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《divorce》Episode 2 plot introduction

Auth:Enchanting Snow Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

The recently released "Divorce" has caused a sensation. It attracted a large number of viewers' attention as soon as it was aired. People who have watched this drama cannot stop and are immersed in the plot.Today, the editor will introduce the plot of the second episode of 《divorce》 and discuss it with everyone.

《divorce》Episode 2 plot introduction

《divorce》Episode 2 plot introduction

The 30-year-old lawyer Xianghori (played by Takada Riho) is a passionate woman who chooses free love.“But I won't cheat!”Live by the motto.However, the destined Sunagotani (Hide Watanabe) met a married man who was negotiating for divorce!

Incredibly having an affair.Kahori is fascinated by a specific man. This is the first time in her life that she is confused.I don't want to deliberately choose the path of destroying other people's families, and I have made up my mind to never meet again, but for some reason I just can't be satisfied.All that comes to mind is about Sandago Valley...

The above is a detailed analysis of the plot introduction of the second episode of 《divorce》 provided by the editor. I hope it can solve your doubts.If you have other questions about film and television entertainment that you need to know, you are welcome to pay attention to the subsequent updates of the line course.

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