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《Flirting up the fire》Episode plot introduction of episode 21

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Jul 10, 2024 Source:Network

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《Flirting up the fire》Episode plot introduction of episode 21

《Flirting up the fire》Episode plot introduction of episode 21

Fu Yunyue returned to the room and looked at the photo of her mother. She couldn't help but hold it in her heart. Shen Wende came over at this time. Fu Yunyue hurriedly put the photo in the book. Now Fu Yunyue helped Shen Wende get the Chiyan Order from the Chiyan Gang. Shen Wende wanted to praise himFu Yunyue also brought bird's nest porridge, and Fu Yunyue also emphasized that he wanted to cannibalize the Chiyan Gang and cut Fu Yunzheng into thousands of pieces.

At this time, someone came to report that Fu Yunzheng had run away. Shen Wende and Fu Yunyue hurriedly ran to the cell and found that Wei Zhan had rescued Fu Yunzheng. Everyone hurried to catch up. When Fu Yunyue returned to his room, Wei Zhan and Fu Yunzheng appeared.Fu Yunyue was captured from the room.

After returning home, Fu Yunzheng pushed Fu Yunyue down on the bed and carved the word “奥” on her shoulder with a knife. He hoped that she would remember the consequences of betraying him for the rest of her life. No matter which man takes off her clothes in the future, he will let herPeople know that Fu Yunyue betrayed Fu Yunzheng.

Shen Wende also investigated and found out that Fu Yunyue was kidnapped by Fu Yunzheng of the Chiyan Gang. Now that the Chiyan Gang has been betrayed by Fu Yunyue, he is afraid that it will not end well. Shen Wende cannot help but be happy. Does Fu Yunyue really recognize him as his father?Keep looking, but seeing them dog-eat-dog now makes Shen Wende happier.

When Wei Zhan wiped Fu Yunzheng's wound, he found that the marks of whipping were particularly obvious and thought that Fu Yunyue was too harsh. But Fu Yunzheng knew that he could make Fu Yunyue do this. Maybe Fu Yunyue had some plan to seize the evidence of Shen Wende, butIf you want Fu Yunyue to be completely believed by Shen Wende, you can only kill Fu Yunzheng.

Fu Yunzheng came to Fu Yunyue's room and almost wanted to kiss Fu Yunyue crazily. He also claimed that he was the murderer of Fu Yaru. He liked to see Fu Yunyue trying to kill him but could not kill him. Fu Yunyue was so angry that he snatched Fu Yunzheng's gun.He wanted to kill him, but Wei Zhan rushed in. Wei Zhan told Fu Yunyue that in fact, Fu Yunzheng deliberately angered her in order to die in his hands and completely win Shen Wende's trust.

Fu Yunzheng's mind was exposed and he collapsed on the ground helplessly. Fu Yunyue also said what was in her heart. She didn't believe every word Shen Wende said, but he found a merit book of Shen Wende in the ancestral hall, and every merit in it wasIt is Shen Wende's evidence of crime. According to the account book information, it can be determined that he also had a transaction with the Japanese recently.Fu Yunzheng told Fu Yunyue that only by killing him could Shen Wende believe him, and hoped that Fu Yunyue would kill him. Fu Yunyue cried and refused to do it. At this time, Shen Wende had already led people to rush over. Fu Yunzheng wanted to escape with Fu Yunyue as a hostage, but was eventually killed by Shen Wende's people.catch.

In order to prove Fu Yunyue's sincerity, Shen Wende dug a grave at night and asked Fu Yunyue to kill Fu Yunzheng himself.Fu Yunzheng deliberately cursed Fu Yunyue, and Fu Yunyue scolded Fu Yunzheng for killing her mother and turning her against her biological father. She raised her hand and pointed a gun at Fu Yunzheng.

Having said so much, I believe everyone already understands the plot of the 21st episode of "Flirting the Fire", and has a good idea of ​​the direction of the story in the future. Even if you have any doubts later, don't worry, the line class will beWe will continue to provide you with relevant plot analysis.

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