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Movie《Jiangyuan Lane》Introduction to the prototype case

Auth:Hungry Wolf Time:May 08, 2024 Source:Network

《Jiangyuan Nong》 is a very good film and television drama, and the plot in the drama is also very good. Next, the editor and my friends will discuss the introduction of the prototype case of the movie--Jiang Yuan Nong. I hope to watch it.Friends who are done like this article.

The movie《Jiangyuan Nong》the prototype case is: the murder of husband in Jiangyuan Nong.

Movie《Jiangyuan Lane》Introduction to the prototype case

In Shanghai in the 1940s, a weak woman murdered her husband in the early morning and cut him into pieces. The bloody and tragic case shocked the entire Shanghai.But this woman was not sentenced to death. After she was released from prison, she lived in northern Jiangsu and remarried. She lived until the 1990s and never returned to Shanghai for the rest of her life.

Jiangyuan Lane is located on Xinchang Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai. It was built in 1899 and was originally called Lane 432. It was later named after the famous specialty shop Zhang Zhenxin Jiangyuan opened here.At that time, Jiangyuan Lane had 43 Shikumen houses and more than 800 residents. It has now been converted into a residential area.

Movie《Jiangyuan Lane》Introduction to the prototype case

(Jiangyuan Lane during the Republic of China)

At 6 a.m. on March 20, 1945, Zhang, who lived on the third floor of No. 85 Jiangyuan Lane, was going downstairs to fetch water when she saw a large blood stain next to the escalator.Zhang was frightened and went downstairs to find the second landlord, fortune teller Wang Xieyang, nicknamed Blind Wang.Wang Xieyang discovered that the blood was dripping from the ceiling, so he and Zhang went upstairs to find Zhan Yunying and his wife who lived on that floor.

Zhan Yunying's wife, Zhan Zhou, opened the door. At that time, she was covered in blood, her hair disheveled, and she was in a daze.After seeing Mrs. Zhang and Wang Xieyang, she collapsed on the ground and said with a blank expression that she had killed Big Man Zhan.

Zhan Zhou was born in Danyang. Her original surname was Du and her nickname was Chunlan. Her parents died when she was young and she was raised by relatives, so she changed her name to Zhou Huizhen.Zhou Huizhen had never read a book. When she was 9 years old, she was sold by her relatives to work as a girl in a Shanghai pawnshop. When she was 17 years old, the pawnshop proprietress decided to betroth her to her assistant Zhan Yunying, and the two subsequently got engaged.

Movie《Jiangyuan Lane》Introduction to the prototype case

(Zhan Zhoushi and Zhan Yunying)

Zhan Yunying is a court official in the pawn shop and is responsible for valuing pawn items. He is tall and has a square head and big ears. People call him - Zhan Big Guy -.

Zhan Zhou officially married Big Man when she was 21 years old, and then moved together to No. 85 Jiangyuan Lane. She had been lonely since she was a child and yearned for marriage. She felt that Big Man was her support.

After the marriage, the big man left the pawnshop and started running a small business on his own. Most of the neighbors in Jiangyuan Lane made a living in this way. Mrs. Zhanzhou was also very satisfied with this kind of life.

Movie《Jiangyuan Lane》Introduction to the prototype case

(Zhan Zhou’s residence permit)

But less than two months after the marriage, Zhan's bad habits began to be exposed.At first it was cheating, but then I became obsessed with gambling. I couldn't get off the poker table. I lost to the point where I had to pawn things to pay off my debts. I was even less interested in working. My small business was also abandoned. I could only bring some small money back home two days a month at most.Home.Mrs. Zhanzhou tried to persuade her and cried, but the big man was indifferent. She did not dare and would not make a big fuss with her husband. She was waiting for the rice to be cooked at home, so she could only secretly ask someone to find a job without telling her husband.Later, she found a hard job in a yarn farm. The work was heavy and the money was low, so no one wanted to do it. However, Ms. Zhan Zhou felt that she would not go hungry if she had income. She was very happy doing this extremely hard job.

Not long after, the big man discovered that his wife was working outside. Once he came home drunk and confronted Zhan Zhou. After confirming that the other party was working, he became furious and scolded his wife - "Work is fake, but looking for a man is real".Zhan Zhou was so angry that she couldn't even defend herself, so the big man beat her with fists and kicks to a bloody head, and she was bedridden for several days.

Later, Zhan Zhou had no choice but to quit her job at the yarn farm. Her meager income was gone. Her family couldn't afford to pay the bills, and the landlord came to collect the rent. Zhan Zhou could only take the things at home to a pawn shop to exchange for a small amount of money.She also borrowed money from neighbors, but she always failed to pay it back. She was too embarrassed to ask for a loan again. She also wanted to follow her neighbor's example and set up a stall selling pork ribs and rice cakes in the alley, but she had no capital and was afraid of being big.It was embarrassing to cause trouble, but finally gave up.

Movie《Jiangyuan Lane》Introduction to the prototype case

(Zhan Zhoushi)

Since getting married, the big man has gambled and cheated on his wife, beaten and abused his wife for a long time, and even threatened to starve you to death to deny Zhan Zhou's food.One time, Zhanzhou was so hungry that he committed suicide by drinking Sal (coalol soap solution, a disinfectant and antiseptic). He was discovered by his neighbors and was sent to Hongren Hospital for emergency treatment before he survived.

During this marriage, she suffered great mental and physical torture, but there was no concept of domestic violence at that time, and there were very few divorces, which was even more distant for the Zhanzhou family at the bottom.Out of reach.

Because both of her parents died when she was young, she had to endure the hardships of being dependent on others. Zhan Zhou had great expectations for her married life. However, in reality, her marriage was extremely unfortunate. Her psychological gap was huge, and her patience with life gradually disappeared.

At 3 o'clock in the morning on March 20, 1945, Zhan Daguan had another fight with his wife after returning home. After he fell asleep, Zhan Zhou raised a kitchen knife and hacked him to death.Then there is the opening scene, where neighbor Ms. Zhang discovers blood dripping from the ceiling and knocks on the door with fortune teller Wang Xieyang. Ms. Zhan Zhou directly admits to killing her husband and is taken away by the police.

According to the memory of Shen Zike, a neighbor at the time, Zhan Zhou said that she kept hearing a voice behind her that night saying to her - kill, kill him, and you will have a day of transcendence. If you don't kill him, you will never have a day of transcendence., you are in trouble.——That is to say, she believed that she had auditory hallucinations when killing people, and she chopped the big man 16 times and cut him into pieces while she was insane.

However, the court at the time believed that there were two types of dismemberment: one was considering hiding the body, and the other was excessive resentment and excessive killing.

Judging from Zhan Zhou's situation at the time, she did not kill to rush to a better new life, but to end her current life. She had a deep hatred for the big man, which was consistent with "excessive killing".In addition, after the murder, she did not hide or hide. She opened the door when the neighbor knocked on the door. Her narration in court was clear and orderly, and she confessed to the crime, which showed that she had a clear mind. Therefore, the judicial department determined that she was not a mental patient and had full legal responsibility.ability.

At this time, another problem arose. The court believed that Zhan Zhou was short in stature and weak. Even if he could kill the big man while he was sleeping, it would not be easy to cut into pieces such a tall man. The mainstream view at the time was --No rape, no murder-, they suspected that there was instigation and help from others behind the husband's murder case.

Zhan Zhou first confessed an accomplice, He Mazi, a neighbor who also rented here, whose real name was He Xianhui. He Xianhui disappeared after the incident.The police found and arrested him as the prime suspect.He Xianhui admitted that he and Zhan Zhou had an affair. At first, out of sympathy, when the other party asked to borrow money, he would spare some money no matter how tight his money was. As time went by, the two of them got along well, but he did not admit that he committed murder.

Movie《Jiangyuan Lane》Introduction to the prototype case

(He Xianhui)

Later, Zhan Zhou revealed his big friend Xiao Ningbo, whose original name was He Baoyu.Zhan Zhou claimed that she had an affair with He Baoyu, and that killing the big guy was something she had discussed with He Baoyu two days ago and had nothing to do with He Xianhui.On the day of the attack, He Baoyu sneaked into the big man's house while he was sleeping. Mrs. Zhan Zhou gave him a kitchen knife. He slashed the big man on the neck, and she stabbed him again on the forehead.Accused of murder, He Baoyu offered no explanation and was later arrested.

Movie《Jiangyuan Lane》Introduction to the prototype case

(He Baoyu)

Soon after, Zhan Zhou reversed the case and said that he and He Baoyu had no adulterous relationship, let alone conspiring to murder. The reason why he was framed was because he was beaten too hard after being arrested and had to confess to being an adulterer.He Baoyu was Big Man's friend. Zhan Zhou always believed that He had ruined her husband and hated him, so she used him as a scapegoat.

Zhan Zhou said that the real situation was that the big man was sleeping on his side on the bed, and she slashed his neck. The big man jumped up and screamed for help twice. Zhan Zhou continued to chop at his neck, and then cut him into pieces.The suitcase was originally used to store clothes, but the clothes were taken away, so it was empty. The blood seeped downstairs along the floor, causing the neighbor to knock on the door.

Movie《Jiangyuan Lane》Introduction to the prototype case

(Part of Zhan Zhou’s family’s property is pawned)

After investigation, the court decided not to prosecute He Xianhui and He Baoyu and released them.

On May 3, 1945, more than a month after the incident, the husband-murder case officially opened.Since the case was simple and the facts were clear, Zhan Zhou, as the sole murderer, did not get any chance of a lighter sentence.The court of first instance sentenced Zhan Zhou to death, deprived her of public rights for life, and confiscated the crime tool - a kitchen knife.

This case caused a stir in Shanghai. Major newspapers and periodicals published this big news in prominent positions with eye-catching headlines. The tragic life of Zhan Zhou behind the case was gradually uncovered, and public opinion was clearly divided into two groups.One group believed that Zhan Zhou's crimes were so heinous that death would not be a pity.The other party sympathized with Zhan Zhou and felt that she was forced into a desperate situation by the feudal society. They asked the authorities to provide extrajudicial mercy and exempt her from the death penalty.

Among the many people who defended Zhan Zhou's complaint, the most influential one was Shanghai female writer Su Qing.As a female writer who ran away from home after divorce, she gave Zhan Zhou a lot of sympathy and understanding from a female perspective.

Movie《Jiangyuan Lane》Introduction to the prototype case

(Su Qing)

In the June issue of the magazine hosted by Su Qing, she published an article "Defending Husband Killers". She mentioned that only people who are often wronged and embarrassed are always vicious., over time, it turns into a powerful force, and it is necessary to do earth-shattering things.If the result is that the blood of thousands of people is made, it is a hero; if one person is made to bleed, it is a crime.“

Su Qing believed that Zhan Zhou's murder was entirely due to her miserable life and mental depression. She had been abused for a long time and had no way to redress her grievances. She had become mentally ill over time and came up with this strategy.In order to end the current situation, she also tried to commit suicide, but failed and couldn't get a divorce, so she had no choice but to kill.This article analyzed the plight of the Zhan Zhou family from the perspective of women's liberation and aroused widespread discussion.

In the July issue of 《Magazine》Su Qing opened another column《Written Comments on the Case of Murder of Her Husband》, which was published in total《Wu Dalang and Zhan Yunying》,《Legal Human Relations》,《I Thought》,《Zhan Zhoushi and Pan Jinlian》four articles.She believes that the theme of murder-husband cases is survival and desperate survival. Women kill people because of the oppression of life. Countless women have committed suicide for this reason, so it is not wrong for Zhan Zhou to kill her husband.Whole social issues.

Guan Lu also mentioned in the column - Zhan Zhoushi and Pan Jinlian - - Why are there only prostitutes but no prostitute husbands?Since adulterous women are said to be killable, why can’t adulterous husbands be killed?”

Movie《Jiangyuan Lane》Introduction to the prototype case

(《Written discussion on the murder of husband case》column)

In addition, many lawyers in society offered to defend Zhan Zhou. The compassion and understanding from the public allowed her to see a glimmer of hope, so she appealed, but was rejected by the High Court on the grounds that the circumstances were egregious.

Later, a Catholic nun perjured herself on Zhan Zhou's behalf, saying that she was pregnant, and according to the law, she had to wait until she gave birth to a child before she could be executed.After a few months of delay, the Anti-Japanese War was victorious and Chiang Kai-shek granted amnesty to the whole country. As a result, Zhan Zhou's sentence was commuted to 15 years in prison.

After liberation, Mrs. Zhan Zhou was allowed to be released on bail. She asked someone to bring a letter to her second landlord, the blind fortune teller Wang Xieyang, to help her get out of prison, but Wang did not agree.

Zhan Zhou had no relatives and could not find anyone else, so she could only go to Dafeng in northern Jiangsu - Shanghai Farm - for labor reform as arranged, until she regained her freedom after serving her sentence.

When she was 40 years old, Zhan Zhou remarried and lived a very stable life. Because she loved children but was never pregnant, she worked as an aunt in a kindergarten until she retired. Later, she stayed at the Chuandong Farm in Dafeng County to spend her remaining years and never returned to Shanghai..

In 1990, Shanghai reporter Xu Ping went to Dafeng Farm in northern Jiangsu to interview her. She was nearly 80 years old at the time.According to the reporter's description, Zhan Zhou has a strong body, about 1.5 meters tall, with triangular eyes. He looks very fierce. He may have an aggressive aura because he has endured too much suffering.She was still wearing big-breasted clothes and speaking the Shanghainese dialect of the 1940s, but she still retained the characteristics of that era.At that time, Zhanzhou's salary was more than 100 yuan, and her life was fine.I like to play mahjong and have a good relationship with my neighbors. I have many godsons and daughters. I usually take care of them and live a good life.

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