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《Love and desire are over 》Plot introduction

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Feb 13, 2025 Source:Network

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《Love and desire are over 》Plot introduction

Starring: Sun Xueyang & Liu Jingyang

Online time: 10:00

Subject: Female frequency - Sweet pet

Theater: Peanuts, Cool Scholars

Introduction: Jiang Fangfei, the leader of the art troupe, was framed and cheated by Jiang Fangping, who was caught in bed by his neighbors, scorching his throat and locked up in the confinement room.After coming out of the lockdown room, Jiang Fangfei found that Guo Tianming had already been hooking up with Jiang Fangping. The reason why they framed themselves like this was because Jiang Fangping wanted the lead singer of the art troupe.Jiang Fangfei was sincere and gradually gave up on Guo Tianming, contacted her biological parents, and on the day of the wedding, she revealed the truth and left Yanghuai Town and went to Beijing.Guo Tianming regretted it, and Jiang Fangfei arrived in Beijing and had a new life

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