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《What evil intentions can the eldest lady have?》Plot introduction

Auth:Charm Time:Oct 18, 2024 Source:Network

《What kind of bad intentions can the eldest lady have?》This is a short drama that has received rave reviews. The overall plot is rare and very online. The male and female protagonists are not only good-looking but also have excellent IQs. The editor has brought you the plot.Introduction, if you are interested, come and take a look!

《What evil intentions can the eldest lady have?》Plot introduction

《What evil intentions can the eldest lady have?》This is a short drama about revenge and love.

Starring Yan Hao & Guo Xiaoming

The heroine Tong Yue is a revenge daughter who has been planning for many years. She is determined to make everyone who has insulted her pay the price.

The male protagonist Han Tianlin is a domineering boss. The two were underground lovers many years ago, but they later broke up.

The plot revolves around Tong Yue's revenge plan, during which the complex relationship and emotional entanglement between her and Han Tianlin become the core of the story.

The main plot of the story includes Tong Yue's many confrontations with Han Tianlin in the process of revenge, and the emotional pull and misunderstandings between the two.Tong Yue used various means in the process of revenge, including taking advantage of Han Tianlin's emotions and resources.The interaction between the two is full of tension, with both sweet moments and conflicting moments.The play also involves many complex plots, such as business struggles, family feuds, etc., making the story richer and more fascinating.

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