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Korean drama《The Wudang Tangtang Family》Plot introduction

Auth:Enchanting Ice Time:Sep 18, 2023 Source:Network

A recently popular film and television drama called "The Wudang Tangtang Family" has become the focus of the audience's attention. Many fans of the drama began to discuss it during the announcement stage of the drama.As the series aired, its popularity continued to rise, fully meeting the expectations of the audience.Especially the plot introduction of the Korean drama - Wudang Tangtang Family has been attracting much attention and discussion, and I want to know more details.Today, I want to dive into this topic with you.

Korean drama《The Wudang Tangtang Family》Plot introduction

《The Wudang Tangtang Family》 tells the story of a couple who broke up due to enemies 30 years ago, and meet again as in-laws due to the love of their daughter. They wash away the long-standing conflicts and antagonisms and become a real family.

Korean drama《The Wudang Tangtang Family》Plot introduction

Thirty years ago, a couple was forced to separate due to the interference of enemies.They were once important roles in each other's lives, but the harsh environment forced them to part ways.This period of separation was full of pain and helplessness for them.

However, behind them, there is a group of endless love supporting them.These are their biological children, and their love and longing for their parents have never stopped.The children realize that their parents are each experiencing the same pain, and they decide to look for opportunities to reunite them.

After years of searching, the children finally found an opportunity for their parents to meet.The opportunity came about at a relative's wedding, and they decided to invite their parents to attend this special occasion.When the parents first met, each other's hearts were filled with mixed emotions.Hatred and contradiction once separated them, but when they saw the expectant eyes of their children, they began to realize that their children were their real wealth.

Slowly, the parents began to reconnect.They began to listen to each other's stories, understand each other's pain, and gradually resolved the long-standing hatred and conflicts.They discovered that past grudges were meaningless and that only through the power of family affection could they truly become a united and harmonious family.

Gradually, they began to support each other and face life's challenges together.Together they weathered illnesses and difficulties, and shared joys and sorrows.They never imagined that they would have such a strong in-law relationship again, but family love brought them back together.

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