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Movie《Walking through the Angry Sea》Introduction to Li Miaomiao's Super Male Syndrome

Auth:Core Water Time:Dec 26, 2023 Source:Network

《Wading the Angry Sea》has been liked by many people since it was first broadcast, and many viewers are waiting for updates every day. So what exactly is the introduction of Li Miaomiao's super male syndrome in the movie《Wading the Angry Sea》?Friends who want to know more about the introduction of Li Miaomiao's Super Male Syndrome in the movie - Crossing the Angry Sea, please come and take a look at the editor's analysis!

《Walking through the Angry Sea》After the film was released, the entry #李梦婷超男yndrome# became a hot search topic, making many people aware of this unpopular term—super-male syndrome.This is a sex chromosome abnormality, medically known as 47, XYY syndrome (hereinafter referred to as -‰.Since the discovery of this gene in the 1960s, XYY has been associated with the hypothesis of innate criminality, sparking lasting and widespread debate.In the past few years, due to the development and popularization of domestic prenatal diagnosis technology, whether XYY fetuses can be born has become a continuously divisive topic on social platforms.

Movie《Walking through the Angry Sea》Introduction to Li Miaomiao's Super Male Syndrome

For many doctors, especially those in the genetics department, the correlation between XYY and - born criminal - or even other physical defects has never been definitely proven; for many netizens, this correlation has never been falsified.In the end, only the mother and her family members stood at the center of the storm, facing the ethical dilemma intertwined with science, emotion and society.

Movie《Walking through the Angry Sea》Introduction to Li Miaomiao's Super Male Syndrome

Someone took stock of a series of male villains on the Internet who were born to be bad, and attributed their behavior to "super male syndrome".Earlier, in 2020, the Korean parenting variety show My Child with a Heart of Gold was broadcast.In that show, Jin Jin, a boy with super-male syndrome, had a bad temper, often beat his mother, and would pluck out his own eyebrows and eat them, etc., which made many people pay attention to the XYY crowd for the first time.In 1965, British geneticist Jacobs published a paper in the journal Nature, saying that she tested the chromosomes of 197 patients with mental illness and found that 12 people had chromosomal abnormalities, including 7 XYY patients.Chromosome carriers.In 1966, she expanded the scope of her research and published a new paper in The Lancet, saying that she conducted genetic testing on 315 male patients and found 9 XYY males, all criminals with mental disorders.Jacobs concluded that men carrying XYY were more likely to become criminals than the general population.This conclusion was quickly rejected by the academic community because Jacobs's sample size was limited, and of the 315 people sampled, 305 were criminals and 253 were mentally ill with personality disorders.But this conclusion itself has caused an uproar in society.

In the same year, an American man named Richard Speck killed eight student nurses in one night and became known as the "Chicago Killer Demon". Based on his tall stature, facial acne, violent temperament and other characteristics, American biochemistMary Telfer believed that he was a patient with XYY. This judgment was subsequently amplified by the New York Times and other media, causing widespread public discussion.Subsequently, although the results of Speck's two genetic tests showed that his sex chromosomes were normal XY.But the stigma has been born. XYY carriers have violent tendencies and have been written into middle school biology textbooks and medical school psychiatry textbooks, becoming the mainstream view.Since then, research on XYY has continued uninterrupted. These studies are diverse, including various physical characteristics, intellectual performance, mental state, personality behavior, etc., including early quantitative statistics and genetic research starting in the 1990s..In 2015, two scholars from the University of Insubria in Italy published an article in the authoritative journal Aggression and Violent Behavior, systematically sorting out all the XYY-related crimes in the past 50 years.The study found that there is only one commonly confirmed characteristic related to the XYY genotype: height above average.Some people have speculated that this may be the result of overexpression of SHOX genes and other Y-related genes that control development.Otherwise, no researcher has been able to conclusively prove a direct and clear correlation between the XYY genotype and certain physical, neurological, or psychological characteristics.

To many in the medical community, the conclusion is clear, as the world's best-selling medical textbook, the MSD Manual, describes XYY, a genetic abnormality that was once associated with violent and criminal tendencies.The theory has been deemed wrong.“Wu Yi, chief physician of the prenatal diagnosis center of the International Peace Maternal and Child Health Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, when parents with XYY fetuses came for consultation, she would only introduce height, reproduction and other aspects when explaining.Where possible, there will be no mention of violence or crime.But this does not dispel the concerns of many netizens.Some time ago, Kong Xiangdong, chief physician of the Genetics and Prenatal Diagnosis Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, released a popular science video on a short video platform, saying that XYY is a normal child and that violent tendencies do not exist after research.Like Wu Yi’s popular science video, Kong Xiangdong’s video also has many opposing views: Why are normal children called Chaoxiong?“The doctor will not bear the consequences for you”.

“There is no 100% situation”

Where does netizens’ opposition come from?A netizen who believed that super boys have violent tendencies told this magazine that her first impression of super boys syndrome came from my child with a heart of gold. Later, she heard about a friend of a friend whose child was a super boy and had a really bad temper.She is irritable and prone to anger, which confirmed her earliest judgment.Another netizen who holds the same view, Qu Jia, told this magazine that she works as a teacher and also does children's psychological counseling part-time. Through her own consulting experience, she found that some children who clearly have the XYY gene have indeed serious symptoms.Therefore, she would also recommend other children with violent behaviors to undergo chromosome testing to find out whether it is this kind of genetic problem, but most parents are unwilling to do it, or unwilling to say anything about it.Qu Jia also believes that genetic problems cannot be changed through education, and the closer they are to puberty, the more obvious they become. - If it really doesn't matter, why do so many people say this?Anyway, if I am pregnant with (XYY), I will definitely not want it.”

However, the frequency of XYY is not low. The occurrence of XYY is due to an error in the sperm during the second meiosis, resulting in active sperm containing two Y chromosomes when it combines with the egg.This is a random event, which means that parents with normal chromosomes may also give birth to XYY children.Academic circles generally believe that the probability of XYY occurring is 1‰.In fact, similar to XYY, common sex chromosome abnormalities include Turner syndrome (45,X), Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY), and supergynecological syndrome (47,XXX).Among them, the main characteristics of Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome are infertility, while superfemale syndrome, like superandrogenic syndrome, usually has no special symptoms except for prominent height.Of all the chromosomal abnormalities, only XYY has generated widespread and lasting controversy.The XYY gene was first discovered in 1961.At that time, the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in New York was treating a girl with Down syndrome. When her father was tested, he accidentally discovered that his sex chromosomes were XYY. Once discovered, it immediately attracted the attention of scientists..So far, most studies on XYY genes have involved small samples.This also makes the conclusions about XYY numerous and vague.In the 2015 review paper mentioned above, it can be seen that research on XYY has been linked to almost all physical and psychological defects in a person.Some old medical textbooks adopt the more frequently appearing conclusions and suggest that XYY may have problems such as high height, low intelligence, relatively unstable emotions, and birth defects.

But that paper also mentioned that many of these studies were conducted selectively among criminal groups and mentally ill groups.The frequency of many abnormal behaviors will be the same among subjects with the same intellectual disability and socioeconomic conditions.The article also mentioned that due to the larger height and body size of patients with the XYY genotype, combined with intellectual disability and learning difficulties, under the influence of some social environments, it may indeed promote the occurrence of aggressive and antisocial behaviors.According to Fang Qi, an attending physician at the Department of Reproductive Medicine at the First Affiliated Central Hospital of Nankai University, the connection between the XYY genotype and these negative symptoms may also be related to the lack of popularization of prenatal screening technologies such as non-invasive DNA testing and amniocentesis in the early years.Because many XYY children will not be discovered after normal birth, attention and research can only focus on groups with abnormalities, which leads to biased conclusions.Fang Qi said that in his department, there are three or four cases of men with XYY karyotype accidentally detected every year. According to his contact and observation, these men have no obvious pathological phenotype.At the same time, since pre-pregnancy tests such as serology screening do not include detection of abnormal chromosome numbers, this means that if non-invasive DNA testing or amniocentesis karyotype testing is not completed, there will still be some XYY men who will remain undetected throughout their lives.But Wu Yi also mentioned, -The problem is that 100% does not exist in medicine.“Many netizens want to know whether there is any large-sample study that can prove that people with XYY genes have no different crime rates than ordinary people?Wu Yi told this publication that such a study is basically impossible because - large-scale screening for a certain disease must be because it has obvious symptoms, but many XYY are no different from normal people.Because - there is no 100% situation - even among doctors, the opinions are completely different.Qi Xue remembered that among the doctors she contacted at the time, three geneticists all suggested keeping it, but two obstetricians suggested aborting it. There was even a doctor who - upon hearing this, immediately said he couldn't have it, no matter what.don't want--.

Wu Sisi belongs to the category of doctors whose ideas are changing.She is the deputy chief physician of the Pregnancy Immunology Department of Ningbo Women and Children's Hospital. She said that when she met pregnant women in the past and found out that their fetuses had the XYY gene, they would usually advise against it. Even her own thought was the same - 'get rid of it'..”But in the past few years, she found that the feedback from prenatal consultation was that most parents would choose to keep it, so now she usually recommends parents to go to a prenatal diagnosis center for more professional consultation.“Medical development is changing rapidly and is highly professional. Doctors from different departments have a partial understanding of each disease. (We) obstetricians may have relatively insufficient knowledge in genetic counseling.”This difference in concepts also appears in hospitals at different levels.Sun Yue is a pregnant woman in 2021. After a non-invasive examination at the obstetrics department of the county hospital, it was reported that the sex chromosomes had doubled. The doctor immediately told her that she could not have the child because it would be - neither male nor female..Sun Yue was very sad and planned to go to the city hospital for induction of labor.But the doctor in the city told her that she could do amniocentesis first to clarify the specific abnormalities. If there were no abnormalities, she could ask for it.The city doctor angrily asked her to go back and tell the county doctor not to give such advice to patients again.Sun Yue went to West China Second Hospital and was diagnosed with XYY fetus.The doctor did not give her clear advice, but said that having an extra chromosome was not a big deal, but if she really wanted to have a complete, problem-free child, she could choose not to have one.Although it was a gentler suggestion, for Sun Yue, it also made her fall into a dilemma that was difficult to choose.

Is having a baby a gamble?

Gao Ming is the parent who is still struggling.Gao Ming and his wife got pregnant in May 2023, and the fetus was found to be XYY when it was almost 7 months old. After reading some popular science at the time, Gao Ming wanted to keep the child, but his wife was determined to induce labor.She was already 27 weeks pregnant at that time, which was considered an older pregnancy. The physical harm caused by induction of labor was not small, and the fear that the child might be unhealthy was even greater. She asked Gao Ming - What should I do if he hits me in the future?Gao Ming agreed to induce labor.The day after the induction of labor, Gao Ming saw a doctor saying in a video that XYY was a normal child.Regret surged up instantly, and Gao Ming wondered if he could have persuaded his wife to change her mind if the video had been released a day earlier.Reason told him that his wife had just had surgery and he should not continue to discuss the matter, but as if to prove her wrong, he immediately forwarded the video to his wife. As a result, his wife did not agree with the views in the video. Gao MingOnly then did I realize that it doesn’t really matter whether I saw the video or not, because – everyone will choose the point of view they want to believe –.It’s not that those parents who choose abortion have not read the popular science that their children may be normal, they just don’t want to take a gamble.When 29-year-old Lin Qing was more than five months pregnant, the baby in her belly was diagnosed with XYY.At that time, the child's facial features were already visible, but Lin Qing did not hesitate at all. She was diagnosed one day and was admitted to the hospital for induction of labor the next day. Her thought was, - Even if the doctor recommends to keep it, I will not keep it, I will not chooseTake risks, life is long after all——.

Qi Xue was also very entangled before choosing to induce labor. She said that she got pregnant four years after she was married. After it was confirmed that the fetus was XYY, she consulted three genetic experts because of her reluctance to give up. Although all three doctors advised her not toIt is easy to cancel and you can continue to wait for the genetic and karyotype analysis results.But considering - we are just an ordinary family, there is a possibility that this is our only child, so it is impossible for me to bet on this probability.If I lose the bet, who will be responsible for his life? Will he blame me for going my own way and bringing him into this world?“Qi Xue said that she not only chose to abort her child because of her tendency to violence, but also considered possible problems in intelligence and reproduction.As a doctor, Wu Sisi understands this kind of entanglement. Doctors cannot make decisions for you. Even if the doctor himself encounters this situation, he will still be entangled.On the one hand, children may not necessarily be violent when they are born. If the doctor gives a one-sided answer, it is equivalent to killing a life; on the other hand, some XYY children will indeed be "difficult to take care of" after they are born.Therefore, it is up to parents to weigh the pros and cons.”“When we see a doctor, we actually see a person.”Wu Sisi’s final summary.In addition to the disease itself, parents' acceptance, family environment, and the cost of pregnancy and childbirth all vary from person to person, so personal choices vary greatly.The significance of prenatal check-up is to provide reference and basis for judgment. For example, if someone has characteristics such as advanced age and difficulty in getting pregnant, it is relatively easy to accept XYY. Even clear diseases such as harelips and congenital heart disease may choose to retain it.

Shi Wei is the attending physician at the Prenatal Diagnosis Center of Shenzhen People's Hospital. She told this magazine that among the postpartum women she receives, consultation on the mental health and social phenotype of XYY has always been the focus.Based on this, in 2019, she and her team also conducted a follow-up on 15 children with XYY aged 10 months to 6 years old. No special bad temper or violent behavior was found in the children. The follow-up results were published in 2021 -Chinese Prenatal Diagnosis - Journal of Prenatal Diagnosis.In clinical practice, Shi Wei found that some elderly mothers were worried that their fetus would be Down syndrome, so they had amniocentesis and found that the fetus was XYY. They might feel a little better, but some people are perfectionists and would firmly choose to induce labor.Because some children will grow up in villages and towns, and people know each other. If someone《loudly》talks about the child's situation, the parents will also have to consider the growth environment and strange eyes after the child is born. After all, after the child is born,It is not for us (doctors) to nurture and accompany them, each family’s situation is different.“In order to understand the situation of XYY children after birth, Wu Yihui asked the doctors in the genetics department of the children's center about the follow-up status of XYY children. Most of these children were diagnosed before birth. The preliminary conclusion was that many children were followed up for a period of time.Later, because there were no abnormal symptoms, follow-up was stopped.She said that in the situations she encounters in clinical practice today, the ratio of choosing to have children and not having children is basically half and half.In Wu Yi's view, childbirth itself is a matter full of unknowns. For example, when an ordinary child is born, there is a 4%-6% probability of defects.Shi Wei added to this point of view. She said that XYY is just one of the risk factors. Childbirth is inherently faced with countless risks. For example, congenital heart disease, the proportion of prenatal diagnosis is only 1/3, -—As long as you are pregnant with a child, you are gambling, just like a deck of cards. You don’t know what you will get after you shuffle it.”

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