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Thai drama《Speed ​​Lovers》is the ending of the original novel he or be?

Auth:Hungry Wolf Time:Nov 27, 2023 Source:Network

The most recent one - Speedy Lovers - has been a hit since it was aired. It has a very deep grasp of the details of the plot and characters, and can't even escape the involvement of the plot. It has always been in the emotional whirlpool of the story.Whether the Thai drama - Speedy Lovers - the ending of the original novel is he or be is something that everyone is paying close attention to recently. Here are some contents compiled by the editor for you.

《Speed ​​Lovers》The ending of the original novel is he.

Thai drama《Speed ​​Lovers》is the ending of the original novel he or be?

The luxurious Ferrari stopped in front of a house that Babe didn't recognize. The house and the long passage leading in from the gate fence were filled with trees of all sizes, almost like a forest.If he hadn't seen the high fence outside, Babe would have thought that Charlie was planning to trick him into doing something strange in the woods.

《arrive.“Today’s driver Charlie said with a smile.While Babe was still leaning his head and looking out the window distrustfully, Charlie had parked the car in front of the house in the middle of the woods.

”Are you sure this is here?“

”Well, this is it.“

”It's terrible, like a wizard's home.“Babe frowned,

And Charlie smiled slightly.He opened the door and got out of the car, not caring about Babe's prejudice against this place.”Hey! This guy! “

The thin man immediately opened the door and got out of the car, and then ran into the house after Charlie. Because the surroundings looked weird enough, leaving him alone in the car like this, he was afraid of what he had seen in foreign movies.The scene will actually happen.

The young man rang the doorbell relaxedly, as if he was very familiar with this place.This is not surprising, because he has been living here while he was putting on such a big drama.

When Charlie told him, he still didn't quite understand why this uncle was so kind and would help children with unknown origins like Jeff and Charlie; but Charlie

Said that the uncle was very kind, so Babe felt that he should

It's time to come visit and thank my uncle.

At least he had to thank the other party for providing meals to his stupid boy.

”Come in! “

The homeowner didn't come to open the door, but shouted over, as if he knew who was coming. Babe guessed that Charlie had called in advance to tell them that they would be coming today.Judging from his accent, he must be a really charitable uncle, and he has a good relationship with Charlie.

”Here he comes.“Charlie turned around, nodded to Babe, took his hand, and pulled him into the house with him.

You can almost tell at a glance that he is an elderly person.

The place where people live, because it is decorated with old items, classical styles, and smells like the house of his grandparents who lived abroad (actually, he has not been to that kind of place, he just guessed that it would feel like this).Walking a little further from the entrance, there was an archway, and Charlie led him inside.He found an area like a living room inside, with a sofa and a low table in the center of the room. There was a man standing by the window, pruning branches. This must be the uncle of the homeowner who had helped Charlie.

”Uncle.“Charlie softly called the owner of the house, and the old man slowly turned around.

The moment his eyes clearly saw the appearance of the homeowner's uncle, Babe was stunned, as if he had been cast by a spell.》dad……《

Babe's voice was thin. He couldn't believe that the person he saw at this moment was real.The old man looked very calm, as if he knew he would come; but at the same time, those sad eyes made Babe immediately know how the other man felt about this reunion.They haven't heard from each other in more than a decade.


The more he heard his father's voice, the more flustered Babe felt.He hadn't heard this voice for so long that he almost couldn't remember it.His father's voice was shaky and dry compared to when he was a child, which made him realize how much his father had aged.

”Son, how are you doing?“

How are you doing?

He didn't think it was a very good greeting, although he didn't know what to say.

”I went outside and waited.“Charlie whispered in Babe’s ear, gently stroking his brother’s head with his big hand, as if to say, make the most of your time here.

Babe nodded slightly, and then Charlie walked outside the house and waited.The elderly homeowner spread his hands towards the sofa and motioned for him to sit there, while the homeowner himself went to sit on the wicker chair next to him, with a silent look that was completely opposite to his.

“I thought dad was dead.—The son started the conversation first, although he is still confused about what happened.

”I thought so too.“Dad said calmly, ”Maybe, it would be better if I died earlier.“

”But you are not dead.“

”Well, as you can see.“

”Then you haven’t thought about coming to me? “

The older man sighed softly. He knew he would definitely be asked this question, but when he heard it coming from his only son's mouth, and when he had to answer, this sentence still penetrated his heart fiercely.It was like he hadn't prepared beforehand.

”Of course I want to find you, but I can’t.“

”Why not?“

”Because I was wrong.“Reval replied, his eyes full of guilt for his son. He has carried this guilt for more than twenty years and thinks that he will have to bear it until he leaves this world.”I thought you would have a better life if you were with Tony.“


”You can have full meals, eat delicious snacks like other children, and sleep in a comfortable room.“


”I want you to go to school like those high school students.When they finish school every day, you always like to sit outside and watch.“


”I want you to be happy, but I also know that I can’t give you that.“

The father's voice trembled and he looked at him with red eyes, as if he was just trying to explain to him, but he didn't dare to expect forgiveness.

”But I was really wrong. I thought it would be easier for you if you were with Tony, but I never thought of seeing clearly what kind of person this person who said he would take good care of my son was.“


”I wanted to find you several times, but he refused to let me see you. I waited for you at the door of that house almost every day, but he asked people to drive me away. He said that if I go back again, he will not guarantee you.It's safe.“


”He threatened me like this, and I didn’t dare to do anything else.“

Babe just listened quietly, not knowing what to reply or what to ask.In the past, he had always thought his father was dead and had no idea what he had gone through.To be honest, this should be a very angry thing, but for some reason, he didn't feel that way. He was just confused now because he didn't know what he should feel.

”He asked me to live here, to live in seclusion, not to interfere in other people's affairs, and also forbidden to interfere in your affairs, so I had to stay here without knowing anything.“The father looked at his son’s face and felt guilty all the time.If it weren't for Charlie's efforts to persuade him, Reva would never dare to see Babe again for the rest of his life.”I didn’t know what Tony did to you until you became a racing driver.The first time I saw you on TV, I thought Tony really supported you in doing what you liked.“


”I don’t know that you did that because you had no choice, and I don’t have the shame to go back to you after you succeed. I really don’t dare.“


”I have nothing to defend myself, because I am a

A very bad father, bad from the beginning. I don’t ask for your forgiveness. You can hate me, or you can continue to think that I am dead“


”I don’t have the ability to be your good father. I am so timid and cowardly. I dare not call myself your father because I don’t want others to know that you, who are so powerful, have such an incompetent father.”

Babe raised his head and looked at the ceiling, trying hard to hold back his tears, but in the end they still flowed down.He always thought that what his father did was irresponsible.Indeed, this man gave him life, but could not raise him. This was so unfair.But even if he thought so, he didn't know why deep down he still recalled the image of that day when his father said, - Eat, Babe, I'm not hungry. This image emerged in his resentment.

Can he forgive this man?

He still has to wait until his father dies like Whey, and then pray that he can be a good father to him in the next life.

“Charlie didn’t let you see me because he wanted you to forgive me and let me be your dad like before. That kid just didn’t want to lie to you.”

Dad's words made Babe look out the window.Outside, he saw Charlie wandering back and forth, looking at the birds and trees. Although the child didn't do anything, he laughed just looking at the picture.


“I also don’t want you to feel pressured to take care of me or act like a son.I just hope you meet me and know how serious Charlie is about you.”


“That's enough, Babe. After you leave this house, you have to continue to think that it doesn't matter if I die. As long as you are happy, you can do whatever you want and don't care about me.”


“My time is running out, but you still have a long, long time.”The father’s voice trembled, and then he burst into tears

Flow all over cheeks.Of course, those tears were not because he was panicking about the little time he had left. He was just sad that he would never have the chance to be the father of such a special person again. No matter how many times he was reborn, it probably wouldn't be possible.“I’m sorry I’m such a bad father.”


“You are much better than me, you must be very happy.”


“Thank you for being born as my son, and thank you for not being like me.”


“You are great, you know? ”

Babe didn't reply. He just lowered his head and let the tears fall quietly.He knew that this man was an unfit father, but it was strange that the anger in his heart could not overcome his sympathy.

Was he born to forgive everyone?

“Forget it, Dad.”

But no matter what, this is his life, why can't he make a choice?


“I never thought about looking for you.”

- It's okay, it's not your fault.“

”I haven’t thought of Dad for a long time, and I don’t feel angry or disgusted, so forget it.“Babe wiped away her tears and spoke with such a mature attitude that her father was surprised.Because they had been apart for so long, he had forgotten that Babe was no longer a teenager and that his son had truly grown up.”When I left with Tony, I decided to leave on my own. I lived comfortably in that home for several years and even forgot to think of my dad. I can’t blame you alone.“


”Although there is not much time left, if you still want to

Being my father is still okay.“


”Before you die, I hope you will come back and fulfill your obligations.“

The older man shed tears and nodded vigorously, too happy to speak.The guilt he had carried for decades seemed to be lifted off him with just a few words, and the realization that the reason a terrible father like him didn't die was because he was waiting for those words.

”Thank you, Babe.“Dad said with tears in his eyes, then turned to look out the window and laughed softly.He saw the tall boy standing in circles, trying to catch a small butterfly.”Thank you too, son-in-law.“

”Son-in-law?“Babe asked loudly, raising his eyebrows,

”Charlie? “

”Isn’t it?“

”Uh, I don’t know.“

”I think he is a good child, and he loves you very much.“

》I guess so.”

Babe replied, without much certainty in his tone.The more Babe looked outside and saw the silly child looking left and right for the butterfly, and the butterfly was sitting on his head, the more uncertain he became.

“Dad, do you think he can really be your son-in-law? ”

“Dad thinks it’s easy to make a living for someone so silly.”


At least this silly boy loves him.

Huge cheers erupted into the atmosphere at The Hollows' season finale. The track was now filled with the last group of cars competing in this brutal race. In just a few minutes, they would know who was the winner of the season.King.

No one knows that a new king will be born today.

Or the original king can retain the throne.

In the front row are the quasi-champions of this season - two luxury sports cars: one belongs to the eternal king Pit Babe, who drives a white McLaren to retain the throne today; and the car next to him is also attracting much attention,For this is arguably the first time that two would-be champions have used the same model of sports car to compete in such an important race.

That black McLaren, if it's not a fan of Pit Babe, it must be someone who really wants to defeat this king.

The countdown signal sounded, and the engines of each car roared unyieldingly. The people in the first two cars couldn't help but glance at each other, even though the race was about to start in a few seconds.

Pit Babe looked at the young man sitting in the car next door, smiling and in a good mood, while the man in the black McLaren looked stressed.

Do you want to defeat him so much, this kid?

《Set off! ! ! 》

Accompanied by the track commentator's voice, the starting signal sounded, and the racers' cars on the track rushed out of the starting line.The black and white McLarens raced side by side from the start, exciting the crowd, and many even picked up their phones to take photos, as such exciting racing may not be common.

Although from the team's perspective, the result is nothing to be excited about, because no matter what, the championship this season will be X-Hunter.But what makes everyone so excited is that it's not just the same team member

The competition between couples, and also the competition between lovers, is what everyone is most concerned about at the moment.As soon as love was involved, fans and insiders began to make various speculations.Some people say that Pit Babe plans to bid farewell to the racing circle, so he is prepared to lose the game so that his boyfriend can replace him as the king; some people say that the king's body has not fully recovered, and this game is forThe Pit Babe who never gives up is respectful.

While the people on the sidelines were happily interpreting and making up stories, the people sitting behind the steering wheel had never thought of acting in accordance with those people's guesses.Pit Babe accelerates past Charlie to a roar of applause.The person being overtaken seemed to be immediately frightened. Charlie clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction. His big hands wearing new gloves gripped the steering wheel tightly, and he stepped on the accelerator hard, increasing the speed to almost the maximum.

“Silly boy.”

After seeing Charlie follow him without giving up, Babe murmured a faint smile in his throat.It seemed that the kid really didn't want to lose to him. He was about to enter the corner with only ten meters left, and he spent a lot of money to increase the accelerator. If he made a mistake, there would be no hope.

The two McLarens entered the corner at the same time, and the commentators and spectators on the sidelines cheered excitedly. Not only did they enter the corner at the same angle, but they both exited the corner beautifully.But what triggered the shocking applause was the moment when exiting the corner. The black McLaren, which was originally in second place, jumped to first place. This meant that Charlie successfully overtook Pit Babe's car, and it was still in such a dangerous corner.Inside the road.

“Am I dazzled? Charlie passed Pit Babe on such a dangerous corner! Could it be said that today we will witness the birth of a new generation of kings!”As soon as they were provoked by these words, the cheering people became even more excited.Because in this game, Pit Babe and Charlie go hand in hand, alternately leading or following along the way.Every time he overtakes another car, the audience gasps.Charlie passed Babe at the corner, and then Babe passed him on the straight. Not long after driving, Charlie took the lead again. After just one corner, Pit Babe took the lead again.As the battle progresses, Charlie and Pit Babe are driving side by side, and it is almost impossible to tell whose car will reach the finish line first.

“Let me win, Babe.”

Charlie gritted his teeth and muttered to himself.They finally came to the final straight before reaching the finish line, and even now, he still couldn't pass Babe.Their car windows faced each other, but Charlie didn't even dare to glance at Babe, because he was afraid that just a second of distraction would cause him to lose his temper.

Become a loser.

“The last fifty meters!Let’s see who will win this season’s championship in the end!”

Just a little bit closer.

Just increase the speed to the limit now.

Charlie stepped on the accelerator to the end, so that he could cross the finish line ahead of Pit Babe, but he still couldn't leave him behind as Babe also accelerated with him.So, all that can be done now is probably guessing whose car will reach the finish line first.

“Pit Babe and Charlie have crossed the finish line! ”

In the sight of the audience, Charlie and Pit Babe crossed the finish line together, which meant that one of the two became the champion of the season and the other became the runner-up.

The moment the car stopped, Babe and Charlie immediately took off their safety helmets and raised their heads to look at the huge electronic display on the sidelines. They didn't even have time to catch their breath, because even they themselves didn't know who had crossed first.the end point.

“The referee has checked the results of this season’s championship game...”

Whoever's name is displayed on the big screen is the winner.

“The winner is...Pit Babe! ”

Cheers filled the arena, and Pit Babe, the champion, breathed out a sigh of relief. He had not competed in such an exciting competition for a long time. To be honest, he was also afraid that he would lose to Charlie.

Knock knock knock.

Babe, who was talking to himself, was slightly startled by the sound of tapping on the car window. The thin man turned his head following the sound and found that the person knocking on the car window was not someone else.


As soon as his brother opened the car door and got out of the car, Charlie smiled brightly at him.That cute smile made Babe unable to help but feel affection for him. He knew that Charlie was very dedicated to this competition and how much he wanted to beat him.

”Aren’t you sad? “Babe held the young man’s hand loosely, wearing the newly bought gloves.,

》kind of.”Charlie said bluntly, with a happy smile on his face, as if to say that even if he loses, it doesn’t mean he won’t be happy with his victory. “But I’m also very happy that my brother won, and youIt’s awesome to win the championship again.”

“Oh, why are you so good?”

The elder brother stretched out his hand and pinched the child's face.He knew what kind of character Charlie was, but he couldn't help but like it every time this young man acted so cute to him.

It's unbelievable that a Pit Babe with such a bad personality would have a boyfriend with such a good personality.

The sight of the champion and runner-up flirting with each other on the field made many who watched laugh, whether it was the crowd who had been cheering all season long or other players who had lost to these two.Because losing and winning are only on the field, and there is only peace in the relationship between Babe and Charlie, which everyone would envy.

“I feel sorry for Charlie.”Jeff, who was standing on the sidelines looking at his brother, said, “He worked so hard to win.”

“I don’t think there’s anything distressing about it, Charlie seems very happy.- Alan, standing next to him, retorted as he pulled the brightly colored lollipop out of his mouth.

”I know, but Charlie really wants to win.“

”But I say, he has already won.“

”What are you winning? Look up at the screen, uncle.“

”I saw it.“The older man chuckled and looked at his two team members. They looked so happy that they had forgotten the feeling of winning and losing. ”But have you heard of this rule?“

”What rules?“

”The rules of this arena.“Alan smiled slightly and turned back to look at the little young man, who looked at him blankly. ”Many years ago, a racing driver said that there are two ways to become the king of this race.“


”The first is to defeat Babe, the second is to lose but still win Babe's heart.“

Jeff blinked at the strange rule, then he looked back at Charlie.Charlie was twirling Babe in his arms with the happiest expression on his face that he had ever seen in his life.At the same time, everyone in the arena was also surprised, because this was the first time everyone heard Pit Babe’s bright laughter.

”It doesn’t matter if you lose the car.“Alan said calmly, with a faint smile still on his face, as if he was happy from the bottom of his heart for the scene in front of him, ”As long as you win Pit Babe’s heart, you can become the king.“

Love and competition seem to be opposites, because competition is about defeating the other person, while love is about caring, sympathy, supporting each other and walking side by side, without losing or winning.

But even so, not all games are only about competition and hatred. It also has challenges, determination, ambition, and joy that anyone can feel.The same is true with love. When we can smile sincerely at someone's victory, then love will bloom in our hearts.

”It’s okay, Bata, come back next quarter.“ Babe put her arms around Charlie's waist and comforted him in a soft voice. It sounded so cute that it made Charlie feel loved.”During this period, Mommy will train you personally.“

”It feels like the first time we met.“Charlie

He chuckled, "What did I say at that time, I was willing to do anything, as long as I was willing to include me in the team, right?"

《yes.”My brother also laughed, remembering the first time they met, “Say it again, so that you can be the champion next season.”

“Brother Babe.”


“I am willing to do anything, as long as my brother is willing to accept me into the team.”

Even now, it is still unbelievable that that honest and honest kid who knew nothing about racing can today stand side by side with a king that everyone recognizes and respects.Moreover, he originally approached the other party just because he wanted to protect him, but now he is deeply in love with Pit Babe and cannot escape anywhere.

“You have to enter my heart first, and then I will include you in the team.”

Maybe, he just fell into Pit Babe's spell.

The story of the drama is also exciting, and the acting skills of the two protagonists are excellent. It can be regarded as a high-quality work in recent times. The above is all about the Thai drama - Speedy Lovers - whether the ending of the original novel is he or be.The content is here. If you are interested, remember to watch it, and remember to pay attention to our line classes.

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