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《Darkside of The Moon》Why did Yu Manxing stop Yu Manyue from continuing his revenge?

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Oct 16, 2024 Source:Network

Recently, "Darkside of The Moon" starring several outstanding actors was aired. The ratings and popularity after the airing were also very good. The plot and characterization in the play were also very good. It is a movie worth watching.Excellent drama to watch.《Darkside of The Moon》 Why Yu Manxing stopped Yu Manyue from continuing his revenge has been discussed a lot recently, so I will tell you about it next.

《Darkside of The Moon》Why did Yu Manxing prevent Yu Manyue from continuing his revenge

《Darkside of The Moon》Why did Yu Manxing stop Yu Manyue from continuing his revenge?

In the waves of life, people are often troubled by the whirlpool of emotions, and Yu Manxing is a brave and tenacious woman in this story.Faced with pain and hatred, people may choose revenge in order to find inner peace, but she knows that continuing to pursue that illusory revenge will only increase more harm and make the pain endless.Therefore, Yu Manxing made up his mind to delete those videos recording hatred and revenge, hoping that his sister could put it all down and start her own life again.

At the same time, Mo Jialang was packing up the leftover items, trying to find some clues.When he found a stack of CDs, he couldn't help but be shocked. Inside was the surveillance video from that year in the coffee shop.He vaguely felt that there might be evidence beneficial to Yu Manyue, and immediately called her to tell her.In the mall, Yu Manyue was shopping leisurely with Yu Manxing and Yu Xichen.After receiving a call from Mo Jialang, she decided to leave her sisters temporarily and wait for him outside the mall to pick up the video files.

However, coincidentally, when she was about to check this important information, an accident happened - the USB flash drive fell into Yu Manxing's shopping bag.After returning home, the full moon tossed and turned, and I was awakened by nightmares, feeling vaguely uneasy.Thinking of the USB flash drive, I got up to look for it, but found that it had disappeared. I suddenly realized that it had fallen into the eldest sister's bag.Early the next morning, Yu Manyue hurried to the TV station to find Yu Manxing, hoping to retrieve the USB flash drive as soon as possible.However, when she sat in the car and connected her tablet to watch the video, she found that the picture was normal, and doubts came to her mind - why was there nothing abnormal in this video?

Recalling the time when I was drugged and knocked unconscious, my inner uneasiness became more intense.A glimmer of hope ignited in Man Yue's heart, so she found Mo Jialang and decided to watch the content of the disc directly.As the scene unfolded, a chill arose in her heart - in the scene, a woman in black quietly appeared under the surveillance camera and quietly drugged her coffee.And this USB flash drive was in Yu Manxing's hands, which made her doubt whether she was secretly controlling all of this?

After returning, Yu Manyue could no longer calm down. She questioned her eldest sister Yu Manxing, hoping to get a reasonable explanation.Yu Manxing said that she just didn't want to take the risk of revenge again after the full moon. Moreover, after nearly eighteen years, the face of the woman in black under surveillance was blurred, and it was almost impossible to find a needle in a haystack to find out the truth.However, Man Yue was not willing to give in. She remembered that Jiang Jijun once said that he had not given any medicine at all, so the initiator must be that thoughtful and insidious woman, and she became wary.

“She is more terrifying than Jiang Kijun!”This is the angry and firm belief in Man Yue's heart.Her rebellious soul yearns for revenge and truth. Even though the journey is difficult and full of thorns, the fire in her heart becomes even hotter.Even if everyone around her wants her to let go, her persistence is like a sharp blade, severing her connection with a peaceful life. She has to choose to fight bravely again, or to betray her. She is fearless in the unknown wind and rain ahead, just to find her own.Answer.

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