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Netflix movie-Hungry Platform 2--Plot analysis: If you don’t understand what’s going on, just come in and read this.

Auth:Enchanting Ice Time:Oct 08, 2024 Source:Network

The audience's evaluation of "Hungry Platform 2" was also very high.Many viewers said that this drama not only did a good job in portraying the story, but also showed profound thoughts on human nature.The recent Netflix movie - Hunger Platform 2 - Plot Analysis: Come in and watch if you don’t understand what’s going on. This article has attracted widespread attention and discussion. Today I will talk about it with you.

Netflix《Hungry Platform 2》is here!However, it should be noted that - Hungry Platform 2 - is not a sequel, but a prequel, and the time point is before - Hungry Platform -!Following "Hungry Platform", a good-looking but incomprehensible movie, this time it is similar to the same tone. The audience will probably be like me and ask "What is this movie about?"What to play?“, to be honest, I think this series of movies is quite philosophical about human nature. Although the director’s technique is really confusing for the audience, once you understand it, you will feel that it is actually quite good, so this article isI would like to show you the review and review article of - Hungry Platform 2 - La~ There is a need for - Hungry Platform -. The article is here: Netflix - Hungry Platform - Reviews + Analysis: Testing the limits of human nature, the ending...

《Hungry Platform 2》Plot description: ”Mysterious figure“ establishes a new order in the Pit of Death, but then a force that poses a threat appears.The scene of the movie is still in this fatal pit, but the tone of the story may be different. - Hunger Platform - I think it focuses more on the boundary between hungry survival and moral lines, so there will be a lot of cold-blooded cruelty and darkness.The picture of human nature appears, and - Hungry Platform 2 - is more focused on the ecological environment, because there is ”law“ here, but are the provisions of the law fair or a weapon to exclude dissenters?The story has a different tone than the previous one.

《Hungry Platform 2》Does the review look good?This is a movie that is very hit on the airwaves, because the director's technique is not easy to understand and very unintuitive, so some viewers may not be able to understand it and find it unsatisfactory.But I think the themes of this series of movies are quite good. In terms of the complex exploration of human nature and the excavation of the system, you will see many very realistic aspects. The tone of the two works before and after may be a little different, - Hungry Platform - becauseIt emphasizes the struggle between ”survival“ and ”morality“, so there are many cruel and rough scenes, while the prequel - Hungry Platform 2 - focuses on how an originally orderly place loses control due to the complexity of human nature.?Different factions are intertwined between the characters, so maybe the taste of this one is not as heavy as the previous works.

I still want to remind everyone that - Hungry Platform 2 - is a prequel, - Hungry Platform - the story takes place in - Hungry Platform 2 - a little later, although - Hungry Platform 2 - looks really goodIt's like a sequel, but now this one is a prequel!

Netflix movie-Hungry Platform 2--Plot analysis: If you don’t understand what’s going on, just come in and read this.

To be honest, the mention of "United Revolution" in "Hungry Platform 2" really makes people mistakenly think that this movie is a sequel, but again, this movie is a "prequel"!So I originally thought that the Solidarity Revolution was because of Glenn’s revolution in Hunger Platform, but it’s not the case!What's wonderful is that the ”Master“ Robesby talks about is not Glenn, but the foreshadowing of Hungry Platform 3!

To be honest, I think both Hungry Platform and Hungry Platform 2 are closely integrated with some elements of Christianity (this also echoes the so-called ”redemption“ in the ending). The little girl wasThe interpretation is a message to the management. The little girl's hint in - Hungry Platform - made me think that it wanted to represent the meaning of ”life“, but after watching - Hungry Platform 2-, I felt that this isI am telling people on the 0th floor that I still have humanity and understand the concepts of atonement and kindness. This part will be discussed in the ending article. You can refer to this article → Movie ”Hungry Platform 2 Ending + 5 Analysis + Easter Egg“, Drowningdog, the last supper, multiple fatal pits?

”Master“ is not ”Glen“ in Hungry Platform, because it is not mentioned much in this movie, and we don’t know who it is, so this is a foreshadowing for the third episode!

”Anointed“: refers to those who have seen Glenn and experienced the Unity Revolution. Robesby said that they are the lucky ones who can meet the Master. The Master is the one who makes the law and they are responsible for its strict implementation.Law, some people call the Master the Savior or the Gentleman. No one knows whether he is alive or dead, or if he really exists. A long time ago, the Master sent a message full of hope. Everyone said he was at the bottom.On the next floor, he survived without food for a whole month. He relied on meditation. The next month, he went to the floor where no food would come, cut off his thigh meat, and distributed it to those in need. At that time, messages of solidarity gradually spread throughout the entire island.The Life Pit advocates the fair distribution of food. This is the vision we must work together to achieve. Even if someone has to sacrifice their life, we will not hesitate. The law has become an invisible belief in - Hunger Station 2-. The law isThe Bible allows believers to follow and respect it, and Robesby is a ”loyalty% who protects this religious belief and wants to rely on constantly changing others so that such laws and beliefs can be understood and respected. This is alsoWhy did Robesby say that all the food of the dead should be thrown away, otherwise it would cause confusion and imbalance in the law? Look, Robesby was unable to convince Sabiadine at first, but gradually because of what he had seen and experiencedAfter seeing the reality that it would cost lives, I was gradually convinced.

Netflix movie-Hungry Platform 2--Plot analysis: If you don’t understand what’s going on, just come in and read this.

《Hunger Platform 2》At the beginning, questions are used to guide the inner humanity of these people. These people are new experimenters who have come here. The director first compares them with various beautiful imaginations before they came here., the dialogue mentioned the food that can be obtained, and the thing that can be brought in. I want to first talk about what everyone is looking forward to in this scene. For example, Samiyadin said, "You can make sure that I have something to eat every day."Got pizza?“And someone said”help me separate the ice cream from the food. I hate the ice cream getting on the food“. From the content, we can first know that humans” are picky and particular about food. Of course, these are human beings' desire to eat, which also echoesThe key“ to the operation of the system is that people have the desire to eat, so if it is destroyed to satisfy human food desire, it will be very painful, and rationality will collapse.out of control.And the signing scene at the beginning also shows the diversity of people who not only like to eat their own food, but also want to eat the food ordered by others. Therefore, the behavior of eating other people's food appears. This is human beings.instinctive desire.”I can only eat my own food?“”Yes, or the food you agreed to exchange with others, this is what the law stipulates“”The person who eats my food doesn't care about the law at all, right?“”You can't eat whatever you want like a barbarian“”The real barbarians are the people who eat my food on the 21st floor“《Hungry Platform 2》The scene was very interesting at first, the lawThe emergence of the society is for everyone to only eat their own food, so that everyone has their own food, and it can be harmonious in this place, and achieve ” resources can be evenly distributed“. The balance of ecology and system is to have as many people as possible abide by the rules.The better, otherwise it will be unbalanced, that is, if you eat other people's food, it will hurt other people and involve more people, thus causing a domino effect that affects the people below who have nothing to eat. Respect others, maintain order on your floor, and don't let absolute"The Life Pit Will Break You" is a kind of harmony that has been forced on some people since the revolution, so the audience will see a very ironic point that the observance of the law is usually made through rough methods, rather than people's voluntary cooperation.That’s why we have been trapped in such laws and compromises within the system.

《Hungry Platform 2》 and 《Hungry Platform》 have different systems. They are about fairness. Everyone must have food to eat. At the beginning, the movie shows the protection and revolution of human beings in the system, perspective and starting point.It is to focus on those who want to convey the belief of the law. Because the offenders on the 21st floor eat other people's food, they cause a lot of harm and even the people below have no choice but to eat, so the people on the 23rd floor hopeSamiadin can join the alliance to spread this fair law to everyone, and the struggle caused by the movie at the beginning has several points to watch: ➊The resistance of the lower class people requires the cooperation of the people in the lower class.To fight against the higher-ups, ❷Compliance with the system cannot only be obediently followed by a few people. As long as one person destroys the system and makes more people not want to comply, this is why others can be selfish and blindly follow” why I can't. ❸Only more and more peopleOnly by making collective changes can people protect this law.I think this movie gives a very realistic portrayal of human nature. The existence of laws in the Pit of Death is like the existence of legal provisions in our society. Most people will abide by them, but there are still some who will destroy the ecology and system.Especially the ignorance and imbalance brought by the newcomers~ The screenwriter cleverly created a suspense, that is, can human beings really put aside their selfishness and selfishness and unite to ensure that all resources are properly allocated?“Can the belief and theory of fair distribution of resources really be implemented in the ecology?I think the realistic aspect of the design of Jue Ming Tai is that it is very similar to the distribution of resources in our society, because human nature is to worry about not being able to get it and suffering a loss, so it will generate greed and self-interest, so the movieSomeone said: ”The law is love, the law is determination, and the law is the realization of love under the will. Don't be deceived by the words of fools, because there is also love in the pit of death, and they feel lonely.Helpless, but the law is for everyone. If everyone in this ecosystem does not uphold love and compassion for others, then this ecosystem will not continue to support itself.I think this is the same reason why Samiyadin felt lost and disappointed with the imaginary numbers in mathematics. Samiyadin believed in science more than those beliefs and theories. The human nature he saw was so ugly, so the master’s theory was different fromFor him, the law simply does not exist like an imaginary number, which is why he said, "One day I discovered that once we accept solutions that contradict physical reality in the universe, the reliability of mathematics will disappear.The same goes for other things. He didn't believe in the laws of the Dead Pit because reality was contrary to ideals. Especially when they reached the 180th floor and had no food at all, they believed that humans would never die because of love.to sacrifice one's own interests.This is why he chose to kill himself, because he realized that the real world is so cruel, and nothing substantial can change people's hearts!

When Peranbuan and Samiyadin came from the 24th floor to the 180th floor, the communication chain was stuck on the 169th floor (meaning that the food was eaten up and the law was stuck on those who did not cooperate) PeranbuanAnn said that this system is improving every month, and we can't have any doubts now. Samiadin said, I hope Robesby's people can enforce the law and start beating people now. They are on the 180th floor.During this period, there was a long monologue, but it basically talked about having faith in the law, and that people at the bottom cannot give up even though they are desperate. Here, the director showed Peranbuan and SamiyadinHelpless to do anything, there is a scene where Samiyadin burns himself with fire as if to forget the pain of hunger. The director shows that this period of waiting is painful.

Netflix movie-Hungry Platform 2--Plot analysis: If you don’t understand what’s going on, just come in and read this.

And because Samyaddin felt guilty for eating other people's pork belly, he learned from the law to blame himself, reflect on himself, pay the price, admit his mistakes responsibly, and did not want to implicate Peranbuan for his own mistakes, Chapter 180Here, I was quite surprised that Samiyadin would have this sense of guilt. This is the invisible shackles that the director hinted that the law is deeply embedded in people's hearts, allowing them to impose sanctions on themselves, but thisThe oppression of the law is like a prison for a person's heart. It is like magnifying the sin of one's own behavior. This is why some prisoners say that we are imprisoned by ourselves, so we have nowhere to escape.

Because Samyadin came here because he was hated and abandoned by his family, so his family hoped that he could learn something “discipline” here, but I think Samyadin’s end is really ironic, because I don’t think SamyadinWhat is wrong with Aden in his outside life? Just like he stole a piece of pork belly here. Some sins are not unforgivable, so here Samiyadin wants to learn discipline. He did learn discipline.But the result is that it makes him more miserable, because he realizes that this world is so cruel, just like imaginary numbers. It is impossible for the law to change human nature, so he thinks that there is no real change for him here.So I chose to leave.

What happened next on the 51st floor emphasized the contradiction of the existence of the law. What happened here was that the people on the 54th floor (called “barbarians” by the loyalists), the survivors on the platform were divided intoLoyalists and barbarians, the former pursues order at the expense of freedom, the latter pursues freedom but loses order.I think the screenwriter used the new roommate Peranbuan met to bring about an inner conflict. The new roommate said that this is an unequal law because it only protects the meals we ordered when we entered the pit of death (I thinkWhat she wanted to say later but didn't finish was: the law cannot protect people's lives). What she meant was like some of the legal norms we have in our society, whether it is the law of emotions, or the order of law, reason, and emotion.Just like a woman stealing things because she has no money to buy food for her children, her behavior is breaking the law, but behind the scenes, the “love” and “compassion” that exist in human nature have been abandoned, ignoring the fact behind the behavior.to criticize others based on their nature.I think this new roommate gives the audience a concept that now the people in the pit of death are only protecting food, but not human life. They have been transformed by the anointed one into a twisted law, in《Hungry Platform 2》What I saw is that a law that starts from goodness can also be transformed into a twisted rule due to human nature (this actually also echoes the fact that the children originally lined up to play in an orderly manner, butIn the end, it turns into chaos and class behavior, which suggests that even a perfect set of rules can be distorted by the chaos of human nature).

This is also why new roommates feel that obeying this law forever is not a long-term opportunity, because human nature only uses the law as a weapon and excuse to eliminate dissidents. The screenwriter and director portray the existence of the law as a gray area, becauseIs it wrong for Dajinbabi to be extra strict in observing the law?There is nothing wrong with that. He said that well-intentioned exceptions often become excuses for bad intentions. This concept is that if everyone has their own excuse for breaking the law, then why do we need laws?Therefore, even if Peranbuan behaves like a person who is defending the law and should not be disciplined, Dajinbabi believes that people with such a situation will eventually interpret the law with personal interests. An ecology must be balanced and harmonious.Order is to get rid of these lawbreakers. No matter how reasonable the reasons behind them are, only fear can subdue the beast. Fear is the message. Of course, the incident of Peranbuan breaking the law and being punished in order to obey the law also led to this law.The flaws in the law are because you are obviously doing the right thing, but you are punished. In this way, the law has no meaning, or it may be that it was originally a right law, but it has become a phenomenon of "accumulation and failure", andThere is no master in the movie from beginning to end, which raises the question of whether the law is set by the master, or are people using the name and ideas of the master to manipulate others in order to gain power and control order?

The above is the entire introduction of this article about the Netflix movie - Hungry Platform 2 - plot analysis: If you don’t understand what’s going on, just come in and read this article.If you want to learn more about the film and television series, you can continue to pay attention to our relevant information content and plot updates.

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