Jiadong suggested that Liu Qing take measures, which resulted in Chen Jingming's foot injury.However, their transaction partner Lu Sheng turned out to be Zheng Ying, which caught Chen Jiadong off guard.

The appearance of Zheng Ying caused the transaction to fail.During a chase, Chen Jiadong shot Zheng Ying and took him home to end Zheng Ying's life in front of Chen Jingming.Although Chen Jingming begged to spare Zheng Ying's life, Chen Jiadong coldly refused and ended Zheng Ying's life with his own hands.The cause of Zheng Ying's death finally came to light, and Zheng Dongyu vowed to be present in person on the day Chen Jiadong was executed.

46 minutes before Zheng Ying's death, he and Gao Yang mysteriously disappeared.Gao Yang has remained silent for many years.It turned out that during that period, Zheng Ying's wife was critically ill, and Gao Yang helped him leave secretly and rushed to the hospital to see his wife for the last time.The secrets of this time, unknown until now, add even more emotional color to this tragic story.

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