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Movie《My Love Story》Broadcast Time

Auth:Big Stuffy Head Time:Oct 21, 2024 Source:Network

What I want to recommend to you today is also the movie - That Love I Dated -. The actors in this show are also quite good in appearance and acting skills, especially the movie - That Love I Dated - about the broadcast timeI believe everyone is full of doubts about this topic, so let me take you through it.I hope those who have read this will like this article.

Movie《My Love Story》Broadcast Time

Title:《The Love I Had》

Genre: Comedy/Romance

Release date: November 15, 2024

Director: He Miaoqi

Screenwriter: He Miaoqi / Chen Qingjia

Starring: Sandra Ng, Zhang Tiantian

Special Starring: Stephy Tang

Plot summary: Watch how a billionaire rich woman and a professional team stage an ultimate high-end game of “love”.

Cover up the fraud sincerely, just to get away with huge wealth!A privately customized love trap, can she see through this “love” scam?

The above is all about the broadcast time of the movie - That Love I Loved.If you are interested in this film and television drama and want to know more information, we sincerely invite you to continue to pay attention to the latest developments in the line class.In the future, we will provide you with more detailed plot analysis, rich character introductions and more background stories.

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